I'm a nearly-thirty agnostic Jewish trans-guy student therapist. And I vlog a lot about the trans part!

By reason of the "student therapist" part, most of my videos are currently out of the rotation, while I check their content. One. By. One. I'll get them all done *eventually*.
12 лет назад
November 2011
12 лет назад
2 Years on T.m4v
13 лет назад
the boy I (never) used to be.m4v
13 лет назад
Testosterone and... HAIR.m4v
14 лет назад
Five Months on T
14 лет назад
First Day on T
15 лет назад
Transboy Meets World
15 лет назад
@rileysboyasher 10 лет назад
Hair growth typically maxes out during adolescence. If you've ever previously had higher levels of testosterone than you do currently, and you're past your early twenties, it's pretty unlikely that a testosterone supplement will significantly alter the amount of hair on your body. If you've always had low levels of testosterone, there might be some change, though probably less, the farther you are from the years when people usually experience puberty. I'd ask your doctor what they think.
@Copenhagen1234567890 10 лет назад
I have both low t and a lot of hair on various parts of my body (very odd combination, I must say). I fear that I will experience more body hair growth if I start taking testosterone. Your opinion on this?
@racheljm316 10 лет назад
Too cute Ash!! :-)
@aaronl7908 10 лет назад
You are so adorable! And articulate, and way less awkward than my first attempts at videos! :D
@Kaizen800 10 лет назад
glad you're back!
@rileysboyasher 10 лет назад
(Wow, RU-vid really hates the way my iPad's keyboard codes apostrophes...)
@rileysboyasher 10 лет назад
Aw, hooray! I'm glad to be back :) It's Aaron--his intro video is up at ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1upEn9pASJw.html
@racheljm316 10 лет назад
Yay!!! Asher is back!! I have so missed your videos! Is that Aaron or Erin?
@zackgomez6910 11 лет назад
I want to go stealth someday and i will certainly will! I think I deserve it. I do acknowledge the fact that I am not a cis guy but that is only one thing that I have to battle with myself. Depending on how I look like in a year, I will definitely go stealth because that's what I always wanted to do.
@vovagonchik9630 11 лет назад
Hello! I'm Rachel.I did -20 lbs last 1 month.Go to hddiet.gs\#ForM
@rinarinarina100 12 лет назад
I don't think you should feel guilty or a sell out... You are now what you wanted to be for a long time, so enjoy it! You could always support fellow peeps by being on their side and protect them when they are attacked, etc. sad, but people judge by appearance, and you look 100% male. So, take that as an advantage! You'll be a guy who could help other guys understand stuff better w/out making them feel awkward.
@SafariStevo 12 лет назад
I'm still a huge fan of first and second wave feminism! But third wave....not so much...some of it makes a good point, and you do look awesome!
@rileysboyasher 12 лет назад
Jack Donovan's not for me. I'm a fan of feminism, visible queerity, and general girlyness, and I have every intention of staying that way. Thanks for the compliments, though!
@SafariStevo 12 лет назад
You look incredible...sometimes you just gotta claim the "man" part, which means you might have to reject third wave feminism, and embrace Jack Donovan style manhood. You look awesome!
@zackriotpdx 12 лет назад
This was a great video. You speak very well about these issues, and seem both very thoughtful and honest. Thanks for putting yourself out there.
@yourpalwes 12 лет назад
looooove this video.
@rileysboyasher 12 лет назад
I think people respond to identities that don't fit them by broadening their definitions, moving from one category to another, or abandoning the existing categories and inhabiting new ones. I'm always in favor of people having room to live as themselves, and for many, many people, that means leaving room for normative categories of gender, even while we expand the boundaries and identities that are included within gender.
@KristinaofDenmark 12 лет назад
This is an interesting an intelligently made video, and congrats on your transition working so well for you! I guess my opinion on gender differs somewhat from yours, in that I do see (binary) gender as a problem and would like to do away with that concept altogether. But I would never therefore argue that you should not have transitioned! Your body felt wrong for you, so you changed it, right? I'm not sure I understand why we need a concept of gender to even come into the picture?
@collegestudent4peace 12 лет назад
Well said!
@rileysboyasher 12 лет назад
@IluvAshland my dose is just a bit higher than yours, .75 cc of cypionate every 7 days; no supplements--I don't know that I can give you any real advice, except to hang in there and wait it out! I had very little facial hair at a year and three months; it didn't start really filling in until about two years along. Good luck!
@nekokitty666 12 лет назад
im also wondering Did u have top surgey before u took t? did they like go down a bit when u started (if they did) im just asking case weather i should save to have top surgey if the pills dont make a huge diffrence
@nekokitty666 12 лет назад
im so happy for you i cant wait to get mine i will look more into your videos .<3 :)
@Davinatolan 12 лет назад
Your anniversary is my birthday.. Cheers :)
@charmedwthempathy 12 лет назад
Hello lovely! Just saying hi and that you look great furry and not furry! And that I am getting my recommendation done now in order to apply for campus pride as a pride leader ASAP!
@videokidsam 12 лет назад
@rileysboyasher yes! i hope so!
@rileysboyasher 12 лет назад
@videokidsam thanks!! ...I know, right? too long. next year in Seattle!
@videokidsam 12 лет назад
you look great, ash! :) wow, can't believe its been that long!
@Catpn 12 лет назад
wow...i dont believe i know that hairy man...oooo canni touch?!??! ur so fuckkin hot
@Dylaganally 12 лет назад
Love the idea of hair as antenna. Haha.
@ra09ihr6 13 лет назад
Thanks for sharing! I love videos like these--they make me feel like there's hope for me. T seems to be working really slowly on me. Hopefully I'll be able to grow awesome sideburns someday, haha.
@travelastrans 13 лет назад
Congrats Riley. Good to see u again
@Catpn 13 лет назад
Such a Cexi man u r and CONGRATULATIONS! !!!
@treepyful 13 лет назад
I just want you to know how much I enjoy watching your videos. I follow a number of transgender/transition video blogs and while each of them is interesting in its own way, I've come to appreciate yours in an academic sense. You obviously put a lot of intelligent thought into what you say and its always interesting to listen to. :)
@rileysboyasher 13 лет назад
@boykisses88 yeah... I think it's cool to be gentle and take things easy on people close to us, within reason. But then sometimes I feel like there's this demand that the person who's in transition take responsibility for all the difficult feelings of the people in their life, sometimes even to the point of--well, this is too hard for me to deal with, so I just won't. And that's your problem, not mine. And that's bullshit. Relationships don't work that way.
@boykisses88 13 лет назад
::smiles:: I'm really glad that you were able to voice this...I've felt really selfish in the past about thinking thoughts like this, so its nice to hear I'm not the only one! Erica
@daacsi1 13 лет назад
Can I say that I absolutely love you! That is all! <3
@pbr0derick 13 лет назад
@ XXY, I can agree with your assesment of our genetic history, but I can't agree with you that the differences between us are only superficial. From a biological standpoint, yes. But ethnicity, and racism, and the whole shebang are a lot more complicated than just biology. Differing rates of incarceration, differing jail sentences for similar crimes, differing portrayals in media, differing health statistics, life chances, education, etc. Only one of those--maybe--could be genetic.
@pbr0derick 13 лет назад
We can't simply be blind to race, gender, etc. because those things still matter. They still operate in our society in ways that cause some to be empowered, some to be marginalized, and almost all of us to be fitted into (rather crude) little boxes of others' "knowledge" and expectations of us. I'm glad that more people are saying the kinds of things you're saying. I hope those words travel widely, and that they stick with people. Good old-fashioned common wisdom REALLY needs supplanting.
@pbr0derick 13 лет назад
A lot of this is new to me, so thank you for the introduction. :) Until about two years ago I was pretty firmly conservative, and one of the results of that was expressing the idea that you talk about with race--that we should just do away with the notion of race because we're all the same species, all orginated in the same place, and with the acceleration of communication and migration, we're all destined for one big eventual homogeneity. I'm glad to have found my way out of such belief.
@rileysboyasher 13 лет назад
I don't know. I mean, on one level, yeah, the proper response to a lot of biological essentialist bullshit abt race is, listen, you schmuck; we're all from Africa if you go back enough; it's just whose ancestors decided to meander where in the middle of an effin' ice age. On the other hand--even while recognizing it as a social construct--race does operate in society differently than (tho not always separately from) culture, nationality, language, etc. And: I think there's a lot of cultural b
@rileysboyasher 14 лет назад
@40FTM No problem! Glad someone's watching/finding it worthwhile :)
@rileysboyasher 14 лет назад
@videokidsam LOL, well, it's a rather more civilized description of it than anything else I can come up with...
@rileysboyasher 14 лет назад
@FallSevenTimes ::grins:: Win. Great minds, clearly, think alike.
@videokidsam 14 лет назад
haha "manscaping" that's awesome. :)
@DaveHFX 14 лет назад
You are looking and sounding so sexy! I hope you had a great holiday and truly look forward seeing new updates in 2010! Love ya!
@Raychatter 14 лет назад
your voice sounds great! happy birthday and good luck on your paper!
@Neppybutt 14 лет назад
Wishing you a pleasant Happy Birthday! May your birthday wish come true. Good luck with all things on your plate this week.
@rileysboyasher 15 лет назад
do now; didn't then. well, no more than any other female-bodied person with average hormone levels. :)
@EPIK562 15 лет назад
stay strong man. hey, i used to be a hardcore punk so im really experienced in puttin up mohawks. the best thing to use is "Got2b glued Freeze Spray" (sold at local market) hairspray is much better cus it holds the hair better and longer and isnt heavy like gel. seriously try it out you wont be disappointed
@rileysboyasher 15 лет назад
::Grins:: Thanks!