Creation Today Ministry
Creation Today Ministry
Creation Today Ministry
(2 Timothy 2:24)"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
(25) In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
(26) And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will."
Proving The Flood Was Real! (IN PUBLIC)
5 месяцев назад
What Killed DINOSAURS?
5 месяцев назад
@minalnsangma5471 12 часов назад
The answer is inappropriate it makes no sense in the 21 century. The Sun is a star and our Earth orbit the Sun along with the other planets in our Solar system . Our Sun occupy 98 percent the mass of our solar system and it's 4.5 billions year old. without Sun planets don't exist It's a fact
@lawrencegreen8952 22 часа назад
I don't recognize Science filtered through Bronze Age mythology by the biggest liars on the planet. All religion is mythology. It would have been recognized as mythological long ago if the conniving clergy had not turned it into a con game of an evil man-made god, plagiarized Mesopotamian myths, and in-your-face lies about the clergy's Divine Revelation and phony Spiritual Guidance of the Holy Spirit. Despite those claims, the Christian Clergy killed 700 million people. The problem is mythology isn't quantifiable, as in "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" Science has no need for the unquantifiable. God isn't a necessary part of any valid scientific theory because He isn't needed.
@d3ci.b3L День назад
Our reasoning is based on our senses. Our senses are based on external factors and can be corroborated by other people independently. So, we can observe things using our senses. It's not circular, unless one claims that using our senses is fallacious. And if one claims such a thing, then there's no way to know ANYTHING, even the claim that a god exists, since THAT was reportedly using human senses. This line of reasoning rivals solipsism.
@moses9647 2 дня назад
It seems this gentleman would have been out there calling Galileo (or whoever it was) a heretic for saying, contrary to religious belief of the time, the Earth revolves around the Sun and not vice versa.
@glennshrom5801 2 дня назад
Joshua 10.13-14 has one use of the word "day" to mean a duration of time, and another use of the word "day" to mean a cycle of light and darkness irrespective of duration. For the first three days of Genesis one's creation account, it is obvious that a cycle of evening and morning is meant, because it is right there in the text. It is not so obvious what the duration of those cycles was, because God can do anything, and didn't have to slow things down or speed things up for humanity's time measurement system until day 4 of creation week, when the days were marked out in ways we can measure.
@glennshrom5801 2 дня назад
Sometimes I wonder how and why God made dark to exist before the sun ever set.
@jasonfssoe 3 дня назад
Great discussion! Thank you Eric for talking about the importance of this life!
@XCS8000 4 дня назад
The god of this world is not our Heavenly Father (2 Corinthians 4:4)
@Transblucency 4 дня назад
Good to hear that you believe in the rights of "the weaker vessel". Some Handmaid's Tale bs right there.
@lectrobynature 4 дня назад
Kamala Devi Harris is named for Hindu goddess which is also the goddes astoreth
@lectrobynature 4 дня назад
At stonewall inn in 1969 the door for the ancient gods was opened. Baal and astoreth is running wild today. Jonathan Cahn’s book “return of the gods” explains all this
@lectrobynature 4 дня назад
Folks don’t get it, GOD BLESSES a couple. The moment you decide to lay with someone you marry them and like it or not you have decided to commit to your wife that you just married. As a man you have committed to your wife to plant your seed, she has committed to give ground for the seed to grow and GOD GIVES the increase. That increase is another person that the new parents are given the responsibility to teach children about HIS love and grace. The salvation of LORD JESUS.
@jamesmcccolors 4 дня назад
Creationism is often considered not to be real science for several reasons: 1. **Lack of Testability**: Scientific theories must be testable and falsifiable. Creationism, particularly in its religious forms, often relies on supernatural explanations that cannot be tested or observed in a scientific manner. 2. **Absence of Empirical Evidence**: Science relies on empirical evidence gathered through observation and experimentation. Creationist claims often lack the empirical support that is foundational to scientific inquiry. 3. **Incompatibility with Established Scientific Theories**: Creationism contradicts well-established scientific theories, such as evolution and the Big Bang theory, which are supported by extensive evidence from multiple fields, including genetics, paleontology, and cosmology. 4. **Methodological Naturalism**: Science operates under the principle of methodological naturalism, which means it seeks natural explanations for observed phenomena. Creationism often invokes supernatural causes, which fall outside the scope of scientific investigation. 5. **Peer Review and Consensus**: Scientific theories undergo rigorous peer review and must gain acceptance within the scientific community based on evidence and reproducibility. Creationism has not achieved this level of acceptance among scientists. 6. **Historical Context**: Many creationist claims are based on specific religious texts and interpretations, which are not universally accepted and vary widely among different cultures and religions. Science, on the other hand, aims for universal applicability based on evidence. 7. **Educational Standards**: In many educational systems, science curricula are based on the scientific method and established scientific theories. Creationism is often viewed as a belief system rather than a scientific theory, leading to its exclusion from science classes. In summary, while creationism may hold significant cultural and religious value for many, it does not adhere to the principles and methodologies that define scientific inquiry.
@007Machine 5 дней назад
So because he said let there be light, tht means ,it was dark before. Right? Meaning he didn't create darkness?yet he creates everything?
@brandonsheffield9873 5 дней назад
My thoughts are that God is the Light. He spoke into the darkness to let his light come forth, basically his way of entering our universe. Imagine nothing but "darkness" existed then comes God saying "Let there be light" meaning he was announcing his arrival. 7:10
@ljreynolds7877 5 дней назад
Controlled opposition. We never landed on the moon and the earth is flat.
@XCS8000 6 дней назад
Adam was cast out 6000 years ago - doesn't make the earth 6000 years old.
@HarryImogi 6 дней назад
One quick genuine question, what about those who got raped and got pregnant?
@f.herumusu8341 6 дней назад
Either everything must have a first cause: Then god must have a cause and this series goes on forever. Or you the big bang is in your logic as good as a first cause as god. You just can't arbitrily break this logic where it fits you, stating that god needs no first cause, but use it where you like it, stating that everything must have a first cause. So this argument *diproves* your logic in itself. We know this since Kant.
@FisherMan-bh9dn 6 дней назад
And the 1000 year millennium is approaching fast. 😊
@Mark-h2s 7 дней назад
Creation science? Looking.. looking.. nope. Can't locate any area or field of science called, 'creation'. There's no such thing as creation science. It isn't testable, it isn't falsifiable, it makes no predictions, it produces nothing, leads to no scientific research of any kind..etc.
@mrbob19561 7 дней назад
Scientist are anti God aka the creator. Mostly atheist
@Gr8FullyDead420 8 дней назад
If you can’t even understand the difference between evolution and abiogenesis, you probably shouldn’t be trying to dispute them. Those are different topics, one of which is a scientific theory, while the other is a supported hypothesis.
@berniekanowsky4759 8 дней назад
We don't lose our free will when we believe in Jesus and choose to follow Him. We can still, like Adam and Eve freely choose NOT to follow him. Jesus never abandons us but we are free to abandon Him. Please wake up! Millions of souls are at risk of going to hell because they believed this lie you preach incessantly. I know stories of homosexuals saying "Jesus knows I'm weak and understands I can't resist the temptation but I accepted Him as Lord and Saviour and my preacher says I cannot lose it no matter my sins". You have and continue to lead good people astray over this silly belief. 🙏🙏🙏
@Mark-h2s 9 дней назад
'Niagara falls should have eroded way further than that' Who the heck are you? You a geologist or something? Yeah, didn't think so.
@FaithForJesusChrist 9 дней назад
The fact people just believe evolution so blindly is crazy this world needs Jesus to be taught in schools
@Gr8FullyDead420 8 дней назад
Evolution is an observed phenomenon. It’s not a blind belief if we’ve demonstrated it to be true. Also, teaching Jesus, or any other religion, being taught in publicly funded schools violates the separation of church and state.
@gabeking1005 7 дней назад
Is this a deliberately ironic comment? I don't believe evolution, I accept it based on the evidence. Would you like me to explain why?
@FaithForJesusChrist 6 дней назад
Jesus loves you
@gabeking1005 6 дней назад
@FaithForJesusChrist good for Jesus - his existence or love is irrelevant to whether Evolution is true or not. You may have just replied with purple, monkey, dishwasher as an answer or comment.
@FaithForJesusChrist 5 дней назад
@@gabeking1005 well you’re a thinking human being so obviously you have a reason for believing evolution. So what makes you believe ( genuinely I just want to know not to antagonize you or anything)
@creationtoday 9 дней назад
Watch the full movie at GenesisMovie.com
@Mark-h2s 9 дней назад
Earth is billions of years old. This is demonstrable. One way we know this, off the top of my head, would be the fact that the world's energy industry relies on geologists and radiometric dating. Multibillion-dollar oil corporations utilize radiometric dating techniques in order to locate potential drilling sites. Note that these techniques would obviously not work if Earth were merely thousands of years old. We would not be able to locate the resources we all rely upon because the techniques wouldn't work. Oh yeah, and impact craters.. Earth has lots of them. The one off of Yucatan peninsula was responsible for changing earth's climate so drastically that it wiped out much of life on Earth. It took the planet a long time to recover from this. That's just one crater. There are lots of them, of course. There are no records of these events in any civilizations history because they occurred before modern humans existed.
@dougr8646 10 дней назад
Do i have to pay? I'm an atheist who found the first too oddly cozy. But I ain't paying for it lol
@Fido-vm9zi 10 дней назад
A mega flood numerous times.
@johannjohann6523 10 дней назад
If the earth is young, then why are there such large reserves of coal and oil in the world? 200 hundred years worth at current consumption. You must have geological processes take millions of years or the earth would be constantly erupting volcanoes and having earthquakes making the earth unlivable. Besides, what's "Time" for God? He's in no rush. Now humans haven't been on the earth for very long in comparison to how long the earth existed. Especially since we were created and did not "Evolve" from apes. Though sometimes given the people I have met, I wonder if some of us didn't come about that way. lol. "But dear, your uncle looks, acts and even smells like an ape." He's from my mother's side. LOL
@virtualpilgrim8645 10 дней назад
Eric claims America is just an idea. My nation is not an idea. My family is not an idea.
@Spooklilly-Latina4Freedom 10 дней назад
100% the other major religions are so intense about protecting themselves that people are afraid to say negative things or poke fun at it. When it comes to Christianity, which the Establishment hates most because they know it's the truth, they go hard at it without concern. That's why they feel so comfortable doing things like what they did at the opening of the Olympics. It's well past time we stand up & be more like warriors for Christ. Even he tossed over the money lenders tables for their sacrilege, the least we can do is speak up, boycott, & make it clear this is unacceptable
@joelmiley6546 11 дней назад
Why do all these types of people always talk so slow.... its like 20 years of this bs in my life and they all just put you to sleep talking and never actually get to a real valid point. Seriously play this at 1.5x speed and it sounds like a normal person talking.
@jesseorona7737 11 дней назад
Is there a GAP rime between Malachi and Matthew?? Why is it that Christians who are open or Interested in investigating Different Theories are OSTRACIZED with the "NOT" Biblical Label so quickly?? For EXAMPLE "THE RAPTURE" not Biblical but Enoch,Elijah,Jesus and Paul were Rapture..
@he729gtd61 12 дней назад
God allowed Adam& Eve to choose to sin or not to sin. They choose to sin. Then sin spread like a cancer over the millennia and metastasised until Jesus, the Son of God, God in the flesh, fulfilled Isaiah 53 and thus overcame death, pain, sickness and sin for us his followers. The time of those who love darkness more than light is limited by the end times. Jesus is coming again, so the prophecy says. Then there will be peace - worldwide.
@petri2767 10 дней назад
The prophecy said the messiah would bring world peace, Jesus did not do it and he was a false messiah.
@he729gtd61 10 дней назад
@@petri2767 what you say is true for not believers in Jesus. However inner peace is true for followers in Jesus. If the Jews had accepted Jesus as their Messiah, his peace would have been on earth for 2,000 years. They had the freedom to reject and martyr him (Isaiah 53). But when he returns, no one will have the freedom to reject his kingship on earth. Your argument is classically Jewish. The Revelation of John was written around the year 95. It confirms the return of the Jewish Messiah and prophetically tells us what precedes his return. It coincides with the predictions of the Gospel and the First Testament. In my understanding, the Second Testament has the same credibility as the Tanakh because of the prophecies, many of which have already been fulfilled.
@petri2767 9 дней назад
@@he729gtd61 no, prophecies were not fulfilled. Jesus lied
@bobleonheart9600 12 дней назад
"Cult is a lay term for a group perceived as requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant outside the norms of society." Sounds like Young Earth Creationists to me.
@bobleonheart9600 12 дней назад
So... these fish fossils were formed during the flood that covered the world and killed every living creature bar a select handful? Why are they so rare then? I mean do you have any idea just how many fish there are in the oceans? Current estimates say there's about 3,500,000,000,000 and that is with modern fishing techniques and pollution in play. Back in the days of the flood there must have been just as many if not more. Lets say 1% of those died during the flood. That's still 35,000,000,000 which according to you would have died at a time when the conditions for fossilization were perfect. We should be finding them all the time yetwe don't find anywhere near enough to back up your position.
InspiringPhilosophy is a very intelligent person.
@jwalk6074 12 дней назад
There is a time for the Church to rule, but that time is not yet, but when the Lord returns with His thousands of saints. We should still be salt and light by nature and prayer today
@philhart4849 13 дней назад
The Bible is absurd.
@veganperson466 13 дней назад
Gutsick Gibbon response videos ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-QVY9xk0PR10.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9bhzuitLM5w.html
@g.dilla. 13 дней назад
Dominionism is heretical, bro. And it will lead to the bloodshed.
@g.dilla. 13 дней назад
Soooo, was Jeremiah a fatalist? Or is there a point of no return?
@Propaneninja 13 дней назад
@gabeking1005 13 дней назад
Advocating for Christian Theocracy... truly anti-constitution there Eric.
@bkangel2213 14 дней назад
typical 😂 you have to force him into a decision sounds about right
@bkangel2213 14 дней назад
i think the best part is “biblical archaeology” 😂
@wingzero7316 14 дней назад
I would believe in God any God and Religion if there was actually evidence. I been an atheist majority of my life but an uneducated none believer when I was younger who didn’t know anything about science and evidence against Religions/Gods especially Christianity. In 2004 age 19 I was going through a deep depression and I was given Lee Strobel books from deeply religious people I knew. I fell for Christian apologetics and creationism because I didn’t know any better. Wasn’t until I researched science and counter apologetics for the first time I realized apologetics are liars. Lee Strobel and others like him lie for money, their arguments reinforced there no evidence for Christianity. Lee Strobel and other like minded apologetics use bible as evidence for the Bible, like the eye witness to Jesus resurrection, empty tomb and etc. with no evidence outside the bible supporting it. Even the exact location of Jesus tomb hasn’t been discovered, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Talpiot Tomb, Roza Bal, The Garden Tomb, Kirisuto no haka, are popular beliefs of tomb location with no solid evidence for resurrection from any tomb. There are suicide cults like Havens Gate who castrated male members as a requirement to join. Most people in the cult died from intentionally drinking poison for a lie (Doctrine) they deeply sincerely believed in, even the cult leader Marshall Applewhite believed what he preached, he died like his followers, Marshall suffered from mental illness. There other suicide cults to. Also none of the gospel writers were actual friends of Jesus, they were written in Greek decades even a century later as is the case of Gospel of John. Writers are anonymous who used the names of Jesus friends, wrote down the oral stories about Jesus, which was common among the minority of literate people/Christians at time period. There was a lot of different gospels written. I recommend you read Bart D Ehrman books to learn much more in-depth factual information. Even if they were eyewitness of Jesus resurrection, there are people alive today who claimed to have seen, big foot, fairies, elvis sightings after his death, space aliens and etc. if you unwilling to dedicate your life to people you can talk to today, why dedicate your life to claims of people who lived thousands of years ago? The old testament ancient Jews and modern day Muslims sacrifice animals to the Abrahamic God, God wants animal sacrifices which seems stereotypical satanic ritualistic and no different than the many pagan religions. Was God unable to have come up with better options than animal sacrifices, maybe God has limitations which contradict with Gods attributes of being, all powerful, all knowing, perfect, all loving and etc. Reasons for animal sacrifices is due to repentance for original sin caused by Adam and Eve bringing sin into the world which makes no sense. God created Adam and Eve without the knowledge of good and evil aka right, and wrong much like a baby understanding. God supposed to be all knowing, all powerful and perfect somehow expected adults with a baby like comprehension of right and wrong to obey him and not eat the forbidden fruit in which God created and placed in their midst (garden of eden). It like if parents placed a poisonous plant into theirs babies play pen and get angry their baby didn’t listen to them about not eating poison plant. Such parents deserve to spend rest of their lives in prison. God cursed all the decedents of Adam and Eve with original sin, do nds like a loving, forgiving, perfect, all powerful God to me lol. The snake/satan he told Adam and Eve the truth they be more like god by understanding difference between, and evil. Bible also sass if taken literally, God committed genocide, Noah flood, killing first born in Egypt including children, Sodom and Gomorrah and etc. which goes back to Adam and Eve bringing sin into the world. It seems to me God has accountability issues and blames others for what he did. Christianity is self refuting, Jesus and God supposedly one and the same, therefore God cannot be all powerful, all knowing, all loving, forgiving and perfect because God has limitations by not being able to just forgive humanity, instead God went through all the trouble of turning himself into a human in order to sacrifice (human sacrifice) himself to himself to please himself which we told is why Christians don’t have to commit animal sacrifices anymore. In both old and new testaments are contradictory on lots of things example slavery. A lot of passages support slavery and some can be interpreted against it, no biblical laws clearly against owning humans as property. There no scripture in bible supporting democracy nor mention of anything similar to democracy, USA founding was a product of the secular age of enlightenment, a lot of the founding fathers were not even Christians example Thomas Jefferson was a Deist, read his Jefferson Bible. No scripture clearly supports child labor laws, no scripture supports women equal rights, No scripture clearly against child marriage in which was common around the world including in Christian majority countries for grown men to marry female childreny. There still some USA states which have laws allowing child marriage but most states made laws stoping it reletivly recently within last 100 years. I can go on and on with examples of moral human rights the Bible, Quran and etc doesn’t support nor mention. If the Abrahamic Religions holy books had strong clear laws against child marriage would have ended it thousands of years ago. Your God probably doesn’t exist and your religion is bullshit. The bible, Quran and etc doesn’t have timeless morality it a product of the time period it was written in and the good morals in bible are nothing special, majority of societies and religions around the world have laws against murder, it not unique to Abraham religions and predates them, it a natural survival instinct to not want to live in a society with rampant murders. Religion are all man made and humanity needs to move away from and all other dogmatism to including political dogma, communism, fascism and etc.
@morbiusgaming461 14 дней назад
Electromagnetic radiation measurements suggests the stars in the sky are BILLIONS of years old and emanate from a instantaneous explosion of spacetime (big bang.) The Earth formed billions of years ago. What does Genesis have to say about that?