Prank Calls, Remixes, Songs, Short Films, TV clips
Blood is Timeless
9 лет назад
Destructive Kids 3
11 лет назад
Give and take has begun PRANK CALL
11 лет назад
Alligator in pond
12 лет назад
Eagle Heart-Gas Station Scene
12 лет назад
Most Expensive Hot Dog In The World!
12 лет назад
Cat Cuddles With Bearded Dragon
12 лет назад
Will Smiths Wife Speaks OUt
12 лет назад
12 лет назад
12 лет назад
Death Penalty Banned In Conneticut
12 лет назад
Best Car Ever Made?
12 лет назад
Blake Griffen Blows Easy Dunk
12 лет назад
Jim Carreys First Apperance
12 лет назад
@millisagingerich1248 5 дней назад
Glen ❤
@jcqwater8713 18 дней назад
Watching this older, i just realized how troubled Leonard is, all the signs are there but he chose to be treated that way oh well
@princeajl3415 25 дней назад
3:02 ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
@maxfrankow1238 Месяц назад
Watching the most recent episode of Young Sheldon hits different now…
@tankdogization 2 месяца назад
One key thing to know about Sheldon. He doesn’t like change. That’s why he has the same wardrobe, hairstyle, routines and habits.
@Alexander_LTC 2 месяца назад
In all the series Character now🙎 Character in the past🧑‍🦱
@i_hate_stupid_username_rules 3 месяца назад
i wish there was like a mini series based on the younger big bang theory guys during this time period
@XX6-JX9 3 месяца назад
That Post Apocalypictic Question is tricky i choose to say is there any other option?
@miguelanderson4116 3 месяца назад
Sheldon been living alone with random people for 9 years since his father death
@LukeKetchum7003 3 месяца назад
1:46 Yeah, this is what my apartment will look like someday. If I ever get one.
@somethingsomething3974 3 месяца назад
I actually have a personal story to share but didn't know where to share it. So I'm typing this here so I can inspire someone who has experienced the same or similar hardships as me to not make the same mistake I did. I experienced a hard bsf breakup with four people, two of them were those I was so close for more than 7 years and even now I still love them. Although it was true they hurt me before, I was also a problem at times. In the beginning they already knew how emotionally unstable I was and how they can accidentally hurt me sometimes but they would always tolerate my negativity and we would always make up in the end. However weeks before university started, I got hurt by some of my friends again (I won't explain what they did) but before I didn't prioritise myself and thought if I was a bigger person by saying "I understand okay...", it still left me hurt and drained in the inside. The worst part was I couldn't let it tho and didn't communicate it well and I accidentally lashed out at my friends. I was blind-sighted by anger that I forgot that the reasons why I was upset wasn't too big of a deal in the end, I was upset because of poor communication from both sides. I was immature and would give them the cold shoulder every time they did me wrong sometimes, instead of talking it all out immediately, apologising and making it up to them. This was extremely unhealthy and it's stupid in retrospect because I kept getting repeatedly upset at how they would continue to walk eggshells at me. I wasn't emotionally well and too sensitive for my own good. I had to change but I didn't know HOW and ACT to do it. Our break up started when I lashed out at all of my friends that eventually I said a lot of things that I truly didn't mean, but it really hurt them so much that they got frustrated, fed up and tired of the friendship they had with me. I kept bringing up stuff that happened in the past but thinking it from an outside pov, it was my fault for not letting it go and communicating it to them at how i was hurt and talking it out, letting my self hatred get the best of me and thinking my friends would be thinking the worst of me (when in reality they didn't, they just kept worrying about me, that self hatred was all in my head). And so what happened was I misheard and took what one of them said really badly, and because I couldn't handle rejections and cold shoulders AT me, I took it hard. But instead of communicating it to them and solving it, I spiralled out of control and got emotional. I wasn't thinking straight at what I was saying. This is what made my ex-bsf break up with me because they didn't care about it anymore. I said things I didn't mean, I didn't change until uni or say sorry immediately (because I was too prideful and thinking I was the only victim), my intentions weren't directly meticulous but words have an impact on others. When I realised I had a lot to fix inside myself and when I changed for myself and for the better, it was too late. I lost my dearest friends who genuinely did care and treasure me before. We couldn't rekindle or restart again, even when I did change. although I made peace with it, Everyday I am filled with regret and guilt at what I have said and did to my ex bsf, thinking to myself "if I did this instead, then I would still be there with them now", I still miss them, I still remember our memories together and still LOVE them. So to those out there, please don't accommodate others during friendships and bottle up negative emotions impacted by friends, communication is KEY, talk things out, don't bring up things from the distant past when you are frustrated with yourself or others, if you hate yourself your friends don't hate you so don't think they would think badly of you (because it's offensive to them if you think they would do horrible stuff to you, like it's you saying they aren't good friends) so you aren't alone. Always be careful at what you say, if what you said has rubbed others the wrong way, apologise and clarify. Don't be like me who sucked at communication and bottle things up. If you suffer from depression like I did, seek help and DONT lash out to your friends. Be considerate of others feelings, they might be suffering as well. Even if you were wronged, be respectful and consider others' positions. Focus on solving things rather than dragging things out. Srry for the ramble, i just didn't want others to lose and suffer the way I did. Rn I'm coping with the breakup by watching shows like The Big Bang Theory as a way to remind myself that I will find new bsf again so I won't be alone in the end kf my life. I'm constantly thinking how much I changed and hoping I can form new friendships and new CLOSE bonds no matter how long i wait. I want to feel and treasure the close bonds again when im an adult. Tbh, Best friend breakups hurt more than partner breakups. My fears, self hatred and anger got the best of me, I was scared they would cut me off because of my low self esteem, but eventually I said the wrong thing and I lost them in the end. Your low self esteem will always have an impact on your friendships, so live and prioritise yourself first. That way you can treat your friends and others better. Dont be like my past me. ❤
@Winrmeme 4 месяца назад
hi i love the big bang theory
@fairedepeche 4 месяца назад
What's scary is if you have ever had to rent a room in someone's house, then you know the pink dressed guy and the Sheldon types are real. 😬
@rickyjayster2586 5 месяцев назад
Another brother in a dress
@Kylegood101 4 месяца назад
lol you’re right
@skiyer10 5 месяцев назад
Episode and season no?
@marymcmahan5603 5 месяцев назад
Oh, Leonard….you should have ran…far, far away. You deserve better.
@JayGamerShow 6 месяцев назад
The apartment pre-leonard, that's literally every college student on a budget xD
@gear5soul 6 месяцев назад
To me the empty apartment was a symbol for Sheldon’s character. After he met Leonard and the guys the place started to fill up and actually look like a living space and also brought quality to Sheldon’s character. He started to look less like a robot.
@Ponchiegomezsaso 6 месяцев назад
This has been dubbed and his younger voice was used, but I love this song
@cartoonfan1014 6 месяцев назад
Anyone notice during the flashback, Leonard's narration is echoing?
@anonakkor9503 7 месяцев назад
@pulkiseth 7 месяцев назад
@user-to7jh4fv9y 7 месяцев назад
Leonard not running at the first sign of craziness shows how they are gonna be a best friends
@satishkamtikar958 8 месяцев назад
Leonard saying,this is pretty nice is just the way guuys keep a house. No extravagant furniture, no matching cuttains with walls, no paintings on walls and on and on.
@clarkX100 8 месяцев назад
The correct answer is Benjamin Sisko
@leohochman370 8 месяцев назад
I just love that a Big Black man wearing a pink dress says “You want the crazy guy across the hall” as if he’s the normal one
@richarddecker9515 8 месяцев назад
Eternal Dibs , I love it
@tommylucero2931 8 месяцев назад
Im glad that I never seen this before because it proves the show is about Leonard and not Sheldon So Leonard really the star of the show and Sheldon some what of a costar because he only has little part's then the rest of the cast and sometimes you don't see Sheldon until the end of the show in a lot of episodes so who is the real star of this and don't say penny because we already know she's a star
@zeroxception 8 месяцев назад
even in 2012 a 240p upload is unforgiveable
@rhysmeyrick615 9 месяцев назад
Canned laughter is unbearable.
@Kylegood101 8 месяцев назад
@vivianebastien2159 9 месяцев назад
Leonard,bitches about Sheldon,because of the roommate agreement . Yet he signed it,stayed with him,and knew what Sheldon was like. Hard to feel sorry for old Lenny ,the first meeting should have been a clue. The other thing old Leonard whines about was Penny,saying I love you ,when she wasn’t ready,to say it back.
@edmondlau511 9 месяцев назад
A state of eternal dibs 😂 I’m going to try to use that one.
@vegaman3096 9 месяцев назад
That joke didn’t age well!
@Tjd1982 9 месяцев назад
Just noticed there is a void of sci-fi/comic/fantasy anything in the room.
@Atheism712 9 месяцев назад
@nordicgaming2572 9 месяцев назад
"No you want the crazy guy across the hall." Pure gold lol
@DmitriyK12 24 дня назад
@RhyperiorRanger 9 месяцев назад
The rent must’ve been REALLY cheap (for California) for Leonard to still put up with this shit
@mert2375 9 месяцев назад
leonard is wrong. Tng is better show
@Kerorofan1990 9 месяцев назад
I would have failed the test. Because my answer to the "Kirk or Picard?" question would be Sisko.
@jamesha175 10 месяцев назад
LOL @2:12 "no that's where i sit" sounded exactly like Mr. Conehead = "Mebbs! Mebbs!"
@guillermojose939 10 месяцев назад
@ladyethyme 10 месяцев назад
Original over TNG my ass.
@llarmstrong783 10 месяцев назад
Why can Penny afford a one bedroom but Sheldon and Leonard can't?
@isag4411 4 месяца назад
Penny’s apartment is smaller, cause there’s just one bedroom. In Leonard and sheldon’s apartment there are two.
@mellttabor2134 10 месяцев назад
Nope nope nope! New generation episodes are better the Star Trek BUT Kirk over Picard and SPOCK over data!! Live long and prosper
@sashakeskic2520 10 месяцев назад
@richardharrington5734 10 месяцев назад
Dibs. Wow my naname in some sort of book. I was called Dibs.
@OneofInfinity. 10 месяцев назад
Ah, one of the early in the 90's flashbacks, Lennard sporting his Michael Bolton Hairdo back then, they aged well 😄
@thegreat1007 10 месяцев назад
Uhhhh no thats not... nobody there looks like the cartoon counterparts
@jancarlosmanon4556 10 месяцев назад
So with money he was making, couldn't he buy a table for the TV? I mean what was the reason to have the TV in blocks? Not even poor people so that
@fernandovergara3119 10 месяцев назад
Muy falso