1407 Greymalkin
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1407 Greymalkin
Welcome to the living memory of the X-Men!
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X-Men #03 review “Talk to me nice”
14 дней назад
Jean Grey #1 ‘It’s Big Red’
2 месяца назад
Giant sized X-Men Archangel
4 месяца назад
Uncanny X-Men #304 “Pete has had enough!”
4 месяца назад
@malwr0nwind0z 6 дней назад
The R Kelly line was funny. 🤪
@malwr0nwind0z 10 дней назад
Nice quick video!!! I would like to see a longer more in-depth video on this topic.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 9 дней назад
@@malwr0nwind0z I wanted to try something different and since this run is very young, there wasn’t a lot to go off of….. what topics would you like me to explore?
@malwr0nwind0z 9 дней назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen A longer and more in-depth video about the Gender Divide topic, that you started talking about in this video. It can be 6 months from now after this new run has some more time to develop.
@ggt47 8 дней назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen I'd appreciate in-depth video of each era of the X-Men. first class, second generation so on.
@ggt47 10 дней назад
Hey,again friend. Not sure if you remember.
@ggt47 10 дней назад
Things might change it is too soon to say but mutants were oppressed by everyone. Men,women, people of colour,pride community. Women were on that too.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 10 дней назад
@@ggt47 yeah talking about this particular era…. I’m not saying women don’t oppress mutants. I’m saying we never see them.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 10 дней назад
@@ggt47 I think you’re missing my point. This isn’t a story issue. This is a writer issue. It’s used as a narrative shortcut and insults the intelligence of the reader.
@ggt47 10 дней назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Sorry I just commented to talk to you and from what I recall from one of your older X posts.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 10 дней назад
@@ggt47 sorry for the defensive answer. Twitter got me very defensive.
@ggt47 10 дней назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen "Twitter got me defensive". That's something someone has said at least once a day.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 15 дней назад
That’s a common consensus because apparently he was supposed to know where his planet was and people really don’t like to think about how big the universe is
@joeparrigen4982 17 дней назад
I don't think he's terrible. He didn't raise them because he thought they were dead and he was in a galaxy far away.
@aaronchandler8569 20 дней назад
And I kinda liked the first issue
@Pope-of-Comics 29 дней назад
This was a solid start to her run! Glad to see someone praising it.
@alaskafrozen4978 Месяц назад
I like where the new comics are going overall but my biggest issue with Brevoort is he basically said he is the pretend it didn't happen type of editor rather than fix other writer's BS then pretend it never happened type. So it leaves the characters compromised in my opinion when we are pretending like it's 1990 again but some of the characters still have gaping problems and wild retcons left there by clueless writers which need resolving.
@OneReply. Месяц назад
Good review, man. Keep it up. The issue was a bit boring for me personally. It felt like a lot of nothing, like a comic you'd have gotten from a cereal box as a kid.
@mariop8852 Месяц назад
I don't think wolvy is a bitch, I think writers painted future stories in a corner for him because they undid a lot of his growth from the 90. turning him back into a weapon means he has to start the same loop over of rebellion and mistrust of Scott. Schism was already a rehash of their beef but at least had the spin of wolverine being a headmaster. I'm looking forward to his solo series because Hellverine has been good and it's always felt different from his team books even when the writing wasn't great.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen Месяц назад
@@mariop8852 I swear these writers want to pretend Origin didn't happen
@romy_edits Месяц назад
Gail Simone was a let down with Rogue in the end. I guess it shouldn't be surprising since she once did a poll pitting Kurt and Rogue against eachother because Kurt is her favorite. Also the fact she said in old tweets she didn't like Gambit now suddenly loves him because she is paid to. She overtly sexualized Rogue with her lines - one line by a kid and another by old man Logan in front of her husband no less. Add to that she also got sl*tshamed by a dragon. I am so tired of it. Why can't Marvel just once hire someone to write Rogue who actually likes her instead of telling people who openly admit to having other characters they favor to write her as a lead. It never ends well.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen Месяц назад
@@romy_edits I went into this blind and thought she did a really good job. It's clearly the best out of these From The Ashes books. It's having more fun than X-Men, better written than NyX and Phoenix and more sure of itself than X-Force.
@romy_edits Месяц назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen When you're the best of a bad bunch it's not exactly a compliment and neither is objectfying Rogue yet again when we had years of that already and that character deserves way more respect than that. Gail is very problematic and she was not the person for the job regardless. It's good that they are going back to nostalgia and the characters' true origins and this is the best we had in years but like I said, if they are going to hire yet another person to write Rogue who isn't respectful then that's tedious.
@romy_edits Месяц назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen I should add, Gail Simone patted Si Spurrier on the back and told him he did a great job. That was enough for me to confirm that Gail Simone is on the blacklist for me.
@alaskafrozen4978 Месяц назад
​@@romy_edits Si Spurrier was one of the worst, not a great sign.
@spinningtornado4543 22 дня назад
​@@alaskafrozen4978 Somebody finally says it.
@eloah6004 Месяц назад
@tman1782 2 месяца назад
I feel you that the X-Men should not look that young but Stegmen is going for 90s X-Men style and i dig it
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 2 месяца назад
@@tman1782 did you see magneto wearing a turtleneck with a sports coat?
@user-sn5cd1kw5m 2 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen 90s Cyclops is not a kid but a full grown adult.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 2 месяца назад
@@user-sn5cd1kw5m I know that he’s a full-grown adult
@joeparrigen4982 2 месяца назад
I hate the black and gray hairstyle. His younger clone ( Joseph) has silver hair. So it makes no sense why this younger version has Black and silver.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 2 месяца назад
@@joeparrigen4982 I agree, it looks like he’s trying for a dye job or the lighting in the panels was really bad. That’s a Phil Noto trademark.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 2 месяца назад
Noto is the equivalent of skin milk
@joeparrigen4982 2 месяца назад
I think a big problem Marvel and DC have is a lack of good editors and corporate oversite (Disney and WB)
@aaronchandler8569 3 месяца назад
There were so many parts of this that I agreed with, but it's not popular to say, saying some of these things that you canceled if you're a certain type of person. I'm glad you said it
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
Terrible. Full of mischaracterizations, inconsistencies and characters swapping personalities. Also resurrecting Destiny for Nightcrawler and quickly realizing she is still useless
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
If it were me, I would keep KRAKOA around, but put in a governing party that you can have do stuff in the background. I would’ve had some of the X-Men try to talk to beast because they dropped him so fast. Also, I would not have any writer on the X staff have a social media, social media is very toxic and finally I would start something from Marvel, where I would have the editor do a weekly Hour Q&A, where they give you hard answers to everything. People are not gonna like some of the answers, but they may love some of them. But also, I would have the X-Men leave the island.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen It seems like a very limited concept if the main theme is a veil between the living and dead. It also feels like if Krakoa exists there's no stakes. I'm just not sure how much can come of this going forward. But I'm sure either way that there was a way this could have been excuted well but we didnt see that.
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
My main issue with this era has been both in the setting, plot and characterization. The setting got broken apart during Krakoa with how many retcons it randomly chose to have. The timeline barely makes any sense to me now. As for the plot, you said it yourself, there were many elements set up only to be dropped completely like they were never there. And opposing that, there were moments where we had payoffs to no setups, making it all so underwhelming. Plenty of characters during Krakoa were rewritten from the ground up to fit the plot (as opposed to the plot being written for the characters), many acted out of character for no reason other than to go to the next plotpoint on a checklist and many were flanderized/reduced to one trait or motivation or thought process. Reading these characters during Krakoa and comparing them to who they were before this era is like night and day. Let's not talk bout the fandom, it's more split apart now than it's ever been and was the leading cause to many writing changes during the era from the backlash it kept generating when things didn't go its way. Social platforms during Krakoa really revealed how immature some at the X-Office could be and how easy fans could be manipulated by empty words of less than mid writers.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
You’re absolutely right the fandom is completely divided and it’s bad on both sides. I just wished we stopped seeing the X-Men being used as an allegory for people who have a different lifestyle choice. I wish we got some characters being called out in story, but you know that’s just me
@CinemaKingTheaters 3 месяца назад
This next era needs to have better writing. It is especially true since the x-men are coming to cinema.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
I’m telling you this era if it doesn’t do well it’s gonna get revamped by early spring to make away for the movie… They did the same thing for the first X-Men movie I remember that summer Claremont had just returned and we were on issue 102 when rogue and Wolverine had that fight over who was gonna leave the X-Men and the entire time I was watching the scene from that I kept thinking about that part. Sorry for the ramble there, but they either have a banger or they’re going to revamp it next year.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
The way they do a fanfiction picnic as if this makes it all better. Some readers clearly arent here for the storyline. But I'm not one of those people. For me the storyline matters. It's lame to see all these characters be mischaracterized and mishandled for no good reason at all. Some use the excuse that Marvel do retcons all the time. But this extreme that people are getting completely mischaracterized? I'm not here for it. Bring Chuck Austen back.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
I’m with you, he came up with a story that people may be pissed off about but really it makes a lot more sense than this hogwash they give us do they think they’re going to LGBT community and that’s really weird
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen It does not serve the lgbt community at all. Maybe some only read for explicit scenes. I'm here for the actual people and to see a gay couple become so toxic towards eachother because they had to be mischaracterized for this retcon to "work" sucks
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
@@romy_edits this is the agenda of the marvel office. They want to hit everybody because they know the comic books don’t sell anymore…. SMH
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen And Chris Claremont just wants to flip the finger at Chuck Austen. He went as far as ruining his own characters to do it but there you go. He sucks.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
@@romy_edits I will give all the respect to the work that he’s put in, but his attitude towards other writers is very atrocious. Part of me is curious what he would do with the X-Men now it’s a more of a curiosity just like I would love to see what Hickman would’ve done, had he been able to do everything he wanted or what would happen with Scott Lobdell.
@nemostrangesonginthedirt8448 3 месяца назад
Krakoa was too forgettable. I need to remind myself of everything that happened so I care about what happened. So much of it could have been trimmed down to only the good stuff.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
There was some good stuff there in the beginning, but then every book became oh reason why the island was a bad idea or that self proposed isolation is a bad thing. I always thought it was good for the story of mutants, but then the rest of the world would have to change and none of the other books want to do that because Marvel is in this weird timeline where we always keep going to the past because we can’t go into the future.
@nemostrangesonginthedirt8448 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Marvel needs to maintain the status quo no matter what. There is almost no such thing as the future for them. Remember one more day?
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
@@nemostrangesonginthedirt8448 but every future timeline is supposed to be dystopian? That says that they are afraid of the future because god forbid they take a stance that is later revealed to be wrong…. Nobody wants to be wrong nowadays
@CinemaKingTheaters 3 месяца назад
X-men really needs to kick it into high gear. I also do not need a role swap of Xavier and Magneto like they are trying to set up. What do you want for Magneto, Xavier, and the X-men? Does kitty Prides father come back?
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
What I want for the X-Men is for the books to be good… I kinda want a competitive atmosphere in the office. I want every book to not only be creative, but the artist and the writer to be hungry enough to want to have the best book.
@CinemaKingTheaters 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen That is a lot to expect from both Marvel and DC nowadays.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
@@CinemaKingTheaters should it? I mean, doesn’t every writer want to be the best?
@CinemaKingTheaters 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Remember that DC and Marvel want what is best for their desires. It won't matter if its a good story, great competition, or even talent. They want their ship to sail in a way they approve. If it does not get approved by them its a no go bro.
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
This issue makes you forget Exodus and Apocalypse are supposed to be fully grown adults who lived for centuries in the first's case and thousands of years in the latter's. It's almost like their temper tantrums are there to fill the page count.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
They needed an action quota in every issue otherwise it’s too talky
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen They could have had the villains that were left in the WHR come back to try a takeover on Earth only to be stopped by the rest of the Krakoans and the Earth mutants. They did say they resurrected everybody, might as well show what could be the big problem in doing that.
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
I joked about this on your review of FoHoX#5 but Nightcrawler's brain really does run on Internet Explorer for him to start holding resentment against Destiny and Mystique *now* after Gillen and Spurrier had him be all forgiving, hugs, happy and want to play family with them these past months. Even in the story, too much time passed for him for suddenly have those feelings : The retcon was in Spurrier's one-shot during Uncanny Spider-Man when Nightcrawler was clean shaved. He grows a beard again in the meantime until Destiny escapes the WHR then shaved it again for the Wedding Special only to regrow it again for Claremont's story... At least half a year passed between the moment he found out the truth and started holding grudges after already stating he forgives them and wants them in his life. You were right : He's nuts.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
It was nice to have him push back, they are not giving kind of consequences for their actions, and this is a result of the editor just Lau, allowing the writers to do whatever they want. If I ever got my hands on these characters on changing all this back, I don’t care the Twitter community essentially are being told because they are lesbians. Nothing they did in the past counts
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen I'm with you here because this retcons everything as far back as their first stories and makes them less interesting as characters, let alone villains. The fact they were forgiven this easily when their excuses and justifications were below mid and are just big plotholes is annoying. Nightcrawler here is just pushing back to create the illusion that there are finally consequences to their actions and what they did to him was bad and damaging when, really, the second he accepted to go on a picnic with them and all of the forgiveness he freely distributed since the retcon should tell you everything about where and when exactly his self respect drew its last breaths. With a retcon, Nightcrawler will look like a dumbass of course but that's his trademark during Krakoa.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
Nightcrawlers life is so much worse now that he knows who his real parents are because he knows that they do not care about him. They will say one thing and do another and they love rogue more than him
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen The only real parent Nightcrawler ever had and considered as such was Margali Szardos, his adoptive mother, and because of Si Spurrier and his retcon, Nightcrawler doesn't care about his time with her anymore like he never saw her motherly love and care as something real : His relationship with her is just a footnote compared to the one with his new biological parents he got retconned to now value more than anything. Claremont couldn't salvage a story this bad and doubled down on the low effort it was all put together. Nightcrawler is now worse as a character, very shallow, not as self aware anymore and without any amount self-respect to his name. So much of his appeal was sacrificed for a stupid scrapped concept that wasn't even the original one. I can still remember him not giving two craps about his family ties to Mystique and Azazel back in 2014 because they were criminals first and foremost and he was ready to sent them to jail in a heartbeat... Where did that Kurt Wagner go ? The one from this story drops that he was tempted at times to murder people when he kept killing people in FoHoX and, in this same issue, just tore out Apocalypse's eyeballs.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Mystique has stabbed and shot Rogue and tried to sleep with her boyfriend to break them up. So for Mystique to suddenly be a good mom who loves him sincerely is nonsense.
@aaronchandler8569 3 месяца назад
To me,they're comparable after HoXPoX
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
7:18 You're one of the only comicbook reviewers I've seen who wasn't annoyed that Nightcrawler was holding a grudge against his new biological parents. Also the excuse Mystique used about Margali Szardos keeping Nightcrawler hidden from them if they had tried looking for him ? It falls flat the second you remember Nightcrawler was a famous circus acrobat known around Europe and who had his real face on posters around every town it travelled to. It falls more flat when Nightcrawler was allowed by his kind adoptive mother to have friends outside the circus who knew what he actually looked like. Nightcrawler's childhood human friend even found him randomly during one of his out of town travels by accident (and had him he meet his young son). Also Claremont using Nightcrawler and Mystique's first meeting (7:18) which was during DoFP, a story where Mystique and Destiny created a dystopian future with most of mutantkind dead including Nightcrawler (one of the firdt mutants to go out) is the cherry on this joke of a mini story. 7:17 I agree their situation was forced and weird. Very out of touch with how Mystique knows about their situation in AoA. 7:18 This would have been so much better if Si Spurrier remembered this about them when he showed Nightcrawler's hot fantasies about Rogue in LoX#2 and had her be older than him in his badly written one-shot.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
Rogue was never older than Kurt. It makes me a bit sick that Spurrier quite clearly did not gaf about Rogue as a character but was happy to retcon anything about her just to make her a plaything for his Nightcrawler storyline
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
3:05 It's not. + 3:06 It's really not. 3:48 It's a more than fair assumption to make and just so you know even tho Orchis is indeed an evil anti-mutant organization one mustn't sympathise with, most of the foot soldiers who joined it have been at the receiving end of mutant villains and had the all illness cure held above their heads by the Krakoa nation who welcomed said villains on their grounds. The humans who joined Orchis saw all the criminals, that either hurt them directly or their families and friends, go to Paradise Island and be pardoned with doing anything like jail time or community service. It's like watching the trial of a criminal who hurt your most loved one and ve pardoned by the Judge regardless of all the proof help against them. 7:18 Mother Righteous's death was as anticlimactic and predictable (the sollicites spelled out that all the Sinister clones would be gone) as the two different instances where Si Spurrier had her kill Nightcrawler's adoptive mother without putting much of a fight in one panel. Forgettable villain turned prop since you'd think Sinister would have given her the most powerful healing factor on Earth, seeing how she was made at the image of his deceased wife who died of sickness.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
Any idea if the upcoming Ultimate X Men comic by Peach Momoko is going to be set in a canon timeline or alternate universe? Seems like Rogue is a kid on the cover and possibly set in Japan so I dont know what to expect
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
Yeah, its set in Japan.. It’s gonna be set in another ultimate universe. They don’t expect you to know anything which is cool but IDK.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Shame cause it sounds cool. If we could swap this for a canon timeline and make the retcons an alternate universe that would be better.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
@@romy_edits OK, I like this. I always have this theory about the 616 that the ending of every era is another timeline.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen If Rogue spent some of her teen years in Japan I'm down. Honestly anything to undo what has been done. If Peach is good I hope they hire her for the canon stuff and that she basically undoes 10 years worth of garbage. I'm banking on her being smarter than the others too.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
Man I hate all the retcon and post retcon stuff. Do you know of any Xmen writers who would not be on board with it who could undo it all if they came back? Cause it's getting really bad.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
Lol, if I was to be editor of the X-Men, so many people would be fired it would be crazy
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Is there one editor who is passing all these decisions? Because to me it feels like no editor even exists anymore, just free game for all.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Genuinely what do you think the odds are of them undoing this retcon? Do you think if sales are bad they might? Are the complaints enough? Or could there be a writer that comes along soon and just finds it hard to continue a story that doesnt make sense?
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
@@romy_edits for the last 10 years it was Jordan D White you know the guy who looks like a bisexual hobbit lol he’s an editor who lets the Ryers do whatever they want because he’s a Spider-Man guy. He doesn’t like the X-Men. He doesn’t understand them so he just lets the writers do whatever they want. Marvel needs a shooter, Jim Shooter. he was somebody who knew the continuity and didn’t allow characters to just get off Scott free like what Claremont wanted to do with Jean after she destroyed that Claremont just wanted it to go away, but Jim said no there has to be consequences.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen That makes sense cause I came back to the comics after ten years and saw how bad they had become. What happened to Jim did he just retire? Why doesnt Marvel fire that Jordan guy? It just seems really messed up.
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
4:16 It is indeed a little too much. I sincerely think this was just done as a way to top the Onslaught Saga's finale by giving us the same show but with none of the substance it carried. Like how it thought about including Cardinal in there when the plot forgot he existed since PoX and made his existence a plothole for the Nightcrawlers run of Sins of Sinister. 4:54 They solved the immense betrayal Destiny did to and hid from Mystique (since she made her get a mind wipe for it) for 35 years in one panel. They had Nightcrawler forgive Destiny and consider both her and Mystique as the best people and parents ever while they were at it, even though his first death in DoFP was because of them and he already died once for nothing in 616. They did all of this to sell their Wedding special issue at $9.99 which has Nightcrawler on the cover officiating it, all smiles. Nothing more, nothing less. Contrary to Xavier, Destiny got to leave all the horrible things she did behind her and go on scoot free. 5:35 Actually it's way way worse than that. The mutants in the Hot White Room have been set back to Square One for some but even more backwards for others like the many Morlocks stuck there. At this point, they might as well have never went to Krakoa to begin with because they were in just as bad of a situation on the island : One issue from She-Hulk revealed that, by the second Hellfire Gala, the island still had problems like large scale housing issues, meaning homelessness was a thing on Krakoa, a living creature which can create tree like structures with ease. The place still didn't have hospitals either nearly three years into Krakoa stating to welcome mutants in. The island still didn't have basic infrastructure like roads even before it fell. The people stuck in the HWR are a mix of heroes, civilians and villains which was the same status quo for Krakoa and the place they are in is as much of a lawless land as the island since the Legionaries were incompetent and many things slipped under their noses on a daily. All the civilians were already once sacrificed during the AXE event so they could be resurrected again as Nightcrawler's pointless Immortal X-Men issue showed... And it was for nothing. This finale is the second time Gillen massacres an entire mutant nation for a plot that makes it seem like it is no biggie. 5:43 Seeing how the civilians in the HWR had to ask the Quiet Council members what to do for food as if none of them ever had a life or skill, or mind of their own to try and be self reliant before Krakoa and its government came to existence or were ever taught anything on how to use their powers as a way to get around a few things here and there in the three years they were on the mutant island... Yeah. They are all doomed. 5:59 This is exactly why the finale ended this way : The sollicites for the July relaunch spoiled that mutants were near extinct (again), spoiled Jean's return as the Phoenix, spoiled her quest following her return after winning and spoiled everything about both FoHoX/RoPoX. Overall, I am so glad I made my new year resolution not to read anything X-Men related because this conclusion sounds so unpolished and disappointing.
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
It has been my greatest pleasure following your reviews since the start of this year, like it has been the years before it : You always managed to elevate and be critical of the books you read as well as give some context and references to non-Krakoa storylines and runs for the watchers who might not know enough to realize the issues or plotholes with the way characters and stories were written. Your editing and videos have improved quite a lot since you started off too.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
Thank you! I really appreciate it. Learning how to editing and trying figure out my own style of editing. I’m gonna keep on going. It’s crazy day. Every other podcast sounds the same except me
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Good job really, you deserve the praise, especially for all the extra time you take in every comic reference you make. You always followed them with visual references (pages/panels), some context and the number of the issue in the run they appeared in, which I know takes a lot of work and researching. It really sets you apart from the many longtime comicbook reviewers who take comic pages/panels out to use in their arguments but at best, do not give the full context surrounding them (which would completely contradict the point they're trying to make at times) and at worst, don't give a clue as to where these pages come from so watchers can't even check for themselves and end up just taking the reviewers words at face value. So thank you for not falling for that trend.
@aaronchandler8569 3 месяца назад
It was extremely lackluster and convoluted
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
And that’s being nice
@CinemaKingTheaters 3 месяца назад
It is finally over after all this time
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
I know my friend… We have been hurting for so long but now we are free
@CinemaKingTheaters 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen That is until they try something worse or better
@aaronchandler8569 3 месяца назад
The ending of this was weird...I felt like there was a page or 2 missing
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
Nightcrawler's brain must run on Internet Explorer for him to pull a speech about redemption after everything that just went down in Fall of House of X where him and the X-Men indiscriminately took down Orchis agents who were non-powered humans brainwashed into the anti-mutant cause yet chose to spare Karima, a Prime Sentinel who lives and breathes for the specific purpose of eradicating mutants.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
He’s nuts
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Between the "Make more mutants" law he made on an island without hospitals and knowing fully well mutant vilains got to live with normal civilians when he came up with it, the useless mutant religion he created alongside a real religion Inquisition for it that made no difference to the mutants on Krakoa, the prophetic disturbing painting Zsen left on his wall for months that he showed to nobody until it was too late, the big brain idea he had to spend most of his time in Fall of X going around pretending to be Spider-Man in the most obvious costume ever, him choosing to believe whatever new origin story Mystique dropped on him after she already lied to him about it more than once in the past that makes sacrificing his very soul and Afterlife pointless, him embracing Mystique and Destiny as his new parents as if he is completely unaware of all the stuff they did in the past to him including abandoning him in the Sins of Sinister timeline, Nightcrawler isn't just nuts, He's the whole build-a-clown play kit. The retcon might say Mystique never dropped or threw him to his death but all of those things show otherwise because only brain damage can make someone do any of this and think it's completely normal, logical and sane. In a funny way, Duggan here is keeping Nightcrawler in character alright... It's just the one that was created specifically for Krakoa as he wouldn't have done any of those things normally. The Karima bit is just the icing on the cake of Nightcrawler's hypocrisy and insanity.
@RobOlivierbjr64 3 месяца назад
Storm has virtually been absent for 1 reason or another since Judgement Day. The Storm went into the afterlife to get Magneto so she was essentially considered “dead”. I don’t think Nimrod took Magneto into account either but had plans for Polaris which could work for Magneto if he did show.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
I would go with that if it wasn’t said that Nimrod had ran millions of war scenarios… how can you not include Mangeto and Storm and the arakii?
@RobOlivierbjr64 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmenhe not as smart as he thinks he is😂😂😂
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Nimrod, while a robot with some of the most advanced AI to ever grace Marvel Comics, can still only be as smart as the writer using him... And Duggan is a toaster : He can only write one type of character in one kind of story.
@ozziemsmith 3 месяца назад
I do think they wrapped up the story too quickly...it seems rushed. Back to what you were saying before, how could Nimrod not account for Storm? That's odd! With that said, Karima was not always Omega Sentinel. Her mind was taken over by an Omega Sentinel from another reality. She was a regular mutant before, so there was something to save. Storm and Cyclops did offer Nimrod an olive branch, and he rejected it. Plus, why would they save Nimrod? He is a pure machine. He lost his humanity years ago...he caused the death of thousands of mutants. I'm not sure why they would save him. He was not like Karima, where his human mind was buried somewhere in his current form. It's clear they want to wrap this up to start with the new relaunch of the upcoming comics. I would have loved to have seen Apocalypse go head to head with Nimrod. That would have been cool. I kind of understand why Nimrod didn't account for Storm as she has not really been around facing him. She was either dealing with the war on Arrako or finding Magneto. Although this issue seems rushed, I still think it was a good conclusion... Really didn't want the krokoa run to end.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
Karina was near a mutant, she was a prime sentinel in her first appearance, it was X-Men Unlimited 27.
@ozziemsmith 3 месяца назад
@Livingmemoryofthexmen I thought she was tranformed into a Sentinel. She was a human/mutant before that...I'll have to look into it because it was a while ago. But I thought her human mind could be saved
@Mcelly58 3 месяца назад
@@ozziemsmith shouldn’t have been… her human side was overwritten and you cannot get that back but Duggan is such a bad writer
@808012438 3 месяца назад
Keep it up
@spinningtornado4543 4 месяца назад
7:11 They are hacks. Remember the conflict and fight between Mystique, Destiny and Nightcrawler in the previous book ? The one you rated 3/5, the higest score you gave in this run ? The entire fight and conflict is a legitimate copy paste of the one from 2014 that transpired between Mystique, Azazel and Nightcrawler : - Mystique wants to kill a lover for a betrayal tied to Nightcrawler's mere existence and using her to have a child. She spends her first encounter since she crossed paths with said lover actively opening fire on everything. - Nightcrawler wants to prevent Mystique from shooting his other parent. - The lover wants to escape consequences after already escaping from what could have been a permanent prison. The only key difference is that the plot wanted so soo badly, and sadly thinks it succeeded in doing that, to make Destiny redeemable and smart in her decision making (there's more than 20+ years of plotholes in her plan as she just made the future she wanted to avoid a more than concrete possibility) and justify her decades worth of lack of concern and care towards anything that's not a blue redhead with a violent streak, whom she just betrayed and used in the worst way possible. Xavier's windwipe, which Destiny willingly asked and wanted on both her and Mystique, is a baseless excuse since she acted the same way before she supposedly got it about this whole baby she apparently had and 'always wanted'. Nightcrawler was used in XMBO and reused here as the poster child for forgiveness and 'it's all fine and dandy' towards two characters that were retconned to mean something more to him, a +35 year old adult, (he never cared about Mystique even after he learned she was his mother and was ready to send her to jail in 2014 for her crimes) and now apparently totally care about his existence more than they ever did or showed to ever do in 40 years since they joined the plot. Nightcrawler's integrity and self respect will never recover : Krakoa turned him into a soggy doormat of insecurities and mommy issues.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
Mystique and Destiny don't even feel like the same characters. It is so out of their personality.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
And I think it’s really funny that they decided to get married, but none of Irene‘s toxic traits have been addressed… She still micromanages her wife, she’s very anti-men But so is Raven and at this point, those two are gonna leave another brotherhood of evil mutants, but people were going to think that their heroes which is so weird. This is just like when Laura Bush killed that guy.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Yeah they keep having toxic fights too because they are now basically the exact same person. Whereas before there was a clear distinction. Destiny was a bit more easy going and definitely not as man hating as Mystique. Although I feel like they are trying to retcon Mystique to not be a man hater and give it to Destiny ugh. So when Rogue was a kid I remember she wanted to hang out with boys and Mystique had a big tantrum about it and said no. Then Destiny was the one who said "don't guard her jealously" and to let Rogue go hang with them. Destiny even pointed out Nightcrawler was in Xmen and if Mystique wanted to kill them all to get Rogue back she would have to do it to him whereas Mystique was much colder. And them trying to blame Charles for not loving her son is really stupid.
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
@@romy_edits They've been out of character since the Krakoa era started and made their entire personality and being about their relationship with each other and absolutely nothing else. The retcon is just the most obvious move the writers did showcasing the flanderization, since it disregards 50 years of stories for Nightcrawler and 40 years for Mystique, when she has shown plenty of instances of caring about Nightcrawler on some level (which are now a plothole due to including a mind wipe in this mess of a new origin) and had entire worlds where she raised Nightcrawler from birth without issues (Age of Apocalypse and a What-If which all came from 616).
@spinningtornado4543 3 месяца назад
@@romy_edits Someone in a forum gave the best description of their relationship since Krakoa started : "The best way they found to make Destiny interesting is by taking everything that made Mystique interesting and putting it into her, which in turn makes Mystique seemingly only truly be able love someone who's just exactly like her to the point of forgiving any horrible unforgivable thing done to her like she's a lovesick immature teenager."
@spinningtornado4543 4 месяца назад
Gillen remembers what he wants to remember and disregards what doesn't help the stories he wants to tell too. The only difference between him and Spurrier is that Si is more obvious with his personal flaw. What's my proof of that ? Gillen is the one who okayed and promoted Si Spurrier's X-Men Blue Origins one-shot online which disregards close to 50 years of stories from Nightcrawler's first comicbook appearance (where he would have died from a mob if Xavier didn't save him) to him actually dying in DoFP because of Mystique and Destiny not caring about anything (DoFP : Doomsday from 2023 for the most recent callback to it), to Age of Apocalypse where he was raised from birth by Mystique (who was a single mom) and dies with her in that world.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
Gillen and Spurrier have been a disaster for this franchise. Claremont's cult is right. Also why do Xmen keep hiring random British writers these days? Just seems to be a pattern
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 3 месяца назад
@@romy_edits I never saw it that way, British writers writing X-Men are terrible. Claremont Spurrier Morrison Gillian those are my four horsemen of Apocalypse lol
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
@@Livingmemoryofthexmen Gail Simone is British too. And very problematic as a person I would say. She actually got fired from DC. So I don't get why the writers are always British freelancers nowadays.
@maxsantiago6569 4 месяца назад
2024, post feminist, post modern trash. I'm giving you a sub.
@EvandroACruz 4 месяца назад
This Krakoa Era ending is beign a utter disaster. Xavier is now a traitor and almost every X-Men become a killer in this war against Orchis. How they can be heroes again after this? The franchise is ruined to me forever.
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 4 месяца назад
A lot of what happened with KRAKOA was a lot of behind-the-scenes shenanigans. They fumbled so much, but hopefully this new upcoming reboot will help out.
@romy_edits 3 месяца назад
​@@Livingmemoryofthexmen You mean Uncanny? I don't know about Gail Simone either.
@aaronchandler8569 4 месяца назад
Wait,what?Jean Grey is Hopes father?
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 4 месяца назад
That’s what they’re saying
@spinningtornado4543 4 месяца назад
A bit delayed on this one but the entire fight and conflict between Mystique, Destiny and Nightcrawler in this issue is a legitimate copy paste of the one from 2014 that transpired between Mystique, Azazel and Nightcrawler... It's the same thing to the point of it not being funny : - Mystique wants to kill a lover for a betrayal tied to Nightcrawler's mere existence and using her to have a child. - Nightcrawler wants to prevent Mystique from shooting his other parent. - The lover wants to escape consequences after already escaping from what could have been a permanent prison. The only difference here is that the plot wants so soo badly to make Destiny redeemable and smart in her decision making (you don't need me to give you the 20+ plotholes there is her plan or how she just made the future she wanted to avoid a more than concrete possibility) and justify her decades worth of lack of concern and care towards anything that's not a blue redhead with a violent streak, whom she just betrayed and used in the worst way possible. The writers WILL throw Xavier under the bus on this one.
@spinningtornado4543 4 месяца назад
Now, you're quoting ME on this one. 3:57 Realistically, all that retcon did was remove Mystique from Nightcrawler's entire gene pool because the extent of DNA coping Mystique did of Azazel's pretty much overwrote her own input. His appearance ? It used to be a good balance of Mystique and Azazel but now, just Azazel (he's had blue kids before and his shapeshifting seems to hide ectrodactyly). His powers ? Azazel. His appearance when depowered ? Azazel's human disguise. His descendents ? TJ has a retractable tail like Azazel and her magic is tied to the brimstone dimension like him and Cardinal, 3rd Gen chimera from POX made from Nightcrawler's DNA, is just Azazel with red hair and red eyes. Mystique is not Nightcrawler's father, she's the semen syringe in the IVF that led to his existence as someone who had everything from Azazel and nothing from either her or Destiny, the latter of which now makes up 50% of his DNA yet gave nothing. Destiny is as non existent in Nightcrawler's DNA makeup as any kind of maternal love Nightcrawler is now *suddenly* longing from her. 4:02 If Days of Future Past should tell you anything, it's that Nightcrawler dying before he hit his mid 30 stops Azazel from doing any takeovers and that timeline was kickstarted by Mystique and Destiny. Azazel needs Nightcrawler to make any of his takeovers an option. Worse, Nightcrawler needed to be blood related to him to magically seal and stop him at all. You remove that and nothing would have worked the way it did. Another blatant lie at 4:05 is that Nightcrawler not joining the X-Men would have made Azazel kill him... Nightcrawler not joining the X-Men would have made a MOB kill him because his first comicbook appearance was literally Xavier saving him from one (You reviewed Giant Sized X-Men a year ago I think). If Xavier didn't save him, he would have joined Erik the Red, went on to do evil deeds (What-if story) and would have died at the hand of something else than Azazel. Age of Apocalypse has Nightcrawler be raised by Mystique from birth then be part of X-caliber and Azazel wasn't the one to kill him in that timeline. You had a What-if in 616 where Nightcrawler was raised from birth by Mystique, was not part of the X-Men, and it was her and Destiny's Brotherhood that ended up killing him. TJ became part of the Exiles because her version of Nightcrawler, her father, was killed before she was born and it was Mystique who pulled the trigger. There are more canonical timelines where Nightcrawler dies because of Mystique and Destiny than there are where he dies because of Azazel... And being part of the X-Men has nothing to do with it.
@spinningtornado4543 4 месяца назад
4:03 It must get so grinding for Mystique to have Destiny use her as an excuse for everything, even the awful stuff she puts her through... But this one ? How she did all of this to save Mystique (and herself) from Azazel ? That is a lie. Just by being in a relationship with him for a short amount of time, Azazel not only wanted Mystique by his side, he literally invited her at the dinner party right before his takeover. He gave her, and only her amongst all the women he's been with, the front row seat to the show. That first takeover also happens years after Destiny dies due to the Shadow King with no chance of resurrecting herself so she wouldn't be in that vision to begin with, let alone dead at the hands of Azazel, a mutant that was already once stopped by Nightcrawler thanks to a simple power nullifying collar. So to recap, That vision can't happen because Azazel needs Nightcrawler to pull it off, and, if it happens, Mystique wouldn't be harmed in any way because Azazel likes her and Nightcrawler is the only child Azazel's ever had that could make a takeover possible... Because Mystique is his mother. This entire scenario is even more fake sounding by having Destiny in it, as she dies long before it unfolds in every timeline where he'd try pulling it off.
@spinningtornado4543 4 месяца назад
1:54 This doesn't really kill your theory. Having wings-like mutations be frequent in mutantkind would be like most many people have telepathic and telekinetic abilities without them being related to each other by default : Beak was a case where wings would have logically came to existence somewhere down his family line. What makes Warren's case special compared to the other people at the bar is that alongside his wings, he has healing blood. These two things went hand in hand and unless we see any of his biological children, we can't assuredly say that both wouldn't be passed down from him.
@spinningtornado4543 4 месяца назад
4:25 Nightcrawler's self respect is below the Morlock tunnels and smells worse than any kind of sewege water that runs there : This had been so ever since Krakoa started and has gotten worse and worse as the years rolled. They gave him the worst case of mommy issues (which he NEVER had) and doubled down on it after they character-assasinated his adoptive mother, the only mother figure who ever cared about him and never harmed him without reason (Nightcrawler's Inferno happened because she thought he had betrayed them by killing his brother without reason). Nightcrawler doesn't have any kind of self worth because he's willingly blocking off his mind 10+ years of actions and events that directly contradict the retcon and includes the Sins of Sinister timeline where both of Mystique and Destiny abandoned him to suffer and die. 4:30 I genuinely do too. Some people might not agree with me on this one but what Destiny has done to Mystique is worse than anything Azazel did to her before the retcon... And with this retcon, Azazel has been rewritten to have done nothing to her. Yet he accepted every jab she took at him, every resentment he held against him, didn't hide anything from her after they met again years later, didn't get her a mindwipe to agree with his plans or actions, ... Then you have Destiny who did all of this and it was for nothing because her solution to the Azazel problem isn't a solution to begin with, It's the ONLY WAY the situation becomes the problem.
@justinwilson2282 4 месяца назад
I LOVED CannonBall growing up! We were both born in kentucky and he wasnt the biggest but he never backed down!!
@Livingmemoryofthexmen 4 месяца назад
Sam Guthrie, is probably one of my favorite X-Men. I remember the issue where he graduated to the X-Men and I was so excited for him to me him going over to the X-Men was like AJ styles showing up at the Royal rumble back in 2016. I think people forget how many changes he’s been through and only remember the Claremont stuff really they just remember the Claremont stuff but this was so great for him. I was so cannonball when I first saw the trailer in, sneak peaks of the first X-Men movie I thought cannonball was in it