Warhammer lore content made simple. My videos designed to be fun and engaging for veterans and newcomers alike as 40k can be pretty daunting and dense. I break the big complicated stuff down into simple easy to understand videos and do my best to make learning about the grim dark fun! I am a massive 40k nerd and have been deeply engrossed in this universe for almost 20 years.

I'm Worried About The Future Of Warhammer 40K
2 месяца назад
@andrewluster8306 8 часов назад
The Cataphracti pattern is indeed badass
@fishstks9677 9 часов назад
man thanks for making a video on them, i feel real safe now.
@r9nx714 9 часов назад
The retcon gun is basically Balefure in the wheel of time, but in WoT, the more power put into balefire, the further back you're erased. There's an event where a character kills 2 protagonists and another protagonist uses a powerful burst of balefire to erase the killer, and it brings the dead back to life
@mitchellstevens7235 9 часов назад
Y'all more worried about this fools ethics. Who the fuck cares? Grow up and realize life is shit and you do what you gotta do.
@darkhalf81 9 часов назад
Thinking you were about to skip discussing about our favorite Big Boy Tyberos, I can already imagine the heavy and furious breathing from the fandom... 🤣💀
@contrajey 9 часов назад
Please do a follow up!!
@Ryuzakku 9 часов назад
Screwing over Tarvitz will never be forgiven, but I do find Lucius fun, especially in The Reflection Crack'd, Pride and Fall, and The Faultless Blade
@xfactor1777 9 часов назад
Just the ending to this video alone makes me want to shed a tear
@scalpal 10 часов назад
I want to see Orks vs World Eaters. Proper hard.
@jakewalters3951 10 часов назад
I really question your reading of 30k space wolves my dude, and to call Leman Russ the worst Primarch when Angron and Lorgar exist…
@Nikoaggriiitooo 10 часов назад
The weakness: a hole they can't climb Like they have a armor recovery team just for this type of shit and yes it's canon
@StefanoTomassetti-b2j 10 часов назад
the problem with 40k especially the emperor....too many authors have written about him with different ideas, different opinions... i think in my humble opinion that he should be like a god, maybe less godlike in his life but strong enough to fight the kaos gods or it will all be in vain, i mean every race has it's big and bad, ctan, eldar's gods, etc...humans have the emperor. I like the shroud of mistery but i dont like that so many people wrote about it without having a standard to follow, so one day he can snap his fingers and crush the stars, one day he has trouble fighting an ork....
@DBDUFIEBTHDHDV 10 часов назад
So... The Tau Empire is like the NCR from Fallout?
@dutchboles7153 10 часов назад
If it hasn’t been stated a million times: another reason why astartes have suppressed sexual desire is probably because (judging from a LONG history of it) armies of invaders who haven’t had sex in a while may potentially… do that thing by force on the people they’re conquering. Which hey, maybe he could’ve made them all gay somehow so that takes care of that, but they still could just do that to the men of a populace and they’re all kind of like siblings.
@Idazmi7 10 часов назад
Tau with Rail Rifle:
@zunedude91 10 часов назад
Adeptus mechanicus lets do machines right before A.I. tried to kill us and we become part of the machine. Sounds good.
@sergiorios7931 10 часов назад
Minutes 7:40 to 12:00
@chengkuoklee5734 10 часов назад
What Ultramarine have that other chapters don't have? Urgh.... they can do paperwork?
@MidwesternMarauder94 10 часов назад
I love how the Ghoul Stars is the 40k equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle
@Tangible_D 11 часов назад
Way too many ads on this vid, the flow is completely ruined.
@matthewcorrea4278 11 часов назад
Forgive me this one final sin
@PhantomGato-v- 11 часов назад
I still love "... (Intensely stares)" To be my favorite warcry. Though it's ironic the Polynesian inspired Carcharodons don't have a haka lol
@DinoboySeth 11 часов назад
Uh-huh, uh-huh. O’rite deez ar good, but can dhay get mo’ dakka?
@evillurking2067 11 часов назад
You say they are not doing okay. But are they feeling that way??!!
@louisschulteiv181 11 часов назад
Prions....... And mental deteration.
@wyattduncan6739 11 часов назад
I hear Cody Coyote
@Izlude84 11 часов назад
I like to picture The Emperor in a Tuxedo T-shirt, 'cause it says, like, 'I wanna be formal, but I'm here to party, too.' I like to party, so I like my Emperor to party.... I like to think of The Emperor like, with giant eagles' wings and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like a Sprotitas Band, and I'm in the front row, and I'm hammered drunk...
@Bobcat173rd 11 часов назад
Those chaos guys sound like a bunch of jerks.
@Lemons_DTA 12 часов назад
I would love to see more on the black templars there cool af and would love to know what impact do they have and what there all about I'm new to all this lore stuff. @weshammer.
@adriaanmangum7955 12 часов назад
Would you PLEASE do a deep dive on the Salamanders?
@imustbust998 12 часов назад
are the cyclone missiles actually ballistic? as in they send them on a trajectory letting the engine cut our and momentum/gravity do the rest? seems like they'd just be regular, non-ballistic missiles.
@thebunz7 12 часов назад
Salamanders #1 blessed by the emperor himself as god to jesus.
@TheReaper_2023 12 часов назад
Why can i imagine that Nurgle is just like "Finally i have created the most deadly disease to kill those fucking bugs" then a tyranids just like "ight gimme a minute" then pulls out some fucking immunity booster from a dead species Nurgle is probably like "FUCKING DAMMIT"
@ryanensign6216 12 часов назад
another ork name for space marines is "tin can 'umies"
@Oatinator 12 часов назад
I am a brand new 40k fan. Yes, Space Marine 2 was my introduction lol. But! I have now watched a truly unreasonable amount of lore videos and im now a huge fan of the Orks. The space marines are awesome, but the Orks are ao ridiculous that its impossible not to love them.
@imustbust998 12 часов назад
wait in the first image -- is there a lore reason why the bullets on the belt of ammo that looks to be feeding into a mag well are backwards?
@RaccooniusIII 13 часов назад
New shirt is hideous
@davidgeorge3944 13 часов назад
Primaries marines are bullshit.. Good for the lore but.. Got table top I hear bad things so that's not exactly good is it.. If it wasn't for that fact you can't run an old set as primaris but you can run primaris as first editions is a total joke tbh. Models needed a refresh sure but.. I don't know. Maybe your right. In time it won't even matter. Old models not being able to be used though sucks for a lot of model players. I'd hate that, every edition that comes out, a I I going to lose a tactic, will I gain a new one or just take total needs and no buffs.. Buy new codex to work it out.. It's all for money and ofcourse it's a business but.. The soul. The soul of war hammer still beats it just beats maybe a bit to much. Adeptus mechanicus are space genuis ofcourse BTW, and I remember the days when orcs were terrifying. The good old days. I remember when the astardes (bastardes) were just 'space marines' paint em how you want em lol to much lore can bog a fantasy setting down, if its ingrained lore that effects the core series. Nothing wrong with spin off tales and books, but things like the horus heresy, there can only be a few moments like that, that create such an impact on the wider lore of even the game itself.
@penguinfool 13 часов назад
Courage and Honour
@recjr7685 13 часов назад
I'm pretty sure he has lost with the victor taking no pride in their victory, and Slasnesh had to revive him
@TheNollets 13 часов назад
Their time limit was 31 hours Wes. It was the time it took for his soldiers to take the city when they revolted in the arena.
@Acheron420 13 часов назад
Maaaaaaaan I wish this would happen to Titus from space marine
@seekerofarcades4634 13 часов назад
@breadicus_maximus_the_fifth 13 часов назад
Me’s love Gork and Ork
@toothhair3676 13 часов назад
yo shoutout to mysterious unnamed things of horror in depths. gotta be one of my favorite genders
@viritrusdrakenhaven1189 13 часов назад
@Skyrilla 13 часов назад
Cool it down a notch.
@Mdomeara1 14 часов назад
The Red Wake is not slow in this armor
@SmartDonkeyJr 14 часов назад
Maybe I just can't find it but a video on the white scars would be dopeeee 👀
@TheRealSerLagsAlot 14 часов назад
Space marine 3 better not be a space hulk focused game. I hope Tau is the main enemy but since Titus works with the inquisition I doubt it