Smart Gaming with EvonyJesus
Smart Gaming with EvonyJesus
Smart Gaming with EvonyJesus
This is a gaming channel for the mobile game Evony: The Kings Return. My channel is focused on how to play the game in as a low spender with the ability to make All-Star Battlefield, increase your ability to win SVS and do it all for less money than other players. Welcome to the channel!
@loudring6247 10 месяцев назад
You have no idea what those Ach gears can do for you and on Dewey, like I have, I have one of the top best 5 defense on my server.
@ChaserXaviour Год назад
Do you have any idea what the 65,000% return is?
@alecitatc7193 Год назад
Hi. Nice video. Do you know if it is still working? Or it should be make on event period?
@user-ou7wf3py6n Год назад
당신들은 나한테 불법 자원 거래 하지말할 자격이 없습니다. 그 이유는 나는 처음부터 게임에 위반되는 행위를 안했기 때문이다. 1. 해당 계정은 게임 내에서 만든 일반 계정이면 각 계정마다 연동되어있습니다. 2. 그것은 나의 알트 계정입니다. 3. 게임을 하면서 길드 운영하는 데 사용하는 계정입니다. 4. 길드 내에 사람이 거의 없어 길드 이벤트, BOG, BOC, 바이킹 할때 활동하는 계정입니다. 5. 운영진은 해당 계정을 금지 시켰습니다. 6. 그 이유는 불법 자원 거래 라고 말합니다. 7. 알트 계정들은 자원 수집 및 이벤트, 전장, 몬스터로 부터 자원을 얻습니다. 8. 일반 계정을 아무런 근거와 증거물 없이 금지 시킬수 없습니다. 9. 나는 운영측에 해당 증거물 자료 요청을 10일째 하고 있습니다. 10. 운영측은 계속 묵인하고 은폐하고 있습니다. 11. 그렇다면 모든 서버에서 알트 계정을 금지 시켜야 합니다. 12. 아무런 근거없이 해당 계정이 위반했다고 하지만 그것에 대해 자료를 안주고 있습니다. 13. 저는 게임 형평성을 위해 모든 서버에 알트 사용하는 계정을 금지 시켜야 한다고 생각합니다. 14. 운영측에서 강조하는 게임 운영의 형평성이 제대로 이루어질수 있기 때문입니다. 15. 그 계정이 불법 자원 거래를 안했으며 일반 계정으로 증명할수 있습니다. 16. 운영측은 그 계정이 불법 자원 거래 했다는 증거물 요청드립니다. 17. 게임 운영측은 기술팀에서 나온 결과라고 얘기합니다. 18. 하지만 기술팀은 평소에 문제가 많습니다. 19. 저는 바로옆에 있는 좀비 잡고 행군 귀환하는데 40초가 걸립니다. 20. 전장을 할때 지연 문제로 저의 행군은 종종 귀환을 안하는 경우가 많아서 게임을 여러번 재접속합니다. 21. 서버전쟁을 할때 타서버 가따오면 보호막이 안걸릴때도 있습니다. 22. 저는 분명 3일 방패를 사용했는데 하루만에 방패가 없어지는 경우도 있었습니다. 23. 이에 기술팀은 제대로된 보상을 하지않고 당사자에게 책임을 넘깁니다. 24. 문제없는 기술팀 문제일까요? 제 행군 문제인가요? 25. 게임 운영측에서는 지연문제로 악용하는 사람들은 처벌 하지 않습니다. 26. 그들은 기술팀에 문제 없음을 인증하기 위해서입니다. You have no right to tell me not to trade illegal resources. The reason is because I didn't do anything that violated the game from the beginning. 1. If the account is a general account created within the game, it is linked to each account. 2. That's my alt account. 3. This account is used to operate the guild while playing the game. 4. This account is active when there are few people in the guild, so guild events, BOG, BOC, and Viking. 5. The management has banned the account. 6. It says the reason is illegal resource trading. 7. Alt accounts get resources from resource collection and events, battlegrounds, and monsters. 8. General accounts cannot be banned without any grounds and evidence. 9. I have been requesting the relevant evidence from the management for the 10 day. 10. The operation side continues to condone and cover up. 11. Then you should ban alt accounts on all servers. 12. It is said that the account has been violated without any grounds, but it does not give any data about it. 13. I think all servers should ban accounts using alt for game fairness. 14. This is because the fairness of game operation emphasized by the operator can be properly achieved. 15. It can be proved that the account has not engaged in illegal resource transactions and is a normal account. 16. The management side requests evidence that the account has been trading illegal resources. 17. The game operation side says it is the result of the technical team. 18. But the technical team usually has a lot of problems. 19. It takes me 40 seconds to catch the zombie right next to me and return to the march. 20. When playing the battlefield, my marches often do not return due to delay problems, so I reconnect to the game several times. 21. There are times when the shield does not work if another server comes after a server war. 22. I definitely used a 3 day shield There were cases where the shield disappeared in one day. 23. Accordingly, the technical team does not properly compensate and passes the responsibility to the person concerned. 24. Is it a technical team problem without problems? Is it my march problem? 25. The game operator does not punish those who abuse it due to delay issues. 26. They are to certify that there is no problem with the tech team.
@user-ou7wf3py6n Год назад
The Evony operator illegally locked my alt account. I asked for evidence about it, but they still don't give me an answer.
@jayshah875 Год назад
What will be done for civilization gears if i don't wanted to spend $
@Dmnk1945 Год назад
Thanks for the great video, but let me tell you: Viper (ViG) form 428 is a unhappy mama huevo that doesn't even speak well!
@Kashmurda11 Год назад
Wow this was a spot on argument. I am just about to hit K39 😢 and I'm ready to just give it all up.
@Triggerfish70 Год назад
Evony Jesus, I must have been watching half asleep or distracted when I wrote my comment about losing bloods when ascending three stars. I don't know how I missed that you're only doing three GOLD stars. So I deleted my pointless/incorrect comment. 🤦🤦
@Triggerfish70 Год назад
So, thanks for the useful tip!
@luckystarz9845 Год назад
If you want, please ask them why are they afraid from free to play players getting buffs with grinding or using clever thinking? Why so much buffs locked behind pay wall? But to add my thinking; it is company that only cares about revenue. Ideal world for Evony would be merging all coiners in few servers. That would be big revenue with less hardware needed to service that revenue. So, new servers are just recruiting coiners and after two years life span, they will be merged and merged again. Those that quit are rotten fruits and they don't care about them...
@jonathanseegers1135 Год назад
@419zx6r Год назад
The fact you spend thousands of $ and premium generals are still random. The constant pop ups. The low yield of general fragments from relics. You cannot grind to get the ones you want
@pocjoe2000 Год назад
Also if you get on this call PLEASE ask for SVS server scores to reflect positive scores at the end for each server ranking. Someone with a billion points but 4 billion negative shouldn’t be in 1st place.
@clueless1473 Год назад
Unpopular opinion: K45 won’t matter for most servers or players. A lot of players in my alliance are afraid of matching up with a 3,600% buff K42/K43, but I’d imagine all but the top 20-30 servers or alliances (at best) will see these keeps. There’s really no point for most other players. I’m in a ~Top 150 server and in most of our matchups, 2,400% buffs would already be extremely high. The additional buffs would be just overkill
@JamesHinckley Год назад
And also how is duty weapons and robe worth cake lvl 8
@JamesHinckley Год назад
Im trying to figure why they added 5 levels to the cake when lvl 5 back in the day cost the same as 10
@pocjoe2000 Год назад
Was there ever even a response to last Dev call?
@norasheffield8036 Год назад
The coining levels are out of hand. Evony needs to create divisions based on power levels and monarch levels. BF is a joke much less SvS. Normal people can’t spend 10s of thousands of $$ to compete with these .0001%rs.
@moiraingenronain9368 Год назад
Try being C1 lol cakes total 165 dollars. We could stay relevant lol now no way.. bog wing won't happen as we compete against dragons, wings , huge coiners. Being old we have size but very very low spending. So we hang out. Lol
@cosminmunteanu2603 Год назад
@cosminmunteanu2603 Год назад
Evony decided that grinding isn't an option anymore. Just pay to win .
@evonyjesus Год назад
Yall make sure to share the video, i want more comments like this to really get a lot of perspectives. Thanks yall and if you havent already, please subscribe
@aroncoleman2301 Год назад
If you get on the call ask for 1. More monster dragons. A. Dragon version of the bird of hurricane. B. Dragon that buff hp, defense and attack when attacking a monster. 2. Assistant for mayors. 3. Make the watch tower and Archer tower have the same abilities as the wall general. A. Can have a combo of generals. B. Buffs help in city troops. C. Gear buffs/debuffs active D. Lead general red-star, gold book and specialty active. E. Assistant gold book and specialty active. 4. New duty spots and duty officers to match for the Pasture, art hall, victory column, wonder, arsenal, council building, shrine, prison, inn, war hall, ideal land and dragon cliff. The red-star list for the duty officers can help buff in city troops. 5. New version or upgrade to champion gear. Need to be able to get more extra from rss spots. 6. Bunker capacity. A. Need a bunker duty officer that scale up capacity like how shajar scale up production. B. Academy science that help scale up capacity. 7. Debuff skull books. A. Lv1 and lv2 in the academy shop, tavern wheel and patrol. B. Lv3 in cash packs $5 to $50. C. Lv4 in cash packs $20 to $100. 8. Server port token. A. Move your city and all your subs to a new server. B. City can move only once every 18 months. 9. Assimilation. A. general can assimilate the gold book ability of one other general. 10. Generals that need to be moved from behind the PayWall to the tavern. -jester, Nordic Barbarian, Theodora, Custer, Scipio, Soult, Basil and Elise. Those are my top 10 asks for the developers. Hope you get to give them this list. Thanks in advance.
@evonyjesus Год назад
Some good asks here, ill definitely add them to my list. Many of them have been asked for in some way, and i doubt theyll listen but ill bring up what i can if im selected.
@eminent_junkie Год назад
I dig it. Great suggestions. I have one I’ve been itching for: some kind of a slider or select-all type feature for creating layers in your presets. Like, I can slide from 100-1000-10000 or whatever. Because I switch all my marches when it comes time to do PVP, or to get back into PVM/PVE mode. I enjoy my little ritual of setting up for PVP, but I think this one thing would be such a huge help. Also, I think I heard this one before, but how about General Equipment Presets? Great for those of us that consistently have to switch Gear around.
@aroncoleman2301 Год назад
@eminent_junkie Presets. A. PVE presets in the rally point. B. Pvp presets in the war hall C. Wall general combo presets in the defense screen. D. Reinforcement presets in the embassy. E. Preset heal amounts in hospital. Think this is what your looking for.
@ragegang8773 Год назад
There is alot of servers on c1 that don't have wonder 3 players or all star dragons😂. Evony has abandonded their original players for new servers. That's the problem. They will have a continent 10 by Christmas😂
@evonyjesus Год назад
Yes they completely abandoned C1 and the same process is occuring for c2 now. The difficult part of these calls is that the group that the invite gets sent to was created several years ago, is rarely checked by the developers representative, and is NEVER added to. So the majority of the players on this call are from older servers.
@moiraingenronain9368 Год назад
100% we spent early now out if our range. Lol
@Ginger-zd6lp Год назад
Listen if grind and do the event and get stanimia properly and use it correctly you can get good gear and buffs. Without coining. My view point I been doing it.
@evonyjesus Год назад
Yeah you can get decent buffs. But not comparable to folks with k40, full MA5 and 6 pieces of civ gear. Definjtely still a wide gap to say the least.
@cosminmunteanu2603 Год назад
I have players on my server who spent 100k$ to reach k40 and now they are nothing during svs and battlefield
@evonyjesus Год назад
Yeah im sure theyre struggling. Even if youre built out at that level, without a team supporting each other that are close to the same level you still cant do much.
@cosminmunteanu2603 Год назад
Nobody is spending other than the 0.00000000001%
@evonyjesus Год назад
Thats where i think youre wrong. I dont think evonys bottom line has been impacted hardly at all. They keep getting new servers open with big and small spenders who dont know whats coming. Thats why they focus on opening so many servers
@youngjohn5076 Год назад
There are many spending. Still thay is the crazy part. They stuck in the matrix and basic addictive like gambling or drugs
@Orkamedskiten Год назад
I started playing two years ago give or take. Back then you could to some extent make up for not coining by being smarter, it was a grind for sure but it was doable. Every upgrade it tilts more and more towards coiners and even more towards the heavy coiners. I left because my server became more and more toxic, I was rhinking about maybe giving a new server a shot come the fall but then I heard about K45 and now I kinda lost interest.
@evonyjesus Год назад
Weve got a k37 on our alliance available if youre interested. Send me a message on discord. Would be a lot better than starting over. Discord is @ evonyjesus all lowercase.
@Orkamedskiten Год назад
@@evonyjesus I appreciate the offer but I'm not looking to buy an account.
@evonyjesus Год назад
Were not selling it. Were giving it away to the right player.
@Orkamedskiten Год назад
Still appreciated but I think you're better off with someone else. Gonna be weeks before I might have the time if I even decide to play again
@evonyjesus Год назад
I neglected to even get into the pointlessness of the new parthian and imperial gear as well as the stupidity of some of the new bosses. Probably make a follow up video soon too.
@Ginger-zd6lp Год назад
Good video, agree with a few things tho. If you get in the call you should bring up increasing dragon level. We are going to need more rss than material in the long run if you are grinder. So need ome place to use them for free. Also in the academy they should came out with another group in research column. To increase building speed, trap making speed, flat buffs, troop healing ect. Good video.
@samanthamatthews4698 Год назад
Thank you for this. You hit all the points that pisses me off, especially, the $4.99 pop-ups during pvping and the forced direction back to the battlefield entry when you're trying to heal quickly. Another issue I have is the scrolling marquee blocking functions, such as a march type I need to hit during pvping. Or what about the when you're trying to unghost. Also, the active march listing could be better developed, it's crap on a Android. Seems like you have to really hit the screen hard to select the march. And lastly, my troop march speed not taking any affect during pvping. Its like I push the button 20 times but my march doesn't speed up to the target like it should.
I have 700M account in game and i m pvp player i would definitely like to meet you in server war🙏😂🤷
@Judymedler7981 Год назад
Thank you..for all you do...
@Judymedler7981 Год назад
How do I get the war elephants?
@kirkgolembiewski7220 Год назад
Don’t waste skill books on duty generals lmao thats not how the game works 😂😂
@thegrowler1019 Год назад
Hello, thanks for uploading this vid, good info 👍
@baf2681 Год назад
how many players on this call got popped for pink gem pack loading? Curious.
@baf2681 Год назад
the echo is terrible. people need to get a better mic and not be in close proximity to others on the same call. also, I agree with more top 10 opportunities for SvS, but worke my ass off for top 5 in SvS as a K33 at 333M power so I feel a certain way about opening it up more. But a top 10 here and there will suffice.
@BuckeyeNut123 Год назад
Always check your crown! I love what you are putting down. I just hope that others are picking up what you are dropping. I love your basic hyper-focus on the basics. You can follow the importance of the game by looking at the Crown List: Tech Construction Gear Troops Healing Traps There are so many secondary and tertiary things that you could add to your sermons, but why muddy the waters? I preach "Find what you want to primarily want to do and DO NOT WAVER!" [redacted] I wanted to add more, but like I preached, do not muddy the waters. Keep a clear vision, a singular goal. Thanks again for what you do and what you bring. It is what the Masses need.
@BuckeyeNut123 Год назад
Always always ALWAYS check your crown. I slowed down my growth at Keep 25 simply because of the Consuming Events timing. Start the Big Builds during Resources, finish during Speedups. I found that while it... felt... slower... it has actually been faster in the very long run. Repeating what you have said: Technology is everything. I also have waited until Gold Consuming for big pushes in Tech while trying to wait for City Development Monarch Challenge. Sure, it doesn't always time out that way; however it does help out (even if it is but a small amount - it all adds up). Keep on preaching EJ! Your server will advance much better because of your Gospel.
@BuckeyeNut123 Год назад
Keep on preaching on about Checking Your Crown. Technology first, construction second, and gear third; it is the order of the crowns in your gear list. Troops are fourth. At Keep 25 I would focus on when to use assets: During consuming events and monarch challenges. Example: start a big build during resource consuming, finish during speedup consuming and during City Development. And make sure to check that crown! To differentiate between resources, I use the term 'assets' when referring to ALL of the things and the term resources when talking about rss. But that is just me, you keep on preaching the good word EJ. Seriously, I wish I had someone preaching the gospel back when I first started. So many assets and resources wasted... I would encourage doing the puzzles to get Cleopatra for the Double Drop. Thanks for what you do and what you bring.
@drjatinderbirsingh Год назад
Quit the game while there is still time lol
@BuckeyeNut123 Год назад
Listen to Evony Jesus: Check your crown before you do anything. When you Wall Patrol, go for only Monarch Gear. Get 3 for free and pay the 50 gems for a 4th. Technology is everything.
@BuckeyeNut123 Год назад
Simple concepts that help out.: 1) Check your crown. - Before doing anything, check your crown. 2) Focus on obtaining resources. - The fuel that fires the engine. 3) Hoard everything. - You will need everything later. Only use what you know is absolutely necessary, then hesitate and make doubly sure you want to do that.
@pocjoe2000 Год назад
Has there been any response from the Dev Call?
@cindyolsen9846 Год назад
'Promosm' 💪
@lucretiacarter5453 Год назад
Did you record todays call?
@pocjoe2000 Год назад
Did they have a response call?
@Antydot Год назад
all i heard from elena was "aaaaaaaaa next question" this dev calls all go the same, nothing new
@MrThatdude82 Год назад
Hopefully they are using all the time they aren't spending answering this question to address lag and gameplay issues in all stars.
@him8012 Год назад
Glad I got wonder 3 when I did (I’m in the 600s servers) - it’s more of a pain in the ass now than it was back then. This is a great reason why I’ve completely stopped coining because there are so many things wrong with this game that shouldn’t be an issue. Communication is horrible on Evony’s end. The lag, glitchiness, and horrible UI of the game is inexcusable for how much money they make. I’m back to playing actual “Free to Play” games like League of Legends where it’s entirely skill-based and you can’t just throw money at the game and get better.
@Challz-sh8jj Год назад
I always overlook the monarch gear. And have paid for it.
@kaushiksingh4180 Год назад
Thanks for the info EJ. Waiting for next videos. KS reporting😁👏👏