When I Heard This
When I Heard This
When I Heard This
What happens when a comedian asks a pastor whatever he wants?? 😮

In the "When I Heard This" podcast, comedian Nate Robinsoff asks Pastor Joseph Tillman, M.Div. whatever questions he can think of about church in America, the Bible, Christianity, cults, sex, and well really anything! He doesn't hold much back 🤣.
What can Christians do to help end racism?
14 часов назад
What is racism?
День назад
Is there racism in the Bible?
День назад
What is immigration?
14 дней назад
Do Christians believe in surrogacy?
21 день назад
Do Christians believe in IVF?
28 дней назад
@PlayafromtheHimalayas 5 часов назад
"Racism" is this title put on anything that people don't like these days. It's literally the 21st century boy who cried wolf. The real topic will never be discussed as it would require people to be responsible, accountable, and liable for their actions.
@ryanvannice7878 6 часов назад
I'm not sure how you measure or define progress in race relations in a church context. It seems the only division biblically is between those who accept Jesus as Lord and those who don't. If that's the only division taught or discussed or recognized, is that enough? The difficulty in measuring progress is that those interested in measuring center identity around race, whereas the church centers identity around Jesus.
@edwill62 10 часов назад
Why don't white Christians like to talk about racism?? I assume you talk to few REAL Christians regardless of skin tone OR you would know what they believe BY the WORD of God and IF they do not speak the Word of God and live the word of God they are NOT of God.... Racism is a WORLDLY act, NOT a Godly one or a True Christian one and Gods TRUE Church is NOT racist in any manner because HIS CHURCH is made of EVERY Nation, Kindred and Tongue I assume the two of you need salvation because NOTHING you stated was from GODS WORD , but the worldly ideology that is indeed racist BUT also let me remind everyone GOD Himself separated people Man did not do it and he did it for many reasons NONE of which was racism
@mooganstooker2419 22 часа назад
Because black and brown people never stop talking about it.
@buzzardbait День назад
You folks are way off base! We are the most inclusive of all groups.
@levelfive7662 День назад
>Mi supply de takis y mexican coca cola running out is what siempre affects my life o algo
@redandblue464me День назад
Never been to an "all white" church as a Christian -- been to many Christian churches that were filled with people that follow Jesus. Not sure what this discussion is about.... not making an impact on me. Can't go past the half of this.
@armstrongdavid342 День назад
The system is not racist . Individual people are racist ,all races have some. That is a sin like any other sin. The US has had a President of color , governors and legislators of color. People of color that are wealthy and own companies. This tells you that the system is not racist but that some people are racist.
@sird2333 День назад
Races are different. Proud to be Southern Baptist. Our black churches are different than white churches. So what? You worship how you want to and we worship how we do.
@mikefrazier8113 День назад
Because they don't believe in it
@jimmyjones2896 День назад
"White" ain't no country I ever heard of. Do they speak English in white?" - Samuel L. Jackson
@markbarnes2041 День назад
And by the way I don't know how I happened to any of them any money and yes what White lives matter black lives matter purple lives matter green lives matter get a freaking grip
@markbarnes2041 День назад
We are sick of people bitching about something that happened 200 freaking years ago get over it get a life and leave me alone
@firestarter105G День назад
What is racism?
@brendensmith9386 2 дня назад
Another point to us
@Lawleygagger 2 дня назад
Nope, those people that don’t like that flag are the same ones that don’t like the American flag or the cross and if these people insist on getting rid of that flag then I insist they get rid of BLM flag, antifa flag, and the g rainbow flags
@CongressSux1776 2 дня назад
If someone is offended by a flag, that’s their problem. As long as you don’t idolize or put the flag before God, no man can tell you what a flag means to you
@easymoney7007 2 дня назад
Opinions always vary.
@dodgeman4360 2 дня назад
Well I have a Confederate flag I fly it not to be a racist but just a honk people off.
@koru7988 2 дня назад
"im scared about what other people think so i will do my best to please them"
@thanksforsocializing5912 2 дня назад
This is devoid of logic. “The most evil thought is the thought that stops thought”.
@77mudvayne 2 дня назад
How come most communist are atheist?
@jimbones155 2 дня назад
When you claim white people have privilege, that is white supremacy.
@garypatton3715 2 дня назад
Racist Christian = ku klux klan = maga
@MickLafitte 3 дня назад
Everyone is racist and tribal. Darwin explained it all.
@texastater8333 2 дня назад
How do you know Darwin was right?
@MickLafitte 2 дня назад
@@texastater8333 One reads. One reasons. One synthesizes and assimilates the information. One forms conclusions and beliefs. It's called learning and requires intelligence. If you have to ask, maybe you shouldn't try it.
@texastater8333 2 дня назад
@@MickLafitte You are just giving your opinion and it is void of facts!
@MickLafitte 2 дня назад
@@texastater8333 You're welcome to practice whatever brand of ignorance you desire. This nation still has a Bill of Rights.
@KilborneYenz 3 дня назад
Hallelujah!!! I’m favored and blessed with $60,000 every week! Now I can afford anything and also support the work of God and the church.
@SumnerPuntenney 3 дня назад
Oh really? Tell me more!
@KilborneYenz 3 дня назад
This is what Melissa Jonas Richard does, she has changed my life.
@KilborneYenz 3 дня назад
After raising up to 60k trading with her, I bought a new house and car here in the US and also paid for my son’s (Oscar) surgery. Glory to God.shalom.
@History055 3 дня назад
I know Melissa Jonas Richard, and I have also had success...
@History055 3 дня назад
Absolutely! I have heard stories of people who started with little or no knowledge but managed to emerge victorious thanks to Melissa Jonas Richard.
@wirefly1000 3 дня назад
Not until minorities stop being racist themselves.
@johnfranklin685 3 дня назад
White Christmas has nothing to do with race. The song is referring to snow. This whole racist issue was created by the Marxists left, as one of their devicive groups to pit against each other. Racial disharmony was at a miniscule level before Obama, who was one of most profoundly racist people to be planted as President.
@Quake1983 3 дня назад
Steve Deace would eat these two as a theological snack. Would not even give him a hiccup or a fart.
@RobinThornhill 3 дня назад
All are one in Christ. CRT is designed to divide.
@texastater8333 2 дня назад
It is the constant bombardment from the media pushing racism that keeps people going after each other.
@jsw1968 3 дня назад
I'm a white Christian and have never experienced this so called "stigma of being racist".
@johnhedtke7571 3 дня назад
Hey Captain Obvious. Maybe you should go into a time Machine and tell the South in the 1600's. Telling people they shouldn't be racist is really taking a stand! Wow! Next thing you are going to say is don't walk across a busy freeway. Look out people fire burns!
@joevarga5982 3 дня назад
The LEFT is racist. They make EVERYTHING about race and pretend that all Whites owned slaves and we owe them for it. Very few White people owned any slaves. They forget that White people freed the slaves, fought a war over it, died over it, and risked their lives conducing the Underground Railroad on top of it. The left is despicable.
@BasementBerean 4 дня назад
Well, they could study history. Untold thousands of white Christians united to end slavery. The American Anti-Slavery Society peaked out at 200,000 members. The South isn't the whole country. One of my distant ancestors marched with Sherman's army in the famous March to the Sea. Anyone who assumes I'm a racist because I'm a white Christian is trying to shame me, control me, or get money from me, and I'm done with it. Of course, if this is all about Southern stuff than ignore all that, but the title said "white Christians" not "Southern white Christians."
@StevenMRA 5 дней назад
The people who labelled them these things are far leftists who hate religion and want to tear down Western culture.
@sumdolt8948 5 дней назад
Not religious. The sad reality is they will not until it stops being in fashion to mock Christians. This won't end until Christians start defending themselves with violence the same way other religions absolutely would. But since Christians won't do this. I don't see it going away. Have you never noticed bullies only pick on the weak? When was the last time you saw a bully try to pick on the varsity starting MLB with D1 offers? Never? Thought not
@simonhadley8829 5 дней назад
Will Christians ever get past playing the victim in everything?
@ronaldvantine4488 5 дней назад
The liberal heathens are far more racist than the so-called White Christians.
@axbxa 5 дней назад
Lusting your wife is still sinful. Lust is always a sin. There is a difference here that wasn't addressed.
@MrAllan9 5 дней назад
I'm a white christian, have many good friends of different colors and religions. I'm Canadian and can't believe the southern US still has this problem and still called themselves Christians. Hypocrites are not godly.
@jsw1968 3 дня назад
What problem are you referring to? We don't own slaves in southern U.S.
@DKS1975DKS 5 дней назад
Slavics were the first slaves that's where the word slave comes from
@phinneas-davidwilliams3354 5 дней назад
The only thing I can think of is where God would destroy a nation & say leave no child, animal, or even stone structure. So I guess someone could take that to mean God hated certain nations.
@joshuaandthegospel933 5 дней назад
3:09 this here is really setting me off. Why would the guiltless be guilty of past events? I'm not sorry because I didn't do it. Why would I apologize for pieces of crap like as If I did it? Like as if I just sat there watching everything go down? Isn't lumping the guilty with the guiltless suppression? Isn't saying a whole group of people are guilty of some white guy going off and beating a woman? Look at p diddy for example. I am so tired of everyone excusing the guilty just because it's not in their best interest. I am so tired of people using the past and putting it on people who have nothing to do with it in order to push their own agenda.
@joevarga5982 3 дня назад
Exactly. The left is deplorable.
@joshuaandthegospel933 5 дней назад
3:09 this here is really setting me off. Why would the guiltless be guilty of past events? I'm not sorry because I didn't do it. Why would I apologize for pieces of crap like as If I did it? Like as if I just sat there watching everything go down? Isn't lumping the guilty with the guiltless suppression? Isn't saying a whole group of people are guilty of some white guy going off and beating a woman? Look at p diddy for example. I am so tired of everyone excusing the guilty just because it's not in their best interest. I am so tired of people using the past and putting it on people who have nothing to do with it in order to push their own agenda.
@joshuaandthegospel933 5 дней назад
Sorry for going on a tangent but white people aren't even the ones who are the most race taking Christianity as their religion. There are more Africans that are Christian than white people
@joshuaandthegospel933 5 дней назад
What does the question even mean? R u saying Christians are racist? If so then I'm chuckling. Without using hypocrisy as a reason what makes you think all Christians are racist? That's literally the same thing as saying all Hispanics are evil. How do I get past stigma of being racist? Idk. I can't begin to answer that question because there is nowhere in the Bible saying black people should be treated as lower life forms. Mormon are different. But they're not Christians. If you try to use past people abusing the Bible in order to enslave black people, well that's called hypocrisy. True Christians should know not to do that because we are all made in the image of God, and God says to treat everyone kindly. So I ask again, why your question. It's pointlessly dumb.
@joevarga5982 3 дня назад
The "stigma" is an invention of the left. You get rid of it by educating Democrat idiots on the facts.
@vinnyvukko4315 6 дней назад
Time will do that.
@slippery_slobber 6 дней назад
Funny of him talking about Brazilian classism as if people from NY don’t look down at rednecks and hillbillies. People from Brooklyn don’t look down at people from Queens. Italians don’t look down at Hispanics.
@paulrodgers252 6 дней назад
America? it the United States of America, as establish in the Preamble and Article VII.3, in the Constitution of the United States of America;
@MHShah17 7 дней назад
I doubt it's actual christianity, just the europeans considering the ideas christian despite it just being a power thing that has to do with power despite thhere probably being a lot in the religion that looks down on slavery (but at the time slavery wasn't rare)
@Vickzq 7 дней назад
Every culture had slaves, and every bigger and lasting culture was partially enslaved.
@DebKC-bj9jo 6 дней назад
@@Vickzq How convenient of you to have missed the point.
@Vickzq 6 дней назад
@@DebKC-bj9jo The fact that culture and politics didn't make any difference anywhere was missed on you...
@DebKC-bj9jo 5 дней назад
@@Vickzq Dear God, point missed, AGAIN!
@Vickzq 5 дней назад
@@DebKC-bj9jo You never even had one.