Elzero Tube
Elzero Tube
Elzero Tube
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@Mohammed.Abdelhamed 4 часа назад
عايزين واحد تاني زي ده يا برنس 😅
@asd-co5fp 7 часов назад
اسف يا هندسة جاي اشرب قهوة واتابع الفديو 😂❤ الله يرضى عليك يا طيب
@Bingo_175 11 часов назад
واحد من اعظم المصريين على اليوتيوب ربنا يباركلك وينفع الناس بعلمك
@abdalrhmanmerwad7422 12 часов назад
يريت حضرتك تكمل انا بحب وغيري اكيد بنحب الفيديوهات من النوع دا❤
@Ihab-181 13 часов назад
ازاي اقدر اتواصل معاك صوت؟ هل ممكن؟
@ferassaab3128 14 часов назад
محترم جدا❤ لو سمحت يا باش مهندس تبدأ بالرود ماب الخاصه بالباك اند والتطبيق عليها لان اتعودت على اسلوبك ومتشكر جدا ❤❤
@waleed.k9746 15 часов назад
انا م ختمت قناه الزيرو تيوب الا وانا اكل 😂😂😂😂😂
@MohamedDiab-h7t 15 часов назад
بعد إذن حضرتك يا ريت تنزل فيديوهات عن سلسلة ما قبل تعلم البرمجة مثل ( هياكل البيانات وأنواع البيانات والمتغيرات) ربنا يبارك فيك " نفرح جميعا عند سماع فيديو من فيديوهات حضرتك
@البراءبنمالك-ر1م 18 часов назад
﴿وَإِن تَعُدّوا نِعمَةَ اللَّهِ لا تُحصوها إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَغَفورٌ رَحيمٌ﴾ [النحل: ١٨]
@البراءبنمالك-ر1م 18 часов назад
المفروض تقول آسم الدكتور السيء عشان الناس تتقيه
@alycheikhouldsmail7576 20 часов назад
بارك الله فيك، نحبك في الله
@yosseffarag7124 22 часа назад
الكلام الي ف الاول يستحق المحبه والله ❤
@omartamer_12 23 часа назад
عايز اقولك يا بشمهندس انا كنت بعملtask معينة وقولت افتح الفيديو وانا بعملها😆
@عمارياسر-ج2ز 23 часа назад
بحبك في الله والله❤❤
@Mohammed_Alaa2 День назад
عاااش عليك
@helmyelbnaa4286 День назад
ا هندسة هنكمل امته مسار تعليم اساسيات البرمجه
@elahall573 День назад
مستر اسامه حضرتك هتشرح الداتا ستركتر
@ahmedzaky2687 День назад
ربما يبارك في حضرتك يا غالي
@E_Y748 День назад
نصرة لإخواننا فى غزة 🔴 اخواني بارك الله فيكم هذا مقال باللغة الإنجليزية فاضح للكيان الصه*يوني نريد أن ننشره فى كل القنوات الغربية ليعلموا حقيقة هؤلاء القردة يمكن أن تكتب فى البحث كلمة مثل "Gaza war" و تلصق هذا المقال فى قسم التعليقات فى هذه الفيديوهات ❤❤ This article exposes Israel and shows their reality Who is Israel? In 1899, during the second Zionist meeting of Theodor Herzl with the wealthy and educated Jews, a sharp dispute broke out between some Jewish intellectuals over the statement that would be issued by the conference. Whether they should write “a national home for the Jews” or “a Jewish state” to indicate the religious character, Herzl answered them by writing “a national home for the Jews,” and the general Jews would understand it as a Jewish state. Herzl's quest was not primarily a religious quest; Rather, he was a nationalist par excellence. He began to resort to the major colonial powers, relying on the money and prestige of Jewish businessmen such as the Rothschild family, as he sought to gain the sympathy of the Ottoman Empire, and when he failed, he began to attract the sympathy of France, Italy, and finally Britain. Zionism views the Jews as a people and not as followers of a religion, and feeds that view with racist and nationalist tendencies that see the Jew as a superior human being, just as Adolf Hitler viewed the German as superior to all humans. When Israel emerged from the womb of Britain; It relied on non-Jewish hands. If it had been a religious entity, it would have been satisfied with the hands of the Jews, but it relied on the hands of other nations to exist. Among the ranks of its gangs, the “Haganah, Palmach, and Irgun,” were British Christians who were fanatical of the right and white supremacy and opposed to everything Arab and Islamic. Likewise, if it was a religious entity; It would have adhered to the teachings of its book, which says, “You shall not kill,” but it is far from what the Jewish heavenly religion called for. If it were a religious state, it would have had to be content with its Jewish elements. But demographically, Israel includes within it many elements, in addition to the European Ashkenazi Jews - who see in They themselves are high and sophisticated - and the Eastern Sephardic Jews; There are Arabs of Palestine, and they are Muslims and Christians who have remained in their lands since the 1948 war, and have obtained Israeli citizenship. They represent about 20% of Israeli society, and among them are members of the Israeli Knesset, and among them was a writer and thinker Azmi Antoine Bishara, and there is also the element of the Falashas, ​​who are dark-skinned people who came from Africa, and Dr. Abdel Wahab Al-Messiri said about them - in one of his dialogue meetings - that they are not only Jews, but they include Muslims, Christians, and atheists as well. The conclusion that we may draw from this brief presentation is that Israel is not a religious entity. Its foundations upon which it was founded are Zionist thought, and Zionism was never a religious doctrine, but rather a national political doctrine that was affected and influenced by European nationalist ideas that appeared from the era of modernity in the 17th century until The twentieth century, and therefore we see the similarity between romantic ideas and Zionism in terms of the homeland of return, eternal return, and organic interconnectedness, as well as the similarity between Zionism and German nationalism according to Ratzel and Karl Ritter. Israel is an armed camp that deliberately attracts dispersed elements from everywhere to strengthen its influence and military power there. The demographic elements - which make up Israel and hold its nationality - were never limited to Jews only. Rather, you will see that the Israeli government is exercising repression on all elements of its society, starting with the Falash Jews and ending with the religiously fanatical Haredi Jews. If a conflict occurs between any element -Whether leftist or fundamentalist - inside Israel with the government; You will see the government practicing all possible methods of oppression, and we have a lesson and memory in the Netanyahu government, and that is the greatest evidence that Israel is not essentially a religious state, as it suppresses the “Haredi” clergy there during their holidays and their usual practices. Israel is an imperialist colonial state, that is, it is a state that feeds on the borders and cultures of neighboring countries. If it cannot expand at the expense of neighboring countries - and this is one of the secrets of its survival - it will replace it with expansion at the expense of the cultures of those countries, and you will find it usurping the identity of others. Sometimes they say that the Palestinian keffiyeh is Jewish in origin, and at other times they say that Egyptian and Jordanian food is Jewish in origin as well. All of them are failed attempts, especially after the Zionists tried to falsify history and claim that The Jews are the builders of the pyramids. Theft and fraud are the main factors for the establishment of that entity, just like the thief who steals and brags about his theft, so he lies, believing his lie. Indeed, more than that, our professor Abdel Wahab Al-Mesiri predicted that this fraud will not stop there, but will reach the minds of the Arabs. By theArabs here, I do not mean the ruling elites, but rather the masses, and you will find some who are affiliated with The masses accept normalization. Rather, you see them playing the role of the first Jews or the founding fathers. They are not Jews but Muslims, but they represent Israel and its propaganda better than the Jews inside Israel. The thinker Al-Mesiri called them the “functional Jew.” This parasitic, functional being will find you praying with you. Evening prayer. Rather, the matter has evolved into the fact that you will lead the evening prayer. Israel is nothing but a parasitic, secular, pragmatic, utilitarian entity that lives at the expense of others, meaning that its population demographically is nothing but diaspora people gathered within one camp, and today the reverse migration has begun to bear fruit, especially after the truth became clear to these people that Israel is not the desired “utopia,” and that it is a state. Oppressive and totalitarian, they began to turn back again, as Israel began to demographically erode itself. Israel is nothing but an armed military arm in the East for the benefit of the colonial powers in the West. It is an arm of America, after it had been an arm of Britain. When things turned out in favor of America, Israel became its tail. Through that armed arm, it infiltrated as a cancerous entity within the Middle East. America can pass on and practice its colonial hobbies Favorite; “Divide and rule,” causing discord among the Arabs, and Israel strikes the parties of resistance against each other until everyone submits to American economic rule. For America, Israel is like an armed punishment that it imposes on the countries of the Middle East to increase political disintegration and dispersion, to ensure its economic dependency on it, so that it does not Those countries exist after this people's day. Now it has become clear what Israel is; It is a secular, pragmatic, utilitarian entity that is not governed by a sect or religion, but rather by material benefit that seeks to commit the most heinous crimes of apartheid and genocide that we witness daily. The Arabs must be certain that this entity will inevitably fall, and if time is long, then victory is only an ally. for us
@E_Y748 День назад
نصرة لإخواننا فى غزة 🔴 اخواني بارك الله فيكم هذا مقال باللغة الإنجليزية فاضح للكيان الصه*يوني نريد أن ننشره فى كل القنوات الغربية ليعلموا حقيقة هؤلاء القردة يمكن أن تكتب فى البحث كلمة مثل "Gaza war" و تلصق هذا المقال فى قسم التعليقات فى هذه الفيديوهات ❤❤ This article exposes Israel and shows their reality Who is Israel? In 1899, during the second Zionist meeting of Theodor Herzl with the wealthy and educated Jews, a sharp dispute broke out between some Jewish intellectuals over the statement that would be issued by the conference. Whether they should write “a national home for the Jews” or “a Jewish state” to indicate the religious character, Herzl answered them by writing “a national home for the Jews,” and the general Jews would understand it as a Jewish state. Herzl's quest was not primarily a religious quest; Rather, he was a nationalist par excellence. He began to resort to the major colonial powers, relying on the money and prestige of Jewish businessmen such as the Rothschild family, as he sought to gain the sympathy of the Ottoman Empire, and when he failed, he began to attract the sympathy of France, Italy, and finally Britain. Zionism views the Jews as a people and not as followers of a religion, and feeds that view with racist and nationalist tendencies that see the Jew as a superior human being, just as Adolf Hitler viewed the German as superior to all humans. When Israel emerged from the womb of Britain; It relied on non-Jewish hands. If it had been a religious entity, it would have been satisfied with the hands of the Jews, but it relied on the hands of other nations to exist. Among the ranks of its gangs, the “Haganah, Palmach, and Irgun,” were British Christians who were fanatical of the right and white supremacy and opposed to everything Arab and Islamic. Likewise, if it was a religious entity; It would have adhered to the teachings of its book, which says, “You shall not kill,” but it is far from what the Jewish heavenly religion called for. If it were a religious state, it would have had to be content with its Jewish elements. But demographically, Israel includes within it many elements, in addition to the European Ashkenazi Jews - who see in They themselves are high and sophisticated - and the Eastern Sephardic Jews; There are Arabs of Palestine, and they are Muslims and Christians who have remained in their lands since the 1948 war, and have obtained Israeli citizenship. They represent about 20% of Israeli society, and among them are members of the Israeli Knesset, and among them was a writer and thinker Azmi Antoine Bishara, and there is also the element of the Falashas, ​​who are dark-skinned people who came from Africa, and Dr. Abdel Wahab Al-Messiri said about them - in one of his dialogue meetings - that they are not only Jews, but they include Muslims, Christians, and atheists as well. The conclusion that we may draw from this brief presentation is that Israel is not a religious entity. Its foundations upon which it was founded are Zionist thought, and Zionism was never a religious doctrine, but rather a national political doctrine that was affected and influenced by European nationalist ideas that appeared from the era of modernity in the 17th century until The twentieth century, and therefore we see the similarity between romantic ideas and Zionism in terms of the homeland of return, eternal return, and organic interconnectedness, as well as the similarity between Zionism and German nationalism according to Ratzel and Karl Ritter. Israel is an armed camp that deliberately attracts dispersed elements from everywhere to strengthen its influence and military power there. The demographic elements - which make up Israel and hold its nationality - were never limited to Jews only. Rather, you will see that the Israeli government is exercising repression on all elements of its society, starting with the Falash Jews and ending with the religiously fanatical Haredi Jews. If a conflict occurs between any element -Whether leftist or fundamentalist - inside Israel with the government; You will see the government practicing all possible methods of oppression, and we have a lesson and memory in the Netanyahu government, and that is the greatest evidence that Israel is not essentially a religious state, as it suppresses the “Haredi” clergy there during their holidays and their usual practices. Israel is an imperialist colonial state, that is, it is a state that feeds on the borders and cultures of neighboring countries. If it cannot expand at the expense of neighboring countries - and this is one of the secrets of its survival - it will replace it with expansion at the expense of the cultures of those countries, and you will find it usurping the identity of others. Sometimes they say that the Palestinian keffiyeh is Jewish in origin, and at other times they say that Egyptian and Jordanian food is Jewish in origin as well. All of them are failed attempts, especially after the Zionists tried to falsify history and claim that The Jews are the builders of the pyramids. Theft and fraud are the main factors for the establishment of that entity, just like the thief who steals and brags about his theft, so he lies, believing his lie. Indeed, more than that, our professor Abdel Wahab Al-Mesiri predicted that this fraud will not stop there, but will reach the minds of the Arabs. By theArabs here, I do not mean the ruling elites, but rather the masses, and you will find some who are affiliated with The masses accept normalization. Rather, you see them playing the role of the first Jews or the founding fathers. They are not Jews but Muslims, but they represent Israel and its propaganda better than the Jews inside Israel. The thinker Al-Mesiri called them the “functional Jew.” This parasitic, functional being will find you praying with you. Evening prayer. Rather, the matter has evolved into the fact that you will lead the evening prayer. Israel is nothing but a parasitic, secular, pragmatic, utilitarian entity that lives at the expense of others, meaning that its population demographically is nothing but diaspora people gathered within one camp, and today the reverse migration has begun to bear fruit, especially after the truth became clear to these people that Israel is not the desired “utopia,” and that it is a state. Oppressive and totalitarian, they began to turn back again, as Israel began to demographically erode itself. Israel is nothing but an armed military arm in the East for the benefit of the colonial powers in the West. It is an arm of America, after it had been an arm of Britain. When things turned out in favor of America, Israel became its tail. Through that armed arm, it infiltrated as a cancerous entity within the Middle East. America can pass on and practice its colonial hobbies Favorite; “Divide and rule,” causing discord among the Arabs, and Israel strikes the parties of resistance against each other until everyone submits to American economic rule. For America, Israel is like an armed punishment that it imposes on the countries of the Middle East to increase political disintegration and dispersion, to ensure its economic dependency on it, so that it does not Those countries exist after this people's day. Now it has become clear what Israel is; It is a secular, pragmatic, utilitarian entity that is not governed by a sect or religion, but rather by material benefit that seeks to commit the most heinous crimes of apartheid and genocide that we witness daily. The Arabs must be certain that this entity will inevitably fall, and if time is long, then victory is only an ally. for us
@DM.DE.DA.DS.ML.DL.Ai1 День назад
انت اكثر شخص بحب احضرله في مجال البرمجة رغم اني مش في مجالك ابدا لكن انت انسان طيب جدا وبتحب الخير لغيرك عشان هيك ربنا رزقك القبول واتوقع كل حدا في مجال الويب بشكرك وبدعيلك وتمنيت لو انك في مجال تحليل البيانات والذكاء الاصطناعي لانو اسلوبك جدا محترم
@user-xh6vw2sm1n День назад
@YoussfElsherbiny День назад
جزاك الله خيرا
@user-xh6vw2sm1n День назад
الله يحفضك ييا زعيم
@برع_تيوس День назад
وعلميا التركيز على مهام متعددة امر مجهد جدا للدماغ
@amrmohammed28 День назад
من أجمل الفيديوهات مفيدة وممتعة، ولا فيها أي تطويل أنت شخص ما ينمل منه على الأقل بالنسبة لي، وأرجو من الله أن يجمعني بك بمجلس واحد وندردش في أقرب وقت⚘️
@ElzeroTube День назад
الله يسعدك شرف ليا ❤️❤️
@amrmohammed28 День назад
@@ElzeroTube وإياكم أستاذي أسامة، بارك الله فيكم⚘️
@hossamelzoka3546 День назад
لحلى حاجة انا بسمعك وبلعب لعبة عالموبايل .. ههههههههه
@Mustafa-Rezk_100 День назад
انا كنت بحاول أعود نفسي علي الحوار ف ايام الثانويه العامه و فعلا كان بيفرق معيا
@faridsameh50 День назад
4:02 المسلسل اسمه Sherlock Holmes
@anas740 День назад
جزاك الله خيرا❤❤ عندي تعليق بخصوص الاكل او القهوة مثلا جمب التاسك!! :كنت سمعت في العادات الزريه ان لازم تبقي العاده ممتعة ومان بينصح انك تركب العادات يعني انت متعود تشرب قهوة في وقت كذا خلاص اشرب واقري ...بس الاكل صراحه معرفش 😂 وشكرا بجد علي تعبك❤❤
@ALSonbaty День назад
فعلا مشكله كبيره وهى سبب انى متعطل فى حاجات كتير بارك الله فيك
@youssefelassuity6287 День назад
نصيحة عظيمة وقلها قبل كده بيل جيتس اي سر نجاحك؟ قال انو بيدي اي حاجه بيعملها تركيز 100% ومش بيدخل حاجه جمبها مثال : وقت الأكل يأكل وبس وقت الراحة يريح وبس وقت الشغل شغل وبس وهكذا
@HanyKholey День назад
1:22 اقسم بالله بتفرج عليك وانا بلعب😂😂😂
@Abdullah.Abdulkhaleq День назад
بذاكر وبسمعك😂😂
@MohammadYousif-o2s День назад
و انا شغال و مركز بشغلي و بسمع كلامك و بكتب التعليق 😂😂😂😂😂
@karamalmadani2712 День назад
sherlok homles شيرلوك من افضل الشخصيات لضرب مثال التركيز على المهام 😂
@mr_ah.18 День назад
27:24 😂😂 أنا سألت السؤال
@Scienceguy0 День назад
جزاك الله خيرا ❤
@AbobakrM День назад
كنت بفكر أقفل الفيديو علشان أركز في الأكل
@darki9909 День назад
@zokaEL_Malty День назад
بصراحه ي هندسه نويت اعمل كدا ولسه كنت بفكر ف كدا امبارح بليل قولت ليه يعني مثلا افصل نت خالص وابعد عن الميديا عموما عشان طول ماانا شغال ع الكورس بقعد كل شويه افتح ميديا ودا بيخلي الانتاجيه قليله خالص واشتغل ع الكام كورس اللي معايا واشوف دا هيفرق ولا لا وبصراحه الفيدو جه ف وقته وهبدا انفذ فيها من دلوقت عشان عايز اخلص كورس ال js بتاع حضرتك
@abdelrahmanali4688 2 дня назад
نقطه الفيلم دي رد علي تعليق واحد في الفديو قبل اللي فات البشمهندس مركز علي كل حاجه بسم الله ماشاء الله
@amrk7961 2 дня назад
الامر صحيح جدا لكنه صعب جدا تعود الدماغ على المشتتات اعتقد اني على الاقل احتاج الى شهرين كاملين للحصول على التركيز الكامل على وظيفة اعتقد اني سابدا ب ازاله الانترنت وحذف التطبيقات الملهية يا رب
@bishoymagdy89 2 дня назад
كلام من ذهب.... رائع جدا .. انا اول مرة اتفرج على الشخص دة بس واضح ان محتواة حلو
@mazen579 2 дня назад
تبقى القليل علي 100 الف مبروك مقدما نفع الله بك الأمه
@NAGM_CODE 2 дня назад
موقف حقيقي حصل معايا بتدرب problem solving من ١٠م ل ٥ص يوميا لمده شهرين حسيت انه ف تقدم بس مش حاجه منطقيه وفيه اخطاء والمشاكل بتواجهني وببقي غير منظم ومنفعل وهكذا فجربت طريقة ادي للحاجه حقها بقيت بتدرب من ٥ص ل ٩ص من ضمنها كل ساعه بريك ١٠ دقايق وتلت ساعه اكل يعني بتدرب ٣ ساعات يوميا فقط وباقي اليوم جيم مثلا ولعب علي الجهاز واحيانا ازاكر ساعتين بالليل ف السريع بنفس الطريقه وجربت فصل الواي فاي نهائي الطريقه دي خلتني اتاهل ل ACPC وفرقت معايا جدا ويمكن المجهود قل للنص والانتاجيه زادت للضعف والضغط اللي كان عليا زمان ف الطريقه البدائيه الاولي انتهت تماما قدرت ازاكر oop كامل في اسبوع و٣ ايام مشروع بالتصميم بتاعه ووصلت بفضل الله لأحسن نتيجه الفيديو بجد جميل جداً وهادف أتمني الناس تعمل بالكلام ده ولاتنسوا قول الله تعالي " وجعلنا الليل لباسا * وجعلنا النهار معاشا " يعني الافضل الليل للنوم والصبح للمزاكره وقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم"بورك لأمتي في بكورها" ف افضل الافضل هو ان تصلي الفجر وتبدأ يومك ❤
@thewomenwho1 20 часов назад
@@NAGM_CODE ممكن توضحلي اكتر
@NAGM_CODE 19 часов назад
@@thewomenwho1 مش منطق ان شخص يزاكر ١٢ ساعه مش منطق ان شخص يتدرب جيم ٣ ساعات مش منطق شخص ينام ٢٤ ساعه اكيد كل شيء له حد ونظام فلما بتعمل بالفيديو ده تحط اهداف وت foucs عليها هتبقي النتيجه احلي
@Zahmad-ev7wq 2 дня назад
النصيحة مهمة جدا يا رب وفقنا في تطبيقها شكرا أستاذ أسامة
@gamerkelety7966 2 дня назад
بالله عليك حتى الموسيقة انا مابعرفش اكتب الكود غيرة😩
@aj28b2xe16 2 дня назад
@yasinhamad5982 2 дня назад