Seth Skorkowsky
Seth Skorkowsky
Seth Skorkowsky
Author. Game Master. Lover of nerdly things.

My channel has won the 2019 & 2023 Gold ENNIE Tabletop Award.

I mostly talk about Tabletop RPGs.

My sidekick is Jack the NPC.

REVIEW POLICY: I don't review a game until I've personally played it. I won't play it unless I believe it'll be a good fit for my group. In short - I review what we play, and we play what we enjoy.
I do not do "sponsored reviews" (i.e. paid infomercials pretending to be reviews).
Sending me a free product in no way guarantees a positive review, or even a review at all. If I read it and don't think it's a good fit for us, we won't play it. Or it might not fit into our play schedule or current campaign.
If you wish to request a review, pitch it. Sell me on why I want to play it. 90% of the Review Requests I receive fail to say what the game/adventure even is.
Kult: Pt. 6 - Final Thoughts
3 месяца назад
ALIEN: Fallout - RPG Review
4 месяца назад
Cyberpunk Red: Agents of Desire - RPG Review
4 месяца назад
10 Years of the Valducan - A Retrospective
5 месяцев назад
5 Players Who Drive Me Crazy - RPG Philosophy
6 месяцев назад
Call of Cthulhu: Egg Out of Time - RPG Review
6 месяцев назад
Equipment & Power Balance - Running RPGs
7 месяцев назад
RBRB: Pleasures of the Harbour -  RPG Review
7 месяцев назад
Why Villain Monologues Fail - RPG Philosophy
8 месяцев назад
Let's Build a Robot! - RPG Review
8 месяцев назад
AD&D: Secret of Bone Hill - RPG Review
8 месяцев назад
Great Player Etiquette - Playing RPGs
9 месяцев назад
Thousand Year Old Vampire - A Solo RPG Review
10 месяцев назад
The Power Gamer - RPG Philosophy
10 месяцев назад
Kult: Pt. 5 - Stability
11 месяцев назад
Quantum Ogres - RPG Philosophy
11 месяцев назад
@dziooooo Час назад
We had a guy who was at least half of those in our local Adventurer's League. He would read the adventures before the session and tried to speedrun them, and he often conveniently forgot the part of the rule which was not beneficial to him in the moment.
@kensvideos1 Час назад
18:40 That's why it's called a "set piece"
@kensvideos1 Час назад
I, to, am from a time before the internet.
@kensvideos1 3 часа назад
7:12 Im just trying to stay alive out here. you're the one throwing mobsters with shotguns at me.
@user-dickfarts 6 часов назад
Rules lawyers are great. Stop being a retard cheater.
@guydunn8259 7 часов назад
Had someone sometime try to tell me you can use prestidigitation to summon a small object inside of someone's heart because of how the rules were written. We argued for an hour about it, and they never backed down. Insufferable bastard also wanted to change the damage of spell types like turning fireball into cold or force damage, when they needed that type of damage, because he couldn't be bothered to prepare other spells.
@giladpellaeon1691 8 часов назад
Have a friend who's a copper thief. First campaign we ever played he wants to strip the doors off a dungeon we cleared so we could try to sell them to nobles. Yes, he wanted us to become door-to-door door salesmen.
@--enyo-- 14 часов назад
I saw Seth has a Kult scenario in an upcoming Kult expansion kickstarter. I’m looking forward to the kickstarter and (I assume) Seth’s review video of his scenario! 😉
@SSkorkowsky 13 часов назад
I'll call it an Overview video, as reviewing my own stuff would be kinda weird.
@Richforce1 14 часов назад
A 1960-70's game in the vein of Johnny Quest would be perfect for Pulp Cthulhu.
@hopefulhyena3400 16 часов назад
I think it's like that old quote by I-forget-who: "power doesn't corrupt, it enables". If the power-gamer at your table is a problem player, they aren't a problem player because they are a power-gamer, it's just more *noticeable* because they are a power-gamer.
@TopcatsLair 22 часа назад
No second AVP movie 😅 AGREED!
@oscarwind4266 День назад
Swapping groups from a bunch of cheating munchkins to a group of respectable gents really is night and day.
@evanscolton8281 День назад
I thought this video was helpful, but I don’t l know, I was kinda hoping it’d be a bit more realistic.
@hopefulhyena3400 День назад
Once I was brought into a group for the express purpose of being a rules stickler by request of a newbie GM friend of mine. It felt... weird to do that on purpose.
@hoosieryank6731 День назад
My Dresden Files rpg had an unqualified expert of a sorceror who acted like a full-blown wizard; too bad water doesn't ground out Outsider magic...
@austinbrown7574 День назад
Or you just play Cairn and it's neither.
@Vandelberger День назад
Ordered for this years Oct game! Thank you for the 2 year old review.
@SSkorkowsky День назад
It's a great adventure. Hope you and your players enjoy it as much as we did
@FuckCityUSA1 День назад
What game are they playing in the skits?
@johnfulmer740 День назад
1:12 Seven years later: I LOVE Ghost Ship. So there's at least a few of us.
@rolestream 2 дня назад
Have not tracked ammo since the 80s.
@JetBlackRage 2 дня назад
I was worried this was about the YT channel Ronald The Rules Lawyer. Phew
@michaelturner2806 2 дня назад
8:50 I remember having a GM once who was a rules lawyer about a trap. The premise was, this room had a weakened ceiling, so rather than repair it, they stuck a bunch of rickety poles around to prop it up. And other parts got weakened, so more poles. Too cheap to repair the ceiling. But the owner of the place thought the poles were unsightly, so he had someone go around and cast permanent invisibility on all the poles, so they wouldn't be seen. Servants just memorized the route to go through without bumping into any poles. We the PCs get there, the barbarian with Trap Sense wanders in, hits a pole, and the ceiling collapses on him. His roll is just 1 shy of success. He asks does he get to add trap sense to the roll. The GM says no, because it's not a trap, it's just an invisible pole that prevented the ceiling from collapsing. Fun!
@jamesmullen7931 2 дня назад
It's good to remember that in most of these games, the GM is the arbiter of the rules, so they can make the game play the way they want.
@midg3tninj4 2 дня назад
was this Troy's first time running a game of CoC?! holy hell, absolutely incredible work!
@Minodrec 2 дня назад
"We're cousins now!" Awesome !
@israelmorales4249 2 дня назад
jajajaja 'my best judment' jajajaja...o wait you are serious...damn!
@tipigi3570 2 дня назад
A couple that I've stole from other games: (I don't have all my books in front of me so I hope I'm giving the right game the credit) Fate System - When entering a scene where action was expected to take place, the GM asks the players what they expect to see in the room. He gets a list of several different things, writes them down on 3x5 cards or sticky notes and puts them down for everyone to see. On a player's turn, they may choose one of those items, and use it describe their action. For example, if one of the notes said "Large wooden table", he might say "I roll across the table to the other side and strike the enemy". Doing this gives a little bonus to the roll. I like this because it beats the "I swing my sword" line we've all heard a thousand times. Some players do this naturally, but it can help new players or players with less imagination. Savage Worlds - Monologues; once per gaming session the player could give a lengthy monologue. Maybe it's part of the character's backstory, or why they so driven to defeat a certain foe. These were done in down-time, while sitting around a campfire, or resting. As a GM, I ask "Does anyone want to give a monologue? If a player wants to, I'll ask them a question from an NPC "Say, One-eyed Tex, how did you lose your left eye anyway?". The player that gives a monologue gets a Bennie (in Savage Worlds), bonus die, +2, etc (in whatever game I'm running).
@Calebgoblin 2 дня назад
I think this is the best and most nuanced take on fudging that I have watched on D&Dtube to date, and I've watched quite a few
@Mechjoc 3 дня назад
Good lord, memory unlocked. Playing a game and asked the dm if I could use a spell to do something. Table loved it, dm loved it, but the one player? "No it says object not Objects, you can't do that!" then argued the dm around to his way.
@krinkrin5982 3 дня назад
There is one scenario where I find fudging to not be acceptable: if you have multiple groups of players competing against each other. But if you have the big bad guy you based your campaign around, I definitely won't mind you giving him some extra hit points so he doesn't outright die in the first round of combat to the lucky critical.
@mesdecent8051 3 дня назад
As a rules stickler... Yeah. Fair... I need to learn to shut up sometimes.
@midshipman8654 3 дня назад
I think you separating the rules knowledgeable types into 3 broad categories is a great way to put it. I have to admit I can be a rules stickler sometimes!
@RupertFoulmouth 3 дня назад
All of these issues are resolved by a good DM.
@pacmanly 3 дня назад
Nice shirt.
@666wurm 3 дня назад
I am going to learn a new RPG now. D&D. Yes, I’ve been gaming for 30 years. No, never tried D&D.
@jassu7873 3 дня назад
I am a novice keeper and will run this in few days. This video really helped me out. Hope my game goes well. It is both super fun and intimidating to run games to people who have played it for a really long time.
@SSkorkowsky 3 дня назад
Best of luck with the adventure
@Calebgoblin 3 дня назад
I remember high school the same way Seth does, it seems
@Calebgoblin 3 дня назад
I miss starting in a tavern
@TinyTactician 3 дня назад
Great video!
@SkyTheBlessed 3 дня назад
I have listened to this before. I am planning a Cyberpunk RED oneshot to hook some buddies into a campaign. I was not ready for young Seth. My guy had that shit ON. Like, damn Seth, that fit was fire.
@wilhelmschmidt7240 4 дня назад
14:39 😂😂😂
@PMMagro 4 дня назад
i want player X to SHUT UP, player Y to stay in focus and when are we making coffe (yes Y is me)???
@PMMagro 4 дня назад
In my experince, i am 50+, most of these isues are not solved but players drop off/campiagns die down from them.
@PMMagro 4 дня назад
Making jokes and talking with other players gets x5 when someone is slooooooow takng turns, making any decison etc.
@PossumMedic 4 дня назад
ok... but *THE* rules lawyer is pretty damn cool! 🤘
@SSkorkowsky 4 дня назад
Yeah, _THAT_ Rules Lawyer is pretty cool
@brianjohnson1985 4 дня назад
Check out red moon roleplaying they did the black madonna. Its really good.
@DanielMcGillis-f3w 4 дня назад
Funny thing, our Traveller group was working together for two years doing Traveller stuff, then we got betrayed by a crime boss that sent us to a low-tech backwater planet then stranded us there by taking our ship wile we were out hunting some strange peacock bird/lizerd thing. We were stuck for 3 months when we were aproched by a representiive of Drinex with an offer for us. The funny part is we met in a bar. Coolist way I have ever met a group of adventureres in a bar.
@geoffchurchill5492 4 дня назад
I wwould put skill based games into the broader category of Point based gamesas the both level by allowing you to buy points in a wide range of choices
@misterbxiv 4 дня назад
The “lawyer” part is the part people forget. That part implies arguing/debating
@Asherow 4 дня назад
Thanks for the rules sage identifier! I’ve always called myself a rules lawyer even though there are negative connotations to it, but I don’t bring up rules just to benefit myself and I always go with the GMs decision (not always easy but the goal is for every to have fun, not to argue). I hope my GMs and fellow players would agree, but that title is a much better framework to work with. I really appreciate these types of videos, it helps me get out of my own head and really think about how I play and the player I ultimately want to be.