The Shabby Tabby Cat Cafe
The Shabby Tabby Cat Cafe
The Shabby Tabby Cat Cafe
😺 Hello! 💕

Cats and coffee are our specialty! We are located in a little town on Long Island: Sayville, New York. At the Shabby Tabby, we take in homeless cats and give them space to free roam while they await their forever home! We are partnered with the animal rescue Almost Home in Patchogue, and they do the heavy lifting of rescuing cats from terrible situations/ shelters. Once the cats are with us, our main focus is to find them a happy home where they get to live out the rest of their lives!

Some might say we are match makers, because we dedicate our days to pairing each cat with the perfect adopters. A happy home is one with paws!

We decided there's too much fun to be had at the cafe every single day, and we want to document our adventures for everyone to enjoy! Like and subscribe so you can be a part of the cat cafe life!
Buttons: Recovery Process
3 месяца назад
Mr Purry Pants Rescue
3 месяца назад
Tasting Cat’s Meds
6 месяцев назад
7 месяцев назад
Socializing Feral & Shy Cats
7 месяцев назад
Update on Baxter the Catatonic Cat
7 месяцев назад
Baxter: The Saddest Cat I’ve Ever Met
7 месяцев назад
Baby Poppy’s Arm Amputation
Год назад
Meet the Cats: Part 1
Год назад
Caring for Ziggy: Our FIP Warrior
Год назад
2 года назад
@nellautumngirl 3 часа назад
Ha, I don't get dog people either. Why would I want obedience I have not earned? A cat decides alone if it likes someone. It has a good detector for people. It's an honor to be liked by a cat and you have to work for it 😊
@Poloassassin828 5 часов назад
Was that Megan Markle?
@Sydvicious_studios 5 часов назад
Dog people don’t know how to respect the boundaries of a cat. I think that’s the main issue. With dogs you can let them sniff and most will be instantly in love with you, which I admire about them. But with cats they do not trust instinctively, you have to build a relationship with them. That is why I love cats so much. I also love dogs but there is something to be said about a real cat relationship.
@KortneeLeFay 8 часов назад
I found a quote years ago that stated cats prepare you for teenagers and dogs prepare you for babies. It’s very true 😂🤣 I own both (had cats longer) and I have met a lot of people that hate cats and I always ask them why they reply “too independent or they look sneaky all the time” 😂
@edgeldine3499 9 часов назад
fostered probably over 200 kittens and lots of momma cats. One thing I've noticed is (and maybe ive been lucky) but a lot of momma cats are extra affectionate when they have kittens and kittens hand raised are usually the best to adopt. Feral kittens tend to be more apprehensive even after domestication but, and I want to emphasize every cat is unique and there is no standard you can really throw any particular breed, sex, ect. in that actually holds up.. Tortie's and black cats are my favorite tho. Ive had some of the sweetest tortie cats and some that have the tortitude. I will also say the short time you spend with the cat in the shelter can be misleading because some cats can be really stressed out in that environment.. anyway yall should adopt more and neuter/spay them.. and don't declaw.
@itsthespiceoflife 11 часов назад
If you hate cats or any animal for that matter you are the problem. Not the animal.
@4ksandknives 14 часов назад
One of the ladies looks like Megan Markle
@thsc9119 20 часов назад
None of these people really HATE cats. They just didn't appreciate them.
@tammyluce8474 День назад
I’m not a cat person but recent events I rescued a tiny kitten who’s mom stopped feeding him bcuz he’s the runt. After seeing him almost get sprayed by a skunk and then confronted by a raccoon I decided to bring him inside two weeks ago. At almost 7 weeks old he only weighed 8oz! He just hit two pounds yesterday YAY!! I have two dogs and one isn’t fond of him at all so I’m keeping them separate atm. But every day this little guy we named scout makes me laughs and follows me around everywhere. I’m pretty sure he’s not going anywhere lol I love all animals but am allergic to cats. I just stocked up on Benadryl. I also have a dwarf 3lb bunny that the kitten is scared of.
@heyfella5217 День назад
My favorite thing about cats is their boundaries. I love animals that need their own space because I need my own space too. If a clingy dog was stuck at my side every moment of the day I would begin to feel overwhelmed. :(
@LMMusic947 День назад
Oh my gosh...that lady at the start. Dead ringer for Meghan Markle. 🤭 Now concerning cats .... We love cats. They make the world a better place. Our cat is the cheekiest little boy but he is our world and would be utterly lost without him.
@IttyBittyCatty День назад
The black & white kitten made me remember my dead cat- They look so similar
@KnightOMoon День назад
Not all cats are aloof and standoffish. Every cat has their own personalities, likes, dislikes, etc. One of my cats doesn't mind cuddles, but she doesn't go out of her way to get them. The other follows me everywhere and begs for attention every second of the day.
@purberri День назад
Every person I have met that said they don’t like cats and met my cats changed their minds.
@noelleelizabethan День назад
My doggies name is Potato 🥔❤
@sademaynard 2 дня назад
I rescued and adopted it back from the shelter and he is part of the cat family now
@RavenG77 2 дня назад
My kitten is my support animal… I have high anxiety and depression. She sticks to me like glue.
@markiangooley 2 дня назад
The needle-sharp claws are a drawback. However, human babies can have remarkably sharp nails too!
@rizikos_ 2 дня назад
I’m going to pretend to be a cat hater so I can get called into pet a bunch of them
@shelbybabcock8779 2 дня назад
I knew a guy who was terrified of cats. Like, he stayed the night at the house and swore he couldn’t sleep a wink because the cat was pawing at the door. He said he thought it would come in and try to eat him. The man was over 6 feet tall and a college basketball player. The cat barely reached his knees when stretched out to full length.
@lorrainecockerell3157 2 дня назад
So glad that Megan Markle, aka Katie, now loves cats.
@frapiichino 3 дня назад
I've grown up with cats, it shocks me so much when people think cats aren't affectionate creatures. My current cat either ignores me completely and then refuses to give me personal space because I in turn ignored him back, he loves sleeping on top of me too. I love cats so much
@earthscorcher 3 дня назад
Gilly looks like he has some Lykoi or something in him with that wirey gray fur
@juliej7861 3 дня назад
With regard to smell, there are so many litters now that don't have that nasty smell. However, although I love volunteering to walk dogs, that "dog smell" drives me crazy and is a major reason I could never own one.
@devlinmcbane7255 3 дня назад
I am allergic to kitties, but still don’t care and love them just like I love dogs. They are one of very few things this world has going for it.
@karsonkammerzell6955 3 дня назад
Confident that people who don't like cats treat cats like dogs and don't understand why it doesn't work.
@GenazTube 3 дня назад
I found this video today after i had a full crying meltdown I adopted 2 kittens a month ago and the boy has CH and today was the hardest day after I watched him fall 3 times on his way to me, I know he’s not in pain but I get so worry when he falls after my research I know I have to let him figure it out so he finds his balance and learns his body but is hard not to hold him all the time because it breaks my heart to see him fall so much. His head tilt and wobble gets worst when he’s tired and this video calm me down because he didn’t have a head tilt at the beginning but now does when he’s really tired. What keeps me sane is that he’s happy and plays very hard with his sister and my two older boys
@antidotebrain69 3 дня назад
Every pet Fandom has players who insist that their particular obsession just knows if you're a good person. They're animals at heart. You can remind them of a negative experience by scent alone. Fear can trigger aggressive responses. Your pet is not some magical holy psychic being. That out of the way. I had a cat when I was very little. Me and my mother constantly excused , sometimes killing, any other pets of ours, especially those goldfish we always had for some reason. Looking back, it's a good thing we met my dad and he was highly allergic. Probably for the best Tigger needed to be rehomed.
@xragdoll5662 3 дня назад
My partners best friend claims to hate cats but always brings treats for my cats 😂😂
@patsdaughter3659 3 дня назад
Always had cats and dogs, my whole life, I can’t imagine life without both.
@Serai3 4 дня назад
"The trouble with a kitten is that Eventually it becomes a cat." -- Ogden Nash
@pillettadoinswartsh4974 4 дня назад
I can't tell you how many times I've gone into someone's home, sat down and within seconds, the cat jumps up into my lap, and the owner says "S/he NEVER does that!!! S/he doesn't like strangers." Cats like some people. And they don't like other people. Key is to leave them alone. They come or they don't.
@amuseme01 4 дня назад
I’ve always been a cat person since I was a kid, but my mom is allergic. As soon as I moved out, I went to the pound and got my first cat. My guy was with me as an 8 month old kitten from 2005 to 2014 when cancer took him. I still have the cat we adopted in June 2008 as a kitten. His name is Gemini and he is now 16. He’s not long for this world, but he has been the best cat.❤
@randomspider725 4 дня назад
“Cats like to be alone” Meanwhile, I have two cats who always want to sit on me and rub their faces against my face. Oh yeah… cats TOTALLY want to be loners. -.-
@kimberlym5988 4 дня назад
With cats, you gotta be patient. Attention, cuddles etc are on their terms. They are creatures of quiet, routine and familiarity. Once you learn how they "speak" it becomes easier to deal with them. Their body language is very different from dogs.
@OUTTA-TYME88 5 дней назад
Potato. I have a cat named tater tot. Never was a fan of naming animals human names
@mischiefthedegenerateratto7464 5 дней назад
I own 2 cats and they are always near me, the tabby one Rosa loves my bed so doesn't really greet me much but is always excited to lick me and Tyson my void will sleep under my pc desk and is my constant shadow around the house, both follow me outside too so I'd say they are just as loyal depending on how you raise them and treat them
@lugoyvonne 5 дней назад
This is absolutely wonderful
@tins369 5 дней назад
I never understood why you have to be either or. I love love love both so much. I'd like to have both, but unfortunately, my home is not appropriate for cats ☹️
@SevenEllen 6 дней назад
4:42 That's not a kitten.
@CatT1987 7 дней назад
I've always been a cat person so much so that I think sometimes I am a cat.😏 I've never understood people who say they hate cats. I think the vast majority are totally misunderstanding what a cat is really like and maybe base their dislike of them on one bad experience and they've decided they just can't stand cats because of it. Others are simply oddly afraid of cats. The other thing is I always say I don't ever want to be with anyone who doesn't like cats. They don't have to own a cat but to say they hate cats, sorry you're not welcome in my house or my life.
@herstoryanimated 7 дней назад
Those cats weren't 'jealous' of her kids, they were probably incredibly stressed!
@leahshaw1447 7 дней назад
I totally agree with faryyyy's comment. I have found the same thing, dog people really hate and despise cats, while cat people just prefer cats and don't have the unreasonable hatred toward dogs. I'm totally a cat person. If I saw a dog in distress, I would help it. Quite the opposite with most dog owners. I've seen cars deliberately drive off the road trying to hit a cat. Dogs drive me crazy. They're like a 2 year old that never grows up. Dog people get in trouble when they try to force a cat or expect it to act like a dog. Dog people like to order others around and be in control, and they take it personally if a negative comment is said about their dog. Cats are more relaxed and laid back. They don't need to be told what to do all of the time. Most dog people are attached at the hip to their dog. Most of my friends are dog people -- go figure. I could say more but I've said enough.
@marquzzz1 7 дней назад
I never really liked cats , but my wife wanted one. She got two instead. They're sweet hearts though and they love me. Don't regret it
@whitneyschrader124 8 дней назад
Cats are healers ! That's why they sleep a lot. They remove negative heavy energy from our environments and bodies and their purring helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system in our bodies that is responsible for helping us feel calm and relaxed
@marciebulsaraorcutt 10 дней назад
It’s a misconception most people have that cats are aloof and only want attention once-in-awhile. What isn’t known, is: The more attention/affection you give to a cat, they respond in like manner to you in equal measure. (If you ignore a cat, it ignores you.) ALL of my cats are “like dogs”: Not only do they come when we say their name (from WHEREVER they are out-of-sight in the house)… I always know when my husband’s arrived home but is still outside (so I can’t hear or see him) because the cats all RUN FOR THE DOOR and pace around or sit w nose pressed up against the door, until he comes in. And it’s IMPOSSIBLE to sit without someone trying to climb on your lap (or whatever body part is available).😹
@LiaLuna96 11 дней назад
I will NEVER understand the people that "hate cats"(or dogs,or watever),this is something allucinating for me...
@janie7195 14 дней назад
Not fat people but look so excited when they see them:) So so wholesome.
@poofballoon 16 дней назад
These people don't hate cats, they dislike them at worst.
@user-kv1nj2kz6r 17 дней назад
These 3 don't really 'Hate' cats though!