Jeremy Pryor's Podcast
Jeremy Pryor's Podcast
Jeremy Pryor's Podcast
What Goldilocks Can Teach Families
Месяц назад
Why Fathers Exist (LEADERSHIP!) [CLIP]
2 месяца назад
@tarawhite4419 6 дней назад
I'm so glad I dropped out of college 15 yrs ago I'm now 43 and never felt better
@anbr90 6 дней назад
I hope to God none of your kids are gay. If they are they will probably never tell you and they will try to live a life of self denial and self hatred to please you. Since the most important identity they have is being your son or daughter.
@EartHeartMama 8 дней назад
Yes 💯👏
@teddybears4life240 11 дней назад
I just FOUND OUT KAMALA DOESNT HAVE KIDS...SO SHE had like 10 abortions???? Wow❗️❗️
@TrustinJC 11 дней назад
Apostle Paul states in 1 Cor 7:7-9 that his desire is that people remain single as he is. Which means they would be childless. So why aren't Christians speaking the truth about what the NT actually states? Because the bible actually refutes what Vance said. The command in the OT to be fruitful and multiply has been fulfilled as is evidenced by there being 8 billion people on the planet.
@KM-ur8ki 13 дней назад
This kind of stuff makes me wonder why Christians act confused about how many people are leaving Christianity in recent years. Everything you said in this video is mean and judgmental. You should consider developing empathy for people who have a different experience than you do.
@tomfrombrunswick7571 13 дней назад
Let us talk about marriage first. If we look at the Bible (I know you guys never actually read it) we find in the Old Testament that marriage was a contract between two men. The father of the woman and the husband. The model of marriage involved polygamy. The idea of monogamy was a Jewish response to Greek culture. It is also comparatively recently that women have been protected from violence and sexual assault in marriage. Moving to the Children thing. Some kids a minority will be LGBYQ. Having flags flying around and moralizing things reduces their suicide rate and makes them mentally more healthy. Sis kids can wander off and get married and so forth. Having flags flying does not impact that. The impact on our ancestors. They are dead they do not care any more. With the continuation of the line stuff who cares? Why does it matter in the slightest? The stuff about cowardly companies is odd. People who run industry live in society. They have to navigate their way through it. If people are selling stuff they want to sell to gay people. If they hire people they want the best. Some will be gay. Acknowledging how society works is rational for them
@RDaneelOlivaw2 13 дней назад
32 minutes of excuses for bigotry
@FurrySupportMain 14 дней назад
Your first point is blant misinformation. I know what you’re doing. You conflating single parent households with gay parents because, yes children struggle in single parent households. But, that’s because lack of two incomes makes in genuinely harder to raise children. LGBTQ+ parents with more than one income do just as good as straight couples with two incomes or better in some sources. This whole video is just propaganda
@TommyElijahCabelloReal 14 дней назад
Yikes. I have little regret about leaving Christianity.
@ryr1974 14 дней назад
Don't blame gay people for the failure of marriage. and fidelity. Has common law marriage weekend the family? That is sort of like what you are claiming. There are these people who we can all observe are living their lives as if married who conversely have been so persecuted in the modern west so that people where denied employment, hospitalized for life and imprisoned along with social toleration of when they are violently attacked or killed. Gay marriage is not a challenge to any p[art of a christian standard for marriage unless you mis the whole point of Matthew 19. There is a relationship between the fact that the model of family has been undermined in the last century and I get that it is because of this that people are perhaps more open to consider the families and marriages that involve two persons of the same sex I don't like it but I know that for many people that is what it is and that puts us in a not so great position but to think that it is gay people finding each other that is undermining the American family or even that it is the ideal of love and romance . These don't hold a candle to the impact on family that has resulted from our business and employment laws. Bill Clinton is way guilty even before Monica and the Blue dress. Companies can move locations without ever thinking more about the impact on the local ecconomy and the families of their employees than the cost of a modes severence payment. It is so easy to manipulate numbvers so you never have to deal with laws around lay offs of worlkers no duty to retrain for a new industry. Add to that the freedom to pay less and less such that a working parent can not suppoirt his sspouce or children let alone his extended relatives oin the pay offered, I think these factors are a bit more imfluentioal. Do keep in mind that there are whole periods furing which it is not been the case that eevere individual wqas exp[ected to reproduce. Large families rely on bachelor uncles and spinstyer aunts we coudl have that now but tjat tohose who exppouse the greatest commitment to the tradition of a soled traditional family these days only think as far as the person the choose to marry and the childreen they create
@correctrper2941 14 дней назад
womp womp
@TheNewEvangelicals 14 дней назад
These 5 reasons are so comically bad I might actually make a response video to this.
@ayarcy5303 14 дней назад
Please do, I don't know how much of this I'm willing to subject myself to
@jeredseely8227 15 дней назад
Thanks for talking about it! A lot of good points and areas of discussion that could be elaborate on. I think of it at times as a world, culture or generations becoming less accountable for itself.
@Psykam 19 дней назад
The modern left is the logical conclusion of liberalism. Liberalism seeks to liberate the individual from perceived worldly constraints. The entire theory behind liberalism is that humans would be best off hyper-autonomous. In its earlier days, liberalism was seeking to liberate individuals from simpler things like servitude and monarchs. Now it has liberated the individual from religion, gender, heterosexuality, and soon those who champion the liberalist doctrine will seek to liberate the individual from its human constraints, IE transhumanism. Why do you think the crowning achievement of liberalism is abortion? To liberate a woman from her duties to her children as a mother is one of the most potent examples of the liberal doctrine. These are not post-modern or radical ideas from the left, John Locke's own writings will confirm this line of thinking. Liberalism, is at its very roots, a rejection of the current reality in favor of ideals. It is Satanic, and it can permeate through any institution, not just government. I don't usually quote Hindu's, but this quote is an exception. "Those who believe religion and politics aren't connected don't understand either." -Mahatma Gandhi
@nickim270 19 дней назад
Now make a video on Why it matters that Trump has extremely sexist views towards women, has had three wives, five children that he probably never raised himself. Oh wait, never mind, America hates women so what does it matter.
@jeffking3641 19 дней назад
In the last days before the return of Christ, believers will seek each other out for comfort. It's not religious, it's a relationship. Trust Jesus.
@annfarrellvoice5666 20 дней назад
George Washington didn’t have biological children either
@timwhite7127 20 дней назад
I'm going to go with the obvious and leave mythology out of my political decision making...Reason hasn't failed me up to this point...
@davidstirk4732 20 дней назад
As an observer in the UK I have been shocked how the US Evangelical church has become politicised and thrown their support behind Trump who has a personal life and character that couldn't be less like the Christian ideal. This has damaged Christianity's credibility in the Western world.
@carlgranados7106 21 день назад
I'm sorry but there is no one kind or correct kind of Christian. A Christian is someone who believes they are because it's all about faith not facts or scripture. There are currently between 20,000 and 40,000 varieties of Christianity in the world these days according to google and they all they all seevtheir version as the right one and the others as being wrong. Few Christians practice what's in the Bible but cherry pick what they like. They like to have sex outside marriage, the get divorced, they ignore Mathew 19 about sharing wealth with the poor, they are not honest paying their taxes, cast the first stone, and so on but they are all still Christians because it's about faith in whatever they want to believe is what a Christian is.
@Bam-Bam7445 22 дня назад
Pastors like Christ should not involve themselves!
@Splicer-lb5xb 29 дней назад
Grain of salt: I learned swimming in less than a week when I made the choice to learn, but couldn't do so in years of summers when my parents forced me too. Psychology being a young science is quite annoying.
@jessebfly Месяц назад
I "experienced" Kamala first hand when she was coming up in San Francisco. She was hated back then. Kamala is the poster child of identity politics promotion. She's always been fake and has many terrible character flaws- a horrendous "cackle" that manifests anytime she is nervous and wants to deflect from any serious questions or subject matter. The second flaw is her mind numbing "word salad" answers and pontifications that have the combined effect of not only making her sound incredibly foolish but also condescending to who she's talking to- like she's talking to a 4 year old. She's absolutely terrible and her policies are toxic.
@bigsuperdogs 20 дней назад
I agree kamala equal 🤡
@thejohn17project15 Месяц назад
Another interesting layer in this is the growing number of believers who are becoming zealous for God's law. Not as a means of salvation but as part of sanctification.
@John8_36 Месяц назад
Exactly, one of the biggest satanic lies is that the law has been gone with the Calvary of Christ. No, when we are in Christ we become a branch of the Israel Olive Tree, and we inherit the promises and the commandments. The Law remains as it is the direction from the Almighty for us to bear good fruit (no other standard then what is written, all else is man made, traditions of man). One cannot grow in Sanctification and mature in the walk in Christ if not following what is written in Moses and the Prophets. No such thing as a Christian, we are either Israelites or Gentiles, Believers in the Messiah or deniers of the Son of the Almighty, no such thing as a gentile christian either, and a jew that doesn't believe in Christ is alike a gentile. That is what is written, that is the promise, that is to be in Christ. I hope more and more people understand this, we are Justified in Christ (born again) but we are Sanctified by the Law (grow in maturity), we are not saved by the Law, and we are not Sanctified if we don't walk as Christ walked, and that was by honoring His Father, Our Father and the Law. "the demons believe in Christ and they shudder." and "faith without works is dead" and "do not add or remove what is written in my Law" and Deuteronomy 13 and "For I am the Almighty, I change not"... and many more Scriptures regarding this matter.
@123peterneill Месяц назад
What's the purple? How old were the apostles? What was Jesus doing in the garden with a little boy that got him arrested?
@mcalislr Месяц назад
Whut?? Damn dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life.
@eliciabailey6865 Месяц назад
So, are you implying that ALL American citizens are a bunch of children so we shouldn't vote for her because she has no experience raising kids? 🤔 I'm confused as to why people act as through her not having children will affect her ability to run the nation as President. It makes no sense. Try again 😩
@AugustLover0811 Месяц назад
Please be specific that “messianic Jews” are NOT Jewish, they’re evangelical Christians. All major sects of Judaism are united in that classification. Messianics also cannot make Aliyah based on the Supreme Court of Israel’s ruling that they are not, and have never been, Jews. They are Christian.
@lavendertimes Месяц назад
I call BS on ALL the womb questions. Not a requirement for politics or leadership or ALL CEO's eould be females with children
@abbaddabba6100 Месяц назад
Ah yes. We need to go back to the days when a sleeping woman could get raped and impregnated by some random guy and tell her she should be ecstatic about it. The old ways are dying for a reason and it's because we're tired of being treated like property and breeding stock. If men were likeable there wouldn't be an issue with the nuclear family going extinct but yall refuse to move with the times.
@thetruewickedsin Месяц назад
Fuckin sheep following fairy tails.
@SueMeriah Месяц назад
I'm sure that if you had a normal childhood and loving parents it's better and easier to no longer grasp onto the last vestiges of your childhood. But for those with abusive or neglectful parents, (in some ways) reverting back to your childhood while being an adult is on of the most pleasant and healing things you can do. Doing inner child work is priceless and so valuable if you never got to be a kid or don't have the normal happy childhood memories healthy adults have. In therapy they have to raise themselves twice, once while being a child themselves and another time while they're an adult. Sometimes being Goldilocks or Peter Pan is absolutely, incredibely necessary.
@D.Briggs20 Месяц назад
Great analysis Jackson
@winerycompliance6583 Месяц назад
You can be sure that if this was a presidential candidate that was a man, having no children would not even be mentioned as an issue. This is total BS
@winerycompliance6583 Месяц назад
This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard
@jcpatts Месяц назад
I am here for the Pryor family fairytale midrash. They’re so good
@slimefactory6513 Месяц назад
I didn't know trump raised all his children on his own!
@ilovebbqchips789 Месяц назад
nursing homes are filled with mostly alzheimer's/dementia/behavioral patients or those who require 24 hour skilled care. please spend one day in a nursing home and tell me that you would have the patience or resources to care for someone that sick. only a tiny portion of people in nursing homes are there due to their families putting them there so they won't have to deal with them. and it's not as common as you think. those with the mental capacity to make their own medical decisions have to consent to being in a nursing home. insurance will not pay for long term stays if there isn't a reason to.
@FantasmagoriaAhoy Месяц назад
I put my abusive parent in a home. I regret not going no contact as a teenager.
@Shirin-fn7oo Месяц назад
That’s how other countries do it
@leahroles9628 Месяц назад
I think baby boomers were the product of a lot of war torn families. So a lot of fathers ended up being abusive because of their time serving, and the lack of support for mental health because of the lack of knowledge around mental health. I think it’s hard to try to raise someone when your own house is on fire.
@SouJ-zk4rb Месяц назад
You guys want everybody to be the same. And nooooo I don’t have that Indian mentality that I will raise my kid so he can take care of me. I will always take care of him or her because I love them and that’s my job. I’m not looking for future rewards. You guys have these kids like there a 401k. Investments and rewards. Lmaoooo smh!
@Koalatronic Месяц назад
I dont think people have children thinking "i better look after you so you can look after me one day". I just think that's not a thing.
@laurengaut42 Месяц назад
Tell that to people who constantly tell people like me who don’t have kids,’who is gonna take care of you when your older’ even tho they forget that old folks homes exist and never gets any visitors fr 😂
@Koalatronic Месяц назад
@laurengaut42 yes but that's not the reason they decide to have a child in the first place. They might assume as they get older and start to think about old age that their kids will look after them, but most people are young when they have kids and aren't thinking about their old age. When you're young, you never think about being old
@LifeLongLearner-om8jx Месяц назад
@marytoney8237 Месяц назад
My husband & I have chosen not to have children for many reasons, each reason being selfless. I believe wholeheartedly that I would lay my life down for any human (especially a child) before any of my friends with kids would, understandably. Just a different perspective for those with a limited view.
@mcalislr Месяц назад
Excellent❤ One doesn't need to have children to feel love and compassion for another person. I've got to stop reading these other stupid comments.
@joshbraaksma7455 Месяц назад
On the world stage, the USA is the biggest JOKE The USA has become a place you DON'T want to raise children Have children Just not here So much for brainless empty savior pocket philosophy about being more noble than to raise children 😂 Cowardly and most DEFINITELY SELFISH The thinnest level of altruism People think it doesn't matter or it's more noble or some made up totally unnatural nonsense It matters In fact it's EVERYTHING
@josiahwanjiku9187 18 дней назад
Because you love cats? GTFOH! You don't need to go to a gun range to know how to shoot but if you go to training, it's a different ball game. Never compare yourself to people who have walked through doors that you haven't. We are compassionate and sympathetic because we grew up in a family and society but you'll never understand the selflessness and sacrifices you have to practice when you become a parent!
@kimsavage4948 Месяц назад
Anybody out there remember the concept of separation of church and state and why it came about???😮😮
@robertlynde9964 Месяц назад
Interesting take! What does the Bible say about the rule of adulterers that have been married and divorced three times?
@rolandpalencia Месяц назад
Jesus did not have children, and neither did most of the apostles. The Christian God does not have biological children either, as a matter of fact, the Christian God is the only god in the pantheon of gods in human history who doesn't even have a wife! How is that for family values! There is no theological justification!! No Theocracy in the U.S.
@karenatkinson7865 Месяц назад
None of your alls business why she doesn’t have children, she has step children..would prefer no child would ever have to go to war..if you say you have bunions you didn’t have to go to Vietnam, draft dodger!