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StarTalk Plus
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@deanoko 11 минут назад
I saw 2001 in a Cinerama theater when I was 14. There was my life before that day and my life after. I was inspired to get into aviation, doing 26 years as a Navy tailhook pilot. I "blame it all on Arther C Clark and Stanley Kubric along with Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood! I agree with NDT - it's my #1, but for laughs I love Galaxy Quest.
@LokiDWolf 29 минут назад
I didn't think I would agree with you entirely but I do. Great stuff!
@jeancarlosgarcia1884 51 минуту назад
Interstellar should’ve been all the way at the top. And Moonfall was entertaining 😂
@guy9021921 55 минут назад
Cryptographers dont decipher extinct untranslated languages. why would they be expected to interpret/translate an alien language? what good is an astrobiologist if they cant communicate? maybe they can figure out how the aliens live/respire/use energy. is that useful? maybe sending them all together thatd make more sense. also if the info being conveyed to them was physics, which it was, what would you do without a physicist?
@jaywalkerRed 56 минут назад
Blade Runner??! The relationship of humanity to a creator. The creation of AI
@vermontvermont9292 Час назад
I was so excited for moonfall , that was until I watched it. The physics were so ridiculous it was more like a comedy. Also, independence day , an F-18 with a drag shoot? Wtf?
In “Gravity,” it’s not that there’s no gravity, but, they overcame gravity. Gravity is everywhere.
@j2alomar Час назад
Why does listening to Neil's incredible mind and knowledge and perspective on things, give me comfort? Lol In a walking dead type apocalypse, I would want him in my community. He makes you feel like everything will b ok.
@WorldBeater123 2 часа назад
I really enjoyed this! Surprisingly I agree with the majority of your rankings!! However I think Back to the Future 3 is better than 2. Also Independence Day at least belongs as a C, maybe B. Other than that, you were pretty spot on! This was fun.
@WorldBeater123 2 часа назад
I never even knew Disney made a movie called Black Hole! 😂 I’ll have to check it out
@Ranzoir 3 часа назад
The black hole I think deserves a higher tier , it was aimed at children and had one of the first AI vs AI duels in movie history and it was a very good throw down for that time in the late 70s I saw this later in the 80s when I was very young and I loved it.
@YouTuber-mc2el 3 часа назад
Armageddon was terrible IMHO. So far fetched with the whole oil drilling roughnecks to save the world. I was extremely disappointed. Arrival I thoroughly enjoyed. It took a different road and made you think. I know you were concentrating on the science but com on Man!.
@TheArchangelChamuel 4 часа назад
Archangels Chamuel & Charity; peace template; love as freedom; loving relationships; twin flame union
@TheArchangelChamuel 4 часа назад
I am your guardian Archangel Samuel, the angel of love, light and peaceful relationships! Always will be! Love you!
@TheArchangelChamuel 4 часа назад
I must lead us to con+vert up=truth=light=love=peace=God They're all coming with us this time! 5 years till possible collison. Let's fast forward this process!
@TheArchangelChamuel 4 часа назад
On April 13, 2029, the space rock is scheduled to approach Earth, coming within 20,000 miles (32,000 kilometers) of our planet's surface. The event will mark the closest Earth flyby of an asteroid of this size that scientists managed to forewarn
@TheArchangelChamuel 4 часа назад
Joe i need my Excalibur! My iron sword! Its in Atlantis, help me get there so i can become Gabriel and fight the darkness in hell and bring em all back! They can Be-ILL and call me!
@OgLoC2 4 часа назад
I wonder what he thinks of Ad Astra lol
@fragnet7673 7 часов назад
I'm so glad, you took the time to watch Barbie
@alfredhernandez9799 7 часов назад
The plot of Interstellar: Take the most unstable people possible, remove any semblance of logical thinking, tell them to go save mankind without any mission parameters, have them disobey orders, mission objectives and each other, and end it movie with an absurd "love conquers all" ending. But it sure was pretty. Just like Avatar. Pure shit, trips, crap, doo-doo. But it sure was pretty. The idiot masses still think this toilet bowl of a movie is brilliant. Humanity is doomed.
@vanzahn 8 часов назад
Terminator cristism doesn't work because as Kyle Reese himself says in the movie ‘Most of the records were lost in the war. Skynet knew almost nothing about Connor's mother. Her full name, where she lives. They just knew the city. The Terminator was just being systematic.’ Skynet had no records of who Sarah Connor’s ancestors are, it just had a name and a place and so sends the Terminator to kill every Sarah Connor living in the city at that time.
@Sioverboard 8 часов назад
This is gold
@sergevereecke680 8 часов назад
Shouldn't it be called micro-gravity ?
@samuel.montgomery-blinn 9 часов назад
You mentioned Moonfall having even worse physics than Armageddon, so I'm guessing it's in an even lower ranking. Other movies I'd love to see ranked and/or taken apart for their "science" include: Mad Max, Moon, Children of Men, Blade Runner, Edge of Tomorrow, Jurassic Park, Planet of the Apes, Alien, District 9, Dark City, The 13th Floor, Gattaca, Starship Troopers, Minority Report, 12 Monkeys, The Abyss, Ex Machina, Avatar, Sunshine, Pitch Black, Elysium, A.I., Waterworld, Solaris, Her, Looper, 28 Days Later, Melancholia, Andromeda Strain, and The Day After Tomorrow.
@wesleywallace2881 10 часов назад
The hair could have been a different material in Terminator
@wesleywallace2881 10 часов назад
I love this! Give us more!
@clarkbonilla 11 часов назад
What about Avatar?
@ModularMemories 12 часов назад
Don't know if it's been mentioned here but the "blob" material used in the film still exists somewhere in a bucket.
@pederslothzuricho7685 12 часов назад
That Armageddon doesn't get a Z is absolutely fucked up, the movie is terrible, never mind the inaccurate physics, the screen craft is amateuristic!
@RandomLuminosity 12 часов назад
lost me in the first 30 seconda
@jasonmilgate6769 13 часов назад
😊 no existence, to existence is outwards the 1st direction collectively 3d and = nothing + movement ect ect. Calculate all possible directions as pos or neg as the individual scale =1d use balance to then overlap the scale=2d of directions remember a pos can be a neg and a neg a pos there is only two collective directions at this point + + = outward and - - = inward. Also, from no existence, apply cause, effect, and outcome to the directions expansion and by using time as a measure of the dimensions expansion apply time and then cause effect and outcome become future, present, past. Because existence and no existence are opposites, then there will always be balance, balance works in all directions, so apply Schroedingers cat until the 3rd dimension 😊 then a black hole kind of works inside out and outside in directionally, every overlap is the expansion rate growing in all directions. This is why I think that what you call muliverse is actually overlapping scales of dimensions and size, and then the atomic scale fits beautifully overlapping the quantum scale, making Schroedingers de javu a natural biological possibility but also remember we are a build up of the past on two overlapping collective 3d scales and your just dreaming about the outcome until you actually get there 😊 this equation I call the direction outcome can be used to do just that. On any scale of existence..... 😊Maybe😊 🖖
@psom1251 13 часов назад
What about Ad astra?
@ericbreau 15 часов назад
As far as Terminator goes, MY theory is the machine NEEDED the events to happen, so that the machine could evolve as is. It was NEVER about preventing a birth, but rather ensuring a specific future would play out. What do you think?
@brycehuff 16 часов назад
What’s missing from S-tier? Edge of Tomorrow, Dune part 1 & 2, Her, Star Trek, Enemy Mine, Zardoz, Being John Malcovitch, Altered States, Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Wall-E?
@antwong6999 17 часов назад
All I got to say is the octopi will rule the world one day
@Teufeltusken 20 часов назад
I don't know why Andy Wier didn't go with a Mars quake. And I heard that in earlier scripts, The Matrix was using human brains to run the program, not their metabolism to create power. This was considered too complicated for audiences by company execs.
@papigrande4378 21 час назад
Close Encounters was made in '77 and movies usually forgot there were any other intelligent people except white men on earth so most movies reflect this. Star Wars assumed that in another galaxy the only people who would be in the ruling class would be white people. Hell, Chewy didn't even get a medal at the end. 🤣
@papigrande4378 21 час назад
NDG broke my heart with Arrival. I absolutely adore this movie. But I think he missed the actual premise of this movie. It's less about science and more about language and what life would be like if there were no lies and hidden intent behind the words we speak. I thought it was brilliant.
@solace5243 21 час назад
@kimmorintamaki4422 22 часа назад
One good "one man standing" movie is 12 monkeys for sure.
@1Airwaving День назад
stargate's not in here1
@carrite День назад
I love The Terminator, but going through the phone book killing Sara Conners alphabetically was dumb.
@carrite День назад
Did the token black scientist in Close Encounters get killed?
@Clarkone68 День назад
Come on, Neil. You like to pick apart things, but nothing for the mediocre The Day the Earth Stood Still? There’s easy things to pick apart in that movie.
@LifeHawkeye День назад
But Mr. Tyson, can you tell us if there’s compelling evidence for more than 2 genders? I’ll wait….
@chrisretzlaff2895 День назад
Im going to have to put you in the B catagory now Neil...BTTF 2 and 3 really..really😂😂😂 2nd and 3rd is an easy A tier, and the hoverboard would be less bumpy. You never got tripped up by a pebble I take it
@vishwashuligowda9918 День назад
Ranking Interstellar and gravity in the same tier is so criminal 😢 Interstellar is probably the greatest movie of all time
@thinksyourahottie День назад
Gunna have to say interstellar is a hard s teir
@MyUnsecretIdentity День назад
Great list! I mean i don't agree with a lot of it lol but some interesting takes.i wouldn't even classify some of these as sci-fi but that's debatable. The argument on hoverboards though? Come on! Ever try to ride a skateboard on anything that isn't road/Pavement? Sure they don't work on water but pretty sure there's plenty of value with it hovering instead of being wheels on the ground 😂
@Pulseczar1 День назад
I'm curious what Neil would have said about Terminator 2, since he talked about the first one. I think that's one sequel that most people would say was better than the first movie.