Dr. Alan Harrelson
Dr. Alan Harrelson
Dr. Alan Harrelson
Thoughts on faith, history, literature, land, and other elements of the Good Life.
Jefferson Davis: An American President
2 месяца назад
The Southern Tradition At Bay
2 месяца назад
Let's Chat While Saddling Up
4 месяца назад
Why Modern Life Sucks
6 месяцев назад
Someday My Ship Will Sail
6 месяцев назад
Agrarian Musings: Part One
7 месяцев назад
7 месяцев назад
@orangesox915 2 дня назад
Keep it up! VMI...FOR SHAME!!!
@patrickeidson3991 7 дней назад
Respectfully, this just seems like a form of nostalgic hipsterism. I’ll bet most folks raised in the modern era, the good professor included, couldn’t last a week in pre-modern, agrarian southern society. My family in the SC upstate most assuredly lived this agrarian, pre-modern, southern lifestyle in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were so busy raising crops and kids that they wouldn’t have had time to wax nostalgic about the “good ol days” like all the scholars or writers decrying modern life. I guarantee you their hands were as hard as their resolve and perseverance having had to constantly deal with the hassles of pre-modern “good ol days” of life in the south. I imagine all this nostalgic romanticizing would quickly melt away after a nice 14-16 hour day working in the fields under the hot SC summer sun.
@sark4786 10 дней назад
i will never understand "American Christianity"
@blowingrocket 10 дней назад
Well, Dr. Harrelson, It is a real pleasure to hear your lectures. You have a lot to share with us, and I am listening. Thomas Dixon might be of interest to you, as well as Dr. Albert Schweitzer, MD. He had some astute observations about the Africans and their culture and behavior. My wife’s family are ethnic German Catholics who emigrated to St. Louis , MO. to work as brewers for Anheiser Busch. Her remaining relatives now live behind locked doors and burglar bars. Their old neighborhood is now long since gone, and gun-fire and murder are all around them, St. Louis now resembles a war zone with burned-out and destroyed homes and buildings. wife’s elderly uncle said this on our most recent visit: “St. Louis was beautiful city until the ……. destroyed it; they ruin everything that they touch.”
@orangesox915 12 дней назад
@toddbonin6926 17 дней назад
Where have you gone Dr. Harrelson? Is everything OK? You’re missed!
@whathappened246 23 дня назад
Imagine defending a freemason slaver.
@dead_inside674 27 дней назад
Are you sure it isn't Lehey? He also runs a trailer park in Canada.
@JohnFioravanti 28 дней назад
I have such a sickness and regret deep down for not spending my child and teenage years reading. Luckily, I’m 25 years old. It’s certainly not too late. Love the book content!
@omayravelez3076 29 дней назад
You are right! Here in Florida the majority of the homes don’t have porches and I missed that a lot.
@jessejohns4783 29 дней назад
I would love to hear more that opposes the general narrative about the south that they were basically evil racists and everything was only about slavery.
@omayravelez3076 29 дней назад
Love it to had found the pipecottage channel and now your new channel so educational. I love reading so keep them coming. Thank you.
@TG-fy3ew Месяц назад
What are your thoughts on the seemingly growing Homestead movement, if it can be called a movement, and the increasing number of first generation farmers and ranchers in the U.S.? There do seem to be a number of people who are trying to make a go of it. I know of a number of ranchers who are doing the Direct to Consumer business model to sell their beef and other products.
@emperorofhistory8724 Месяц назад
You sold me on Dirck's book, aim to find a copy. Despite the Napoleonic avatar, I am an American with both Deep South, and Yankee roots. I lived in Georgia for a time, miss it deeply, but due to family issues, had to move to the Midwest to help out. Still a Southerner, just in a foreign land (lol, actually quite a few Midwesterners are grade A folk). I admit to not knowing a great deal about President Davis, even though I'm a military historian, working on some works I hope to publish dealing primarily with the great, lamented, misunderstood Army of Tennessee. Your video has inspired me to dive deeper into Mr. Davis, and since I already own William Cooper's book, I suppose I should read it. Thank you for the great discussion, always glad to see some like minds, and a brother in Christ.
@briancisco1176 Месяц назад
I also highly recommend Kibler's moving collection of verse, "Poems From Scorched Earth."
@briancisco1176 Месяц назад
I hadn't read "Red Hills and Cotton" since college, half a century ago, so just ordered a copy. Thanks for reminding me of a classic!
@user-on9uj6bt4x Месяц назад
Dr Harrelson: A fellow traditional Catholic, Southern patriot friend of mine recently sent me a link to one of your videos. I've been hooked ever since. You say things I like to hear, in an accent that I can appreciate! I've been involved in Southern Nationalism via the League of the South since 1996, and I have many of the books you reference in your videos in my own library. I've quoted from them often in my own speeches over the years. I plan to attend the conference of the Southern Cultural Center in Wetumpka, Alabama in a couple of weeks, and I very much hope to get a chance to meet and talk with you while there. May God save and free the South! [><]
@thesmallshop Месяц назад
Dr Harrelson my wife and I are seeking to relocate to Tennessee after falling in love with the people and the culture. I am looking forward to the influence of both on my family. What I don’t want to do is bring in any influences from non southern culture. Can you recommend books that will help me understand and assimilate to this culture that I so appreciate?
@homelandrelics Месяц назад
Can you recommend a good and truthful biography of General Robert E. Lee?
@recoveringknowitall1534 Месяц назад
good morning alan. my understanding is that the 14th amendment changed our nation from a federation of free and independant states, plural, to a single collectivist country, singular, the United States. We lost our country as the founders gave us and fought for in 1868 with the 14th amendment. Am i correct or just 'off my tree'?
@downinthecypressswamp2234 Месяц назад
I would like to know if we can still say what the agrarians did in 2024. The South has changed a lot
@Xibyth Месяц назад
Because the worst thing that happens to most people is they get dumped or cheated on. They never really struggle, 18 hours without a snack or treat, and people act like their starving. They've never faced a find it or starve. They've never been under a real threat. They have absolutely no value perspective of life because it's never been tested. Fail in nature, die. Fail in society and get free food, shelter, and emotional and spiritual support. Breaking up is not a significant life event. You spent 4 years in high school and think you're an adult. Worst still, no example of these struggles are evident either. We are living a rats in paradise experiment where in real time, despite our logic and reason, are falling into the same trap they did.
@remb9614 Месяц назад
Our culture Is the best at saving time! The problem is we use that time to be on our phone
@dorianwalker1408 Месяц назад
Came here just for the weaver content, never seen a pipe cottage video ❤
@benniebarrow348 Месяц назад
Very good presentation.........thanks for the recommendations sir.
@chrissweatman7105 Месяц назад
Do you travel and speak to groups?
@thepipecottage3301 Месяц назад
Yes, quite often.
@IthacaPegasus Месяц назад
@lelandapartments9531 Месяц назад
You are a scholar and a Catholic gentleman.
@MysteryASMR777 Месяц назад
Please continue making these videos and don’t be disheartened or discouraged by those who do not have the ears to hear. You are gem of a person and I would say a good man from what I’ve witnessed. God Bless
@MysteryASMR777 Месяц назад
Sometimes the best way to get along is to ruffle some feathers.
@MysteryASMR777 Месяц назад
You’ve brought me great joy with what you share on this channel. My father was a Christian a, teacher, a religious man and a farming man. So I can very much relate to the topics you speak on. And I also find them important topics. Thanks Mr Harrelson.
@MysteryASMR777 Месяц назад
Thank you for this channel good sir.
@MysteryASMR777 Месяц назад
Praise the Lord indeed. 🙏🏿 that’s a beautiful song.
@MysteryASMR777 Месяц назад
I really enjoyed you singing this song and sharing your story.
@MysteryASMR777 Месяц назад
Hi Mr Harrelson, I just discovered your channel through a pipe video on another channel. And I must say you really have helped me at very important time in my life. I’m 31 and I’m from Australia. I was raised in a family that were quite devout Jehovah’s Witnesses and have always struggled with the values that my parents had tried to instil in me. After waking up from a nightmare last night about my dad, feeling very troubled as I awoke. And since my father passed away in 2017 and it just seems like time has been running away by itself since then and so many things have changed. I wonder what he would have thought of the current circumstances we all find ourselves in today with the state of peoples attitudes and way of thinking about things now and whether he could relate at all to this new modern life we find ourselves in with the constant technology and divisive nature of politics and religions these days not to say he didn’t experience his own version of that during his times. I just think back on our times together and really cherish the memories I can recall. Your videos really strike a chord with me, no pun intended. But I just wanted to say thank you for your wisdom you share on this channel and I think you really have some special insights and candour which is hard to find in this modern life that I appreciate very much. So thank you for these videos you make because they are helping through a bit of a challenging period in my life.
@setysamson2630 2 месяца назад
keep making these videos
@joncerda351 2 месяца назад
Those words are healing to the soul
@ddubsr5886 2 месяца назад
Your not catholic as Dwayne has already told you
@MrCrchandler 2 месяца назад
Read Weaver's TSTAB years ago. A seminal book for me. Weaver was influential on Russell Kirk, one of the key figures in (genuine) American conservative thought.
@bobmartin6055 2 месяца назад
Quite interesting point of view, thanks for sharing!
@bh9312 2 месяца назад
You deleted my post. How very confederate of you: re-write history to suit a failed modern paradigm
@sackettsnodgrass9260 2 месяца назад
To understand the attitude of post Civil-War America, when Gen. Robert E. Lee returned to his home, he was dismayed that the Union had seized his home and property, and had buried Union soldiers there. He and his family left, and his property was transferred over. His property now sits at the heart of Arlington National Cemetery. History is written by the victor.
@bh9312 2 месяца назад
I’m at a loss. So many issues: 1. Regarding Kentucky, not a single Kentuckian ever cast a vote for Davis. The real question is why did they ever have a statute of him in the first place? 2. Previous service to the country does not mitigate treason. And however you try to rationalize it, it was treason and sedition against the United States of America. 3. It is a failing of quasi-academic conservatism that they try to drag historical paradigms into modern political thought. They are contextually and practically incompatible. 4. Conservative academics NEED to find a way to talk about the Civil War without minimizing or justifying slavery as a historically acceptable institution. It wasn’t. Point blank, it wasn’t. Lincoln was nearly a failure because of his moral ambiguity towards slavery. Davis was failure from start to finish.
@MeadeFatLoss 2 месяца назад
Kentucky honors Lincoln more than they do Davis. There is this hotel in Berea with a portrait of Lincoln but nothing of Davis. Shameful.
@bh9312 2 месяца назад
Why would they honor Davis?
@MeadeFatLoss 2 месяца назад
@@bh9312 because he was a great man
@bh9312 2 месяца назад
@seanpeters8802 2 месяца назад
I had the pleasure of taking Civil War and Reconstruction with Dr. Robertson at Virginia Tech. Thank you for the recommendations.
@stanleycross6000 2 месяца назад
The "Past is a foreign country" argument is a duel edged sword imo.
@williambullard9599 2 месяца назад
My dear Doctor Harrelson, You are a "Jacob's Well"; I dropped my bucket in and you came up; how very wonderful. I am convinced after study and some prayer that the salvation of my country will come from out of the South; the Catholic Church will be a part of that; Bishop Strickland is the first martyr example; there are more to come. You, Shelby Foote, and the Abbeyville Institute have convince me that we have been lied to about the South, the Civil War, as well as a good many other things. Do NOT stop what you are doing; at last I know I am NOT alone.
@bazzyshouse 2 месяца назад
Jim is a treasure!
@stanleycross6000 2 месяца назад
The CSA Constitution and Alexander Stephens beg to differ on Race not being the "Cornerstone" of the Confederacy and the Jim Crow South. To a lesser extent,, and arguably, I also include the Modern American South and even the US more broadly. Frankly Im stunned at this apologia. The CSA and up until VERY recently the "Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy" sought to PRESERVE vs defend "an agrarian lifestyle." I personally don't think one can preserve or defend the historical Southern "Agrarian Ideal" whilst credibly boasting the Ante Bellum South's "serious" gradual emancipation efforts.
@molex114 2 месяца назад
Just as you've said you can't blame the cause of a war on one single issue, I tend to find anyone who judges a man on one single event in their life and those that do are often lazy generally ignorant and always wrong