Folk Walk
Folk Walk
Folk Walk
Channel about fairy tales, folklore, customs, traditions, local legends, nature and other similar things. I'm also occasionally making videos about The Witcher since I'm a big fan of that fantasy world and the idea behind this channel was actually inspired by it to some extent.
Why I love The Witcher fandom
2 месяца назад
Why I HATED The Witcher 2 at first
3 месяца назад
How I fell in love with The Witcher
3 месяца назад
Europe needs better cultural representation
4 месяца назад
In the defense of The Hexer (Wiedźmin)
4 месяца назад
Don’t be afraid to start
5 месяцев назад
Krabat - dark Slavic folk tale explained
5 месяцев назад
Are The Witcher books Slavic or not?
6 месяцев назад
Can Snow White by Daily Wire be any good?
7 месяцев назад
Devil's Column - Prague legend explained
8 месяцев назад
Fan of The Witcher books reacts to Season 3
10 месяцев назад
@antovald20 58 минут назад
Yeah it's fantasy and not trying to be historic accurate. Nothing wrong with that. Same with Science Fiction movies showing Asteroid Belts being very close together when in reality they are super far apart.
@mr.madhatter5538 2 часа назад
Advice for you moving forward. If you are going to criticise the way Hollywood is portraying Vikings, pointing out what you don't like does not work by itself. You should instead break down what they do wrong, why its wrong and give examples of what is historically accurate. This will give the video more substance. In its current state, the video just sounds like you are complaining. You show some videos of what I assume is the Historically accurate gear, but you don't point it out, so it is unclear. Your point in the video actually makes sense, but you need back up your argument with more examples and explanations on the actual history to which you are referring.
@Fleepwn 2 часа назад
I'm not very familiar with what historically accurate vikings looked like (or even the non-historically accurate ones tbh) but just from a few glances back and forth, Skyrim somehow has a better representation of a Norse-inspired race than the Vikings TV, and that's pure fantasy lmao
@angryvaultguy 3 часа назад
I never understood hollywood obsessive need to fantasize ancient armour, its cool as is there's literally no reason to change it.
@bcd32dok36 5 часов назад
The fan film is not meant to accurate by any means. It’s just a cool concept someone made. If you think that fan film is trying to tell people this is historical accurate, then you need to get off the trampoline for jumping to conclusions way too hard. I agree with the point and if you use the Vikings show for your example of fake history being treated like the real thing then your points would have been more valid.
@Vaportiple 5 часов назад
As a historical nut for Norse mythology and Danish culture, and an enjoyer of modern depiction of the Ostmen, It’s very convenient to get upset about details such as inaccurate titles, clothing and armor to the timeframe. It’s understandable to be mildly upset that there hairstyles and clothing aren’t “true to history” but let’s be honest here, details such as this have been changed throughout history. Ancient theatre never got it right, the writer did what they liked and twisted the story simply because they can, all while playing a game of telephone with depicted history. Their art is their own, and what their own is what they like, not necessarily what any of us will like. It’s also well to note that most people aren’t ignorant to theatrical history and real history. Again, a game of telephone. Most people know that Assassins Creed is loosely based on history with some characters who didn’t exist, the same can be said with depictions in the Northman or Vikings. A good story is a good story, and I will take it for what it is. If the story isn’t good, I will analyze and make sure my stories don’t make the same mistakes. Enjoy it for what it is, not what it could be.
@Vaportiple 5 часов назад
Then again, it is absolute torture when the show writers only fallback is butchered depictions of “Vikings”
@bcd32dok36 5 часов назад
Historical authentic is better. Call of duty world at war is not historically accurate by any means but it’s gets the feeling of being a soldier in WW2 down perfectly. Why? Because it wouldn’t be fun for the gameplay to make it accurate to how WW2 was. History accuracy only matters if the story is based off a true story.
@TheDeviantDon 6 часов назад
It’s historical fiction, and I’m pretty much fine with it.
@cotocoyerakson8195 9 часов назад
Fun fact: Vikings used to shave the nape but leave the front covering their face, so it's like an emo.
@tomgu2285 10 часов назад
That's why I love vinland saga the author absolutely nailed it.
@brandonnumbskull58 12 часов назад
I think most people understand that the Vikings we see don’t look like real Vikings, same with pirates, samurai. It’s stylized. It isn’t an artists(costumer/director) job to give the general public a history lesson. Especially when it’s a historical fiction. When I see the accurate shit I’m psyched but the stylized shit is cool too. Like I love Taco Bell as its own thing and then love real Mexican food just as much, it’s just a different thing.
@VademecumPopkultury 13 часов назад
I love castlevania, invincible and I am interested in blood of zeus, but I agree, I also want more unique animation styles in industry
@mattmertens3967 14 часов назад
As a historical reenactor it can be really hard pointing this out without sounding like an authenticity nawsi sometimes.
@user-cs2mh9kq3s 14 часов назад
Netflix should do animated movies and series about Witchers. And stick to it, it could easilly become as popular as their Castlevania series. Honestly animation is where they are at their best. They know their strength, they should just stick to it. Come on Netflix, Nightmare of the Wolf was dope, and fingers crossed that Sirens of the Deep will be just as good. Just keep em comming.
@gashsoho 16 часов назад
those netflix generic animation style is something that should only be use in things like invencible
@Dargon5-jl5xc 16 часов назад
Valiant hearts mentioned yay
@lorddraugr3138 18 часов назад
Whenever I see a historically inaccurate movie, I just head cannon it’s an alternate reality timeline.
@khullain-paints6135 19 часов назад
It looks very cool and it does have that very european feel to it. I dislike that they gave Geralt a beard though. Book Geralt would never have a beard.
@FolkWalkCZ 17 часов назад
Yeah, that's one point I forgot to mention.
@slaydeman5490 21 час назад
To me if it’s actually a realistic movie that’s fictional then it needs to be accurate to the time period if it’s fictional and pure fantasy then I could care less
@snowmanthegamer4983 21 час назад
Good words I hear! May you be well!
@SI-cd7xs 22 часа назад
leftists dont want to represent unique european cultures they want to turn everything into liberal america. the appeal of witcher was always that it was a slavic fantasy, something different, they turned it into generic angloamerican woke fantasy, which doesnt ever get the essence of fantasy
@SI-cd7xs 22 часа назад
leftists dont want to represent unique european cultures they want to turn everything into liberal america. the appeal of witcher was always that it was a slavic fantasy, something different, they turned it into generic angloamerican woke fantasy, which doesnt ever get the essence of fantasy
@DarkMegaPlague 22 часа назад
I would love to see a Witcher series in the art style of "Dont Starve"
@SI-cd7xs 22 часа назад
jews and leftists dont want to represent unique european cultures they want to turn everything into america
@SI-cd7xs 22 часа назад
jews and leftists dont want to represent unique european cultures they want to turn everything into america
@DarkMegaPlague 22 часа назад
In battle,,, you dont want to have long hair or a long beard,,, to easy to grab and pull to the enemies advantage.
@lincolnshirepoacher9390 23 часа назад
It's sad when an anime which had plenty of other unrealistic aspects gets the costumers better than live action series. Vindland Saga adapted the look of Vikings more accurately than Vikings
@lumpystilskin5367 23 часа назад
I think it's only a matter of common sense, and critical thinking skills, and ultimately depends on what kind of entertainment is produce. If the director wants a historical fantasy film, then that's ok by me, as long as it doesn't suck. But if they want to make something based on a true story, and historically innacurate, maybe they need some more research.
@user-zz2bc3sd7m День назад
Yeah, but here's the counterpoint: *Nobody fucking cares, TV Vikings are fucking cool.* Historical accuracy manlets forever BTFO, artistic licence chads stay winning.
@tashikoweinstein435 День назад
I have been trying to write a novel about the Clans particularly the Scottish Clans and all the wars/battles that were fought! I am tired of Scottish history only being that of battling the English! I wanna see Clans fighting Clans not red coats vs. Men in kilts!!
@Master_Of_The_Universe День назад
Crazy how The Witcher with it's magic and 8ft tall vampire Lords had way more accuracy with the Skelligers than there was with the show called Vikings that was produced by the History Channel...
@waryace2 День назад
I wonder with the costumes would it be cheaper to slap some gambesons and chainmail on people instead of furs.
@itsthegr8matt День назад
"Some reanactors have a motto: It can always be better." What do you think Hollywood is trying to do? To make it worse? No. They're visually enhancing the experience. In many historical scripts Vikings were viewed as brutal and a nation to be feared. History doesn't quite support these statements so Hollywood spiced it up in the best way imaginable. While historical accuracy can be applied to knights, since they were a lot more tamer than Spartans or Vikings, for these two nations it simply doesn't work.
@burtonthegrape9217 День назад
A lot of people don't go to films thinking about historical accuracy, they just want to be entertained or look cool, sure historically accuracy is good but it's not the biggest deal if someone wants to dress a certain way for a video or make them look a certain way because historical accuracy is like the third or fourth most important thing about those entertainment pieces, it's not a big deal at all
@han3427 День назад
Sounds like we need to return to viking helmet with horns then
@josephfausnaugh1927 День назад
just wish he had bone claws
@alang.bandala8863 День назад
It´s funny how the vikings in popular media are more like celtics, but even that, we actually don´t know a lot about celtic people from the time. So once again, innacuracies made cultures viewing cultures with modern eyes, instead of facts
@elijahbanks1947 День назад
Ok, yes-- your culture should definitely have historical representation. And I also still think these romanticized Vikings are cool as hell. We need our own fantasy term for this genre haha I dig the furs, tattoos, and muscles
@TFF_Onida День назад
its not that deep
@jhulvincentcalabia4784 День назад
Side cut and manbuns are basically a white version of the overused MB Jordan killmonger hair that's popping out on games and other media.
@LordSiravant День назад
The entertainment industry and the average moviegoer do not care about historical accuracy. The former just wants to make money, and the latter just wants to be distracted by mindless entertainment after a full day of whatever soul-crushing job they work at. Only people invested in history care, and they're almost always the minority. Hollywood embellishes historical movies for the same reasons storytellers embellished tales by the campfire. It's more interesting that way. The goal is to entertain, not inform. They don't care if it distorts actual history because actual history is...well, surprisingly visually boring. At least compared to Hollywood spectacle. Actual history doesn't make Hollywood money, nor is it relevant to the average person in the modern age. That's just how it is here in the West.
@PanzerShrek94 День назад
Saw this with the new assassin creed game "You are upset with a black samurai in a world where there are mind controlling apples?" Yes i am,if you have a setting in Feudal Japan then make the people and protagonist Japanese.
@Gungriver День назад
If i'd make 5 minute video about how something unrealistic or wrong was portrayed in a movie (be it related to engineering, guns, cars, planes, explosives, stab wounds, injury treatment, illnesses, drugs, side-effect of butt-chugging too much vodka and so on and so forth) and then complie it into a single piece, we'd be sitting watching the longest video on youtube in the history for ages to come. You assume people don't know how to do historical accuracy when in actuality a lot of them either don't give enough fucks (shucks that random people do not share your passion, i know), it looks confusing/hard-to-film/too costly or they deliberatly choosing fantasy'ied version of the clothing/hairdo/makeup because it looks "cooler". Easiest comparsion could be summoned in a single word : "Cowboys". Boy oh BOI there's enough misconception in public about gunslinging root'n'tootin hat wearing goodhearted outlaws of the Old West. Does it require make every Western movie about ranching cows and dying from tetanus? You tell me.
@foller2electricboogaloo575 День назад
"You can accept elves, dragons, fairies, wizards, talking trees, but can't accept a 2021 BMW Series 5 530i With optional heated seating. Why are you bigoted?"
@Buttz2Buttz День назад
First 30 seconds you're raging on the costumes for not being accurate and being "fantasy" Dawg, you think they fought like that in real life??? No. Shut up. Historical accuracy my buns bruh. The fight choreography is unrealistic beyond belief. So either you don't like all of the inaccuracy's or you shut up, becasue you can't pick and choose.
@jinxie712 День назад
Assassin's Creed is based on memories. Memories a character goes through in a video game like machine. It's not about the details of what actually happened. Because memory is unreliable. In Valhalla there is a corruption of the memories that allows you to fill in the blanks (choosing male or female). It even allows you to add things into the system like changeable tattoos and gear skins that doesn't break immersion for the other characters. I mean you can turn your bird into a dragon. So they aren't trying to be historically accurate. If anything, you can say that they people in the game running the animus are doing the same as the real people running those shows. Using templates to say this is what these people looked like.
@zionleach3001 День назад
Personally it depends. 300 was a pretty good, but it's nowhere close to accurate. But Hollywood writers BARELY do research on anything. 3:06 I mean there's some Viking folk metal bands who wear similar face paint.
@thekrakenking4509 День назад
Whole lotta yapping is all I’m hearing
@easyyo6784 День назад
i have to say: this fan video looks amazing! but im all for historic accuracy. fantasy is fantasy and has its own right.
День назад
It is an immediate red flag when someone who's making a historical piece of fiction don't actually care for the history behind the fiction.