Brian Kutys (xWF)
Brian Kutys (xWF)
Brian Kutys (xWF)
@f5fstop 5 дней назад
Unless that made made crack is sealed and it is a northern climate, water will enter in the winter and freeze and the freeze/thaw cycle will destroy the road in that area.
@NewsBroadcasting 18 дней назад
so it takes a truck load of workers to cut a straight line and make big mess with ashpault?
@Prossesing 21 день назад
@davidhammons-sc9qd Месяц назад
Great compaction on the repair...
@nationaldatacontractor 2 месяца назад
This process is called micro trenching for a reason, not meant to be more than a few inches deep so I'm not sure why so many comments saying it needs to be several feet deep. This is likely in the south as well. Is it the best method? No, in some areas, and yes in others. We have done a good amount of this, but we mostly cut concrete over bridges with walkways, down public walks, parking lots, or along the roadside edge where blocking traffic and major property tear out isn't an option. We also use hot polymer resin based infill and color match in many cases, along with insulating sand in some projects with wider cuts or rough base. Sometimes the customer just wants asphalt fill, so we give it to them similar to this. In this case, it's clearly city work and done at the lowest attention to detail. I didn't see an inspection, no insulating sand, dyer markers, etc. We would have put a bright orange dyed fill a few inches above the conduit so when resurfacing happens they see the color if they get too deep. When we cross streets we find out what the cities resurfacing depth is, usually 2-4 inches max so 6 inch depth isn't going to get touched. Obviously a full road removal is going to rip it up. Despite a sub par job, that fiber will last a long time.
@bhearit5775 2 месяца назад
god i hate internet install contractors only putting cable/fiber 0.5-5 inches deep when it should atleast be 1ft
@danieldebreczeni7021 2 месяца назад
Do you guys want some more work?
@keng528 2 месяца назад
Grid down made easy...
@user-cj1yx8xv5n 2 месяца назад
As an HDD contractor 🤦‍♂ cutting a perfectly good road for fiber is crazy how can there village allow such a thing.
@miguelmorales3313 5 месяцев назад
Wonder who is going to blame who when it is time to replace the concrete of the road.
@scotty9410 6 месяцев назад
Taking the trades out of workers. Hacks
@CarlosReyes-xm7rp 7 месяцев назад
need to see them feet moving.....
@alexrralex 10 месяцев назад
That is big black tablet, that liquid they put inside and where is sealant?
@egwaluesimuwilfred8946 Год назад
Am a fiber installer in Uganda but earn less than 200 USD without any allowance, would like to work with such tools and better pay
@WombleUK Год назад
Looka like road works in the US are the same as here in the UK, 1 bloke doing the work with 9 others standing around supervising.
@roberto.gallegos Год назад
How I’m the world is that deep enough to keep it from being damaged during ashfault and concrete work. But I guess that isn’t there problem.
@doobs930069 Год назад
Im with most of these people in the comments. This video was interesting but as someone who did this work for three years with a plow and jt20 directional drill, this was hard to watch. Thanks for the upload anyways and watch out for the rainbow tree roots.
@ericwendel1258 Год назад
6 inches deep! Nice. No wonder why this shit gets ripped out everyday and where’s your markouts?
@SuperMatt2112 Год назад
As per usual, the comments are epic.... lot of know it all talking about things they know nothing about, if you read the title it should not surprise anyone, it's google, they can do whatever they want. statutes, rules, regulations and policy go out the window.
@xvhkgreen6297 Год назад
you know nothing.
@xvhkgreen6297 Год назад
I bet these guys getting $60/$100 an hour sweeping the sidewalk.
@xvhkgreen6297 Год назад
Billion dollar company opts for the cheapest installation along with the destruction of public property. Every other utility service would have to bore under the road. NOT GOOGLE! We bribed your officials and we can now do what we want. EVEN BETTER! We did this job so cheap, than when if fails because it's so shallow, we're allowed to do it again. What's even better is ultimately the people of Huntsville are the ones who will pay in more ways than one with this shoddy install. They could have bored under the road and Google would still have made more money than they knew what to do with it.
@xvhkgreen6297 Год назад
who are you? the statutes, rules, regulations and policy police?
@xvhkgreen6297 Год назад
its people like you that let this happen.
@kittyhawk9886 Год назад
I have never see a fatter bunch! Go America!
@jessiesorbet2434 Год назад
"Ditchcraft" - The practice of professionally operating a Ditch Witch....
@orellaminx3530 Год назад
Six people on the job, only two doing the bulk of the work. A third dude finally picks up a shovel after like ten minutes and does like 30 seconds of work. Living up to the stereotype.
@driatrogenesis Год назад
yup You drive by any municipal construction project and its the same Private projects are a diff story, but anything done at state, or local govt is absolute trash, and you notice there are always wasting money! They will spend money just to spend it because they wint get thst state funding next yr if they dont spend it they prob hire extra people just to spend money
@teebu Год назад
I bet these guys getting $60/$100 an hour sweeping the sidewalk.
@driatrogenesis Год назад
at tax payer expense but hey we all need 100 gbps so we can be brainwashed some more
@IesKorpershoek Год назад
So, they must rewire it when a new road surface must be put in. This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
@flylitpilot4202 Год назад
Wat are some fiber optic companies that are hiring in California?
@seymorgorde Год назад
Micro-trenching is too elegant for this low work.
@chuckh.2227 Год назад
That poor machine needs some love
@rickslife Год назад
This sure doesn’t seem permanent.
@wojomojo Год назад
They need more workers standing around talking to each other. It'll go faster that way.
@whoogoesthere Год назад
I see so many flaws with this. This cheap BS will cost Google dearly down the road in repair cost.
@gplarry Год назад
dont do this in florida. it might fall in.
@td389 Год назад
Cut the cable too short. How is anyone going to tie in? Or was just that just a hollow tube for the fiber to go into? Should have put a sealer over everything. Snow will melt, freeze and expand and create the need to repair the road.
@cnt2035 Год назад
Typical...three guys to do the job of one
@zimbabwesteve4620 Год назад
Micro trenching is done as a faster more inexpensive way to run fiber to customers . If the road is repaved, or planning to be replaced they would end up running it in con. Micro trenching is good for areas that permitting and directional boring are not practical. This is a quick, cheap, easy way to get fiber internet without the overhead
@thecasualfly Год назад
Don't tell that to the armchair experts
@turbodeiseltruck Год назад
Dumbest shit ever so when they re asphalt it thell tear out the fiber. Good job guys
@TrustTheScience Год назад
Seven project managers, 3 people to do the work lol
@tg9754 Год назад
This looks like an abortion. I've installed fiber and you always need slack at the end to polish and terminate the ends. Even if the was pre-polished and terminated, it looks like the installer cut the ends off with a knife. Possibly they will insert fiber through the tubing after everything is done. What does everyone else think?
@garygsp3 Год назад
Billion dollar company opts for the cheapest installation along with the destruction of public property. Every other utility service would have to bore under the road. NOT GOOGLE! We bribed your officials and we can now do what we want. EVEN BETTER! We did this job so cheap, than when if fails because it's so shallow, we're allowed to do it again. What's even better is ultimately the people of Huntsville are the ones who will pay in more ways than one with this shoddy install. They could have bored under the road and Google would still have made more money than they knew what to do with it. This just pisses me off.
@sigridqwq5198 Год назад
Due weisse Mittelschicht wird neu mit Google verdrahtet, Afroamerikaner schlitzen die Strasse auf, druecken den Glasdraht in die Ritze, keine Zuschauer, alle sitzen gebannt hinter den Gardinen......warten auf Godot (Google)............. Gruesse/Greetings...
@giovannifiorentino8947 Год назад
Need to come up with a thin large wheel to place the conduit at the bottom of the trench, like the one for the asphalt.
@merchanics5633 Год назад
Boy are these workers slow. In the same time chinese workers would have put up a bridge and built a few road for fun.
@Mike_5 Год назад
When the road gets resurfaced with new Tarmac everyone will loose their service?
@sparkythebuilder Год назад
I guess directional boring wasn't invented yet?
@tombo552001 Год назад
With the price to repair faber optic , this sure isn't trying to protect it.oh and cut right through the curb and gutter
@trey6638 Год назад
This has to be the most ghetto shit I've ever seen. There's no way that small of a cutting wheel made it all the way through that high back curb. So now if that curb ever has to be replaced, guess what, there's fiber embedded inside of it.
@AM-dn4lk Год назад
So what happens to the fibre in the road when it is ready to be milled and repaved. Is the fiber removed before milling, or it gets chewed up by the road mill?
@whitexeno Год назад
They burried it well below where repaving will take place
@edwardbartoneb Год назад
Depending upon your city, county and state codes. All fiber underground cables should be anywhere between 36 to 42 inches deep. Depending upon the underground utilities. This that you see will likely only last as long as the road. Is not milled up to be replaced by a new road.
@bobdickweed Год назад
WOW , all that work to put down a garden hose ,
@EpicATrain Год назад
Wow... That's some seriously lazy, crappy installation. No wonder Google Fiber has so many issues with their lines coming back up to the surface. I've heard horror stories but never seen it. This is NOT the way to install fiber, not even remotely close.
@michaelc.3812 Год назад
Don’t forget your respirators! Powdered concrete is very nasty for your lungs!