The Archaeological Conservancy
The Archaeological Conservancy
The Archaeological Conservancy
The Archaeological Conservancy is a National Non-Profit organization based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, that acquires, protects, and maintains important cultural and archaeological sites across the United States. Established in 1980, we have saved over 555 sites for future generations to learn from and enjoy. Learn more about us and how to become a member at www.archaeologicalconservancy.org, and check out our channel to learn more about some of our National Preserves and our mission.
Lamoka Lake Archaeological Preserve
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Bayou Portage Guidry
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Queen Esthers Town
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Spokane Mound Archaeological Preserve
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Living Landscape of Mesa Prieta Virtual Lecture
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Episode 8: The Living Landscape of Mesa Prieta
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Fetterman Virtual Tour Movie Night Premiere
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Episode 7: Fetterman Archaeological Preserve
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Geographies of the Sacred
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Mazama Restoration Dunes Archaeological Preserve
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Siemer Archaeological Preserve
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Nemasket River Village Archaeological Preserve
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Giving Tuesday
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@wanttoread5 5 дней назад
This guy eats gravel for breakfast.
@skywalker541 6 дней назад
You can contact the tribal councils in Onondaga, otherwise get the hell out.
@paulfreeman23000 6 дней назад
Thumbs Up, Thank you TAC and Dr. Engelbrecht for the excellent presentation.
@TheArchaeologicalConservancy 6 дней назад
Thank you!
@garycrawford4700 6 дней назад
Thank you Ladies and Gentleman .
@TheArchaeologicalConservancy 6 дней назад
Thank you!
@patricknoveski6409 12 дней назад
I really like to hear the professionals when it comes to these incredible people. You get a lot of info and opinions from hikers and u tubers. But Archeologist know what they are looking at. Thank you.
@TheArchaeologicalConservancy 7 дней назад
We're glad you enjoyed this virtual lecture. Thank you for the feedback!
@24-Card 12 дней назад
Clovis is a technology frequently referenced as a culture.
@dianespears6057 13 дней назад
Great. Thank you.
@tonyhill3034 17 дней назад
Desert varnish,100,000 years old hagersville ontario
@Donna-l7c 18 дней назад
Have any of you ever seen “Michelle Gibson’s” work on YT? If not please do so ASAP!
@EddieBryant 20 дней назад
You know it's going to be good when the white girl has to recognize the native tribe upon which her university sits before she feels comfortable talking about the only thing she was brought here to talk about. What a joke of a thing for an academic to feel the need to say before beginning a non-related presentation *online*. I just wonder if she panders that much in real life or if she's seeking a promotion.
@JacquelineLynch-j1p 26 дней назад
Noel Morss Fremont culture.
@nrgpirate Месяц назад
The track migration of Native people demonstrates coming from South to North, and not from Berengia, but from South America. This means, contrary to the migration model, Native population never came from Asia, are distinctive species to the Americas, and most probably founded sub-asian groups by maritime migration first into the south-pacific, then eventually into the mainland of Asia, more than 30,000 years ago. Evidence even without large lumber boats, is demonstrated by the similarity between the Hanta virus of the south-pacific, and the dear-mice virus of the four-corners. The ancestral virus is the dear-mice virus.
@stevenhines5550 20 дней назад
Imagine transiting the Pacific?
@nrgpirate 20 дней назад
@@stevenhines5550 I don't have to imagine. I know. I used to live with the Samoans and Hawaiians as a kid in Hawaii, wa'a kaulua every weekend to go spear fishing. Polynesian boats are highly stable, and i am confident they had much larger off the Californian and Southern coastlines. Do you have an issue imagining Native folk having any ingenuity?
@stevenhines5550 20 дней назад
@@nrgpirate God no I'm just thinking of the scale of the undertaking. The only question mark for me is fresh water because these had to be long trips
@nrgpirate 20 дней назад
@@stevenhines5550 I've thought about that problem. If they did have massive ships, and food storage, they probably had water storage too. I know from studying from the two native cultures I belong to, pottery culture remained somewhat consistant until the arrival of white settlers. I know that there were different pottery used to store water. If they had grain on the boats, they probaby had some type of means to produce fire for cooking, and if they had cooking, they would have a method for steaming sea water for desalinating or an antequated version of reverse osmosis. Both are plausable. Even if they did not have fire measures on the boat, having a type of thermal active pottery to cause water evap and condensation as a primiative way to convert sea water by solar heating is entirely plausible as well.
@nrgpirate 20 дней назад
@@stevenhines5550 the one thing that stands out for me, is what the elders had told me. Both predeluvian and post native civs had some type of iron and copper production. This would denote possible higher apex of civ tech in each time period. Also I had studied way back when I was a kid, the discovery of chinese jade in the yucatan. That would mean prior asiatic contact within the time period of the olmecs or even before.
@matildagreene1744 Месяц назад
Why aren't they 'owned' by the Elders ? Take the land...take the history too. Private land ? Yes, it was all private before scores of people of other cultures came and squatted w/firearms...UGH...My grandmother lived in Camp Verde. Even after the white confiscation.
@RobEdson Месяц назад
Pre-LGM, Beringia and North American corridor was open. Google 'sea level last 200,000 years' for a graph showing 50k years of -60m sea level pre LGM - www.e-education.psu.edu/earth107/node/1496 . I believe hunting sea mammals and fishing is a viable path but 50 k years of Beringia being open pre-LGM deserves a mention. This PDF shows ice free corridors while Beringia was open pre-LGM - google ' global ice sheet reconstruction for the past 80 000 years' look at pdf (supplemental - static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41467-021-21469-w/MediaObjects/41467_2021_21469_MOESM1_ESM.pdf ) - p 10,11,14,15
@thomasgrove6768 Месяц назад
Outstanding, it is good to see a collaborative effort to drive preservation. Bravo
@RobEdson Месяц назад
Pre-LGM, Beringia and North American corridor was open. Google 'sea level last 200,000 years' for a graph showing 50k years of -60m sea level pre-LGM. I believe hunting sea mammals and fishing is a viable path but 50 k years of Beringia being open pre-LGM deserves a mention. This PDF shows ice free corridors while Beringia was open pre-LGM - google ' global ice sheet reconstruction for the past 80 000 years' look at pdf (supplemental) - p 10,11,14,15
@paulfreeman23000 Месяц назад
Excellent, that is a great time period, Thank You for keeping it safe.
@TheArchaeologicalConservancy Месяц назад
Thank you for you support!
@tomasneel1980 Месяц назад
Hi, very awesome and well done and informative how ever there is so much information in this video needs more research , I kindly ask for example it is a much more a bigger picture t, I’ve researched the Pueblo ppl my whole life, you mentioned the Hopi migrated exclusively from the verde valley. , I’m sure some clans migrated to the mesas from verde valley, but dang those major sites on the mesas had been inhabited for centuries before hitsatsinom. Homolivi , like 4mile, and no mention of centuries earlier athabascans/meso Aztec influence or pit house cultures 600 ad. Places like Chavez pass, all moggollon cultures, kayenta, ZUNI …. their cousin clans the Zuni, point of pines, And nothing said about the Tewa, chocoans, etc…… plus many clans were denied coming to the mesas according to some scholars. Verde valley culture was fast came and went . I just have difficulty accepting your view of the origin of the Hopi when there is impirical evidence stating other wise. What do you think cause I’m only interested in stubborn facts. Best wishes
@4672-m9f Месяц назад
tears on the trail
@stevegarcia3731 Месяц назад
Narrator: "...and BTW, the population of Europe has been replaced at least 3 times in the last 14,000 years." I recently recognized a gap from ~13,000 to about ~8,500 in Europe of Y-DNA in Europe, with the Y-DNA AFTERWARD having NO genetics in common betwen groups before and after that gap. THE CAVE ARTISTS IN FRANCE AND SPAIN ARE NOT ANCESTORS OF TODAY'S EUROPEAN.
@stevegarcia3731 Месяц назад
In addition, during that European gap the Americas actually had Y-DNA continuity. Meaning the present population of N America was here before the present population in Europe was there. If true, THIS IS AN ASTOUNDING thing.
@stevegarcia3731 Месяц назад
I am gratified about the info here on the Anzick child. My first exposure to Anzick were the initial documents that this video clearly explains. That the association of the chold with the Clovis Point cache could not be determined due to the way the discoverers found the artifacts and bones. IOW, no one will ever know. Since it remains the ONLY site with "Clovis" remains, arkies seem to WANT this connection to be true. But wanting it to be true IS NOT SCIENCE. The sort of connection at Anzick would never be accepted anywhere else in the archaeological record, and it should not be accepted here. In addition the C14 dating of the kid is 12,500 cal years BP, which is 300 years too late for Clovis. The artifacts could have been there for hundreds of years before the kid. If you see a claim that Anzick is Clovis, they are being untruthful, and shame on them for their wishful thinking.
@terrymoran3705 Месяц назад
The "broad view" of the evidence, by an idiot! Loved it! That kind of humility is sorely needed amoung the specialists. Thank you Dr. Wernecke. You present a informative and persuasive arguement.
@redtobertshateshandles 2 месяца назад
I wonder if the checkerboard pattern is a representation of the cultivation method. Which was extremely important. The random lines could be proto art before they realised that they could create an image. Or did it represent skin or fingerprints. Thanks for showing. Awesome.
@micf86 2 месяца назад
I thing about when did the Americas get populated. We will never find the truth because if the dates do not fit scientists views or what they believe the truth will be hidden.
@martyheresniak5203 2 месяца назад
One of the finest extemporaneous speakers I've heard in a long time. Many tanks.
@jeremylarsen949 2 месяца назад
uhm I do this with great of reverence to our great spirits above. uhm This video is Shit. uhm Really thought I would learn something from this. uhm
@steffenkarl7967 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for your work ❤😊
@aleisterseverusgrey3778 2 месяца назад
Trust me when i say that when you see a giant comet in the dark sky or just some flying past it's a religious experience no matter what you believe in.
@redtobertshateshandles 2 месяца назад
Also, sightings of animals or insects even. I'll never forget my first and only firefly. I thought that it was someone walking with a flashlight , because that's exactly what it looked like. It frightened the heck out of me when it flew over a body of water.
@phishENchimps 2 месяца назад
I had a teacher describe the peopling of the world like throwing a large rock into a pond. And then another, and then another and then another. Many of the ripples die out and disappear, but others will group up and make their way back and forth.
@raymondswenson1268 2 месяца назад
The Pacific Ocean's Japan current travels north along the coast of Japan and northeast Siberia, and continues across to the coast of Alaska south along the Pacific coast of the USA. Around 1809 three Japanese fishermen got caught in a storm, and were carried by the current all the way to the mouth of the Columbia River where a Hudson's Bay Company fur trading post had been established at what is now Astoria, Oregon. They were given passage on an American whaling ship back to Japan, but the Tokugawa policy of refusing foreign contact led to the ship being fired upon. One fisherman ended up as a businessman in Hong Kong. The half-Native son of the trading post manager, Angus McDonald, was curious about the resemblance of Japanese to his mother's people, and he signed onto a whaler and paid the captain to drop him off in Hokkaido. He was taken captive, but then taken to Tokyo and enlisted to teach English to several samurai. He then took a Dutch vessel at Nagasaki and traveled round the world westward, returning to his home. The samurai he taught became the negotiators who dealt with Commodore Perry. Many Japanese, in gratitude, visit the grave in Spokane, WA of Ranald McDonald. So you can travel from East Asia to the west coast of North America without intending to. Surely the current was a major assist to intentional migration from Beringia, for anyone who knows how to fish or take sea lions and otters and seabirds.
@nativemega-art1625 2 месяца назад
Interesting history 🙏
@iralien2 2 месяца назад
Terrible title for a book! We are not idiots nor are you sir. Please be more respectful to your theory.
@MarilynMayer-cd5qk 2 месяца назад
Thank you.
@napalmholocaust9093 2 месяца назад
Rock art in Greece of boats goes back like 40,000 years.
@ro307805 2 месяца назад
Better hope those “idiots “ have a long attention span....
@MariaBell-i8f 3 месяца назад
Poor audio
@kevinatkins4090 3 месяца назад
I think Alferd dried their meat into jerky strips. Men's at the Los Pinos Indian agency found strips of "white man's meat" outside of their camp that he had thrown away.
@usmcmustang2972 3 месяца назад
They were not worried about hauling water up to their defensive living structures ... Their slaves did it for them ...
@LeslieYates-e6h 3 месяца назад
Hi Nikki: Enjoyed 👋😎
@NocturnalIntellect 3 месяца назад
Glad to know it’s protected. Thanks Nikki.
@paulfreeman23000 3 месяца назад
Thumbs up, Thanks
@paulfreeman23000 3 месяца назад
@cottonwoodslim3497 3 месяца назад
This video conclusively proves we need to keep investigating and questioning our perceptions.
@katykristensen302 3 месяца назад
So, Adam and Eve could have been in North America?
@Gebwalter 3 месяца назад
That rock art looks super old! Thats cool to see some of the sites etc around the area, I grew up on the north east side of the lake. I've been looking into mounds and would love more info on utah mounds? If any has any info, tag me please. I found this in looking for the Nephi mounds which seems there's not much info.
@degraff19er 3 месяца назад
The head of the bird petroglyph around the 29:00 mark in the video has a striking resemblance to some of the imagery on pillars at Gobekli Tepe.
@lucaswolf9931 3 месяца назад
Can you guys tell me why, all of the Paleo-Indian sites or (Most) and pre-European sites in Kentucky have been hidden quite literally???? I can only find one or two reports on it whatsoever. This is very significant History and I live in Christian County KY. Tired of History being changed and hidden. I wished The top 3 religions of the world would just quit peddling their bs and trying to completely change Humanity’s historical narrative. They need to face the facts that they have been throwing their whole lives believing in lies from the church! Smdh!!!!!!
@lucaswolf9931 3 месяца назад
I think that migration pattern crap is just that. Crap.
@alanbrooke3237 3 месяца назад
Yeah it's not complete, I've found 3 clovis in one field full of pea gravel, and one other 20 miles south of my first site. One other guy has found clovis 16 miles south of my second site, all in northwestern Indiana.
@degraff19er 3 месяца назад
The moon & water connection is very intriguing to me, especially given what is already known about the moon and tides. Could the ancients have also discovered a linkage between the moon and the subterranean water table? And with a connection to the South, I wonder if this ritualism peaked based on an awareness of the water/resource issues the Mayans experienced.
@Ck-zk3we 3 месяца назад
I have spent alot of time in Asia. mayans look extremely asian