Ohio Senate Republicans
Ohio Senate Republicans
Ohio Senate Republicans
Official RU-vid page for the Ohio Senate Republican Caucus. Please visit the official website to learn more: OhioSenate.gov
History Lesson at The Sherman House
2 месяца назад
Celebrating 248 Years of Freedom
2 месяца назад
Upper Chamber Says Farewell To Senator Rulli
3 месяца назад
@chai-and-tea 10 часов назад
This guy’s double speak is so outrageously Orwellian, it’s sickenly beautiful.
@w8lvradio 5 дней назад
You are LIARS. And the Ohio voters are going to end your gerrymandering. And What's MORE is, that for not standing up like men to Donald Trump, you are COWARDS. ALL OF YOU are collaborators and accessories to his crime.
@pamlewis1183 7 дней назад
Republicans? Don't trust anything they say!
@rebeccabenjamin5688 10 дней назад
Stephanie is an LGTBQ+ hater! Vote her and the rest of the GOP haters out of office this Nov!
@wesman7837 10 дней назад
Some of these arbitrary lines are completely INSANE!
@cjr769 10 дней назад
They can't win in the legislature so they once again want to change the rules!!!
@FknNefFy 14 дней назад
Then channel unseen goes DEEP into this. The EPA are LYING LIARS and are colluding with the DEFENDANTS attorneys
@FknNefFy 14 дней назад
How is she just sitting there smiling? This is such a huge cover-up and it's way way way bad. Probably the worst ever. Look into it. People especially those who live here
@trampcaldwell4889 14 дней назад
Hey Alexa....what's new in politics ?..... you just might get misinformed.. Alexa.. who programed you ?
@chai-and-tea 14 дней назад
Oh god, here we go again. Corrupt politicians who pick their voters telling the voters they cant be trusted.
@chai-and-tea 14 дней назад
Power grab? Really? 😂 Didn’t the GOP attempt to cement minority rule over citizen led ballot initiatives/ constitutional amendments during a special election vote, which was held ILLEGALLY, contrary to your own legislation adopted months beforehand? Didn’t the GOP force Ohioans to use unconstitutional district maps by running out the clock? Stop treating the voter as the enemy.
@chai-and-tea 14 дней назад
Such hubris. Ohio’s legislature is well known, INTERNATIONALLY, as being one of the most corrupt, gerrymandered government bodies on earth. Extremist politicians with no accountability.
@greylady-k4j 15 дней назад
Check the subtitles
@davebarton6824 16 дней назад
It was a conservative Supreme Court that allows for DARK MONEY you hypocrite. If you were the one getting the money, you would be silent. Sherrod Brown is a better man that you. Trump is going to drag guys like you down in 2024, ending your political career.
@bgpunkass 19 дней назад
This video is pure propaganda full of blatant lies, and the ballot board is being sued and will lose. These extremists in our state legislature just know they can't win unless they cheat, and they are terrified of losing their gerrymandered supermajority. They literally put in the language of the anti-gerrymandering amendment ballot language that an independent commission will be required to GERRYMANDER the districts in an attempt to fool voters into voting no. THIS IS EXACTLY WHY WE NEED TO FIX OUR DISTRICTS- TO SAVE OUR STATE FROM CORRUPT POWER HUNGRY FASCISTS LIKE FRANK LAROSE AND THERESA GAVARONE.
@cjr769 20 дней назад
So difficult to understand by design
@marpsr 24 дня назад
Yikes. Kunze hates the 2A. Get this RINO out of office NOW.
@sauseysandwich9215 Месяц назад
this is some serious gaslighting. I don’t care what political party anyone is, I find it hard to deny that this is ridiculous… these are the same people who have created ludicrous shapes in Ohio’s voting maps. if you don’t think having a citizen led panel of 5 democrats, 5 independents, and 5 republicans to create voting maps isn’t fair, then I don’t know what is. Power hungry people like this don’t belong in power. That’s why people are passionate about this issue.
@maddyaiken Месяц назад
Matt Huffman is a gutter dwelling party hack that is lying through his teeth to protect the most gerrymandered state in the country
@phoenixrising441 Месяц назад
The left will 1,000,000% rig the national election and likely rig Ohio to the fullest extent possible. DO MORE TO STOP THE DEMOCRATS FROM CHEATING!! They stole a landslide trump victory in 2020. They stole the senate in 2022 to get court picks approved. They stole Arizona from Keri Lake. WTF are Republicans doing??!! WAKE UP and seriously DO SOMETHING
@Cactus270 Месяц назад
Huffman is garbage and knows damn well he’s trying to keep Republicans as the ones able to keep gerrymandering the maps. He’s a dishonest piece of garbage
@cjr769 Месяц назад
Where can I get a written transcript of this show on this subject
@cjr769 Месяц назад
This is disastrous...what can we do to help dump this garbage?
@manic4choc Месяц назад
Thank you so much for securing Ohio's ballot integrity. I have been very concerned about illegal immigrants voting in Nov 2024 and how they will impact outcome and skew results. I hope Frank and others can convince other States to secure voting rights for their citizens also.
@pfflyer3381 20 дней назад
Be afraid! Thats your policy? Should have closed the door before your family came!
@Custard-The-Dragon Месяц назад
If you don't want "dark money" in the elections stop allowing it by not allowing money in politics. Don't you know anyone who makes the laws? Is it gerrymandering when the elected party percentage matches the citizen party percentage? Right now there is gerrymandering, if we make district mapping fair then we get rid of the existing problem. Are you saying dark money wants to make things fair again? If so, I'm all in. This video is wierd.
@Joseph-u3t2n Месяц назад
I'm proud to have been born and be living in Ohio. Our state may not be perfect but we do have some great leaders and laws when it comes to the political spectrum. I really hope you all can stop this foreign money being used to gain power and persuade elections.
@manic4choc Месяц назад
I'm not originally from Ohio but have lived here for 25 years and appreciate all that the Ohio Senate Republicans do for us. This podcast is very helpful to understand what's going on and what is being done about it.
@CadenDoesGames Месяц назад
This is an extremely dumb and shallow argument. When he tried to define proportionality he instead gave the definition of gerrymandering almost word for word. Proportionality actually means districts elect multiple representatives in each district in proportion to the number of people who vote for them. This specific proposal would remove politicians from the redistricting process in favor of a citizen commission. Why, as a citizen, would you not want a citizen commission? Gerrymandering is a huge problem and politicians are responsible for drawing the districts, so of course the politician is going to get up there and lie about it!
@cjr769 Месяц назад
It's all Obama's fundamental transformation of America...
@johnmurphy7482 Месяц назад
Let’s put Mr. Huffman and Judge O’Connor in a room to discuss this.
@chai-and-tea Месяц назад
I mean, you guys used illegally gerrymandered maps SEVEN TIMES. Seven times it was struck down by the Supreme Court of Ohio. Then the GOP stalled and ran out of the clock to force citizens to use those maps. Engaged in bribery with First Energy; held an illegal special election (in violation of your own law) to try and make citizen initiatives impossible to obtain and cement minority rule…. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
@cjr769 Месяц назад
Just say it like it is...Democrats can't win in Ohio legislature so they bypass our duly elected representatives by ballot initiatives...we must reject their schemes!!
@TomFlori-bs2vp Месяц назад
Moreno For Senate!
@ShrobsImprov 2 месяца назад
@shahinurrahman3613 2 месяца назад
Hello Ohio Senate Republicans, I think, your content is definitely great. Know what to do before and after uploading videos? Will the views and subscribers come when the video is uploaded? Some works have to be done. I will wait for your reply.
@w8lvradio 2 месяца назад
Independence Day? How can you celebrate that, while you bow to a Traitor and a Tyrant? Ohio Senate Republicans, why don't you STAND UP LIKE MEN to Donald Trump?
@kathleenmann7311 2 месяца назад
The MAGA Party has proven itself to not be reliable in its reporting. 📜🇺🇸🧢✌️. Trump and the “republicans” plan to destroy our Constitutional Democratic Republic by systematically attacking our freedoms.
@pantaloonsxD 2 месяца назад
You ought not be using SMS for official communications.
@jimmyg6780 2 месяца назад
Please get this bill passed Republicans, after Stephens is REPLACED ! THANK YOU Senator Cirino 👍🇺🇸
@w8lvradio 2 месяца назад
Ohio Republican Senators: Why don't you STAND UP LIKE MEN to Donald Trump?
@w8lvradio 3 месяца назад
Ohio Senate Republicans: You are all shameful COWARDS for not standing up like men to Donald Trump.
@RobbWebbVideos 3 месяца назад
We are NOT a direct democracy you have miss spoke. WE are Constitutional Republic
@cdhl1422 3 месяца назад
We wouldn’t allow ANY OUT OF STATE MONEY in Ohio Elections
@delossantos2353 3 месяца назад
@jimmyg6780 3 месяца назад
Get SB83 across the line Republicans ! Ohio is talking to YOU Speaker, and has had ENOUGH of you bowing to the minority leader/teachers union 😡
@w8lvradio 3 месяца назад
Why don't you Ohio Republicans STAND UP LIKE MEN TO Donald Trump?
@phoenixrising441 3 месяца назад
R1gged e1ections have consequences. DT won 2020
@Chocolatecandybars1979 3 месяца назад
this proves dems are corrupt if they block this
@Chocolatecandybars1979 3 месяца назад
all donation small and be seen what are you hiding democrates or Demoncrates