CASP-SIG Conformational Ensembles of Protein
CASP-SIG Conformational Ensembles of Protein
CASP-SIG Conformational Ensembles of Protein
About Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction (CASP)
Our goal is to help advance the methods of identifying protein structure from sequence. The Center has been organized to provide the means of objective testing of these methods via the process of blind prediction. The CASP experiments aim at establishing the current state of the art in protein structure prediction, identifying what progress has been made, and highlighting where future effort may be most productively focused.

Vision Statement
Recognizing that biomolecules do not have static structures, but rather adopt a distribution of conformational states. We aim to evaluate if a critical assessment of predictions of conformational ensembles or multiple conformational states of biomolecules is feasible. The group will consider developments in the fields of structural and computational biology that are anticipated in the next 2-5 years, and define protocols for assessing the accuracy of ensemble model predictions.