Motorcycle Action Group (MAG)
Motorcycle Action Group (MAG)
Motorcycle Action Group (MAG)
MAG was founded in 1973, and is the leading voice of riders in local and national and international government being a founder member of Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations. Passionately defending all that is good about biking by mobilising riders and volunteers through a local and regional branch structure this has led to campaigns from access to bus lanes and getting rid of the 100bhp cap on all motorcycles.

MAG represents riders of all abilities and experience levels through our support of parties and rallies, sport and competition, touring and travel. We work directly with politicians and civil servants, but still employ other forms of direct action if necessary to ensure the rider’s voice is heard.
See You In Court!
14 дней назад
UPDATE! Whitby Station Motorcycle Parking Ban
9 месяцев назад
Whitby Station Motorcycle Parking Ban
9 месяцев назад
Sur-Ron Fail or Future #electricmotorcycles
9 месяцев назад
MAG at Motorcycle Live 2023 #motorcyclelive
9 месяцев назад
@steve00alt70 5 дней назад
Martin you need to keep pestering them because the commitee will forget about it. I posted my own comments on their own channel
@trevormorris1281 10 дней назад
We as motorcyclists don,t want to under the microscope just leave us alone!
@AndrewKNI 10 дней назад
Well done Marty. You've come a long way from the '125' days. A fantastic looking Triumph bike. Andy K.
@presstodelete1165 10 дней назад
Actions are the true measure, as we all know how much budget kind words take up.
@bailey-cj2pl 10 дней назад
Well done!!
@233kosta 11 дней назад
We shouldn't be concerned with _just_ bikes. They're coming for EVERYONE. We need to put up a united front now. We can settle our differences later.
@233kosta 11 дней назад
Council: "We have this policy. What do ya' think?" People: "We hate it. Don't do it." Council: "So, here's the same policy, but ever so slightly changed. See - we listened!"
@martinowl 12 дней назад
Well done, Martin Boyd for your great work & persistence in putting the case for motorcycle issues to the authorities in N I.
@Disposalist 12 дней назад
Glad to see Stormont back in business and well done. The bus lane issue is a great example of 'the system' working. Them listening to you here is another great example. I think things in England have become so 'established' so as to appear all you get is ignored. I hope the example of Stormont will help England to stop ignoring motorcyclists (and everyone else).
@steve00alt70 12 дней назад
The department of infrastructure are still very car centric mindset or have a car brain outlook towards it.
@michaelpyro87 12 дней назад
Triumph Trophy. Good Man.
@chrishart8548 13 дней назад
Need to sort the VED out its terrible value. £117 a year for 47hp
@industrialmonk 13 дней назад
I repeat the only wayy to get any help for motorcyclists to for all motorcyclists to register on the census ( religion motorcyclist) then the authorities will have to do something.
@Leonard-kd7uj 13 дней назад
Be nice if they just left us alone to ride they play people you haven't been asked because they don't care people sould wise up
@750triton 13 дней назад
Our local MAG group is run by a chairman and his family, like it's their own little fiefdom. Any moves to take the group in to a more active, or even political role is quickly and decisively put down. There are plenty of us (locally) who would like to do more. Please, could somebody at MAG remove their free ticket to events to allow a more proactive group to take over
@michaelarmstrong4099 13 дней назад
My advice is: If there’s plenty of you, set up your own group. Or send an email to your Regional Rep. Michael Armstrong National Political Officer.
@750triton 13 дней назад
@@michaelarmstrong4099 thanks
@michaelarmstrong4099 13 дней назад
@@750triton which region are you in?
@750triton 10 дней назад
@@michaelarmstrong4099 West midlands
@michaelarmstrong4099 10 дней назад
@@750triton there are two groups in West Mids. One is in Stafford and the other is the regional one. Get in touch with Colin Brown or Michael Beake if you would like to start a new group up. Michael National Political Officer.
@londonjohn67 13 дней назад
Excellent, well done!
@steadyeddie639 13 дней назад
@TheOGForkinCrazy 13 дней назад
Great news 👏
@kenjohnson6338 15 дней назад
These councils need suing.. not as a corp.... but individuals..... the way forward Thes liberals are the problem.... need to outlaw them imbiciles...!!
@NooBiker 15 дней назад
I was in France recently. They promote motorcycles and PTWs as a mobility option, providing parking spaces and in many places you can even just park on the pavement. Each motorcycle is one less car and one more person able to get to the shops and jobs quickly a d conveniently. French enlightenment, if you like. We're going back to the dark ages with the type of BS Hackney are trying to pull.
@medler2110 16 дней назад
MAG needs to get more proactive in telling people they exist and what they do, until I found these video's the last I heard about them was in the 90's.
@loonaticsrunningtheassylum 16 дней назад
As a commuter on two wheels I've just donated. Not that I go anywhere near London (avoid it like the plague)..PUBLIC SERVANTS do not serve the public. They will never be honest or advertise your next freedom or liberty your about to loose because of their agenda.. and don't think answering any of their questionnaires will get us anywhere. I believe (read somewhere) they're written by psychologists with nothing but leading questions. They already get the answer they want before anyone has even filled it in.
@georgehatcher8867 16 дней назад
Thin edge of the wedge. I live in a little village in east Kent but this concerns me and all motorcyclists. I have made a donation to the legal costs.
@Leonard-kd7uj 17 дней назад
I wish you all the luck But you will not win with this government winter fuel payment for pensioners proves that there will be very few of us left by the end of this term and that means fewer members sorry that what it looks like thaynot listening and niver will
@pauld7827 17 дней назад
It's not about emissions, that's a con to extract money from the public. It's all about making more money. If they could tax us breathing, they would. They are leeches who need to learn to manage the huge amount of money that they already get.
@loonaticsrunningtheassylum 16 дней назад
They're listed as a corporation. UK ltd I believe.. ALL CORPORATIONS HAVE TO MAKE MORE PROFIT FOR THEIR STAKEHOLDERS. They do not work for the tax payers they steal from.. in my opinion.
@PhilipBallGarry 17 дней назад
Playing devil's advocate for a moment, even if the (flawed) idea that motorcycles were as polluting as cars, they've failed to take into account that newer bikes - with catalytic converters (and especially current Euro 5 spec models) are exceptionally clean and efficient. So, why not base their parking charges on that, and give people a choice whereby they still enjoy the benefits of this sustainable method of transport if they replace their current bike with a more recent model?
@deborahsewell7716 17 дней назад
Keep fighting mag the mayer is inforcing the rules on parking as he is with ulez motorcycling is the blood
@terryroberts505 18 дней назад
Southend on sea started just under 2 years ago charging motorcycles to park same as car parking charge joke
@AubreyHill-km3cw 18 дней назад
3.1 thousand views. 24 comments. How many letters/emails/phone calls of objection to councilors?🤔
@rayobrien4274 18 дней назад
once they get away with this all the councils will start doing it. shit rolls down a hill good luck.
@GapBahnDirk 18 дней назад
It's all about power and control.
@davemonday5381 18 дней назад
I’m sure khan is s#itting himself. He doesn’t care. How did you do fighting ULEZ. The blade runner has had a far better impact. They should love us. No traffic jams and we are clean and green.
@Sirloincloth1st 18 дней назад
So much for democracy. Big brother is a turd.
@jameshunter2993 18 дней назад
Motorcycle and car owners are cash cows for Hackney council I would lobby Diane Abbot.....oh that won't work will it. Even if we went EV with bikes they will not stand to lose the revenue from vehicles. We are being socially engineered to live in 15 minute cities where all transport except overfull public transport systems will be allowed.
@theodavies8754 18 дней назад
I wouldn't go to London no matter what country it was in.
@AaaaandAction 18 дней назад
Even if you did you’d be unsure what country it was in!
@loonaticsrunningtheassylum 16 дней назад
I avoid it like the plague
@Conii-vc8ef 18 дней назад
C40Cities. Sadik khan is/ was the current chaiman.
@davecarrera 18 дней назад
I truly cannot understand the aggressive stance many Politian’s, local and national, have towards motorcycles. It is the obvious route for commuters to go and ticks all the boxes for pollution and traffic chaos. It is either based on ignorance of the benefits, I doubt that, or the controls on drivers of any vehicle are not for the reason they have wrapped the draconian rules up in.
@goon_eg1089 18 дней назад
It involves ya freedom, why else would the gov discontinue the most efficient bikes first.
@jeanjacques9980 18 дней назад
Already happened in part of Lewisham in parking controlled areas and the council are working towards controlled parking all over the borough. It’s all about generating cash and council transport portfolios in the hands of cycling zealots. These policies will spread all over the country, Bath being a prime example.
@patmays7344 18 дней назад
You are totally correct. If everyone used motorcycles, there would not be any traffic jams. Tailbacks, or any hold ups at alll in any major city or town. And to charge them money to park, is totally stupid, short sighted, and totally asinine! Typical Beurocratic pen pushers! .
@GWAYGWAY1 17 дней назад
Have you been to Saigon?
@GWAYGWAY1 17 дней назад
How to produce emissions whilst parked, I would love to know.
@WilliamPatrick-e5p 16 дней назад
@@GWAYGWAY1 we have rules and regulations in this country, it's not just a free for all? Like saigon
@russelljbriscoe 19 дней назад
It’s about control. Labour does what the Tories dare not .
@loonaticsrunningtheassylum 16 дней назад
They're all puppets obeying orders... They don't work for us.
@georgebatson5705 19 дней назад
Motorcycles are like ivermectin, an inconvenient solution to an imagined problem.
@SteveBernard42 19 дней назад
Unfortunately, we (users of motorcycles) are very much misunderstood by councils and government. Informed common sense decision making is alien to these organisations. End of rant.
@rottieman347 19 дней назад
We don't have a Government (local or national) anymore, instead we now have a dictatorship. 😠😠😠
@cpuuk 19 дней назад
As with all these things, if they get away with it in one place, it becomes defacto everywhere else.
@Trumpets4me 19 дней назад
What a shame more people like this don't join MAG, TOO many bikers are more than happy to SPONGE off of other bikers, who pay their subs to MAG, and enjoy the benefits, of MAG's tireless efforts. If you like bikes and the enjoyment you get from riding a bike, then PAY UP.
@PeterCorr-b9n 18 дней назад
And what exactly are MAG supposed to have done for me?
@rupertbollywood1190 18 дней назад
I was a MAG member via VJMC. I attended a huge local MAG event once, and went around to ask the MAG people what I could do to help. I have a law degree and legal training, but this wasn't what I was offering. I was asking what moves could be made to find out about CAZs in large towns and cities. They (MAG people) just seemed annoyed. They didn't even try to hide it I got no information out of them even though I wanted to see how I could help. I wanted to know who to write to, etc. They seemed to have everything just the way they liked it: crappy cover bands of 80s rock music, leather hats and chain keyrings everywhere. Some kind of LARPing... Anyway, since then, I know MAG is a bit more serious now that Liversidge is back, but they're still doing the same shit (currently organising campsites, cover bands and stalls for weirdos who want black T-shirts with wolves on them for some reason). I get the nostalgia thing and we all want 1987 back. But, at the present time, apart from the people at the top they don't seem to be serious people. I quit VJMC and am not interested in MAG as of yet.
@rupertbollywood1190 18 дней назад
E.g. an email from MAG today: "This years MAG AGC is to be held in the capital of the Yorkshire Wolds, Driffield at their fantastic venue The Driffield Show Ground, home of the Into the Valley Rally. The venue has a purpose-built conference hall that will hold the AGC on the Saturday afternoon. We will also be hosting an evening party where we will invite our local supporting motorcyclists who are not necessarily interested in the day to day running of MAG, but support or Yorkshire rallies and thus help fund MAG. AGC delegates will have free entry into the evening entertainment, anyone else wishing to camp and attend the evening only will be charged a £10.00 donation to MAG. We have another venue on the same site as the AGC, but it is a bit more atmospheric and not as sterile as the conference centre. We will be providing entertainment from around 18.30hrs on the Saturday evening with a solo artist first and then a very popular band from Leeds called Aftershock. Camping is available on the site with nice toilets and showers available. If you wish to bring a camper or caravan, we will be able to provide hook ups for you. We will need to know if you want a hook up, so please email me" It's a jolly - these guys all know each other and want a party. Why am I supposed to pay? The more funds they get the more judicial review cases will be suggested (big payday for lawyers but very unlikely to succeed).
@PeterCorr-b9n 17 дней назад
@@rupertbollywood1190 MAG can only exist whilst the problem and supposed struggle exists. So prolonging the struggle is in MAGs interest and that of their nostalgia vendors. I was ignored by MAG members many years ago when I simply suggested that they should get the industry involved, i.e. corporations, manufacturers and retailers , to bring pressure on the government, etc. After all that's the way countries and their economies are run!
@loonaticsrunningtheassylum 16 дней назад
I only seen to remember hearing how "unhelpful" mag were.
@clivedunster8970 19 дней назад
Donation made… You’re correct in that this will become a UK wide issue. Good luck 🤞
@CosmicSeeker69 19 дней назад
My 2006 125 has donated! 🛵
@MusashiSamurai 19 дней назад
They came for the Diesel Trucks and Vans (LEZ) - I didn't drive trucks or vans so I did not speak. They came for car drivers of older cars (ULEZ) in Central London - I didn't drive a car or live in Central London, so I did not speak. They came Car drivers in the rest of London - I didn't live in London, so I did not speak. They came for the Motorcyclists - and there was no one left for me to speak for me. (Paraphrasing Pastor Niemoller) Need a line for LTNs, Carparking, Congestion Charging, Petrol Prices, Car/Bike crime/theft/assault... They've got it in for *_all_* motorists - Motoring is a necessity for the majority of us; so we're an easy target. Pay-per-mile charging/tax won't be far away.
@michaelarmstrong4099 19 дней назад
You’re right with your words. All bikers should speak up, and all at the same time too! Michael Armstrong MAG National Political Officer.
@233kosta 11 дней назад
They'll come for push bikes next. They want everyone on public transport. Notoriously USELESS public transport, by the way.
@Stefan_trekkie 19 дней назад
Bikes are a symbol of freedom, freedom that 'they' hate and try to prevent.
@Leonard-kd7uj 16 дней назад
Think to a degree they are doing it look at showrooms empty as prices go up and takes sore and more to come numbers will drop and as we talk a lot but then except the watered down version of what they wanted our numbers in UK drop unless something other than talking takes place we will be decimated by the time labours first term if they manage more than a year before the country is F___ked then they don't think we excit now what will happen then anyone guess
@233kosta 11 дней назад
This is something literally all politicians share - an innate hatred of freedom for anyone else. We call these people authoritarian. It used to be a very unpopular position. But now they've managed to get mobs of useful idiots to vote for them over pet issues.
@ogasi1798 19 дней назад
as usual, the scum that steal from us on a day to day basis continue to sell us lie after lie while stabbing us in the back under the cover of night - unbelievable