Michael Stein
Michael Stein
Michael Stein
@ianf62 3 дня назад
5:12 always gives me chills
@CZXXEY 4 дня назад
They ruined reverse flashs running how could they he was PERFECTION until he did that
@spadesofpaintstudios1719 6 дней назад
For those wondering The Barry we see from the future in season one is the variant from the original timeline where he became the flash in 2020, this Barry saved his kid self but while Eobard aka reverse flash is left in the house he ends up killing Barry’s mother which in essence erases the Barry he was even fighting. Due to this he ends up having to create the flash which ultimately rewrote the timeline, this being the case because the flash still does come to be but the events to how it happened are different. So now the flash we saw in season one is now replaced with our season 9 version aka the one we’ve been following since Eobard initially changed the timeline by killing his mother. Season 9 Barry is also season 3,4, and 5-8 and that just means all the other ones we saw here were just season 9 Barry who is the latest is the main one
@TheScribe1.0 7 дней назад
1:26 that old man joke is funny. Because Jessica Parker Kennedy is actually older than Grant Gustin.
@Jordan-hl6nw 8 дней назад
@kamranarshad3963 12 дней назад
You did it best i was looking for this really amd i understood now
@Jordan-hl6nw 13 дней назад
@jaypandya913 13 дней назад
@EddyIsValentine 16 дней назад
You know if Thawne ever grew the fuck up moved to a different place and just did his own thing he might of actually been happy.
@Capricornthegoat 17 дней назад
I love Barry’s acceptance at the end. For years, he never understood exactly *why* he didn’t save Nora. From season one, to Flashpoint, to all those years wishing he could save her. He never understood exactly why he didn’t save her that night. But now, actually being the person to fight Thawne and do what he did, he understands. And he warns his younger self, because now he knows why.
@eldercal3127 18 дней назад
It’s crazy that 5 different Barry’s are all there at one point that night either before the fight happens or during, it shows how much he was back and forth with his ability’s weather he should save her or not and finally being the man that saves himself and lets hims mother die because he knows the consequences
@joshuahaffenden9492 19 дней назад
Man they should’ve done a new version of the fight between Barry and Thawne not just because of the changes that’s happened throughout the years but also maybe have a extended version of Barry at least landing more hits on Thawne than before lol
@jeffescanto 20 дней назад
Thanks for this
@jeffescanto 20 дней назад
Nora: Do you ever think about stopping whats about to happen Barry was like : bish... if you only knew 😅
@Montesama314 24 дня назад
Thawne must have been confused by coming across so many Barrys.
@mairisberzins8677 25 дней назад
To sum up all the Barrys in this clip. There is Season 1 finale flash who just waits in the other room. There is season 2 finale flash, who saves Nora but disappears. And then there are debatably 2 more flashes. The season 9 flash who saves young Barry, and presumably fights Eobard. But debatably the is also the original timeline flash (the one where his parents were alive to begin with) who presumably fights Eobard, while season 9 Barry only goes in to save younger Barry. This seems more accurate, given how if there is no OG flash, this is all a massive loop similar to Savitar, where Eobard goes back in time to kill Barry, who is eventually saved by the very Barry that he will grow up to be - the one whose mother died that night. Ok that might be true given how they say it's a fixed point. But that makes no sense in season 1 context, where OG flashes mother was alive, and he did not become flash until 2024. This might also be supported by the fact that if season 9 barry ONLY saved his younger self and did not engage Eobard, then it makes sense that he arrived only for that moment, as he started running later. And say what u want that S9 barry is so much faster than Eobard, if so then why does he actually go fist to fist with him in the fight? We clearly saw that to his perspective season 7 eobard was standing still. It makes sense if the flash fighting eobard is the OG flash who was much earlier in "being" the flash so not as fast as S9. Then you might ask, ok if there was additional Barry fighting Eobard when younger Barry was run out by S9, where does he go? The answer to that is - he vanishes the moment child barry was saved and his mother was doomed. His timeline (Where Nora lives) ceases to exist along with him.
@AZKR 26 дней назад
i am so confused it was never this confusing before what the hell happened
I am happy the flash show ended. It’s so dumping shit HAHAHAHA😂😂😂😂😂😂LOLOLOL😂😂😂😂😂
@Blackfacenoob 18 дней назад
Name a better show
@JulianGijsen555 28 дней назад
Kinda ironic how Barry's ending is Eobard's beginning, and how a lot doesn't fit😅
@JulianGijsen555 Месяц назад
The comments are so wrong🤣🤣
@wilk3425 Месяц назад
5:36 - Thought it would've been cool to see Barry give his past self a hug in flashtime when he put him down before leaving
@yikeesz9366 Месяц назад
Thats camera man is fast
@clestachra727 Месяц назад
There are only a few things that can make me cry genuinely. That flash scene when he comes back in season 1 to say he’s ok to his mom before she dies in his arms, that thing was perfectly made.
@emperordavid2044 Месяц назад
This was completely convoluted 😂😂, the thawn that was released from Barry's prison had a completely different objective and never had any conversation with this version of Barry 😂😂😂
@datboi42 Месяц назад
It wasn’t OG Barry fighting Thawne in this. It was season 9 Barry. He probably just made a speed duplicate to fight him while he saved himself as a kid. OG Barry chased Thawne through a portal in the first original flash back to this night. But this Thawne and Barry just started running to the house after talking
@byonemesis Месяц назад
The main cause being Crisis on Infinite Earths occurring in 2019 instead of 2024. As you said, the original Barry chased Thawne through a time portal (which was proved from the newspaper that Flash and Reverse-Flash fought and vanished in an "explosion" of light, said explosion which is actually the same time portal you said). And don't forget this happened on Earth-1, to say the original multiverse. Here, in 9x10, this is Earth-Prime, the new multiverse and since Crisis occurred in 2019 instead of 2024, a lot of things have changed, starting by the Crisis' aftermath. Thawne simply went back to 2000 instead of being chased by Barry and both emerging from 2024.
@phillipjackson4246 2 месяца назад
Does anybody know what happened to s9 Barry at the end of this clip?
@slycooper8718 2 месяца назад
He let thawne kill his mom and when thawne lost his speed, he went to thawne and told him he is at peace with what happen with his mother. And then gets teleported away
@byonemesis Месяц назад
The Negative Speed Force forcefully teleported Barry back in 2023.
@dingdongangeles7904 2 месяца назад
I still would have loved to have seen where OG Barry came from. The no explainer as to who brought S9 Barry to save his mom is brutal.
@byonemesis Месяц назад
If you're referring to the time portal in 1x17, he was from the Crisis on Infinite Earths. OG Barry and Thawne fought in 2024 and vanished in an "explosion of light". In reality, they went back to 2000.
@49HEALTH 2 месяца назад
It’s really cool to see the video go from good to bad to good and then back to bad. Season 9 writing, choreography, execution, etc is fucking horrendous.
@DerpedGamer 2 месяца назад
This honestly gives a full story of that night in a single video. This is absolutely incredible great job!
@CarstenHorrorChannel 2 месяца назад
The other people in the window saying "what the hell that guy wearing halloween costume for screaming at the night? Is he the incredible hulk?"
@therealajzaini 2 месяца назад
I think the reason the OG Flash is non existent anymore is because of the paradox Reverse Flash created killing Flash's mother. So practically we're watching an alternate timeline.Timeline is so similar yet different.
@byonemesis Месяц назад
At least someone who FULLY watched the show and understood the lore.
@therealajzaini Месяц назад
@@byonemesis thanks😂
@byonemesis 8 дней назад
@@therealajzaini No problem. But I also mean it. There are still some people who don't understand that the timeline was altered the moment Thawne killed Nora Allen, which in the end would cause the original Crisis to be moved to 2019 instead of 2024.
@Whiteythereaper 2 месяца назад
Seeing the Season 10 side of the "Don't" moment toward the Season 1 finale's Flash is kind of sad seeing the downgrade, the new costume and obvious Green-screening rather than remaking the set, as well as the kind of more somber and less urgent acting kind of make it a lot worse than originally shown. They should have busted out the original suit one last time to keep the completely fixed timeline loop they were going for, especially since Thawne's suit mirrors that original version. They wouldn't have had to spend the money on that new shot either, they would have reused the 2014 shot at no extra cost. It's a visual downgrade in what should have been a massively impactful moment as we see the 9 years of the show close the loop.
@DAGAIsSleepy 2 месяца назад
Theory: The first flash that appeared when Barry went back on time and stopped himself from saving his mother isnt the same as the one in s9, the suit changes, the suit he was wearing when he first stopped himself from saving his mom was the same Barry was wearing when he was broken from Iris death, but since she didnt die the whole future changed and eventually led to having the suit he has now. This is just a theory, it could be also that the show decided to change suits, who knows.
@ayushroy8142 2 месяца назад
@RyJaMu 2 месяца назад
that sceneat the end should of be finale
@pickedceasar1216 2 месяца назад
Still wish we got a ginger Wally coming out of the time stream saying that everything is still messed up But I’m sure this show just like the comics would have ficked with ginger Wally
@fahadhussain624 2 месяца назад
Why did reverse flash say to Barry if you imprisonen me your family will disappear. That's part made no sense to me.
@erenchilling 2 месяца назад
i think he was talking about team flash and flash point because team flash is basically family to him to other then his parents
@The_real_ObiWanKenobi 2 месяца назад
One question: So Eobard of season 1 is the most experienced version of himself right?
@erenchilling 2 месяца назад
@byonemesis Месяц назад
Well, yes and the one you see from S4 to S9 is the same version : the original Eobard Thawne who fought the OG Flash in 2024, the one who survived his erasure thanks to the Negative Speed Force.
@loner-xl7 2 месяца назад
barry is the true villian he murdered trillions upon trillions lives.
@vexon3.145 2 месяца назад
I miss the old suit
@diegoprodriguez 2 месяца назад
Look, I understand Barry very clearly messed with the Timeline, but I think we also gotta give Barry a break. He’s seen and heard his mother die countless times now and despite everything and the potential futures, still chooses to live in the timeline where Nora dies. I don’t think anyone would be able to keep themselves from doing what Barry did, or at least take a second to think about it
@byonemesis Месяц назад
Fun fact : in the comics, Nora Allen was once aware that Barry is the Flash and convinced her son to undo Flashpoint, to which Barry obviously opposed. But Nora said to him that if he saves her, it will cost uncountable lives and then bid farewell, all while Barry tearfully canceled Flashpoint.
@cscarly 2 месяца назад
My guess is Nora doctor connected to Barry and reverse flash getting there powers in reverse flash timeline
@cscarly 2 месяца назад
Didn't some events didn't happen thanks to Oliver
@czarixssecondaccount2050 2 месяца назад
I still don’t understand how S9 Barry went through the window to stop S1 Barry from saving Nora. Maybe OG Flash still fought Thawne here and S9 Barry just stopped his S1 version and also talked to Thawne (because OG Flash didn’t know that it was all set up already)
@byonemesis Месяц назад
More likely that he naturally did what happened due to Nora Allen being a fixed point now, unlike before Thawne's intervention.
@justinshowalter5890 2 месяца назад
It’s way more fucked up the way she died since Barry created flashpoint. She’s about to die, then gets saved, just to have two people vanish in front of her and die anyways.
@diegoprodriguez 3 месяца назад
For so long, Barry looked at this night with rage and regret, but in the end, Thawne fulfilled the future he was trying to prevent
@casellpeterson7424 3 месяца назад
The one thing that always bothers me about the reverse flash why does he vibrate like that when he uses his super speed in fights and talking to others?
@bubba7578 3 месяца назад
This woman died so confused....
@yipper8288 3 месяца назад
i stopped watching the show but could follow along with 99.9% of this. my only question is what happened to barry at the very end there where he gets warped in blue if anyone could explain
@Thomas-kp8mo 3 месяца назад
Most confusing last moment for that woman 😂