Great Fairy
Great Fairy
Great Fairy
The Great Fairy from Louisoix!
FFVII: Rebirth [Fort Condor]
28 дней назад
ELDEN RING - [invading]
3 месяца назад
ELDEN RING - [Hunter Summons](#02)
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ELDEN RING - [Hunter Summon](Glitch)
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FFXIV - [Reaper/Enshroud]
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Elden Ring - [Festering Finger Invades]
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Diablo IV - Mother Lilith
Год назад
FFXIV: Facing The Truth
2 года назад
FFXIV: Lyna's Request
2 года назад
FFXIV: Lyna's Orders
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FFXIV: The Way Home
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FFXIV: An Old Enemy, A New Friend
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Dying Light - Cityscape Rooftop View
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FFXIV: The White Robed Figure
3 года назад
FFXIV: Estinien Departs
3 года назад
@xenodee027 2 месяца назад
Feo Ul will always be one of my favorite characters on this game ❤
@maxpopov1229 3 месяца назад
5:45 what soundtrack is this?
@themissingpeace7956 26 дней назад
The song is called Fragments of Forever. :)
@KuroshiDawn 3 месяца назад
@seya8452 5 месяцев назад
i skipped this thanks
@burushifudara Год назад
2:43 It was at this moment that I went "H-hey! I-it is not my fault I sweat a lot...!"
@lyndina8492 Год назад
Alphinaud casually roasting Alisaie...gorgeous
@koholintisland2167 Год назад
I can count the pixels!
@greatfairy8587 Год назад
Oh my you are right. I will have to go back and re-upload some. Thank you for the feedback!
@cyblack23452 Год назад
I like Kai Shirr good character!
@pwnorbepwned Год назад
Can you please your the name of the quest in the description?
@greatfairy8587 Год назад
Thank you for the feedback! I intend on editing the clip’s description soon.
@silentsnow9254 Год назад
Al seeing his life flash before his eyes 😆 that slow head turn from Ali though.
@Primo-on6fc Год назад
how do we afk and play music as a bard?
@greatfairy8587 Год назад
Those are street performers so I’m not quite sure about their practices. I’m assuming it must be something exclusive to PC users.
@jackybos4890 Год назад
gotta respect a man for trying to kiss back while his spine is getting breaked hahah man i love the chai
@Skinnylandia Год назад
God i miss ShB so much
@OdeezyBaby18 Год назад
Thanks for uploading!
@jish55 2 года назад
Yeah, every time we were dealing with the fae, my first thought was that we have a fae ally, why not ask her for help?
@qbee3642 2 года назад
The simple "They turned on me" with a smile before this was just as rough. They really did a good job of characterizing this tragedy.
@steakdriven 2 года назад
Good Lord I hate that track from the very beginning of the video so much. Especially when it's playing over dialogue that I have to read out loud
@war6_ 2 года назад
Hi which weapon are you using for it ? and which difficulty you're playing on ? I'm struggling to get this trophy...
@greatfairy8587 2 года назад
I believe this was normal difficulty and the weapon of choice was “Faith”.
@weltallelite 2 года назад
… ….. …….. First.
@austintipton8864 2 года назад
God hearing Alisaie kills me every time, not many games have made me pause to take a breath but this moment with Alisaie was one of them. Hats off to her VA man, made me weep
@BeccaLovesSRK 2 года назад
"Oh, don't look at me like that." *BOOM* Fell in love with him. Rene Zagger did an outstanding job with this character and the people who only play with JP audio are missing out on this one IMO
@Yuyu5001 2 года назад
Considering that the JP voice actor is better... not really. Rene Zagger isn't bad, but he is not the best. I listened to the English voice acting, too, and simply find it subpar compared to JP. That's my opinion, naturally. But it doesn't mean anyone misses out for playing in one language or the other.
@Yuyu5001 2 года назад
@Toptiergod first, no reason to get insulting. Second, who says people outside Japan can't understand and speak Japanese? Third, who the hell are you to judge?
@BeccaLovesSRK 2 года назад
@@Yuyu5001 They never said anything about people outside Japan. Only people who don't speak Japanese. I hear people who don't speak Japanese say all the time that the JP voice acting is better, for reasons like the actors are together when they record and other stuff, but literally how can you tell if you don't speak the language. Most of them are just being pretentious weebs. Also you started your original comment by telling me that I'm wrong. That's always gonna come off as hostile and get you harsh responses.
@Yuyu5001 2 года назад
@@BeccaLovesSRK i made it pretty clear I'm voicing an opinion. There is absolutely no, never, any excuse for insulting people over it. Besides, stating that anyone listening to a language they don't understand is weird is nonsense. Or so you think anyone who listens to English songs but don't understand the language is weirdo? Hate to break it to people here, but that's, like, most of humanity. Guess most of humanity is weird, then. But I guess music doesn't count? Also, the JP boice acting sounds more natural and voices are chosen better, too. That's why people say it's better.
@BeccaLovesSRK 2 года назад
@@Yuyu5001 I actually didn't say any of that. Specifically in the case of animated or computer generated visual media, it seems ridiculous to me to claim that voice acting in a language you don't understand is superior or inferior to that of your native language. Someone who understands both would be perfectly justified in expressing an opinion on the subject, and I suspect that the people who don't speak Japanese but still claim its superiority are just parroting the opinions of bilingual people. Music and live action are entirely different cases. Also, "Considering that the JP voice actor is better... not really." is dismissive at best, stated as a fact, and you literally only commented to disagree with my opinion. Your comment read as "Actually, I don't think people who only play with JP audio are missing out because the English voice acting is subpar." You could have just ignored my comment and moved on with your day, but you decided to engage so don't be mad when people come at you.
@johndoe86135 2 года назад
Honestly this is probably the best voice performance we've gotten in the whole game. So much emotion and that voice crack is so well timed.
@balderdasq8987 2 года назад
Come on Vauthry, this is a powerful moment, can you please just not be yourself for a few moments?
@falcontomto 2 года назад
it broke my heart to see Lyna being so frustrated by the loss of her comrades. But just before I was about to cry, I was then filled with rage as soon as Vauthry's lips part.
@Pie_Otter 2 года назад
Yeah, the one time i felt such true anger towards an antagonist in a game in a LONG time. I remember this being the turning point of me wearing my usual casual glam into a serious, reaper-like glam lol.
@spadez8618 8 месяцев назад
Yo... I haven't wanted to brutally end a fictional character like that since Danzo
@deltawolf 2 года назад
I went from a trip from "wow this accent is gonna get old" to "this is my favorite voice in the game" so fast
@steakdriven 2 года назад
I do not consider you to really be alive has never been a valid defense in a court of law
@JDON.108 2 года назад
The only thing I want more than Hrothgar hairstyles is Feo Ul minion
@NightshadeTS 2 года назад
@EthyrianYoutube 2 года назад
Quest: Word from On High in the Inn book
@ronyheat91 2 года назад
Feels like this scene gets overshadowed pretty easily from the other big story beats. But this scene is just so good!
@anunconventionaluse533 2 года назад
One of my favourite characters in Shadowbringers. Salome Gunnarsdóttir, who voiced Lyna, did a sterling job and she really poured so much emotion into her performance. I hope we hear from her again in future content!
@lupuslunari 2 года назад
"The light of your legacy was our torch in the darkness. Burn bright again, and live." T_T
@foxygames165 Год назад
That whole story capped off with this quote breaks me every time. ;-; They truly believed in the Warrior of Light.
@robertcote6672 2 года назад
Hnngh, Feelsbringers man! >.<
@gokuzxr 2 года назад
Feo Ul is the official Mom of ffxiv.
@Magic_Ice 2 года назад
I can only hear Malos in Magnus’ voice
@Reynsoon 2 года назад
@Magic_Ice 2 года назад
@@Reynsoon Unfortunately Monsoon’s voice overrides that.
@Reynsoon 2 года назад
@@Magic_Ice Through time and eternities untold, Thaffe and Magnus are two sides of the same coin.
@Reynsoon 2 года назад
I thought you were just meming cause I really couldn't hear it, and was about to praise David Menkin on his range, then he said "This worthless pile of earth" and then I was reminded of all the times Malos made 'boy' sound like a slur.
@dalthorn 11 месяцев назад
A year later I can only hear Odin/Barnabus’ voice.
@Lyrina25 2 года назад
I remember seeing this scene for the first time and laughing so hard at the twins i fell from my chair.
@Windrays 2 года назад
When Lyna's voice cracks, it breaks me. This voice actress absolutely crushed it.
@ElfTrap 2 года назад
What's the name of this cutscene in The Unending Journey?
@gr2192 2 года назад
Cold and cruel aND HESRTHLESSS!!!!
@SkepticalChris 2 года назад
I don't think Alpha knew just how close to death he truly was.
@TheoVorster 2 года назад
Does anyone know what track plays at 2:10?
@mcdoogle_robotman 2 года назад
Its Tomorrow and Tomorrow piano version. If your talking about the chanting I do not know.
@foxygames165 Год назад
The whole thing is Tomorrow and Tomorrow, just the instrumental part.
@Fransens 3 года назад
*crying voice* so cold and cruel and *murderscream* HEARTLESS!! I legit laughed my ass of at that. By then I knew I like her already.
@winterfoxcloud 2 года назад
Agreed 🤣 She had me at her murderous heartless and didn't let go until the end credits
@garreonlefay6703 Год назад
And then later in the Mount. God the line delivery is the perfect balance between disappointed, yet loving, Mom and Slasher Villain.
@elgatochurro 7 месяцев назад
It is kinda rude you only call her for help once
@elgatochurro 7 месяцев назад
@Fransens 7 месяцев назад
@@elgatochurro and HeArTlEsS!!!
@lynaaa 3 года назад
thats me
@channman201 3 года назад
Feo Ul best npc <3
@jeremyzak654 3 года назад
Technically, the title of this video should be called Alisaie's wrath.😂
@kymberleekimball2984 3 года назад
Feo Ul scares me but I love her.
@Pictavienne 3 года назад
This is the most emotion I've heard from a NPC in a long while ! Great job from the voice actress
@RuneKatashima 2 года назад
Agreed, though hearing Y'shtola and Alisaie (and this comes after this) attempt to rebuke Emet-Selch also had some strong emotion. Listen to the conviction in their voices. But I did search for this video because Lyna was so good here. There's not simply one or two instances of good voice acting in ShB or even XIV as a whole, but many.
@Gamerkid124 3 года назад
I swear to god I cry everytime I hear his story and how they gave it their all to save their fairytale Hero. It's awesome
@evilkoolaidman1 3 года назад
I love Lyna her voice actress killed it in her role. I thank her so much for bringing this character to life
@swordcoheir9186 3 года назад
Been listening to the jp voices for a spot of change. Have to admit the Scottish accent threw me for a loop.
@RicardoDelgadillo3000 3 года назад
I love her voice acting!