Nerdy thing who reacts to nerdy things. And I love bacon, but who doesn't?

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@SilvantusSchnauzer 2 дня назад
"We'll build a wall around the planet, and the San-Ti will pay for it"
@reverseBLT 2 дня назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Make Earth Great Again
@LonceyMills 3 дня назад
Regarding your “at war” conundrum: Remember all the dead scientists, knee-capping higher science, Pale seeing numbers others can’t see them killings themselves, and flashing stars everyone could see???
@reverseBLT 3 дня назад
I had been operating under the assumption that the humans were doing the murders on their own initiative and that the Sophons made the countdowns and sky blinking at their behest, as well. It seemed consistent with a perhaps overly literal species that didn't quite grasp lying, particularly one that seems to see individual survival as unimportant because of collective thought. I'm not as sure about things now. I still feel I need more info about exactly how the San-Ti think and what their plans were at each stage. Also, how widespread different opinions are in their species.
@Frequencydead 5 дней назад
You keep forgetting the San ti clearly stated in their very first communication with humans do not answer because if you do we will come and we will CONQUER You not co exists not shacking up not diplomacy but CONQUER
@reverseBLT 5 дней назад
I hadn't forgotten. I mentioned the first message received a few times, starting in my ep four thoughts and feelings, trying to reconcile it with other information. It's been a while since I recorded these, but I think I may have been stuck looking at "conquering" in terms of overt, physical warfare, rather than in terms of psychological and information warfare. That aside, I maintain that diplomacy has a role even after hostilities are officially declared, which was my (diminishing) hope, at this point in the story. The San-Ti listener shows they're not a monolith, so I figured there still could be a chance.
@relaxedbro 5 дней назад
@reverseBLT 5 дней назад
@rfresa 14 дней назад
I appreciate your positivity about the show. I've read the books, mostly as a Brandon Sanderson fan (I started the first book twice back in the 90s and just couldn't get into it). I enjoyed the overall story, but there are many flaws in the books, and I feel like the show is doing a great job translating this story into a very different format, capturing the essence of it without the annoying parts.
@reverseBLT 14 дней назад
Thanks for the compliment! It's funny, because I was definitely a bit hard on the show in the first few eps of season one, but I think it leveled up pretty well, as it ran, despite the noticeable hiccups from Covid and a major cast member leaving, at the end. I'm not quite halfway through the books, but I've been enjoying them a lot, though they too have some jank. 😄They've also been leveling up as I go. I'm curious how I'll feel when I get to the supposed Slog, though.
@rauliuxaa 23 дня назад
If you enjoyed this, should look up severance, that show is on this same level of sci fi
@reverseBLT 23 дня назад
Severance was on my list because of the cast and the fact that I kept hearing it was really good. It would have risen higher in the queue, had I known it was sci-fi! Thanks for the recommendation!
@rauliuxaa 23 дня назад
@@reverseBLT yeah, it's sci fi, it's really something, i'd say the action scenes and music are better on this show, but the plot and how it unfolds is better on severance, if you'll watch it, i'll be waiting for the reactions, cheers bud!
@reverseBLT 23 дня назад
@@rauliuxaa Color me extra intrigued. When I watch it, I'll definitely make reactions. Might be a while, but I'll do my best! 😅
@AmusedGermanShepherd-er5gp 29 дней назад
They can't travel faster than light but at 1% of it. Although they are highly advanced they have limitations. Which gives them a certain realism. Also they are highly aggressive, the pacifist stating that his people would conquer us. The ones who co-exist with them would be the ones who help them. Everyone else is cannon fodder. Then once the San-ti learn we can lie that's it they can't co-exist with any of us. They can't lie as they have effectively a hive mind. As soon as the pacifist told Ye Wenje about their real nature he was instantly detained. That was explained better in the book.
@reverseBLT 18 дней назад
Only just now saw your comment. Thanks for taking the time out to clarify some things. I kinda hope we get more insights into the San-Ti culture. I'm particularly curious about how a quasi-hive mind works, when it comes to dissent. And, of course, I'm holding out hope until the end that we can find a peaceable coexistence as equals. Also, I've thought more about their slow speed, because I still think they should be able to achieve higher than that, but it occurred to me that they still need to do a flip and burn halfway through the journey, so maybe their limit is less about maximum speed and more about calculations taking mass and fuel into account. Another duh moment for me. 😅
@xwpfan2 Месяц назад
Just found your channel. Not sure how long I'll stay around. Your criticism of opening shots etc. are getting my nerve. This is a television show, not a book that has exposition, it has to show "thing"s to convey long distance travel and scope of the world. All shows have them, including Game of Thrones and Dune just to name a couple.
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
Welcome to the channel. Hopefully, you'll stick around, but I wish you the best, regardless. Regarding opening shots, I'm critical when they feel poorly handled for their task, either by not presenting anything visually or narratively compelling or important, or else by overstaying their welcome, so to speak. Many of the shots I criticized felt either lacking in cinematic "gravitas," or else lasting far longer than the information being presented warranted. Long establishing shots can be used very effectively, but I don't think that was the case here. And shows have exposition, too, so I don't get that part of your comment.
@bringinghomesteadinghome4161 Месяц назад
Firstly, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been on YT and up on my reaction sub videos and I just had to say- YES!! I’m so happy you’re YOU and so super happy you’re reacting to this. I have read the books and loved them 4/5🌟 and that YOU are the one reacting (my go to for sci-fi, fantasy and referential reacts… whether theology or mythology or scientific concepts or historical references) …I was ecstatic!! Be YOU. I see you and appreciate you, your takes and your knowledge. Tearbender for LIFE (me as well. I’m a hypersensitive when it comes to visual or audio cues… let those tears flow.) If you’re back into reading as well as watching… have you read the Commonwealth Series? 🙌🏻😎 Happy to be back watching your content again! On to ep 2!
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
Thanks for such a supportive comment! I really needed it, today. I haven't read the Commonwealth Series. It's ringing a bell, though, so someone must have recommended it, at some point. I'm still studying for my IT certs. Classes are over, so there's some time to edit again, but I probably can't add anything else to the plate right now, especially when the Discord book club is still waiting for me to get back to Wheel of Time... 😅 Anyway, thanks again for the words of encouragement, fellow Tearbender! I hope you like the rest of my reactions to 3BP.
@sawcery587 Месяц назад
--*hands over eyes, coping, crying*-- "that's very effective film-making i gotta admit!"
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
They had one job, and they definitely did it! 😅
@bz7661 Месяц назад
The current physical paradigm is a scam... no matter really exists, just perceived. No one has ever experienced matter outside their awareness... and there is no way for scientists to test this... impossible. Therefore, the only logical conclusion one can reach is that everything is contained within awareness. Not even bacteria can do anything without it... Has someone experienced matter outside of themselves? nope. This is it. This is all there is... which makes me think of God. God is... God simply is... that silence when you calm your attention from thoughts, sensations, feelings, etc... that silence is where everything comes from... it's subtle, but with practice you'll be able to pinpoint it... A light can never shine upon itself, it always shines outwardly.
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
Interesting philosophy. From my perspective, gods are the things no one has ever experienced outside their own awareness. They exist within our imaginations. By contrast, we've devised probes, colliders, and other testing apparatus, and thousands of experiments that confirm reality outside our senses and thoughts. But who knows? Maybe, one day, at least one of the millions of gods humanity has invented over its evolution will be confirmed scientifically. That would honestly be a fascinating development.
@bz7661 Месяц назад
@@reverseBLT Everything exists within our imaginations, even the so-called "Gods". No one has ever experienced anything outside their consciousness, and I mean NOBODY, not even the smallest bugs. Without consciousness, there wouldn't be anything to recognize this universe. Yes, we have apparatus to confirm what "reality" shows, but again, we can't experience those measurements without consciousness. In my opinion, consciousness is fundamental, time and space ain't. Because again, no one can experience anything without it. Religion says God is all powerful and knowing and that creations is finished... If God is infinite, how come we are here? It shouldn't be possible given that God is infinite, we would displace God with our limitations. But religion also affirms that God is "personal" which is the biggest lie to ever been told. God is not personal, God doesn't care about us, or what happens to us... God just is... God has no knowledge of Good or Evil, if he had, he would stop being all knowing. Not denying science or anything, but looking at it from a different perspective. There is only one constant in your life that always remains and is never changing, that is your "I am" Pure untainted awareness... and from it everything comes to existence. Reality is a very persistent illusion, just like time and space. I think of "God" as a screen, a giant screen, and the individual pixels are each of us, with different tones and hues, each one believing to be separate from the whole... but we're not separate... your experience is not separate. We share the same existence, we share the same "I am" which makes us one. It's when the "ego, individual mind" that believes itself to be separate. It's like we're all living inside a very intelligent and well designed simulation, but the screen doesn't care what happens to us... that's upon you. But seriously, try and experience anything outside your own awareness... it's impossible. Try and take a step closer to yourself? Impossible. A light cannot shine upon itself, it just reflects (I'm not sure the correct word, Oh! i know, It illuminates) When you fall asleep, do you construct your dream, or does your dream already appears with everything on it? In your dream you're dreaming that you're another person, and from the perspective of that person, the dream looks so real, but the person doesn't know that he's being dreamt in your mind. It's weird.... I know. I don't believe in a personal God sitting on a throne making choices and orders for us all... that is stupid. But there is something and that cannot be denied. It's impossible for you to shine a light upon yourself... meaning that it's impossible to fully know your whole nature... but when you quiet that little mind, that ego that tells you that you're a separate being, you will realize that you ain't that thing... that the concept of "self" is just a concept, not real. The only constant that never changes in your life is your awareness, your body changes, the mountains change, the seas change, the planet changes, the impermanence of it all... but the only thing permanent is that silence in you, and it will never go away. "Be still, and know that "I AM"" Quiet the mind, know that you're not the individual, and realizations come fast. Besides, scientists say that matter is 99.99% empty space, although, some don't like that idea and say that it's not empty, that there are magical clouds or something which is just coping in my opinion, but given that matter is 99.99% empty space... how the hell does the brain account for consciousness? How can nothing make something? This dream world is crazy, and it is real, but an illusion. An illusion is real, but it is not what it appears to be. The most overlooked element in history, consciousness. The fundamental, the foundations, the background of existence. In order for somethings to exist, it needs to stand out from a background... I wonder what background is that.... You can't have a wave without a sea, you cannot have a cloud without a sky.... awesome stuff!
@Spongie Месяц назад
Glad to see you back. Was waiting for this episode reaction and did not disappoint. Kinda off-topic but there is this recent anime show called "Frieren", which would really fit your style of commentary. Even if you can't put it on youtube, it's a good show to watch.
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
Glad to be back! Sorry to have kept you all waiting so long. The IT classes demanded far more from me than I expected. I knew this episode was probably the one everyone was waiting for, for obvious reasons, and I kept trying to edit it for you, but I just couldn't get into the right headspace, while studying. I can't apologize enough. Thanks for coming back! Also, thanks for the recommendation! I've heard a little about Frieren, and it sounds like it would be up my alley. I'll definitely give it a look!
@SilvantusSchnauzer Месяц назад
"All is communicated as soon as communication takes place" to me sounds like the san ti can't tailor their messages in the same way we do. They dont think before they speak, they just speak the whole thought out. Imagine if your thoughts were basically projected outward, it would be a lot harder, maybe impossible, to lie. And regarding the conquering, i see the inital conquering as them coming to take over and rule but the humans can still be there. Definitely a war, just bot an extermination. After the lie thing, they were afraid to live with humans at all and the goal becomes getting rid of them
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
That makes sense. Like Evans, I had assumed they meant they were telepathic. I probably shouldn't have assumed that, considering it's (so far) unproven to be possible. Then again, they have proton supercomputers, so... 😅 It's interesting to consider the different possible meanings of "Your world will be conquered." Someone pointed out in a prior reaction that conquering doesn't have to involve violence. But the assertion that the Listener was a "pacifist" definitely *suggests* violence. Probably you're right that the original plan was "mere" subjugation, although Ye and Evans seemed to be operating under the assumption it would be like a symbiosis, albeit a patriarchal one. I really hope we get clarification on how exactly the San-Ti originally planned to coexist with humanity, as well as how they think and communicate. Part of me wonders if their assertion they can't lie can be trusted. It's possible even the initial warning message was a ruse.
@babette5918 Месяц назад
Using nano-tube technology to make a solar sail makes sense... but when I hear about nanofibers, I always think of using them to create a space elevator. You use them to tether a space station to the Earth, then you can mechanically climb the fibers in order to get things into orbit. Currently, the problem is that the tensile requirements for the tether would also require a huge amount of mass in the tether. Nanofibers can solve the strength/mass ratio problem enough to make a space elevator feasible. Also, great to see you again rBLT... I just found out you were watching this show.
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
Hi, Babette! Glad to be back. Hopefully, there won't be any more long hiatuses. The space tether is a really fascinating idea. It looks like the main sticking point with the nanofiber idea (aside from not yet being able to manufacture a suitable tether) appears to be cost. No one wants to front the enormous expense to make and maintain a tether and the ascension apparatus. I've also seen concerns about how disastrous failure of the tether could be. Regardless, it does seem a better long-term solution than rocket lifting everything, at least to me.
@Frequencydead Месяц назад
Just Some food for thought Regarding the San ti and lies there's several ways a species might be aware of the concept to some extent but incapable of doing so when directly communicating face face so to speak just saying
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
Definitely interesting to contemplate how that would work, and what implications it would have. For instance, if they *understand* lying, despite not doing it themselves, one would expect them to factor it into their interactions with other species. That said, there are plenty of traits we know aren't necessarily present in other animals, even on our own planet, but we still make the mistake of interacting as if those traits *are* present. I guess no amount of intelligence can prevent all blind spots.
@Frequencydead Месяц назад
@@reverseBLT well for example octopi communicate through their chromatophores most likely controlled by their brain instinctually i say most likely since I'm no octopi expert now lets say they are aware of the concept of deceit but they can't do it due to their form of communication being instant with their thoughts so they see no point in the concept since its a dud for them now lets further say they had never met any other species it would be somewhat safe to assume that they would assume that a new species they communicate with also couldn't lie since that's all they know now i know i probably don't make much sense here but just food for thought
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
@Frequencydead that made perfect sense, actually. Solid analogy.
@Frequencydead Месяц назад
@@reverseBLT thank you 🙂
@jilliandiamond3358 Месяц назад
Queen was not wearing armor
@gravshark Месяц назад
Just got done watching all these! Loved your reactions. Did you end up deciding to read the first book?
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
Thanks! Glad you liked them! I've decided I'm definitely reading the books, but I want to hold off on book one until season two is done, because I've heard this season only covered about half of the first book, and I don't want to spoil myself on where the show's going. I like to go visual to written, because depth tends to increase in that direction. At least it usually feels that way to me.
@gravshark Месяц назад
@@reverseBLT I'm in the tail end of book 3 and I agree this is a good idea. The back half of book 1 is SO FUCKING GOOD. Be prepared!! lol
@reverseBLT Месяц назад
@@gravshark I'm excited!
@TGrimm Месяц назад
She's a chaos gremlin. I want one
@MWSin1 2 месяца назад
"So I'm thinking the director is some kind of monster." Well no, but actually yes.
@Chubby-cat- 2 месяца назад
Loved your reaction ! When will you watch the episode 5 ?
@reverseBLT 2 месяца назад
Thanks! Also, your PFP and name are super adorable. 🤗 I've finished the season. I got swamped with IT classes I've been taking, so I wasn't able to get any editing done. Classes are done (for now), so I hope to have more for you guys in a few days.
@Chubby-cat- 2 месяца назад
@@reverseBLT Thanks ahah I'm obsessed with chubby cats I find them so cute. Good luck with your IT classes! As a software developer myself, I hope you enjoyed it :)
@reverseBLT 2 месяца назад
@@Chubby-cat- They are indeed super cute! Thanks for the encouragement! The A+ wasn't too bad, but I found the Data+ material in CompTIA's Learn and Labs to be incredibly frustrating. It was obtuse and presented information needed for earlier modules in later ones. I ended up having to do a ton of research outside of class to be able to complete the labs, but I ended up scoring 80 percent on the assessment, first time, so I'm feeling hopeful about the certification exam. Now, I'm trying to decide whether to take Network+ or a Python course, as my next step.
@nikkan3810 3 месяца назад
I actually like that the generator is poorly designed, it kinda highlights the desperate situation people were in right before the nuclear exchage or whatever caused the apocalypsis. They did the minimal optimal job to have it work, but that's it.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
One of the big things I wonder about is how prepared people in the Before Time were for whatever happened, because you're right that, if it was a "got no time and very limited resources," situation, the generator makes sense. I keep feeling like they had plenty of both, though. I'll have to reexamine whether I have any good reason to feel that way.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
@@nikkan3810 I removed the previous comment you made to protect people watching the show along with the reactions from finale spoilers. I'm reposting what you wrote, though, after the spoiler warning in this post. SPOILERS FOR THE S1 FINALE * * * Nik's comment: "See, my thinking is, they made all the silos grouped together, which is a bad idea cuz whatever hurts one silo, may hurt all the others, besides there was no effort made to hide them either. They were made as quickly as possible and the machines were left inside because there was no time to get them out. Interiors were likely furnished after it was already sealed. There's also only one ingress point and video feed of the entrance. Nothing about these silos looks advanced. Though to be fair i'm mostly inferring all of that from just the visual side of it, that might be simply an aesthetic choice by the showrunners, instead of some kind of logical system. The generator is pretty iffy on the design aspect, like the rotor is placed in an area where steam doesn't go, at least not when we look at it, so that can be like a irl production thing." My response: I think the grouping could also indicate either a lot of planning, a *very* high level of tech, or both, considering the structural challenges one would expect them to face with the silos being so close together, coupled with the seeming bespoke design. Obligatory not an engineer, though, so I could be talking out my ass, as usual. 😅😅 I'm not entirely sure there's only one in/out point for each. Some pics I've seen, there's some spots that look like they *might* be additional, small structures within the circular perimeters of each silo, as well as a possible large entry point. Maybe for some sort of maintenance and/or recon vehicles? The single primary door and corresponding camera could be for better control of the population. Maybe helping to prevent widespread awareness of anyone approaching each silo from the surface route, and the small door is a good chokepoint. But then there's the possible underground connecting tunnels the giant metal door potentially leads to? Can't wait for season two to give more answers (and questions)!
@ASageCalledQ 3 месяца назад
Mike, Mike, Mike smh
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Yeah, he really screwed the pooch. 😥
@ASageCalledQ 3 месяца назад
When first contact goes from excitement to terror.
@LMarti13 3 месяца назад
always enjoy people who can poke fun at themselves. your self-deprecating edits are funny
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Hey, I figure we can all laugh together! Glad you enjoy it! 😁
@aliendelivery 3 месяца назад
To the San-Ti, at least at this moment, the thing about lying is not a personality trait but rather a biological feature.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Hm, that's a really interesting way of thinking about it. A subtle but important distinction.
@TheMooRam 3 месяца назад
7:12 is giving that Simpsons scene where the town meet what they think is an Alien. A-"I bring love!" T-"Its bringing love, dont let it get away! Break it's legs!"
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
🤣 Classic. I love that episode.
@arpeggioblue 3 месяца назад
6:06 “That actress did a pretty good job…” That’s Zine Tseng. It’s actually (I think) her first role, and she got the part through a zoom call! Mad respect to her
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
I'm even more impressed now. She did an amazing job, especially for an inexperienced actress!
@anderscarlsson4309 3 месяца назад
Fifth element reference. Nice.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
I love that you got it!
@SilvantusSchnauzer 3 месяца назад
"the San-Ti are a species of autistic people" 😂
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Where's the lie? There isn't one, because they can't. 😉🤣
@RAFAEL-kz4bs 3 месяца назад
I just love your reactions to this series, cont wait until you see next episode.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Glad you liked it! And, yeah, episode five. Yeah... 🥹
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
Mike Evans done fucked up. They should have had a Literature majore do the communication. Or at least someone who could explain the concepts of allegory and metaphor. And how those things are not lies. But rather, they are tools to communicate the Truth. And yes truth with a captial T not lower case t.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
This is why sci-fi stories usually have whole teams of specialists in different disciplines handling first contact. 😅 Also, I can't see Truth with a capital T without thinking of God from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. 😆
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
@reverseBLT yes, and people trained in deplomacy, being the representative to actually handle dialogue with them. Speaking of an assembled team to handle contact, have you ever heard of a show called Threshold? Staring Carla Gugino, Brent Spinner, and Peter Dinklage? It was about a Porfessor who creates contingency planes for potential scenarios for the US government, one of which is what to do when aliens are discovered.
@2321Julius 3 месяца назад
He deliberately chose Red Riding Hood to explain the concept of lying to them
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Never heard of Threshold. That cast is enough to get me interested.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Julius, I don't see how. He seemed very confused by their confusion.
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
While no nation polices international waters, a ship is bound by the laws of whatever nation of the flag that ship flies. And all ships have to be registered to a specific nation and fly that nations flag.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
I also found out a few years ago that people are bound by the laws of their home countries, even when abroad. Presumably that also includes international waters.
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
The fastest veseel we have ever built would reach Alpha Centauri (approx the same distance as the San-Ti) in 80,000 years. So no, we can't do anything like the speeds the San-Ti can.
@BoognishQC 3 месяца назад
yes, but we could reach those speeds, the reason it's taking them so long is you also have to factor in deceleration time. They could be here much much sooner if they were just gonna fly by our sun but since they want to stay then the deceleration process takes just as long as the acceleration process
@Wouldyoukindly4545 3 месяца назад
And that doesn't factor in the acceleration you'd need to stop.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
I was thinking of a solar sail ship being pushed by a high-powered laser array, so not tech we've put into use yet, just tech we technically possess. At least I *thought* we possessed it. 😅
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
@reverseBLT what we can reach with a solar sail is still theoretical. There are a lot of factors that go into it. But assuming we have the funding to build one (and the corrosponding pushing laser), we could get much higher speeds, but as was pointed out, if you want to stop at the other end, then you need to be able to decelerate. So the 1st half, they are accelerating, and the 2nd half deceleration. Unless they have some form of artificial gravity, they are not likely traveling at a constant speed, but rather at a constant acceleration for 200 years, followed by a constant deceleration for the remaining 200 years. And if they have artificial gravity, they have already solved their 3 body problem. Another factor is the energy costs to accelerate something in space. For that, mass matters. Even in a vacuum. And these ships are likely truly massive. The idea is to conquer and colonize earth so I would guess well over 1000 San-Ti per ship. Probably closer to a minimum of 10,000. And even possibly upwards of a million per ship. It took the Nazi's a quarter million soldiers to occupy Norway during WW2, and Norways population was only about 4 million, maybe a little less at the time. The San-Ti's tech advantage would allow them to do more with less, but it would still take huge numbers to pacify 8 billion people. Could be 12+ billion in 400 years.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
@@spamfilter32 I figured the solar sail ships would need some kind of propellant to do a flip and burn at some point (or just a burn, depending on the layout), presumably at significantly less than the halfway point. Obviously, I didn't attempt to do the math on reaction mass and how much that would slow down the acceleration stage and all that. Math boredom is why I didn't become a physicist, after all. 😅 You bring up something that resolves a nagging question for me. I had wondered why the San-Ti, with all their tech, were only going around one percent light speed. I was expecting to hear they were going around 10 percent or better. But yeah, these are civilization arks. Each one is probably carrying at least several hundred thousand to over a million of them, meaning a huge mass and space dedicated to them in each ship, so more to accelerate and less space to pack in whatever they're using to propel them.
@LezbiNerdy 3 месяца назад
Oh man, I love that the whole "stories are lies" thing upset you too, cause that pissed me off so much! There are so many better ways to explain it! And why were theyonly hearing about the concept of story at this late stage? Why not BEFORE HE STARTED reading them stories? Like, "I'm going to read you a fairy tale, let me explain to you what this is..."
@LezbiNerdy 3 месяца назад
YES YES YES! God, heh, I had so may people in the comments telling me I was wrong for finding the whole operation with the police and that group stupid, everybody was stupid in that. The police were dumb, the hot crazy lady (and heh, I also am delighted you also were calling her the hot crazy lady, I feel like sometimes we share a brain, although you are much smarter than me, lol) was dumb for just pulling a gun like that, the police were dumb for making it so obvious that they were with Jin... why was everyone in that moment so stupid?? lol
@maxsilva11 3 месяца назад
Ha, I mentioned in my comments that the story thing bothered you too! Must be a WoT fan thing :) I think it makes sense that he only recently started reading stories, given the timeline of communication. But it is a bit silly that he got so far into reading stories without explaining what they are. I guess the closest we could come to an explanation is that he wouldn't have thought he needed to explain what a story is? And maybe they didn't ask because they thought "story" was just a synonym for, idk, "history?"
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Right? It seems to me there had to have been a better way to explain fiction than how Evans did it. BTW, I finally finished your reactions, now that I'm done with the show. Sorry I didn't leave comments on all of them. I didn't think the fact Evans didn't tell them what stories were was that farfetched, though. It was a great example of a fundamental misunderstanding. For us, it's basic knowledge that stories can be varying degrees of fictional. For the San-Ti, assuming they really can't lie, it's basic knowledge that stories are factual accounts. Neither side thought to clarify the point because, to both, it was obvious information. A devastating example of "what happens when we assume." 🥲
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
Nanofibers cutting power is not the threat to the San-Ti. But it's spoilery, so I won't say what the real threat to them is.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Thanks for not spoiling, bud!
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
@reverseBLT no problem. So much is best if experienced as it happens. There is a show I really love, Orphan Black, but you 100% can not watch the "next on" at the end of each episode as they cantain HUGE spoilers. Still highly recommend it, and if you ever do a reaction to that, I'll watch it with you. Just make sure you stop each upside when the "next on" part begins.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
@@spamfilter32 I've learned the hard way not to watch "next on" promos in the modern TV era. You've probably noticed I never watch the "coming this season" promos after first episodes in streaming shows, too. Once bitten... Orphan Black is on the list, but it's a long list. LOL
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
@reverseBLT Person of Interest and Terminator: the Sarah Conner Chronicles are also very good shows. [Edit] I almost forgot, *Impulse* is also very good, but don't watch the trailer or read the show synopsis. That one is best if you go in completely blind. And as far as I know, no one has done a reaction to the show, only to the trailer.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
@spamfilter32 I don't think I've heard of Impulse. I remember there being a comic book character named Impulse, though. I was a big fan of Sarah Connor Chronicles. If you ever see me write or say, "Thanks for explaining," know that I picked that up from Cameron. 😅 I've seen a few episodes here and there of Person of Interest. Really cool concept.
@AnnekeOosterink 3 месяца назад
I mean, there are plenty of monarchies now. We're not technologically as advanced as the movie is, but plenty of European countries have monarchies for example. Most western fantasy is based on European medieval ideas and then there were only monarchies. It makes sense in that way, but there's no particular need for there to be monarchies. Todd became a knight like all of them, by being born as the child of a knight. Ballister is the first one who wasn't from a noble family. Changelings are fully fae though? They're fae kids who have replaced a human kid. In many of the stories they only go back to the fae world if they're mistreated a lot. In some version the human parents get back their human child, but most of the time they don't. The message of those stories seem more or less, if your kid is weird they've been replaced with a fae doppelganger and if you abuse the fae kid enough it will leave. Ballister's question is coming from a place of ignorance and curiosity, because he wants to know Nimona now. At first his questions were invasive and judgy ("why can't you just be normal") and Nimona rightfully mocks him. When he asks because he genuinely wants to know her she answers him honestly. You can be allergic to literally anything. Nimona isn't actually doing anything when she's the shadowbeast. She just walks through the city and slams one screen when the words monster slaying come up. That's all she does. She didn't commit any crime at all there. She walked on the street and hit a building when she was hit with a missile. The point is kinda that there is no origin story, she is the way she is, there isn't a curse, or a wish, she's just the way she has always been. She's Nimona.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the comment! 🤗 Yeah, monarchies can have staying power, true. I think it was just on my mind when I watched the movie, how much fantasy and even sci-fi seems fixated on them. I think changelings are usually fully fae, though I thought half-fae were also considered changelings who could choose to become human or fae, later in life. Probably a later addition (assuming I'm not making it up 😅). A kaiju marching down the street is presumably doing a lot of damage just by doing that, but I'll accept she isn't doing anything *more* than that. She's going to get hit with one heck of a bill for road repairs. 😆 I liked how Ballister's evolution in acceptance was conveyed through the changing nature of his questions. Having a gay character be intolerant of an everything-fluid character was a nice extra layer, too. Todd the nepo baby sucks. LOL Glad he didn't die, though. Living gives him the opportunity to become better.
@maxsilva11 3 месяца назад
I don't want to say too much about the prospects for peace, what the San Ti are like, whether they could ever have trusted us, etc, because I don't trust myself not to give spoilery impressions. But I will say that I'm not sure how much mitigation a more pro-humanity representative could really have done. For a species that seems to be unable to lie, do you really think it would assuage their fears to know that we sometimes "lie" for fun? Does the idea that fictional storytelling is a form of access to truths of human nature really mitigate the fact that they won't know if they can trust that we'll adhere to a peace treaty? I guess I'm saying: I don't think this episode is showing that they're hostile because they think we're morally bad because we're liars, it shows that they're hostile because as beings who have never encountered deception before, they don't have any frame of reference for conducting diplomacy when they can't tell if we're lying about our intentions. It's not that they've been given a bad impression that we're liars and therefore untrustworthy, it's the sheer fact that they know we can hide our intentions at all, which demands that they accept a level of risk any time we'd be asking them to take us at our word - a risk which they may well consider intolerable. But then again, I think you're also right that a better first impression could have helped, and it certainly adds to the sense of tragedy. Interestingly, Lezbi Nerdy was also very bothered by Evans's definition of fiction! Maybe it's something about being a WoT fan :)
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
Well, he was wrong to confirm that the story is a lie about liars. Because it's not. It is an allegory where each element of the story is a tool to convey TRUTHS to the reader. There is a specific reason this particular fairy tale is in the show, and it wasn't so that the aliens would learn that humans lie. But I won't say more because it is spoilery.
@maxsilva11 3 месяца назад
@@spamfilter32 oh for sure, the stories are very polyvalent when it comes to foreshadowing, just like the "joke" in a later episode.
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
@maxsilva11 Yes, and it was no accident that Raj's father's war story was immediately followed by Wills' conversation with his cancer and how those relate to the story at hand.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Thanks for being careful about spoilers. 🤗 You're probably right that the realization that we can lie, regardless of how it came about, would be a huge shock to the San-Ti that would make them doubt coexistence was possible. It's something I struggle with in my own life, and I'm human, so I at least know it's a thing I have to account for, even if I often forget to. You should have seen my friends patiently explaining to me that I shouldn't take listed requirements on job postings as *actually* saying what the employer required. 😅 I wonder how the fear caused by knowing nothing we say can be trusted can be overcome. I figure it would have to be rooted in the demonstration that we're a *relatively* functional and successful species, in spite of the fact that none of us can ever know whether the other is bullshitting. That should suggest to the San-Ti that we must be at least trustworthy *enough* . 😅
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
@reverseBLT agreed on the last part. But since they have no framework of reference, it might take a while for them to realize that the ability to lie does not inherently make one untrustworthy. However, as conquerors, their intention is to make whatever humans survive the conquest their slaves. This is what conquerors do. So, from their perspective, a slave that can lie can rebell against their master. That makes slaves that can lie especially dangerous. However, as allies, if one partner can never lie, the most valuable ally is a partner that can. And the reverse can also be true. As allies, humans, and San-Ti could be vary valuable partners to each other.
@Frequencydead 3 месяца назад
"if only they had talked to someone else" well remember they said from the start you will be conquered the never said they would do it peacefully
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
True, though that line is a bit perplexing, in light of the revelation that their species doesn't lie. They seemed to have been aiming at coexistence, based on what we heard of their conversations in this ep and the previous one, but the warning would suggest they intended to aggressively and violently conquer. Those seem fundamentally opposed and would suggest someone's being less than honest, to say nothing of the question of how pacifist dissenters could function in a presumably *non*pacifist culture without the capacity to conceal one's intentions.
@Frequencydead 3 месяца назад
@@reverseBLT very true well since I dont want to give any potential spoilers since I dont know how much from the books will make it into the show but those questions are answered in the books and it's quite fascinating
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
@@Frequencydead Ooh, I'm looking forward to discovering the answers as the story unfolds! Thanks for not spoiling me! 🤗
@PrinceEntrapto 3 месяца назад
More specifically they said "Your world will be conquered." and until this moment still considered the prospect of coexistence to be viable, if you take them to communicate very precisely and literally then by 'conquer' they must mean the dictionary definition of assuming control via force, the threat of force or through implementing their own power structures in place of existing structures, violence was utilised against a small number of researchers although this may have been independent action carried out by the Sophons that in turn had no concept of lying since it would be limited by its programming parameters at the hands of the San-Ti and therefore wouldn't have perceived humanity itself as an existential threat rather than humanity's specific technological advancements The moment Mike Evans not only drew attention to the concept of deception but also said "We all do" in response to "You do this? You lie?" and then equated deceivers to pests and then pests to bugs, to the completely literal San-Ti he just indirectly proclaimed all human beings as liars and pests, which is why the San-Ti in that moment decided coexistence is no longer a possibility and the entire species must be neutralised
@mlgamings6110 3 месяца назад
@@reverseBLT well I kinda think of conquering like with the native Americans. When the British came, they weren’t aiming to kill all of them. They were willing to coexist. But it still involves oppression, assimilation, and basically taking over and establishing themselves as the dominant group. Either way, I’m pretty sure humanity was not going to have a good time.
@maxsilva11 3 месяца назад
I like that you immediately picked up on Ye not having been the one who was communicating with the aliens (when she's revealed as the leader). In the books (keeping this vague enough not to be a spoiler), there's some significant disagreement within the pro alien organization. That all got flattened out for the show - which is sad because it would've been some great drama, but I also see why it was better for their perspective on the story to keep the organization more of a monolith. But I think you're right that they're implying Ye and Evans haven't been coordinating about what to say back to the aliens - I hadn't fully clocked how that seems to indicate a rift between them.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
It's kind of fascinating that there's basically more communication lag between the San-Ti's human sympathizers on Earth than there is between them and the fleet four light years away.
@AndrewBilsbury 3 месяца назад
It looks like the communication has been going on for 40 years. So Evans is comfortable with them and just now adding fairy tales to the table. It still could have been explained much better!
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
Spoiler Only sort of. But won't say more.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
I saw a reactor saying they didn't think it made sense that they could communicate so long without it ever coming up, but I think it's fairly realistic. If the San-Ti actually don't/can't lie, it makes sense that it wouldn't occur to them that stories weren't accounts of real events until something came up that made no sense from their perspective, such as willfully staying in a situation when you should know you're in serious danger. Very interesting scenario. Also, I'm going to have to remember to come back to this thread to read the spoiler comments after I've read the books. 😅
@spamfilter32 3 месяца назад
@reverseBLT the spoiler comment is from the show. What it is will come up in an episode or 2 so you don't have to wait until you've read the book. I agree with you. If something doesn't occur in your society, then it would never occur to you to ask about it until you were exposed directly to it in a way that was unavoidable. Until then, you would wither assune what you were witnessing was something else, or your cognative dissonance would cause you to overlook it. And it would make more sense for him to read to them books about our scientific knowledge and maybe on our cultures first, and only reading them stories like the fairy tails after the science texts and culture books have been exhausted.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
@@spamfilter32 Ah, thanks for letting me know. I don't click "Show more" on a marked spoiler unless it's clear it's for stuff I've already seen/read. Yeah, it does make sense that he wouldn't have started with our fiction. And there's a *lot* of material to cover in non-fiction, so he probably did just recently get into stories.
@joeldodd6526 3 месяца назад
SPOILER WARNING The San-Ti can know what other San-Ti don't know yet, but they cannot communicate without also communicating their thoughts. So they can have secrets but not for long and they can't lie. The real reason she says "we are afraid of you" is because they thought it and literally could not help blurting it out, even though it is something they don't want us to know. The reason they go silent is not necessarily because they have given up on their human followers, but because they are freaking out back there and literally trying to shut down all communication, pulling the wires out so to speak, in case they accidentally blurt out something important again. It takes them a long while to get their shit together, get their heads around the concept of lying and even start practicing a bit of deceit before communicating again, and boy is it a doozy. BTW, episode 5 is epic. Just when you think it has gone fully epic it goes more epic. It is meant to be the end of book 1. It is a climax of sorts. No idea why the showrunners chose to rush the first book, not actually flesh out the story enough et, then spend three episodes setting up book 2and 3. But episode 3 is the highlight of the series.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Hey, Joel, do me a favor and put a spoiler warning on this one. These elements get into some insights that affect how we understand the mysteries of the story, and presumably would get doled out in little nuggets, over time. I now have information to use to figure things out I probably wasn't meant to have yet. Thanks!
@joeldodd6526 3 месяца назад
@@reverseBLT My bad. Sorry. Done.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Thanks, bud!
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Greetings, Tasty Morsels! If you've ever wondered why sci-fi tends to depict pretty rigid criteria and processes for contact with alien intelligences, this episode makes it pretty plain. There are serious consequences to getting this stuff wrong! What did you guys think of the ep? How would *you* have explained fiction to the San-Ti? Do you think there even was a way to prevent them arriving at their disheartening conclusion? As of posting, I'm done with the season and can happily report I enjoyed the whole ride. Please still exercise good spoiler etiquette for show and book developments covering events and concepts revealed after this episode's plot. Thanks! 😁
@Chubby-cat- 2 месяца назад
In my opinion, the San-Ti would have for sure figure out that humans are all liars at some point so it's better that it happens while they are 4 light years away from earth than already here. It lets us time to come up with something to defend ourselves, eventually. But in any case, I think this conclusion was inevitable
@BearClanMan1970 3 месяца назад
My reaction to this episode was very similar to yours, reverseBLT. I respect and appreciate your compassion and humanity.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the kind words, bud, and for being a fellow compassionate human. 🫂 Also, *amazing* beard. I'm super jealous. 😅
@BearClanMan1970 3 месяца назад
@@reverseBLT Thank you much, my friend! All the best to you.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
@BearClanMan1970 And to you!
@bz7661 3 месяца назад
I would also tell the San-Ti to conquer us... people stab each other on their backs all the time. Animals don't do that... only people do that. People are selfish and ugly, and their lives are ultimately worthless because they live it for themselves in their selfish ways... people think that their lives belong to them, but they don't, life does not belong to anybody... That's the problem with people, because of their selfish apish brains, they need to screw their neighbor over so they can get the lead. I promised myself I would never shed a tear for human life, and when things get bad, I will make sure none of you have a single second of relief. I do believe that time is over for people... you're on borrowed time. You're all comfortable and circumstances are good right now, but that's changing, and when you lose your house, your family, everything you hold dear... I hope you don't make it.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
I hope you find your way back from this particular abyss. As someone who's been hurt a lot by other people, I can understand feeling like we're worthless, but try and remember you're also human, and you carry some light in this dark world. Doesn't it stand to reason that you can't be the only one? And isn't it worth nurturing that light in others? Here's a hug. It's all I've got, and I know it's not much, but I hope it helps. 🫂
@lookslikearobot 3 месяца назад
3 body problem is one of "possible in principle/theory but impossible in practice". To calculate something you need parameters to begin with: position, initial speed, etc. The thing is - they have to be precise. Let's say the exact value is 69.000000001, but you put into the calculation just 69.0, the result will be wildly different eventually. You need infinite precision of measurement and computer (because any computer will always introduce some numerical error), it's unavoidable. It's chaotic, just like weather.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Right, and we would, theoretically, need to go back to the starting state of the universe to get it exactly right. And the planet(s) orbiting in the system would be additional bodies needing to be factored in. It's one of those things I realized I was way oversimplifying, after I said it should be doable in the first episode's reaction. I think it should be possible to predict well enough for *some* degree of planning, but blindsides would absolutely still happen. The sim did a great job of getting that across.
@juliem7555 3 месяца назад
I read the books more than 10 years ago and they are great. This series is really so good too. The music and the lights are perfect, I don't remember all the details of the books but I feel in the same ambiance by watching the show as by reading the books. I will now talk about a particularity of the books, this is not really a spoiler but maybe not everybody wants to know that. After I read the first book I wanted to read the second book to know the rest of the story of Juliette. But the second book is not about the rest of the story of Juliette, it is about the past of the silo : its construction and the life of different groups of people in different periods of time (several centuries) with their uprisings or big events like that. It was a great book, very interesting with a lot of informations, very intense, but also very disappointing and frustrating because it was not the rest of the story of Juliette. But it is really good because we understand better what happens in the silo now. So I don't know how they will explain the rest of the story in the series, will the second season follow the books and explain the rest of the first book with the rest of Juliette's story, or maybe they will change and explain a period of time of the second book? Or Juliette's story with flashbacks of the past. I wonder... Surprise...
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
Interesting. I wonder how they'll handle that. I'm even more intrigued to see where season two goes now.
@juliem7555 3 месяца назад
I love your reaction. I love how you think and ask so much questions to yourself and make so much guesses. Juste like me when I read the books more than 10 years ago 😂
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
My favorite thing about mysteries is the fun of trying to piece together the puzzle. I'm glad you're enjoying watching my attempts. Just don't judge me too harshly when I'm *way* off. 😅
@juliem7555 3 месяца назад
@@reverseBLT I was often way off too 😉
@td4637 3 месяца назад
"It's a shame how pragmatism always has to work. It's like they could probably be friends, but the risk is so great of trying that that''s ultimately what causes the conflict, that both sides are afraid to be vulnerable enough to risk friendship." I don't want to spoil anything. I just want you to ponder that transient idea and remember it and apply game theory to it, because you stumbled onto something important.
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
I'll try not to forget but, if I do, please remind me. Hopefully, it won't break my heart. 🥹
@Tristyn_Waterman 3 месяца назад
I feel the same way as you. It *must* be possible! Why can't we coexist with them in peace as fellow sentient beings?
@reverseBLT 3 месяца назад
We can hold out hope together until it's inevitably ground beneath the great cosmic wheel. 🥲