Society for Community Organization
Society for Community Organization
Society for Community Organization
香港社區組織協會" 社協" 成立於1972年,是致力於倡導扶貧和發展民權的非牟利組織。
" 社協" 主力服務的貧困社群包括:籠屋、板房的租戶、獨居老人、新移民婦女、貧窮兒童、露宿者、精神病康復者、低薪工人、難民及少數族裔等。
「社協」 組織這些基層市民透過不同渠道發出聲音,推動政策轉變,同時爲他們提供各種支援服務。
四十年一路走來," 社協" 的目標始終如一,即「建立一個仁愛、平等及公義的社會」。

SoCO 2024 託管班 (鳴謝)
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SoCO 歡樂頌慈善音樂會2023
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SoCO 50周年歷史回顧
2 года назад
@rubenreyes4477 Месяц назад
Hong Kong is the place where the Billionaires are living. Yet people whom among of the poorest in the society also lived there. It can happened anywhere in this world. Same in the Phils.
@fangexploring Месяц назад
Thank you to everyone involved, for all that you do.
@puichung-hy2tm Месяц назад
@Marco-if9ph 3 месяца назад
@tommieconyers2424 3 месяца назад
Always show how men live. What about the homeless women? How do they live?
@user-vq4eg4cj8t 4 месяца назад
@kwokhungaaa1495 4 месяца назад
@cherylmysliwczyk5716 5 месяцев назад
The lady with the kid was abused at some point in her life. She is very protective of her daughter.
@angelafong8771 6 месяцев назад
@weijieyong4170 7 месяцев назад
@AJQ3 7 месяцев назад
@lkjyim 7 месяцев назад
Hong Kong government is useless
@peterso7965 8 месяцев назад
@Yaudavehin 9 месяцев назад
@deloreswilson1798 Год назад
Even in rough times they share..😢
@deloreswilson1798 Год назад
Red lining helps me understand what it feels to be denied, and forgotten. Those are people who've worked hard all their lives, and this is how the CCP respects their common citizens. Yes, I understand being of color from a certain side of town.... It's dispicable. It's ungodly.
@deloreswilson1798 Год назад
People living that close together during another Pandemic is frightening and deadly. God help them...🤔🙏💔
@deloreswilson1798 Год назад
I am sensitive to their situations and concerns because my house situation is sorely lacking in my rental. It is REDLINE PROPERTY..😡💔🙏
@deloreswilson1798 Год назад
I wish we would see everybody as precious, necessary and definitely not something untouchable and dispensible. God's not happy with that kind of mindset. There's no politics in God's kingdom, only love. I love the common Asian people. They want the same thing every human deserves...😡😢🙏
@deloreswilson1798 Год назад
Looks like the bunks people slept on during the Holocaust...😢🙏
@spankyharland9845 Год назад
in a place like Hong Kong, you have the "haves" and the "have nots" there is nothing in between in the middle.
@MadScientyst Год назад
Poverty & Skyscrapers in one shot...stunning! This was a tough watch....I'll admit that home in the western Caribbean does have similar status with the underprivileged & even homelessness BUT, we're in no way as bad as presented in this mini-documentary. I have to admire the tenacity & spirit of these people, who still manage to do the best they can given their (dire) circumstances. How I wish for a world that didn't have poverty or the means to effectively deal with it or minimise it's disastrous effects on the human psche...smh
@hkhk5223 Год назад
可憐之人,自有可恨之處!what have u done to your self!
I visit h k 1971👻
@Iam-me Год назад
If they throw all unnecessary things, may be more space
@Iam-me Год назад
Gov has to raise tax for the rich and help the poor with public housing.
@ardent.arch93 Год назад
Isn't it possible for them to move out of Hongkong?
@user-jv4ur1ln6s Год назад
@keanyap5515 Год назад
心存善念 必有回响
@libralau5996 Год назад
以 上 影 片 值 得 多 轉 發 給 其 他 人 觀 覺。令 到 佢 吔 明 白 任 何 人 到 香 港 都 需 要 時 間 了 解 。 ( 港 人 移 民 去 其 他 國 家 一 樣 被 人 岐 視。攞 身 份 攞 褔 利 先 移 民 到 此) , 咪 一 樣 囉 ! 人 有 好 多 種
@meilingchu2726 Год назад
@waihotoa8105 Год назад
Chloe 亂鳩咁留言🤣🤣🤣🤣
@peterso7965 Год назад
@raymondcaylor6292 Год назад
1:30 if he is on SS why not move to a smaller community without such high rent ? Is it because the other charity is easier to access in Hongkong City ?
@raymondcaylor6292 Год назад
Why do so many with so little live in Hongkong Hongkong? Are they trying to make money to move to a smaller village? Do the smaller rural communities check your immigration status more than the 2 million plus towns? Why do people stay in a city with such a high rent / high home-price problem?
@wangzili356 Год назад
@wangzili356 Год назад
@wangzili356 Год назад
@eleanorsmith971 Год назад
This is a disgrace, people caged like animals. Greedy people allowed to exploit the poor. The government needed to step in when these cage houses first came about, their pets have bigger home than this.
@thomasraymer1085 Год назад
It sounds like the matrix
@CK-lt6jl Год назад
god is truly merciless to the innocent. why is he so cruel to these people? boggles my mind
@JaCuberr Год назад
been 5 years i hope that man is doing good in life :(
@shakirajennings5465 Год назад
It’s a wicked world we live in cuz no way a human should live like that
@balozhende5727 Год назад
No matter what their circumstances, the Chinese value learning. I was a finance prof in China and the USA. Most Americans care but some are bums.
@whereismarko_MK Год назад
@michaelthong598 Год назад
Why go to Hongkong, China is much better to live.
@michaelthong598 Год назад
Mostly from China.
@abbygale4913 Год назад
This is so not right. What to do. Something need to be done. What is it people? What happen to charity in this country. Where taxation goes to? Something is js not right.
@simontamchiyan2 Год назад
Hongkongers told me that they are all billionaires. See what they have. I don't feel bad for them.
@user-qs7pm1fi8g 2 года назад
上帝的法律: 除實行公正之外,我(上帝)嚴禁殺人。不得詐騙或故意賄絡當權者去吞食他人之財物。我(上帝)殺過壞人,曾用石雨、爆炸、地裂、溺斃來懲治人。除有上帝的允准之外,任一災禍不會襲擊。上帝有權力決定一切事物。無知而做壞事,後來悔過自新,你們的主(上帝)是至赦的和至仁的。我(上帝)在古書中頒降法律,以命償命、以眼還眼、以鼻還鼻、以耳還耳、以牙還牙、以傷還傷。不報復是好行為,得以為己贖罪。贈送的財物是需求者和困苦者的權利。丈夫按財力為妻子提供住宿、不得傷害和煩擾她們。怕上帝的丈夫有義務,將合情理的贍養贈送給離婚的妻子。你們當拜上帝,我的主,也是你們的主。上帝喜愛做事公正的人。上帝厭惡壞人,對於受欺辱後而反抗者是無罪責的。該受譴責的是無理迫害者,他們必遭慘刑。要是人做事公正,主不會無緣無故滅鎮。我(上帝)會救傳話者和信徒,我(上帝)有義務去救信徒。上帝會因信徒做好事,而和信徒做朋友。上帝嚴禁壞行為、偏袒和欺壓。除上帝是神以外,別無他神。上帝動刑是嚴厲的。上帝會替怕祂的人找出路。上帝完全了解心事。信徒應當堅守公正,就算證詞不利於己、父母或親屬,都要為上帝來作證。