Fade Panther
Fade Panther
Fade Panther
Aloha and welcome! I am Fade Panther. I am a RU-vid Let's Player and an all around gamer. I also work with Breakware on a few games as well. ( Credit to Octomoosey for the BG backdrop, other images are made by Breakware.)
@JustinAllen-vr5lg 25 минут назад
I think you missed a chest in norune. The big guy that was showering. Also, I believe I used to go back to the first dungeon to level up my weapons. Don't forget to fish, pretty sure you can get a good weapon that way
@darkjjak3804 Час назад
Yay! It's back! I don't know if you saw a major addition that I bet EVERYONE has asked for. I won't spoil things just in case you haven't read about it yet. I've already played around with it, and it's awesome. One thing I will spoil that I'm pretty sure is not in the update notes is the the devs are interested in the landscape of different seeds. You can actually enter "FLAT" as the seed. You'll generate a world that's completely flat. So no elevators or zip lines, but quests involving them will be auto completed. You deleted your original older save‽ (shocked Pikachu meme) They developed more grasslands beyond the mountain biome. More monsters out there including a new Beelephant (smaller and aggressive).
@fadepanther6224 Час назад
Hehe! I don't think I saw it. Yet. Huh? So, "FLAT" would be good for testing some things huh? Not sure I wanna test that out until I get to the end of things. I hope it'll be easier this time about. Yeah... it was becoming painful to see those old saves and know that I couldn't get to the end of any of them. v_v Oh? I hope they'll be easier to work with...
@jonathanjohnston1064 2 часа назад
More cats vs unicorns!
@fadepanther6224 Час назад
AND Rainbow Blood! Heheh~
@jonathanjohnston1064 2 часа назад
This one is pretty fun.
@fadepanther6224 Час назад
It honestly is. ^^
@ivant.w.9152 4 часа назад
Personally I don't know if I'd call the protagonist "ambiguously good" (though it definitely depends on your definition of good), since she's on the quest for a "good" reason, to avenge her father. She's just a little more brutal than someone like, say, Bruce Lee. Maybe a better phrase is "ambiguously heroic".
@fadepanther6224 Час назад
She falls into that category of "Anti-hero" as she's doing a lot in her power... to get revenge/avenge her father. The line between those two paths gets hazier the further into her adventure she gets. And, yeah, you are right... someone's definition of good is a big point to look at before even looking into if someone is a good guy or not.
@ivant.w.9152 8 часов назад
Glad you're playing this! I'm a big martial arts nerd so I thought it sounded so cool, but I don't have the patience to get good at it. So I'll just live vicariously though this playthrough.
@fadepanther6224 5 часов назад
I'll be sure to keep moving forward in it then. ^^
@anshaar. 13 часов назад
Feels like its been a week or 2 since you posted... Missed you! Or maybe its just RU-vid not telling me you put out new stuff. Remember to go see hammerboy!
@fadepanther6224 5 часов назад
It has been a week. A lot of stuff kept getting in the way. Well for Dark Cloud anyways. I have been posting some FFR stuff but I wouldn't be surprised if RU-vid doesn't do its job. Right! I'll go see him in the next episode. ^^
@jonathanjohnston1064 День назад
Good job. Keep it up
@jonathanjohnston1064 День назад
More party members? Yes. More party members! Gonna start getting hard to remember everyone
@fadepanther6224 5 часов назад
I hear that, more so with how there is now Super versions with combo characters...
@jonathanjohnston1064 День назад
Wonder Woman have a kid and they made an anime? Oi that seems totally normal......😅
@fadepanther6224 Час назад
It 100% was not! And picture the time frame of me, as a kid, finding this out only knowing about Wonder Woman and Superman... from effing 1960s cartoons. XD
@lonewolfheathen2474 День назад
In order to complete the Divinus Maximus achievement I believe you are missing these spells: REGEN2, REFLEC, AWIND, DECOY, SAFETY, LIFE2
@fadepanther6224 Час назад
Oh? Well, I'll be buying all of them and then loading the game to not waste money and slots either way. I'll keep that list in mind all the same. ^^ Thank you.
@xenonkay День назад
This party can't be fully paralyzed nor fully turned to stone. The to-hit bonus vs blind for Dark/Death Knights is one of their core skills, along with their immunity to blindness. It's just a flat bonus (+40, iirc) to hit. HEAL heals more HP overall provided everyone is hurt and you aren't wasting any healing, while CUR2 in the hands of a White Wizard can be relied on to always heal at least 49 +int bonus when you need targeted healing. Plus heal staff/helmets are available later. L4 for Green is kind of meh. The reason REFLECT sucks so much (aside from reflecting your own heals/buffs onto the enemy), is that monsters may just ignore the spell order in their bestiary page if their target has reflect up. So when, say, CHAOS' next spell is supposed to be ICE3, if you have reflect up that may cause him to just cast CUR4 and immediately go back to full health. BLINK is hard to pass up at L5 though. OLD is useful for damage mitigation in long fights, while GAIN works on healing spells and can be combined with doublecast.
@fadepanther6224 Час назад
Oh that's right. I had forgotten about that. Oh? Just a flat +40? Okay, so it isn't an inverse like I had thought. Sounds like, for this party, CUR2 is the one due to the staff and helmets making up the heal's normal usage. Awesome! ^^ Agreed... I do hate the devs of this one made the monsters "be smart" about the reflect spell. It isn't like the monsters are smart in any other way. You cast APOIS and they won't suddenly never use poison attacks. BLINK? Okay. That might be, but with how the battles are going to go, I am leaning towards OLD, given so many fights will take a long time and with the regen I don't think it'll be an issue for healing aside from spike healing, which I won't have the time to gain, THEN double cast.
@jonathanjohnston1064 2 дня назад
I haven't seen Astro Boy in ages
@jonathanjohnston1064 2 дня назад
Was Michael Bay part of development? It has enough explosives for him to be involved
@fadepanther6224 День назад
Haha! Yeah, given how many things explode you'd think. Buuut, a lot of mech anime has so MANY explosions it is honestly wild when you slap them all together. XD
@Grimwulf51 2 дня назад
Don't forget to check the Antarctica area.
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
Right! So many new areas and they won't show me when a patrol is ready. XD
@justinscott4293 2 дня назад
I wondervif he is a astro boy reference
@darkjjak3804 4 дня назад
Level 1 for Bubble, I would honestly suggest Burst, just for some consistent damage. Or is Mark level 2? EDIT: Having gotten to the end.. Now that you have MARK, I agree with those who suggested HASTE for Level 1. I definitely agree with others who suggest APOIS for Barbar (previously known as Brick). Undecided for Grace.
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
BRICK! Right, I so forgot her name. I used her once and was pretty disappointed with her skill set and "ultra" ability. so I sort of forgot about her... Mark was a given. I couldn't say no to the first actual AoE of the group and something that does a set amount of damage. Haste and Apois, got it. ^^
@xenonkay 5 дней назад
RERAISE having a turn limit completely contradicts the description, too. Bubble can't be stunned or slept by the undead, so there's that at least. MUTE can come in clutch while INVS is single target and needs to be stacked several times for good effect. And if Grace is spending all their turns casting INVS, they're not using PRAY or RERAISE. HASTE can help with your green defense spells going first.
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
It does? I know I'm not going to use it now unless I'm sure someone's gonna die, but that's upsetting to know it contradicts the description. Oh? Well, yeah that should help. I think Tim's armor selection should help him against a large part of possible fights too. That's right, I was getting INVS confused with INVS 2. Haste? Can do. ^^
@anshaar. 5 дней назад
You could have stopped at "my brain doesn't calculate things." 😜🤣
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
But that's my secret problem! My brain doesn't stop...
@anshaar. День назад
@@fadepanther6224 not a very well kept secret. 😜
@fadepanther6224 Час назад
@anshaar. I'm not too great at keeping secrets about myself. XD
@jonathanjohnston1064 5 дней назад
Flame arrow? More like flame tornado
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
Yeah, I'm not sure clamp's translations came through right, or if they didn't really know the difference between an arrow and a column of wind/flame. (Clamp are the people behind the anime that girl and her mech are from)
@jonathanjohnston1064 5 дней назад
This is going to be a fun group
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
It'll be a heck of a group for sure. But a bit slow in some fights I fear.
@jonathanjohnston1064 5 дней назад
We finally have the answer to why there are no unicorns. Humanity chose cats and cats wiped them out!
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
Hahaha, that would be an awesome story of the bible to see. "Low upon the one horned beasts the feline army fell" XD
@RockSuitJacket 5 дней назад
Def apois for your green wizard and mute for the white. I've never actually used invis with any good result.
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
Understood. ^^
@zzpyropuppyzz3920 5 дней назад
I can say a lot of words, i can't spell..... i felt this in my soul
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
Heh, it is both gratifying and demoralizing to know I'm not alone in this. (I had to look up how to spell those two words fyi.)
@xenonkay 6 дней назад
Broke that time loop by punching Chaos into next week. Even without death protection, XXXX just flat-out does not work if the target has 300+ hp. That goes for when it's being used against the player too. Monster spell and ability lists aren't just lists of what they're capable of using, it's actually listing the exact order in which the monster will use them. So if you see repeats it just means the monster will use that spell multiple times in the rotation before it rolls back to the start of the list. Monsters with both spells and abilities (eg: the EYE) have a random chance to choose whether to use a spell or an ability, and only the chosen list advances. eg: EYE could cast XXXX and then BRAK next turn, or GLANCE and then XXXX, or GLANCE then SQUINT, etc... Mages only have spells so they'll always open with either an attack or by casting RUB. They won't use BANE until they've already cast RUB, LIT3 and FIR3. I remember all the spank-the-monkey jokes borne of having to discipline the primate avatar in B&W. People being afraid of D&D "going away" just seems kind of weird to me. The existing sets aren't going to just evaporate and almost everything else in D&D is player-created anyway.
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
That's right, I forgot about XXXX's dumb limit. OH! I didn't know that pattern of turn usage by the foes. Good to know! Hehe, yeah, I started with a tiger in my black & white playthrough but, much like other god type games, I never beat the game as it was a lot of waiting and hoping they'd do what you'd want them to do. XD Though, monkey jokes will never die, just change so, for now it was great to hear about those jokes. XD It is weird to me as well, but I feel it stems from how many people are getting into DnD due to things like Critical Role or pod casts. They're tying the event of those people playing the game, with the game, but that's far from the truth.
@jonathanjohnston1064 7 дней назад
The idea of increasing your age as you fail can make this brutal very quickly and locking onto enemies and switching is not great either
@fadepanther6224 5 дней назад
Yeah, yeah it is. It is brutal. Though, you can replay a stage and get a better outcome while moving forward which is a bit of a leaning point. OH, how I am feeling the lack of switching. Like to the point that I'm worried that I'm the one failing to learn how to do it more than the game...? If that makes sense that is.
@jonathanjohnston1064 7 дней назад
People who complain about cartoons being too adult in their content, should go back and watch the stuff they grew up with. It pretty much all had hidden meaning that kids simply are incapable of understanding. Even all the way back to bugs Bunny and Mickey mouse. Cartoons were never just for Kids. My wife has this opinion and I argue it all the time. Its ridiculous.
@fadepanther6224 2 дня назад
Mhm, however most who are complaining about cartoons, or drawn animation in general, are unwilling to look back at older things and see their past life with rose tinted glasses. I am in the camp that feels shielding kids from darker things is dumb. They WILL encounter it. So why not have it eased into their life with some things that are not real in the first place? Give them a layer of shielding that actually works. That said, yeah, I am someone who feels people are okay having opinions, but so long as they don't harm others with those opinions then they can have just about any opinion they want. (There are some limits but those are pretty... hard to ignore limits) I hope you and your wife's arguments don't get out of hand. I know it is healthy to have disputes so long as they are talked about calmly. (I say this but am not a professional person to discuss it.)
@jonathanjohnston1064 2 дня назад
@@fadepanther6224 I appreciate your input and this has been a consistent conversation for the past 20 years. She wants to homeschool the kids for middle school because they might be bullied. I say that they are going to be exposed to bad things and we should help them work through it instead. It's a similar conversation with bigger consequences
@darkjjak3804 7 дней назад
Nice run. You were healing quite a bit with your Chakra at the end. Have you already planned out your 1 spell per level yet? Definitely not getting Float or Tele, right? haha
@Grimwulf51 7 дней назад
There was a fan upgrade to Dungeon Keeper, called Keeper Fx... updated to run for newer resolutions/computer speeds and added a bunch of extra stuff.
@fadepanther6224 6 дней назад
Oh?! Keeper Fx? I'll look into that. Might not play it for the channel but I do still love the base game.
@zibba1331 7 дней назад
I was so excited to play black and white. And i tried so hard to dig it as i played. But it was just…so…boring. Ended up pretty disappointed. I love the first fable game. I dont understand why the subsequent releases had to move so far from what was fun and double down on what wasnt. All told, i am not sure that PM understands what is fun…he just likes making a very specific type of game over and over again.
@CarbonSpire 7 дней назад
GG on another win! The grind is rough! You are right about having 3 or less in parties like this. There is nothing wrong with letting 2 or 3 party members die during a grind that pumps the rest of your group Some day, I wonder if you'd ever try a 4 dancer party? Just to see if it can be done?
@fadepanther6224 7 дней назад
Yeah, the grind sort of melted my brain and I just wanted to be done with the run. 4 Dancer? Hmm, I'll have to see what achievements I can get with a party like that. Because, I think it could be a cool self-challenge honestly. ROUGH as heck but cool all the same.
@xenonkay 6 дней назад
A dancer run is kind of brutal until they get Paltry Polka, and then suddenly everything becomes a joke.
@CarbonSpire 6 дней назад
I started an all dancer run a while back bc I was curious what would happen with multiple of a new classes that seemed to have 1-off interactions with npcs... I played to the vampire and was surprised I didn't feel I had to grind. That might change when getting into fiends. I keep meaning to go back to it, but just don't play games much on the computer.
@CarbonSpire 7 дней назад
Also, who's ever had an official IQ test? You lose me in your last 20 min. NIMH, land before time, return to Oz, even Dumbo... Are scary/sad. They're supposed to bake kids feel more than pacifism. I find SpongeBob aggressively boring and stupid.... But my parents probably felt the same about Ducktales and Animaniacs. Who is this "they" complaining about the cartoons of today? I mean, most the parents I know are pretty fine parking their kids in front of Bluey...
@fadepanther6224 7 дней назад
The circles I rest around are the ones who push that, "Cartoons are for kids" siting the fact that Bluey, MLP, and the like is aimed at kids to keep their attention. You, however, raise the point that I am talking about, that cartoons aren't just for kids. NIMH (at least the first one) is one such example of how it was aimed at kids but didn't wear kid's gloves. Sorry that my rambling muddled the message I was trying to convey. These days, thankfully, there are more and more parents who sit with their kids to watch things with them, but there are still people who site "video games make people violent" even when there is overwhelming proof otherwise. My apologies for the confusing subject and how I went about talking about it. I don't think those who use the IQ number as a thing of pride have ever actually taken the test honestly. But, it is still something I have umbrage with.
@anshaar. 7 дней назад
It feels like the controls fight against you as much as the actual enemy in this game!
@fadepanther6224 7 дней назад
Given how... precise (I think that's the right word) I need to be with the controls, yeah they can be a sort of conflict as much as the enemies are. Still, it is nice to see I can beat the first stage pretty reliably even if it isn't at the best possible level.
@anshaar. 7 дней назад
@@fadepanther6224 what I meant was it seems to like to face an enemy that is far away from you when there are other enemies close to behind you.
@fadepanther6224 7 дней назад
@@anshaar. OH! Yeah, that I feel doesn't quite work so well. The whole moving before using an attack sometimes switches your targeting, and then trying to get closer to someone while their staggered feels so... weird. : /
@anshaar. 7 дней назад
@@fadepanther6224 seems like movement in combat is terrible at large... Sometimes you swear at the game to move forward and it just kinda inches along.
@CarbonSpire 7 дней назад
Idk if you have more "inside knowledge" than I do.... It's my understanding that the proprietary stuff with dnd and bs cross-property Magic sets are symptom of being owned by Hasbro.
@fadepanther6224 7 дней назад
That does sound about right. Honestly, my "inside knowledge" comes from the little bits of working with their games in the past (which was a nightmare to hear about) and their current... dumb choices. Hasbro... is no one's bro.
@jonathanjohnston1064 8 дней назад
It's grind time!
@jonathanjohnston1064 8 дней назад
It's like Conker with a cat. Let's face it. We know even if we can't understand them, cats are foul mouthed feckers
@fadepanther6224 6 дней назад
80% to 90% of them, for sure are foulest of mouthed creatures. XD And yeah! Save for Conker's character being cut up between the board and the kitty.
@jonathanjohnston1064 8 дней назад
Az has a secret. Lol
@fadepanther6224 6 дней назад
I wonder if she'll be another Raiden or such?
@Grimwulf51 8 дней назад
I'd be down for some Xenogears. Agree with others, Agama tiles are good/safer... though I always liked to live on the dangerous side and fight anky's and rexs in the desert.
@fadepanther6224 6 дней назад
Good to know! Sorry I didn't reply sooner.
@justinscott4293 8 дней назад
Tgis game remnds me of the playformers of the ps1 and n64 area where they were full of creativity and creative staage gimmicks
@fadepanther6224 6 дней назад
YUP! I think that's why I like it so much. It is trying new things, but not caring too much about making a quick buck either. if that makes sense
@jonathanjohnston1064 9 дней назад
Guess you are better than you thought 🤔
@fadepanther6224 6 дней назад
YUP. Well, buffing my Main character sure helped.
@jonathanjohnston1064 9 дней назад
Xenogears was way darker than FF7. It starts out with a village nearly wiped out and a bride killed on her wedding day. You find out later that everyone on the planet is basically food for Solaris. Yeah it's freaking black in terms of darkness
@fadepanther6224 6 дней назад
Yup, and Xenogears did an oddly good job of not letting the heavier moments sink until the end of the game. Man, at that point though...
@jonathanjohnston1064 6 дней назад
@@fadepanther6224 it was a seriously underrated game
@jonathanjohnston1064 9 дней назад
This one is different. I suck at games that require timing 😂
@fadepanther6224 8 дней назад
Honestly, I feel I am too, I'm just sort of smashing my head against the wall and buttons hoping for a better outcome. XD
@jonathanjohnston1064 8 дней назад
@@fadepanther6224 been there. Shadow Hearts comes to mind
@insanitysportal6692 9 дней назад
Eye tile in Ice Cave
@xenonkay 9 дней назад
For unarmed monks their crit is just their level. Aside from Evade (AGI) their primary combat stats are determined by level alone. The BlueD trap is pretty solid for a party of monks. There's the ZombieD trap in the Castle of Ordeals or the Eye in the Ice Cave, neither of which AOE, but both of those floors have nasty regular encounters like Sorcerers. Also the Eye could potentially stone Louo with bad RNG. The 2nd last floor of Gurgu Volcano has two chests in the bottom right corner with Agama encounters right next to each other, so you can step from one directly into the other. They're worth a bit less than BlueD at 618xp but have a weak AOE and can be healed through. AOE-heavy parties can grind decent xp on the 1st floor of the Sunken Shrine but that's not really this party.
@zibba1331 9 дней назад
Aye i waa going to say agama area, slower xp gain perhaps offset by less time spent healing due to no random thunders
@isleofredemption 9 дней назад
Yeah, this is usually Agama Time for me.
@anshaar. 9 дней назад
Difficult in the proper way... Not the FF origins stanger of paradise way. Damn Yang is ugly! At first I didn't recognize the martial art form they were using... But after a bit it seems like a mixed style based on tai chi. ...the literal skill tree... 😅 The combat in this game feels a lot like AC Syndicate but with no surprise assassination or cool toys to play with... Also you can't debuff all the enemies in the world. 😜
@fadepanther6224 9 дней назад
Yup, FF origins Stranger of Paradise was... trying to many balancing elements to be difficult the proper way. They've all had hard lives, Yang seems to have one of the hardest. XD Oh? I'm not familiar enough with martial arts to pick out which styles are being used, so this is good info. ^^ I... didn't dawn on that joke... ^^; Skill tree is straight up a fantastic joke that I should have picked up on. Oh? I never played AC Syndicate. It was before my old work had the test cases that would use that sort of game.
@anshaar. 9 дней назад
@@fadepanther6224 IMHO syndicate is worth trying out.
@fadepanther6224 8 дней назад
@@anshaar. If I can get my hands on it, I so will give it a try. ^^
@RockSuitJacket 9 дней назад
Woot! Thanks for the shout out! Hope everything works out well for ya. It can be a bit of a grind getting your weapons up. But those back floor levels come in handy as they all have some mats to increase weapon stats and a lot of times, other weapons as well.
@fadepanther6224 9 дней назад
No problem! I try to shout out those who help me out. (If I can pronounce their usernames... if not I butcher it as I try.) Yeah, I am remembering the grind for leveling the weapons up. I only cheated the repair powers so it isn't like those were suddenly EXP for the weapons. As far as the back floor levels, I just don't have the back up gear to handle them just yet. I'll take them on later in for sure.
@RockSuitJacket 6 дней назад
@@fadepanther6224 unfortunately, the name I always used at the time of creating my torture account was suitjacketrock. It was taken already and I chose rocksuitjacket instead.
@fadepanther6224 День назад
@rocksuitjacket I feel that. I have a default name I use a lot and it is rare to have it taken but when it does happen to be taken it is something I have to swap things about to still keep the feel that the name is me. XD
@jonathanjohnston1064 9 дней назад
You got a fair amount of work done today
@fadepanther6224 9 дней назад
Without much annoyance too. ^^
@jonathanjohnston1064 9 дней назад
Another tragic story about revenge. It never gets any easier. Even with the revenge.
@fadepanther6224 9 дней назад
Agreed, though it is a repeated tale, it is done so often because it is hard to do it wrong. (Not saying this does it right mind you.)
@anshaar. 10 дней назад
This game looks fun and silly! 🤣 Has a bit of the original borderlands feel.
@fadepanther6224 9 дней назад
OG borderlands and 2, yeah I see that feel and agree. I've been looking forward to playing this for 3-4 years now, and am happy I get the chance to. ^^
@chrisraka.k.r9565 10 дней назад
I think most people like Van...he is bada** dumba**