Arda Scholar
Arda Scholar
Arda Scholar
Enjoying the TRUE world of Tolkien through games, lore, MESBG, and all other avenues! Plus a little bit of my other hobby, Jeep adventures.
MESBG Battle Report - Evil vs Evil Throw-down!
4 месяца назад
Tactics and Talk #2 - Moria
5 месяцев назад
#mesbg Battle Report - Hobbits vs Corsairs
5 месяцев назад
The Shire's Good Vs Evil Fall Classic Battle Report
5 месяцев назад
Tactics and Talk #1 - Iron Hills #mesbg
6 месяцев назад
MESBG Battle Report - Minas Tirith Vs Dunland
6 месяцев назад
2024 Launch and The Desolation of Minas Lothian
6 месяцев назад
The Iron Hills II - An Army Review Video
10 месяцев назад
The Iron Hills - An Army Review
10 месяцев назад
Summer Skirmish vlog
10 месяцев назад
Special Army Review with Radagast's Alliance
10 месяцев назад
Rivendell Army Review Part III
11 месяцев назад
Rivendell Army Review - Part II
11 месяцев назад
Rivendell Army Reivew - Part 1
11 месяцев назад
Lego Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina Build
11 месяцев назад
Intriguing Armies Battle Report
Год назад
Minas Tirith Army Review Part III
Год назад
Minas Tirith Review Part II
Год назад
@TiagoRamosVideos 4 дня назад
Great video 👌 thanks 🙏
@ardascholar5289 3 дня назад
thank you! glad you enjoyed it!
@aazron87 10 дней назад
The yawning was such a distraction in the audio of this video.
@ardascholar5289 10 дней назад
Sorry I'm human! Must be nice to be a perfect human!
@jeremypardee1895 24 дня назад
Excellent work!
@ardascholar5289 24 дня назад
Much obliged
@benjaminkliewer5425 Месяц назад
Wait, I thought rend was the only way to gain wounds back on the Dweller in the Dark?
@ardascholar5289 Месяц назад
rend is the only brutal power attack that allows it. you can always gain back if you strike normally. brutal power attacks are different from making normal strikes. when you declare you are using a brutal power attack you forgo your ability to make normal strikes. there are other monster models that have special abilities that they can have, but only if they make normal strikes. normally, you could strike multiple models if you have multiple attacks, like the Dweller, but brutal power attacks can only be placed on one model, unless you have a special brutal power attack like the Ents do. so if you hurled a model and killed it you would not regain wounds lost with the Dweller's special rule. but with Rend you CAN regain lost wounds.
@benjaminkliewer5425 Месяц назад
@@ardascholar5289 This changes a lot.
@ardascholar5289 Месяц назад
@@benjaminkliewer5425 glad i could help. Hope it revolutionizes the way you think about Moria!!
@jomarideguzmanaraneta Месяц назад
Asian of Middle Earth
@inspiredwon2670 2 месяца назад
Corsair warriors don’t get axes so how do the PS?
@ardascholar5289 Месяц назад
you can pay a point to upgrade a corsair warrior with an axe to give them access to piercing strike
@captainmcnugget606 2 месяца назад
Very good review. Enjoyed it a lot.
@ardascholar5289 2 месяца назад
Glad you enjoyed it. Hopefully you gained some insight from it
@chadchaddington3646 3 месяца назад
Loved listening to the recap of the event once more. Richie round one with you was fantastic, I haven't had that much fun getting tabled in a long time and learned a ton about the game throughout. I was thrilled to see you win overall. Josh Sauron was the highlight fight of the tourney for me, models looked fantastic and even though you were tired I still had a blast desperately running away from Sauron after I thought I had downed him. Jason one thing to Josh's credit he may have forgot about but deserves to be said, we had an instance where a legal terrain piece prevented an ent from reaching one of his heroes. As soon as we realized it he immediately moved the model into a position where it could be attacked which to me speaks leagues to his character. Both of you guys were a blast to play and I look forward to some more games. "Don't be hasty" -Tree Beard P.S. Richie we definitely should arrange a meeting of gobbos and ents at some point. I would love to do a fun narrative game, Ill leave the scenario up to you my friend.
@MVeminor7 3 месяца назад
Hey Jason, it sounds like you had a great turnout and a great time. I'd like to get down there and participate one day.
@chadchaddington3646 3 месяца назад
enjoyed listening to the run back, had a phenomenal time with everybody. It was fun having an army of 9 models vs 80 in every game, ENT bowling go brrt 😅
@ardascholar5289 3 месяца назад
Not one of my better reviews as i was half asleep but then too lazy to re-record but it got the points across 🤣😂🤣
@CriticalTolkienChannel-im5uq 4 месяца назад
Love Thror 😁
@ardascholar5289 4 месяца назад
he is an awesome profile and model!
@MVeminor7 4 месяца назад
Thanks Jason. Maybe a spotlight on Heralds of the Dead? I don't understand them.
@ardascholar5289 4 месяца назад
i reckon i can do that!
@MVeminor7 4 месяца назад
Hey Jason, I like that trick with the colored dice for shooting. This was a great fun game and a fantastic battle report!!!
@ardascholar5289 4 месяца назад
Legally that is what you are supposed to do. Everyone is supposed to have a designated target. Folks do it wrong all the time.
@MVeminor7 5 месяцев назад
Thanks Jason
@MVeminor7 5 месяцев назад
Hey Jason, Thanks for the batrep. The cross talk made it a little hard to follow but I got through it. I missed what you said - You can carry the mushroom or eat it? Can you explain this customization please? I like the tutorial quality of this game. It looked like a fun game for the players. and that's what it's all about, right? Thanks for posting a great game.
@ardascholar5289 5 месяцев назад
So this scenario is a custom one that I built for the event. The event is thematic and so I made all of the scenarios thematic as well. I did use the traditional 18 match play guide scenarios as templates to start writing the scenarios, but the victory Point conditions in the gameplay of the scenarios are all custom. Essentially what you could do was when a model came into contact with the mushroom, you would pick it up or you could eat it. If you pick it up you could lose it if a model was killed four-handed to another friendly model like a light object. If you ate it, then you could never lose it but you could never pass it either. So if the model was killed in combat you lose out on the victory point that went with it.
@MVeminor7 5 месяцев назад
Hi Jason, this is way more in-depth than an Army Review. Thanks for the plethora of information and ideas.
@ardascholar5289 5 месяцев назад
Glad you find it insightful! I am hoping to do more of these!
@MVeminor7 5 месяцев назад
Thanks Jason
@MVeminor7 5 месяцев назад
Hi Jason, you have a tall order ahead (no pun intended) you gotta kill lotsa Hobittses. I've only seen traps a few times. They can be a pain in the ass it seems. I like the way you put out a dice for the shoot rolls. That makes things absolutely clear. I know a shooting game can be frowned upon but I like the difference in play. Turn 4 and 5 Hobbit shooting was amazing. I'm not real familiar with the Corsairs, but I think they would have done better in more combats than shooting. Can it be that Hobbit shooting is a new dimension to their army profile? Haha I can't believe the Corsairs pulled a victory out of that shootout! Thanks for a very interesting and different report!
@ardascholar5289 5 месяцев назад
So hobbit shooting actually got a hard nerf in this edition. The models were increased by a point and the bows were reduced to only an 18 inch range were on the edition prior to 2018 they were 24 inches. Joe is a HUGE hobbit fan and has not had the same success since 2018 as he did with them from the 2012/14 profiles and edition, respectively. That being said, the traps REALLY messed with how i wanted to play that game. Corsairs actually like shooting since they have the str 4 arbelestors that are D6 against enemy shooting but D3 in clos combat. Not only that, all corsair warriors have throwing daggers. So they like to throw when charging into combat or having to stop just outside of charge range for a turn. On combat they are good if properly supported but their low defense can hurt them at times. All in all it was a fun game. I figured i would win 2-0 because of my banner and his lack of one and that is exactly how it went as you saw!
@MVeminor7 5 месяцев назад
Thanks Jason
@nedmerrick9140 5 месяцев назад
You are not correct about one of thing. If you are cav and you charge cav and kill the horse, the rest of your strokes are not against a prone model.
@ardascholar5289 5 месяцев назад
They are if the models are one on thrown rider. Which is what I believe I said for that. But I might have misstated. It's been a long time since I did this video
@MVeminor7 5 месяцев назад
Hey Jason, thanks for the batrep. It was fun to learn some rules along with the players. It seems the Hobbits can be a funny bunch.
@ardascholar5289 5 месяцев назад
Those traps for them really do test your ability to keep up with all the things that are going on! Hope you were able to enjoy the battle report even with the background noise. I have several others coming out that are much better since they are not live batreps.
@MVeminor7 5 месяцев назад
great spotlight
@80sRetrosaur 6 месяцев назад
"To me Carolingas!" 🎠🐎🐎🐎
@MVeminor7 6 месяцев назад
Hi Jason, I don't play Dwarves BUT, this is what makes your channel great. You guys provided some great tactics for playing against them as well. A lot of information was discussed here. Thanks as always.
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
Glad you could gain some knowledge from it even if it isn't for your use with them as a playable army! Part of the game is knowing how to counter things that you will encounter on the gaming board so learning how an army plays helps you plan to defend against it!
@pat0311 6 месяцев назад
Noob Iron Hills player here. Thanks for the dwarves recon brief!
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
Our pleasure! Noob soon to be a pro right!?! Iron Hills is one of my favorite armies. It just does everything so well outside of heroes. And as we discussed you can cover that easily!!
@MonCompteTubulaire 6 месяцев назад
tournament tomorrow and casual game today, I play Iron Hills so very interested in this video !
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
That's awesome! I hope you do well in all your games. And I hope you can learn some tips and tricks from this video
@theglorioussweatward6390 6 месяцев назад
I really want to get him but does anyone know if a cheap way of proxy for his knights? The foot variants that is like I don't want to spend 50 quid on forge world prices Xd
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
Funny I should say this because I am not a fan of fully printed armies, buuuuuuuuuuut I am in the same boat. I purchased a STL file and have been printing my foot knights. I plan to buy the mounted knights as those models are more cost effective and also better looking than the STL files I have found and give more variety as well. So if you have a printer you can go that route. If you want the link I can send it to you for the ones that I got.
@theglorioussweatward6390 6 месяцев назад
@@ardascholar5289 could it be possible to modify the helmets and shields of some gondor warriors? I don't have a 3d printer :(, I've just finished up my first 2 armies and hoping to have a game this weekend but am looking out for future projects and the dol amroth nights look really cool
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
@@theglorioussweatward6390 absolutely! Simple greenstuff model to add the swan wings and then maybe greenstuff the shields to add a boat would probably work well for you! Im not good with greenstuff or i would try that. Could do the same for knights of minas tirith.
@MVeminor7 6 месяцев назад
Hey Jason, can the King of the Dead take a shield? Defense 8 to a defense 9? and why does he have so many will points? He can't cast magic? or is it for resistance to spells? Thanks in advance. Mikey V.
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
No shield for the King of the Dead. And yes his Will points are to make it harder for him to have spells cast on him. It is to show his resolve to not fight for anyone but the King of Gondor.
@MVeminor7 6 месяцев назад
@@ardascholar5289 Thanks for the clarification.
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
@@MVeminor7 anytime my friend!
@MVeminor7 6 месяцев назад
Profile spotlight is a cool concept. Thanks
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
Thanks! Just wish youtube would make it a short like i want it to be!
@MVeminor7 6 месяцев назад
Hi Jason, close practice game. I'm surprised at the tie. I thought Tirith was better played but the Dunlendings have some punch. The on screen graphics helped along. Thanks for a long awaited report. Thanks a million. Mikey V.
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
yeah i thought i was doing well, i just didn't get the punch through i needed. Honestly Joe and I really didn't have any big plays that seemed to make a difference. Funny enough, after this practice game neither of us has played these armies since haha. This was back in September 2023 when we played this game so that gives you an idea of how long it has been! Thanks for the patience Mikey! I know it has been a long time coming. I have a few other videos coming out throughout the next monthish time frame. I had this grand idea to work on videos for the channel from Oct to Dec thinking I would get a couple dozen done and uploaded to have lots of content for the start of 2024. Alas life said otherwise. I DO have a number of videos coming out but nowhere near as many as I wanted. Be on the lookout for them though! Should have a couple a week for the next few weeks!
@lord17c 6 месяцев назад
that was a slog in the middle there.
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
Yeah. Talk about two battle lines just clashing it out! Neither one really made any big plays.
@MVeminor7 6 месяцев назад
Hi Jason, I literally looked for you yesterday to see if I missed anything and Behold!! The shooting seems to have worked out against the Drummer. Maybe some batreps? Hopefully. Happy New Year my friend and I'll be watching. Mikey V.
@ardascholar5289 6 месяцев назад
well i have good news for you my friend! i have a LOT of content on the way. Not as much as i would have liked sadly, but enough to keep you filled in for a little while. And yes, dare I say, maybe some batreps as well wink wink! Happy New Year my friend!
@BB-pn2qv 7 месяцев назад
Super helpful
@ardascholar5289 7 месяцев назад
Glad you found it insightful!
@radeadcool 7 месяцев назад
1 fate... the LAST king of the North.
@ardascholar5289 7 месяцев назад
Yes he was
@lord17c 8 месяцев назад
awesome looking models.
@ardascholar5289 8 месяцев назад
Wish i could take all the credit but they arent all mine.
@user-rm9qs4hz1p 8 месяцев назад
Doing a 450 pts tournament, and was think using these allied with Gollum (Goblin Town). But may drop Burt and ally with Azog hunters :/ Not 100% sure yet but it will be fun!
@ardascholar5289 8 месяцев назад
Azog's hunters would be a good way to go but you would have to take him or bolg because i think they are yellow allies so you need a fortitude hero.
@user-rm9qs4hz1p 8 месяцев назад
@@ardascholar5289 yes, forgot about that 😅
@ardascholar5289 8 месяцев назад
@@user-rm9qs4hz1p that probably changes your thought process a little i would guess haha. But Gollum isnt a bad idea to add in
@user-rm9qs4hz1p 8 месяцев назад
hard to find the errata sometimes, but will definitely change things.@@ardascholar5289
@Scipionyxsam 9 месяцев назад
Nice video, quite straightforward. What's often lacking in these types of videos imo is a more top down, general view on the army. I.e. potential lists, how to move the individual elements etc. instead of merely heroe and unit reviews. Maybe you could add that in the last part. Anyways nice work.
@ardascholar5289 9 месяцев назад
This review has already been finished. I usually talk tactics for what a unit is good for while i do a review. I believe my isengard reviews fell into this mold. Naturally not every model is going to be talked about down to the minutiae, but i usually cover some ways to use the important ones in an army. I appreciate the input and non-compliment
@MVeminor7 9 месяцев назад
Yo buddy, I'm craving some batreps so I'm reviewing those I missed. Thanks bro! Mikey V
@MVeminor7 10 месяцев назад
Hi Jason, I just watched TwoTrees gaming and they played Dain, the Chariot and Iron Hills vs Goblins. The Chariot claimed many victories (5, 6 and more per combats). This review was invaluable for understanding some of the Iron Hills. It did help to understand their profiles. Isn't the chariot driver NOT in combat like the Trebuchet rule? Does the Chariot (not being able to be charged) create combats with all of it's crew/Captain? Thanks as always for your insightful review and tactics!!! Michael Virtuoso PS I'm looking forward to the Barad-Dur review when you get to it.
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
Yes the driver does not count for combat. The chairot CAN be charged and can charge itself. If it fails to kill a model from an inpact hit then it has charged that model, giving it the knock down and extra attack bonuses.
@andrewhetes1623 9 месяцев назад
This chariot is bananas, I’ll be 💯 adding one into my army. Iron Hills project is just too far down the slate currently. Great review!
@ardascholar5289 9 месяцев назад
@@andrewhetes1623 thank you. i can definitely say that it is a great piece. takes some time and practice to master, but can really do a lot for you
@MVeminor7 10 месяцев назад
Hello Jason, I don't play Hobbit scenarios but I'm excited to see the army profile as it explains the models I've seen in other games and batreps . It really is insightful. As always, thanks for the tactical points. They help to play them and also helps to play against them as well. Damn good content my friend. Query - where can I find the FAQ's for the game? I can't seem to get them. I've only seen one but, I know there are a lot more. Who posts them? Thanks as always my friend. Michael V.
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
If you go to warhammer community website you can find them there for each sourcebook. When i get home i can drop you a link here to the page.
@wraithface4410 10 месяцев назад
you can use oathmark proxies for dwarves too!
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
I support the company that provides the game.
@wraithface4410 10 месяцев назад
I@@ardascholar5289 I love MESBG, the ruleset is truly a work of art no clunky mechanics or contrived rules its easy to hit the ground running. I have a citadel dwarf army, lots of the older pewter infantry and archers. I organised them into separate regiments from each of the Dwarven "Mansions", painted the livery on their banners for Ered Luin, Khazad-Dum (2nd Age) and the Iron Hills. The hobbit range Iron Hills faction has an ironically steep price point and most of the units available on that range are sold by forge world not to discourage anyone that would like to build IH with FW.
@wraithface4410 10 месяцев назад
@@ardascholar5289 Oathmark?
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
@MVeminor7 10 месяцев назад
Hi Jason, this is a great follow up to the Misty Mtn army review. I admire you for trying a new army and taking it to a tournament. It sounds like it was a great learning experience for testing it. It sounds like you learned on the fly how to use their tactics. This was a great batrep in a different format. I really liked it. Great review of an offbeat alliance. Thanks, Michael V.
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
thanks bud! i am trying to play around with more armies that i havent gotten a chance to use. of course the biggest issue is purchasing the models to do it with!!
@MVeminor7 10 месяцев назад
@@ardascholar5289 I've been thinking - Why aren't Bows 2 handed? and how do they fight with a shield? I know the Pike rule, is it the same?
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
@@MVeminor7 for the bows yes. Bows are considered to be two handed weapons which is why you cant benefit from the shield. No minus one to dice roll for fighting with it, but no benefit from shield. Only ones that break that are mounted guys with expert rider, like riders of rohan. But if they get dismounted they lose the defense buff from the shield. You can give your bowmen shields to use the shielding special rule though. Still no benefit to defense, but it allows you a better chance to survive in combat potentially
@OldWorldDarkhorse 10 месяцев назад
@kingofthe1s214 10 месяцев назад
It was a great event, really enjoyed all of my opponents. College Station is about an hour outside of Houston on the way towards Dallas.
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
Oh great so sandwiched between two terrible metropolis' 😆
@kingofthe1s214 10 месяцев назад
@@ardascholar5289 pretty much! But it’s far enough from each to still be small and quaint, at least 20 years ago, god only knows now!
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
@@kingofthe1s214 well maybe someday i will find out! Of course if Austin moves then it probably wont happen 😆
@lord17c 10 месяцев назад
some really good painted armies there. I notice a lot of folks have display boards, is this a normal thing in lord of the rings?
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
there was only one display board in the photos i believe, but i think a couple people had one. it is. it helps for transporting models and also helps present them for any event that does a best painted competition
@MVeminor7 10 месяцев назад
Hello Jason, this was a great review of an army I didn't even know existed. As always, thanks for all the tips on how to play them and what qualities they bring to the board. It sounds like you enjoyed playing them and seeing their capabilities. You share some really cool and offbeat material. It's very insightful for newer players. See you soon buddy.
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
Thanks bud! I really had a blast playing with them. I know it probably wasn't the most fun for my opponents, but i have to really give them a huge round of applause and tip my hat. They were all very good sports and that was very refreshing for me and inspiring! Let me know if you have something specific you are interested in hearing and seeing!
@lord17c 10 месяцев назад
great review.
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
Thank you. I hope you found it useful. Let me know if there is a specific army you are interested in hearing about
@lord17c 10 месяцев назад
@@ardascholar5289 iron hill dwaves
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
@@lord17c ah a fun army and one of my favorites to play. Tough to crack playing against it though.
@lordmalal 11 месяцев назад
Thanks this helped a lot. I am going ro build some twrrain for this game and will make sure to include a lot of verticality
@ardascholar5289 11 месяцев назад
Glad you found it useful. Good luck with the terrain build!!
@MVeminor7 11 месяцев назад
Hi Jason, as you know I'm not really an Elf Army guy but, what I did get from this video is when you mention what 'other' army heroes can be affected by Elf profiles. I found that very insightful! As usual I love the tactics you present to play this army and its characters. I searched your previous reviews and I don't see a review for Mordor or Barad dur. Maybe you can cover these armies? Thank you for such erudite descriptions for the various factions of Middle Earth. Invaluable information!! I hope to see you again soon. Thanks a million!! Mikey V.
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
Hey buddy! I have had another player ask me to do Barad Dur, so after I finish up with my current request project, that will be the next one on the docket!
@prk543 11 месяцев назад
Nice review. I am glad to find we have a couple of extra nerdoms in common to discuss at the next jeep event.
@ardascholar5289 10 месяцев назад
embrace the nerdom!