reddit salu
reddit salu
reddit salu
@kiwi5516 4 дня назад
nah bro i think that the husband isnt in the wrong l, just put yourself into his shoes the baby is black and both of you are white
@jorgesanchez5097 4 дня назад
You did cheat stop lying. He's still out of pocket for the racist stuff uncalled for but you cheated.
@aditigupta7222 4 дня назад
The DNA tests prove otherwise. On what basis are you making your claim?
@jorgesanchez5097 4 дня назад
@@aditigupta7222 Here we go just what I wanted . What you upset about buddy rough day. What's got your panties in a bunch today can't just be my comment. Tell me what's wrong lose your job?
@Indigoblu2 4 дня назад
i’m sorry i must have missed that when she said 100% the father. so upset she had an affair with her husband and her husband fathered her baby so rude of her to take a DNA test and include evidence of african ancestry on his side. women 😤😤😤
@pageachatter229 5 дней назад
Too little too late. These clowns made their beds this way. It's time for them to lay in them.
@margaritawinterburn5297 7 дней назад
Lady Paragraph here: I (24f) gave birth to my daughter six months ago and it should've been the happiest moment in my life. When my daughter was born her skin was very dark and looked like she could have two biological parents who were of African descendent. My husband Jim (26m), fake name, was furious and accused me of cheating and left right then and there. He told everyone on both sides of the family what happened, made posts on social media and wanted a divorce. His family and a lot of our friend all called to say how upset they were at me and called me really nasty names. My mother was by my side the entire time and I kept professing my innocence. Jim refused to pick me up from the hospital, threw my stuff out on the lawn and changed the locks, so I had to stay with my parents. When my sister called to ask for the baby stuff Jim texted me pictures of the bare nursery room and said he got rid of everything. He even destroyed my Art studio, I like to paint, and the art I made and told me my work would be too awful to sell. I was distraught and tried to focus on my baby. Weeks went by and Jim refused to speak to me directly and has never once asked about our child. Eventually he agreed to do a paternity and he was 100% the father. No one could believe the results and it was done again, Jim's the dad. Around that same time one of Jim's cousins did the Ancestry thing and there was around 30% of African ancestry in the family. This combined with the test Jim paternal great-grandmother admitted to having an affair around the time Jim's grandfather was born and was because he could pass she just assumed her husband was the father. Since then Jim has been reaching out and everyone has come to apologize, and while it did feel good to feel vindicated the damage has been done. I can't un-hear or unsee all the horrible things that was said and done. Not just to me but to my child as well. Jim made some very racist remarks. Things that I thought he'd never say and he did it so easily. Regardless of what our daughter looks like I don't want her to be around that. What else will Jim and his family say or do the next time they get mad? How are they going to treat our daughter when she does something that upsets them? Jim has been begging for forgiveness. I said I needed time, he asked to see the baby and I let him but I'm too afraid to physically hand her to him. He's repairing the the nursery and keeps asking me what I would like and I cry every time saying we already had what I liked and some of the items that we had can't be replaced. He asked me if I still loved him and I admitted that he showed me his worst self and I don't know if I could live with that image. I didn't mean to be hurtful but it's how I feel. My sister suggested Couple's Therapy but I don't feel like I should have to work to fix something that I didn't break. I've never cheated and have been 100% innocent in all of this the whole. AITA for not wanting to give Jim a second chance? Update 1: I stepped away for a few hours and couldn't believe what I came back to. I am truly amazed by all the wonderful comments of support as well as the private messages. I also understand why some people may think this is fake and all I can say is that you are free to believe what you want in this. I also see some questions and I think I should clarify a few things just in case your judgement may change. All of this initially happened at the near February and I was already settled at my parents' house before the pandemic hit. One of the reasons Jim wouldn't pick me up from the hospital was because I wouldn't admit to cheating or give him any details, because there weren't any which made him angrier. Based on the pictures Jim sent me he didn't take a sledgehammer to the crib or anything. He just took stuff down to either return it for the money or gave it away. While deeply hurtful I wouldn't call it violent, but maybe it is. Online he announced that I "pushed out a dark skinned baby" and was going to he was divorce me. His family started with the racial comments and eventually he started doing it too but only through my family, he refused to speak to me directly. Once the truth came out everything he and his family posts were all taken down but I, and a few friends, still have the screenshots. Jim never wrote down his racial remarks. While he didn't say any of the racist words he did make comments about our daughter being a "Welfare Princess," and how I was going to be just another "baby mama." Just to clarify. Jim is "white" and I am at least half white. One of my parents is adopted and with everything that's happened they decided to do the Ancestry thing too and we should be getting the results any day now. Update 2: Spelling Errors Update 3: Mod denied separate post so it's here as an edit. Thank you so for all your words of encouragement a couple months back, both in posts and the DMs. A lot of things have happened since my initial post and I just needed time to process it and be in a place where I can write about on social media. So here it goes.... First, my parent who was adopted did the Ancestry/23 thing and it turns out that Jim wasn't the only one who had African ancestry. My parent had at least 45%, which means I have at least 20%. I am legally separated from my husband with primary custody, and I'm living with my parents until further notice. He still keeps apologizing and wants me to come back to the house, he even offered to leave so I could stay with our daughter but I don't want to and really like having the support of my parents. My dad is retired so he does a lot of the babysitting while my mother and I work remotely. I do go to the house every so often so Jim can see his daughter and for Couple's Counseling via telecom. In one of the sessions Jim confessed something really hurtful and some of you guessed right, he cheated. It was while we were dating, before he proposed, and his treatment towards me was a projection. It was with an ex-girlfriend who had cheated on him and he hooked up with her as an ego boost. He started to feel guilty but was too scared that I would walk away to ever confess. Jim also admitted that he was scared when I got pregnant (our baby wasn't planned), was very anxious about being a father, but just pretended to be excited because he didn't want to look like an A. My husband was so willing to believe that our daughter wasn't his because he thought he had an out. Now that he knows that our child is his and has spent time with her Jim regrets everything and just wants his family back and is willing to spend the rest of his life making it up to us. This was all deeply hurtful and I've cried about it more than once. Jim has been lying to me and my ability to trust him hasn't improved at all. When the holidays came around Jim's parents asked about seeing their grandchild and I didn't want to. They told me that it was selfish of me to keep her away and I reminded them of their past. They said that they've already apologized and tried to minimize the situation. They said that I can't be angry forever and that I need to learn to forgive them. I'm so ashamed of ever loving and marrying into this family and wonder why I didn't see this before. I've decided to contact a lawyer and will be filing for divorce after my daughter's first Birthday.
@lisabenden 9 дней назад
Why would the sister not move HER wedding? OP doesn't have a problem, so why is it OP's job to fix it?
@Mythiccate 9 дней назад
This story is AI generated
@Mythiccate 9 дней назад
This story is AI generated
@bogusguhl2715 9 дней назад
I didn't hear not a word she said😂😂 Whats this about buccal fat?
@infinitybros2475 9 дней назад
Well if this was like a cousin or something then you’re in the wrong but come on mate it’s his daughter
@duckellie 9 дней назад
@KyleWeber-gt4cv 9 дней назад
38 mil 💀
@Urlocalkinich 10 дней назад
Bella’s the goat
@Yaeesh-o8v 10 дней назад
We love bella
@Brilliant-Bracelet-gal24 10 дней назад
Thats f-ed up
@lorripetras3033 11 дней назад
Now you know how she going to treat your daughter so you should call off the wedding because Sammy does not like bella
@JadedLady 12 дней назад
I just happened to hear from one of my moms friends (less than 24 hours before hand) that i would be keeping 8 little kids (under 7) and 10 children (between 10 -17) for 8 days. I couldn't get the 10 days off work to go to the vacation/ family reunion so I would be the perfect babysitter. My sister called while I was at lunch to let me know her family had made it and to tell me i needed milk and bread. Im thankful i stopped at the store i did, because I ran into my mom's friend Ms. Betty. Ms Betty started praising me for being such a good girl and for being so kind and thoughtful to my family. She kept going on and on about how much fun it is to have a house full of children and how she hoped i enjoyed myself. I finally asked her what she was talking about and this is what she says "Well, honey you are keeping all those kids, even that really bad one, for all those days and I just think it is so wonderful for you to do." I said "Ms Betty, I think you are confused love, im not keeping any kids except for a sleepover tonight since my parents house is too small for everyone." Ms Betty took on the most confused face and i felt bad because maybe she was having issues with her dementia and i'd just made it worse. She showed me a text message from my mom from that morning reminding Ms Betty to keep an eye on my house since I would have all of those kids there by myself. I called my sister on the way back to work and told her i wasn't coming home that I had to go back to work, i hung up to her yelling something about not forgetting their departure time in the morning. Unfortunately for my family I can't have my personal cell on the floor at work so it stays in my purse locked in my desk. When my sister called my employer directly to get in contact with me, they were informed her she would have to wait for me to come off the floor. I came home again 18 hours later after midnight to find my sister and 18 children sleeping in my house. I turned around and walked right back out the door. My sister was absolutely livid that I made her miss the family trip and that i had forced her to spend all 9 days alone with all those kids. I'm now completely no contact with any of my family members except my nieces and nephews who are now adults because I screwed up their vacations.
@SofieW-tq3kx 12 дней назад
They should not have done that
@Youoneandonly-TV 12 дней назад
Womp womp to them
@justapotato99 12 дней назад
@LeeannCarver-ll2ej 12 дней назад
Fuck. That.
@patriciahisoire5753 12 дней назад
Wow! Your family sucks!
@antija7778 12 дней назад
@shelby-r1e 16 дней назад
everyone knows that females only get asset from divorce.
@lastsong7159 16 дней назад
Fake story. Disliked.
@May-g3v 16 дней назад
If you know then shut up
@eyeofisis5713 16 дней назад
dont dislike videos, it harms a shorts success A LOT and its not a huge creator or a huge deal
@joecrypto2459 16 дней назад
@@eyeofisis5713 honestly thats the dumbest advice u can give. If the person wants to dislike the video because its fake: LET HIM. It clears the area for better content
@AynsFitzgerald 17 дней назад
WTH her underwear……. That’s just gross!🤢
@AviationGeekofficial 18 дней назад
Here have about a minute of the story Pt 2: Girl that rejected me is now stalking me and it's getting creeper everyday Whenever we crossed paths she would give me this intense stare that sent chills down my spine instead of talking to me about anything,I started getting paranoid and decided to confront her one day when she showed up at the library where I was studying alone she acted surprised and denied everything but there was something off about her reaction like she was hiding something,things got worse from there one night when I returned to my apartment after hanging out with friends I noticed my door slightly ajar,my heart raced as I opened the door and discovered someone had been inside,nothing appeared to be stolen,but there was subtle signs of intrusion,some of my belongings had been moved around of misplaced,as if whoever broke in didn't plan on stealing but trying to find something for me then came the messages,Texts from unknown numbers containing vague threats and warnings "you should have given her a chance" "shes not the one you should have rejected" shes been following me So summary OP is getting stalked by the girl who rejected him she's sending messages,following him,watching him,the police can't do anything because they don't have solid proof That's all folks Byee :) -paragraph guy
@bwvvariationen 18 дней назад
The creepiest part is?
@prizecounter1 18 дней назад
here before paragraph guy
@chrisstolze 19 дней назад
Those tech deck skills be clean
@AviationGeekofficial 18 дней назад
Here have about a minute of the story Pt 2: Girl that rejected me is now stalking me and it's getting creeper everyday Whenever we crossed paths she would give me this intense stare that sent chills down my spine instead of talking to me about anything,I started getting paranoid and decided to confront her one day when she showed up at the library where I was studying alone she acted surprised and denied everything but there was something off about her reaction like she was hiding something,things got worse from there one night when I returned to my apartment after hanging out with friends I noticed my door slightly ajar,my heart raced as I opened the door and discovered someone had been inside,nothing appeared to be stolen,but there was subtle signs of intrusion,some of my belongings had been moved around of misplaced,as if whoever broke in didn't plan on stealing but trying to find something for me then came the messages,Texts from unknown numbers containing vague threats and warnings "you should have given her a chance" "shes not the one you should have rejected" shes been following me So summary OP is getting stalked by the girl who rejected him she's sending messages,following him,watching him,the police can't do anything because they don't have solid proof That's all folks Byee :) -paragraph guy
@Sakata4939 19 дней назад
I wouldn't complain about this
@jenniferw5095 19 дней назад
Paragraph guy is late.
@JamieBaxter-rq2yy 18 дней назад
He arrived! In the replies to my comment x
@AviationGeekofficial 18 дней назад
I'm here :D Here have about a minute of the story Pt 2: Girl that rejected me is now stalking me and it's getting creeper everyday Whenever we crossed paths she would give me this intense stare that sent chills down my spine instead of talking to me about anything,I started getting paranoid and decided to confront her one day when she showed up at the library where I was studying alone she acted surprised and denied everything but there was something off about her reaction like she was hiding something,things got worse from there one night when I returned to my apartment after hanging out with friends I noticed my door slightly ajar,my heart raced as I opened the door and discovered someone had been inside,nothing appeared to be stolen,but there was subtle signs of intrusion,some of my belongings had been moved around of misplaced,as if whoever broke in didn't plan on stealing but trying to find something for me then came the messages,Texts from unknown numbers containing vague threats and warnings "you should have given her a chance" "shes not the one you should have rejected" shes been following me So summary OP is getting stalked by the girl who rejected him she's sending messages,following him,watching him,the police can't do anything because they don't have solid proof That's all folks Byee :) -paragraph guy
@JamieBaxter-rq2yy 19 дней назад
Damnit im here b4 paragraph guy
@Taki_tiger11 19 дней назад
Same :(
@kirwy1500 19 дней назад
same D:<
@Aurorawillson_ 18 дней назад
Guys so basically bro was getting stalked, she denied everything and then when he was coming back home one day he found his apartment broken into, nothing missing but just moved around things. Then he got threats from various numbers , he went to the Cops bout it but they just said change yo number. And welp OP is still dealing with her.
@JamieBaxter-rq2yy 18 дней назад
@@Aurorawillson_ THANKS!
@Taki_tiger11 18 дней назад
@@Aurorawillson_ thanks!
@blackfrost-therian 19 дней назад
@theskibidigyatt.977 22 дня назад
that is the spiciest chilli in the world bruh
@booksRbetter100 27 дней назад
CPS? Why don't you just tell him he needs to do better or get him to go back to work, and you stay home or send the child to daycare. I don't think CPS needs to get involved if there are other options.
@rjtitus2034 Месяц назад
i have an idea... cuz there's actually a video explaining what the gta:sa order was... (WARNING: THERE ARE 2 VIDEOS!! YOU WILL NEED TO WATCH PART OF THE SECOND BECAUSE THE GUY GETS CORRECTED!!!)
@rjtitus2034 Месяц назад
1st vid: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-O3cvmtPuvXo.html 2nd vid: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-txRqHPDv_Jg.html
@deleted1905 Месяц назад
Im glad pos people i finally getting a comeuppance for breaking the law.
@wyattheffner7595 Месяц назад
That sounds like an epic wedding, I love it
@SvenCoYolo Месяц назад
would do the same
@D4kness-0 Месяц назад
@VoidTek-k4v Месяц назад
@amandabrenner8706 Месяц назад
W brother
@shelbyheaser8804 Месяц назад
Would y’all be saying it’s OP’s fault if he was dating a black woman and he was demanded not to come to the wedding because of that? Because, unlike sexuality, dating someone of a different race is an actual choice. OP was right to tell his family why his AH brother told him not come to the wedding. If my brother found out his family was homophobic, he’d leave her if she didn’t stick up for his family because I’m bisexual too. Don’t actively become part of the problem prosecuting your family! OP’s bro sucks.
@Trash_PandaGaming Месяц назад
Based brother
@cheesecurd3689 Месяц назад
@Daloxen Месяц назад
@Alex-ny1zf Месяц назад
@@Daloxen your so cool and funny 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐
@Trash_PandaGaming Месяц назад
Daloxen, thank you for saying what I was thinking
@seadrown6252 Месяц назад
This is not youtube kids lil bro 😂
@Huzzahgamers_inc Месяц назад
Some wouldn't allow a drunkard of an uncle to go to a family gathering or a drug using family member either, If your life choices prevent you from being a part of something and that bothers you then it might be time to reconsider your choices or move on. Life Goes on, Make your choices and stop attacking others for theirs. Move on.
@Alex-ny1zf Месяц назад
So loving someone and truly expressing your self is a reason to be banned from your brothers wedding? Your acting like OP is some messed up guy when in reality he’s just a normal guy
@Daloxen Месяц назад
Dyum 50sec ago ​@@Alex-ny1zf
@shelbyheaser8804 Месяц назад
Sexuality as well as sexual AND ROMANTIC attraction are not choices. Being a drunk or drug addict are active choices you make every day. Your biological makeup is not. Bisexual and homosexual people are not making a choice. They are following their biological directive. Do not use your religion to be a bigot. Your God says to love every body, judge none, and mind your own dam business. Let he who is free of sun throw the first stone. Judge not lest ye be judged to the same standard. Do you also support people cutting family out of their life because said family member made the choice to love a person if a different race? Because that’s a choice, unlike sexuality.
@seadrown6252 Месяц назад
Ngl addiction and sexuality are fundamentally different but i understand this viewpoint to a limited extent
@FlorinelIvanescu Месяц назад
ik its not real but his brothers decision was the best
@Alex-ny1zf Месяц назад
No it wasn’t it really just shows how much of an asshole the brother is
@neverrknowsbestt Месяц назад
you are 10 years old rofl
@Alex-ny1zf Месяц назад
So banning your brother from your wedding because he’s truly expressing him self is good decision?
@seadrown6252 Месяц назад
You sound stupid lil bro
@Mabji29 Месяц назад
Post the rest of the story here, please!
@Random_hyacinth Месяц назад
Basically Kathy starts whispering things to make it seem like op is hallucinating but nobody including his wife believes him and idk I forgot a lot
@lostwanderinggaming6888 Месяц назад
Dont go looking for the rest, they are there but there a chunks cut out and it doesnt make sense
@WhydamnX Месяц назад
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Paragraph guy, Where the f- are you
@creaturalshade7054 Месяц назад
Man this dude really was clueless. At least he realized it later, even if it was too late to save his marriage.