eclectic mix of sermons, biblical studies, music, lectures and seminars

"Come let us reason together."

A word appreciating my benefactors:

This man, Des Ford, from Australia has influenced me indirect or directly for over 49 years. All that I have become in any virtuous way is a direct result of his teaching. I use what I have learned from him to measure all others. He has kept me away from teachings that are rubbish. He sees Jesus in all of scripture and makes an understanding of Him more clear as a result.

Edward Fudge was a true elder brother. Like an elder brother he was much superior in many ways. Yet in his generosity, he treated me as an equal. A truly spiritual brother was he. I desire to be like him.

Mark Lanier a true example of Christian excellence letting Christ define his ethics in work, study and play. Only he could make a term like "bible nerd" desirable. His library, a world class Theological Library is his gift to any and all who will use it responsibly.
Dr Des Ford on Science 1Timothy 6:20
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