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I Love Docs
@05_05Aquirion 5 часов назад
They look like if they eat they would be in better mood. These girls are starving.
@jpvoxdawg 5 часов назад
I wonder if there was something about the coincidence of naming him the same name that jogged his memory
@GaiusOctavius4 11 часов назад
Remember, this is only one case out of thousands that were investigated and millions only family members know about. It is real.
@katherenewedic8076 День назад
70% of the worlds countries are under authoritarian rule, and in some wyas the ones that aren't are. what is being done to address governmental leaders aiding and assisting the vial acts against women and children, and the slave labor through out the world, who phkng cares?
@tryharder75 День назад
i wasn't impressed by John Landis' attitude and very confused as to why he was even there
@tryharder75 День назад
i assume he coughed up some money for the production
@DrSabrinaRojek День назад
This is happening in America. Literal Movies have been made. America has been said to be the NUMBER ONE (1) supplier of women and children to these traffick rings. Why are we so ridiculous and ignorant to see that we are not evolved here...our country, our children are being stolen and taken...Hawaii's children in bus loads, all while a created tragedy was being shown as a distraction. Everytime something major like that happens here from the government, they give lies and have TV show a distraction. Its all in our faces. People need to start doing something and caring outside of just comments on a video. Its REAL. Its right under your nose. Start asking after these girls you see in the streets, volunteer somewhere, donate or get involved with places like O.U.R. Volunteer as an accompaniment to court cases for the children and victims. We need to do more. AND also feeling the hoplessness many feel as they don't want to put themselves in harm way by trying to get someone else out. I know some ex-military/vigilantes that would love to be on these task forces to "help".
@Octolubz День назад
K. Krick followers should pay attention.
@All-GAS-AVO-CARDO 2 дня назад
1850 pataua north road, new Zealand
@mikeduncan2353 2 дня назад
China is sending the ingredients and mexico is cooking it ,quit blaming the US Doctors, its called War
@jeffreykoran4820 2 дня назад
It has been long in history where Arab and Turkish men abduct Ukrainian girls.
@Hajde_budalla 3 дня назад
If men didnt normalize & excuse buying womens bodies, none of this would be happening, period. Men need to take this seriously & men need to stop it.
@leslietetteh7292 3 дня назад
This is a joke lol
@user-io7kz4kv3z 3 дня назад
Human Beings the Only Species that literally buys and sells their Own involving Human Bodies and the Trafficking of Body Parts for Filthy Lucre !
@KennethAkin-me9je 3 дня назад
Yeah but what happens if you're reincarnated as another animal maybe a cow that gets slaughtered or any other animal or a bug even.
@KennethAkin-me9je 3 дня назад
If I die again I want to remember all my past lives and I want to ascend which means I want to retire from being born into the physical realm.
@KennethAkin-me9je 3 дня назад
I wouldn't want to be reincarnated.
@benlassu1880 3 дня назад
Why even a death and resurrection supposedly for atonement of sin? He walked around forgiving ' sinners' before dying and before he ascends into heaven he gave the authority to forgive sins or not, to his disciples! Jesus is not forgiving anyone and the 12 disciples are no longer.
@natalietankersley6340 3 дня назад
Projects all around the world huh?! Shameful the redlining
@nancyhoward1917 3 дня назад
Prayers up
@blumberg1982 3 дня назад
And omg can we talk about how the beard is a v shape!! It’s called styling men!!
@blumberg1982 3 дня назад
Religion should be a guide and should in no way be the be end, end all.
@blumberg1982 3 дня назад
Miriam Leah and I were roommates years ago. She has not changed. ML: What about what you want!!!! And no you don’t need to follow that. You need to do what feels right for you!!! Girl listen to yourself!
@cherylphelan2422 4 дня назад
I met a total stranger once and as he talked with my friend, I felt he was inside my head and knew it. Suddenly he said to me, “Are you feeling what I am?” He ‘broke the connection’ when he said, “Now, you’re one of MY girls.” But that was ESP and I had felt it. Twice I briefly saw a ghost as a young teen. Everything is possible, I believe.
@TheHoodVoice2024 4 дня назад
@betty5064 4 дня назад
It's all speculation, especially those flashy torchlight scenes.
@mr.giggles4995 4 дня назад
"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti
@user-friendlyhuman 4 дня назад
Please no music and acting. Just want a regular education. Modern world is strange for us.
@DaveTinNY 4 дня назад
I was born in December, 1963, 19 years after the Battle of the Bulge commenced in Europe. Since childhood, I've had an utter fascination with the WWII foot soldier - especially for those who fought in Europe. I sometimes wonder if I "came back" from someone who fought in The War... I have a relative buried in Normandy, SSGT Daniel H. Tremper (30th ID, 117th IR, Co F), who was killed in action 07JUL44 near the Vire River crossing in Normandy, France. I was contacted and eventually got to meet the soldier, Ysidor M. Sanchez at his home in CA. He was at his sergeant's side when SSGT Tremper was fatally wounded (in the neck) in hedgerow fighting. I'm not religious but I do feel there could be some sort of reincarnation - maybe not for everyone but this child's story seems very legit to me.
@jamesanonymous2343 5 дней назад
@905bwana 5 дней назад
The anger comes from not having a father
@MissEtak87 5 дней назад
POI- person of interest. IRL - in real life. We lost a fellow wrestler. I wrote letters with raw emotion without care of translation or formality, for who had any words while trying to share meaning, a letter to the dead can be easily intercepted. My brother made friends with the mortician the very one who would of had direct contact with a letter meant to be burned with the body or left in the casket upon burial, whichever. Then we watched a Korean Idol sing from a casket of his own death not understanding that the man who took my senior photograph was too a mortician, who fluffed and presented his findings to a forum who in return told us both that I was only suitable for pornography despite being a four year wrestler, who endured molestation of not-mature young female who was denied her own peers who were learning education meanwhile I was so advanced that who could judge unless I acted upon my peers with knowledge to molest my peers. In such great excitement I had kissed, well tried to kiss a few of my peers as I was overcome with such bliss at being allowed to have a friend who stayed the night, but what no one knew is that I was introduced to myself as a female at three years old and had matured at a different rate than my peers even my male peers. I could have went to a University with a full ride scholarship just for wrestling on an all male's team but the school forgot to punish-reward my coaches by having them attend and be present my senior year else what would I wrestle for. With the greatest respect of a man who knew too much who tipped head in an all too well manner I couldn't accept without those who were invested in me to be tagged along by the coach who would lead the way for those who came after even if all boys. What that man knew, what the school knew, what the police department knew, friends... teachers... I found my step father's corpse; he took a double for a zero chance survival rate for an easy way out instead of being faced with the possibility of life in jail without the ability to charge him for anything aside from gossip in a trust exercise that proved that my father had zero reason for me to trust him and his action was just as good as holding the trigger to my step father despite being a biological father who underwent a trust exercise and failed. A life in jail, third strike equals a life in jail and because he was a troubled youth without a father living in the 'projects' in Kansas City Kansas where those in the ghetto or projects would be required to take on debt just to work then be forced to pay for an unreliable car which would only result in a debt cycle of why even bother... but they were the ones scapegoated. None of these problems are easy, life isn't easy. We are told not to judge, but if I ever wrestled a female during the hormonal years it would have been a rooster fight, meanwhile at home my mom was the muse of accidently making her daughter the competition or bragging or whatever it was... My mom was 15 when she was pregnant yet a full adult in gymnast, knew too much from a broken home, knew too much about not being protected on her way from school as one young man took a moment to steal from her body... Who protects who in this world. I cannot blame my mom for anything. She gave a man a full new chance under Christ, God, Jesus, and just like that two months into the relationship was the possibility of grooming as he slept in the girls' room while my mother was out working. Yet American women are being told to go forth, make money, it's all about professions, don't stay home, give us your children... meanwhile I am the child stolen from the young adult woman who passed the trials of offspring, placed into a foster home whose parents were promised adoption without the backing all done by the government all because I couldn't read at kindergarten level... Apparently we have become so modernized that we were forced to leave nature behind so our children are at full risk of being preyed upon while our single mothers are forced to work, and I'm supposed to say the world is okay as one woman who signed up to be a model was placed in a position where she had to endure porn. Meanwhile we take a look at pre-child bodies not realizing that it's the play to the ideal of men liking characteristics that proclaim child without embracing the actual woman as whom you're supposed to desire. Innocents doesn't have what you want, but those who have the hormones had the answer and were the most likely to survive in the nature of man before technology and that was if they could feed the female, the one lucky female who was allowed to live to serve the barbaric male who led, else she would be wasted and casted aside to the extent that it would have been pointless to bring her along and tend to her needs as more could be found along with the resources required for them to survive and that's on a clan level of five men hunting down a dinosaur like a furry mammoth during caveman days and that's if they didn't have a female to assist in the kill else her efforts were pointless if she were not going to be his equal in insuring their clique could add more humans to their group and have women who stayed behind with the children. How much into stupid do we need to go to realize the problems never went away, but the expectation of the modern era is leaving our youth as the most vulnerable to be preyed upon. My problem with contracts that undermine the constitution for freedom when they should have been brought forward to avoid financial defunding but those contracts were presented knowing full well they were required for what was done against women for the ill health of the entire population of hormonal assistance provided illness to the masses in how we treat women. Meanwhile I am trying to get into the drawers of the entire earth population to check on our sexual health as the reason why the gap has widened as women no longer receive pleasure as their experiences had de-motivated them as men no longer found them to be an investment for their future shrouded in happiness, for it's best to wait... sometimes we want to take our car out and drive it to the full extent but there are supposed to be special places, some who will agree to what you want, but truth be told if you had another do it to you then you'd understand the pressure of responsibility in investing into the future instead of the here and now, for how did we all become so easily cast aside in pursuit of what... money for life that cannot be bought, sold, or replaced yet ...
@LouBang718 5 дней назад
48:23 WOW! That was so moving, the suffering these chimp's went through. Finally an embrace of your kind after nearly 25 years.😢
@pokemania_k 5 дней назад
This video is deceiving anyone who claims to be one of the 12 tribes of Israel and is not even Semite can’t even be a Arab person much less a Hebrew Jew, and yeah anyone can convert to Judaism, but if you are talking about the 12 tribes of Israel that is another thing Hebrew Jews Israelites are Semitic people not African, neither Asian, nor Indian not even Arab people so not this video has fake information!
@pro-socialsociopath769 6 дней назад
I am so glad that they were able to survive. We now have the foundation to start taking the steps to ensure that this won't happen to us again, and it going along splendidly 😊
@zlatak2711 6 дней назад
as a fluent speaker/person from ukraine its genuinely sad to hear the pain in these peoples voices sharing their story
@twhite8308 6 дней назад
💔😡💔😡💔 a needed and well done report.
@sonjam4606 6 дней назад
The woman says… god help if something should happen to me… And “get them before they know any better” 😡
@saschaesken5524 6 дней назад
Virus porn
@Aitiqaxxx 6 дней назад
I feel bad for the girls. Imagine the stress and pressure? They're stronger than they think. I hope they are okay and living their life now.
@dtomcheck 6 дней назад
So this is pretty much if you had ChatGPT watch the second season of HBO’s Rome and possibly read a beginner’s guide about the End of the Roman Republic. It’s certainly not the best I’ve seen but definitely not even close to the worst. Glad I watched it and glad that it was made and other people are able to watch it and then maybe want to learn more
@kre_dopeprod.3766 6 дней назад
37:27 Maharishi talking exactly like in Black vigvam
@kre_dopeprod.3766 6 дней назад
who really wants to know why it controversial watch doc called David wants to fly. U will be suprised
@roborob347 6 дней назад
The dogmatic religion of the godless Pharisees. It has nothing to do with the religion of the ancient Israelites. it is now the synagogue of satan. Christ is King!
@divemylollol6152 5 дней назад
Nope there is no christ only Hashem the only true one and I’m right !! Rabbi Lubavitch was better than all of you because Hashem is the real God Jesus is fake
@jom.a.md.s.h.2206 6 дней назад
Great ! Many thanks, Sir., 🙏🙏🙏
@teenagepuke170 6 дней назад
Idk why girl groups perform for men in the military… feels weird. And I bet there are some weirdos there too 58:10
@teenagepuke170 6 дней назад
54:50 what is this…
@divemylollol6152 7 дней назад
The father is smarter than all of you in the comments he’ll go to heaven before all of you 😊
@TheresABlueBirdInThere 7 дней назад
Most boring doc everrrrrr, these folks are so daft
@roccocarlino933 7 дней назад
The greatest crime of Christianity was the systematic removal of the teachings in REINCARNATION by Pope Vigilius on the orders of Emperor Justinian I approximately year 540. Credit to Saint Catherine of Siena for revisiting this natural spiritual law, the Dialogue she spoke in trance.