I advocate for fun and chaos, preferably in the same order! First, you have to have fun and then create chaos! Hope I don't blow up Gotham... Much! Love, Mister Jay!
P.S. Harley says that you should subscribe for some reason!
@KrieppeN 5 дней назад
Not bad at all, congrats and keep up the good work! 🎉👏🏼
@Xandercorp 9 дней назад
Heh, going back to the roots! Noice!
@returnedtomonkey8886 Год назад
Credea ca gaming-ul AAA e vai de el in 2014? N-avea nici cea mai mica idee de ce avea sa urmeze.
@kitzkaz3238 2 года назад
This takes me back. Thank you for keeping this around
@121qwert2 6 лет назад
can someone caption this so its easier to understand?
@returnedtomonkey8886 7 лет назад
Doar 674 de vizualizări?! Ar trebuii sa aiba măcar câteva mii!
@Thetarget1 9 лет назад
Why doesn't this have more views?
@TheTrohl 7 лет назад
Several reasons I guess. GamerGate is pretty much over, and I think this song is a bit hard to find if you're not looking for it. I came here because I've heard it on /v/ before.
@Focus10021 9 лет назад
Salut...Am o intrebare : Am achizitionat acum 2 ani un laptop Toshiba care din pacate are urmatoarea placa video (Intel HD Graphics Family) iar intrebarea mea este urmatoarea: Este posibil sa cumpar o placa video mai exact Nvidia Geforce 730 si sa o conectez printr-un adaptor la Laptop ... Pe scurt vreau sa stiu daca este posibil sa am o placa video externa( Din cate am citit pe net este posibil) deoarece nu imi permit cumpararea unui PC/laptop sau altceva adecvat pentru gaming.
@SWARVB 9 лет назад
Do what I did. Save up for one. Set aside spare money everyday/week/month/or when ever you can, and don't go anywhere that cost transportation, or spend money when your there. until you have enough to buy a better one. Might take a wail but its worth it if you don't have much money.
@dragosstoica8682 10 лет назад
EA sucks !!! True song,true story :D
@TheAdy528 10 лет назад
Andrei vezi te rog descrierea.Este cea gresita.
@IonepolisYT 10 лет назад
Chiar ca ... :/
@AlexRoGameplay 10 лет назад
foarte adevarat, din pacate :( Si iarasi ai uitat sa schimbi descrierea :)))))
@VoiceChat55 10 лет назад
@NarcoticTFG 10 лет назад
Foarte adevarat ! :(