New York University's Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, located at 24 West 12th Street, houses the Department of Italian Studies and hosts almost 100 events a year relating to Italian culture, from lectures to concerts, from round tables to film screenings.

This channel collects all recent events held at our venue.

For more information, please visit our homepage www.CasaItalianaNYU.org
An Evening of Music with Friends of Chigiana
12 часов назад
"papa & dada" Presentation at NYU
14 дней назад
TV Series "La Storia" presented at NYU
21 день назад
Forgotten Gems with Lila Azam Zanganeh
Месяц назад
Forgotten Gems with Rebecca Miller
Месяц назад
Mafalda Minnozzi sings "Carnival"
2 месяца назад
Mafalda Minnozzi sings "L'appuntamento"
2 месяца назад
Mafalda Minnozzi sings "O Che Sarà"
2 месяца назад
The Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne
2 месяца назад
@magomedteps9372 2 часа назад
@magomedteps9372 2 часа назад
Chechen Alan people of the Cianti Etruscan (Tsanar) Empire. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-R4ywHLRfZN41.html7:0RU-vidGreve in Chianti - Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. È noto in tutt...RU-vidGreve in Chianti - Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. È noto in tutt...RU-vidGreve in Chianti - Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. È noto in tutt...RU-vidGreve in Chianti - Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. È noto in tutt... RU-vidGreve in Chianti - Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. È noto in tutt..
@magomedteps9372 2 часа назад
После уничтожения территории древнего чеченской арийского народа республики (sassaniden reich) византийской державы и арабский халифат войска двинулись на территорию древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи. Этот факт упоминается у арабского халифата историка ал-Масуди о территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи - прямые потомки Алан в (Византийских документах они как Цанар), одной их самых славных частей элл нахов (алан) круга племен и народов. Зимой 853 года на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи совершили самое великое деяние в своей истории. На южных склонах Большого Кавказа, у горловины Дарьяльского ущелья, они сначала остановили и затем наголову разбили 120 тысячную армию Багдадского арабского халифа, вторгшуюся в Закавказье. Об этой войне, об этой победе и о происхождении Чианти этрусков (цанар) пишет.Знаменитый арабского халифата ученый-энциклопедист ал-Масуди в книге «Мурудж аз-захаб» («Золотые истоки»), написанной в 20-30-е годы X века, приводит такие сведения: «между приграничной областью г. Калаки (Тифлис) и уже упомянутой крепостью «Аланские ворота» лежит царство территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи, Царь которого называется керист ву на финикийском - греческом (хорэпископос), что является обычным титулом здешних царей… Они христиане.
@howardroark794 День назад
Riguardo la domanda 20:45 (perché le donne greche accettavano di essere sottomesse) io estenderei il campo non solo all'antica Grecia, ma all'intero mondo antico conosciuto (e non solo antico): se per motivi ideologici si vuole rifiutare una differenza tra uomo e donna "secondo natura" (quella che i greci sostenevano che ci fosse), allora perché in ogni civiltà antica erano le donne ad essere sottomesse, o al massimo poste in uno stato di parità con gli uomini? Perché non si è mai sentito parlare di società matriarcali, dove le donne avevano il potere nella politica e nell'economia? Vuoi vedere che questa differenza esiste davvero? Forse nell'antichità erano semplicemente meno ideologici e più pragmatici di noi, perché adesso viviamo in uno stato di relativa tranquillità e possiamo permetterci di teorizzare le cose più strampalate che possano venirci in mente. Comunque secondo me le donne "non reagivano" perché sono meno propense al rischio, e perché la loro vita materiale non credo fosse così pessima. Insomma, si adeguavano a quello che la vita offriva loro. Adesso si sentono tutte leonesse per semplice mentalità di gregge :) D'altronde Spartaco era un uomo...
@konradottingen7187 День назад
quanta gola...
@mingu1403 2 дня назад
great colourful voice
@SpecialtyHorseTraining 3 дня назад
I heard him just before he went to the Met. He sang many dramatic arias so intense. I was riveted. Then, as if to cool us down, he sang Oh Shenandoah in a soft, gentle, non operatic voice, like a lullaby. Later I got him on the dvd of Fanciulla and loved him as Rance. Fine actor too!
@ishtar2848 3 дня назад
Schifo immensamente i greci per la loro misoginia alla quale i padri e dottori della chiesa si sono ampiamente abbeverati👺👹
@viviennedestefano1335 4 дня назад
Wonderful, interesting and memorable… Bravi Fred and the great Lidia 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@johnmontalbano5769 4 дня назад
Brilliant woman
@Readinganddifference 4 дня назад
Wow that was hilarious 1:20:54 the way the room reacted. And I totally predicted that
@l.montel5580 6 дней назад
Me-ra-vi-glio-sa LIDIA!!
@socalion90 8 дней назад
I am writing a senior paper for my bachelors degree in history in California. Thank you for this! I quoted Dr. Leavitt a few times in my paper. I will not have the opportunity to work on my masters for some years as I am going into the teaching program. Would anyone connected to this program be willing to read my final paper and give me tips or criticisms?
@thethermaldoc3196 11 дней назад
@khrystineperrot4949 12 дней назад
ROBERTO Alagna is the Last real tenor "de nôtre génération "
@sorianachessa9625 12 дней назад
You rock Alessandro!!! Always knew you were the best!!!
@BellaFirenze 17 дней назад
Qual piume (sic) al vento IS NOT "like a feather in the wind." Fred made a boo-boo. It's QUAL PIUMA AL VENTO and it may sound like "mai più mal vento" because the two As are joined in spoken and sung Italian... [qual piiuma al (joined al) vento] Mamma mia! Perhaps he is confusing the French "la plume" with the Italian "la piuma." Mein Gott in Himmel! He also pronounced "donna" ad "dona" (subjunctive of donare/to give). He is doing exactly what he said one should not do! Oy vey.
@BellaFirenze 17 дней назад
Post scriptum: Fred doesn't know when to shut up.
@BellaFirenze 17 дней назад
A third rate diva broke his heart. He is better off now. A great artist. media.wnyc.org/i/1860/1240/l/80/1/Costello.jpg
@francescomonaco78 17 дней назад
Saying that this movie is dated because the policemen come from a poor class is a complete no sense. The realization of power embedded in the character, is the rappresentation of the policemen in very high power position, not the policemen daily in the poor. Thinking like that it means that you did mot watch the movie.
@williamerdman4888 19 дней назад
I despise the current politicization of The Aneid. Was he a hero or a colonizer? Onnly in the modern world can we screw up such a piece of mythology. Of course he was a hero!
@werthergabrielli3626 19 дней назад
Interpretazione seducente! 😊
@artSFCA 20 дней назад
Pat is pure joy! She makes her world to have fun and enjoy life-a rare gift. I remember I was going through a magazine I saw an ad she’s having fun on a bed with a male model. I thought she’s a beauty!
@VisionOfThePhoenix 22 дня назад
The answer is so obvious but yet it escapes all of you! The Black Madonna is NOT just a archtype but walks in the flesh of BLACK MOTHERS! Give back the land/her seat in the Vatican or you all will perish standing in her way. No, no no. Thats too much like right. But yet you're too busy turning your nose up at her and helping to oppress her.
@shortattentionspantheatre5075 24 дня назад
puzzled by Bruno's physical courage vis a vis Galileo's prudence
@tehnokracijad.o.o.tehnokra5940 24 дня назад
Fascinating webinar! ❤❤❤
@tjrey7925 26 дней назад
It should not have taken this long for a memorial, nevertheless I am glad these victims are remembered.
@gallowsradio Месяц назад
Lee Oswald...
@johnnzboy Месяц назад
A fascinating talk and a valuable contribution by the second speaker. One thing that isn't clear to me though is how many copies of this painting were produced. Did Mehmet II want Bellini to paint his portrait and then take it away to show in Venice, or did Bellini make at least two copies, one that remained in Istanbul and another that departed with Bellini? It seems odd to me that Mehmet wanted Bellini to paint his portrait but didn't keep a copy for himself.
@thethermaldoc3196 Месяц назад
@thethermaldoc3196 Месяц назад
Ok, nice
@jimc2676 Месяц назад
Over 12 minutes in and the speaker has not yet started
@RobertIm-es4bb Месяц назад
The Mafia had nothing to do with JFK assassination. This was a black ops operation to, basically save our country. The newspapers loved Kennedy, but, the whole family was corrupt. JFK's father made the family's fortune from dealing with mobsters and the mobsters HELPED put Kennedy into office. The Kennedy's used everyone, they used Hollywood, the press, the even brought in Johnson as a Vice President to get the Southern Vote. Johnson hated the arrogant attitude of the Kennedys. The Kennedy Administration was going to start WW3, and the intelligence agencies stopped that from happening. Plain and simple. Kennedy wanted to start a bigger war in southeast Asia...even was expanding the war, Kennedy created and trained the Cuban rebels from Bay Of Pigs Fiasco, then the Cuban Missile Crisis. Our Special Forces and intelligence Departments were overthrowing or planning on overthrowing EVERY government that was in disagreement with the US. Our government created more underground shelters than any government in history.......the Kennedy Administration was getting ready for WW3. The FBI was weaponized and the Head of the FBI had files on everyone who disagreed with the Kennedy Administration. It was that simple. The Mafia was set up to take the blame if we could not control the single assassin theory. My reasoning........ Kennedy was shot by multiple shooters, everyone knows this. The Warren Commission lied about it, the FBI covered it up, and reporters who disagreed with the Warren Commission were "Put -away, one way or the other). The Mafia is powerful, but, not that powerful to control the Government. No one in Government wanted this killing to be solved. So, if the "Powers that be" could not control the lone assassin theory, there was a scrape goat or a bunch of scrape goats already ready to take the blame. (Mafia). Again, just my opinion and I'm sure there are a lot of people smarter than me that have other opinions.
@davidarbuckle7236 Месяц назад
The funniest thing for me is that Gerald Posner stated he originally thought before writing his book that the Mob was involved, but after researching it, he decided there was no Mob involvement. LOL. The mob has overwhelmingly admitted over and over THEY WERE INVOLVED. Look no further than Jack Ruby. And of course, they had motive. They had lost over a hundred million dollars in 1960 dollars because of Cuba and they blamed that on JFK. And of course, Bobby Kennedy was making life impossible for the Mafia. And that enraged them, as they had helped get JFK elected. IF Posner had started out saying that he doubted the Mob involvement and then realized there WAS mob involvement he could have been taken seriously. Obviously, he just took the rubber stamp of the Warren Report and the official single shooter Narrative and concentrated on the Patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald only. Because beyond anything else for the WR Apologists, there could be NO CONSPIRACY either domestic or foreign.
@operalovely Месяц назад
Grazie tanto
@ciociosan Месяц назад
Terrific interview. Bravi! Is there a compete video of Angel Blue’s Violetta at the La Scala? Thank you!
@BellaFirenze Месяц назад
At La Scala.
@bedriesyla-mx5kn Месяц назад
Suksese pa fund Etrita.We are praud of you❤️🌹
@greghuffman3061 Месяц назад
i wonder why the guy on the left said he isnt a fan of pauline kael. im reading one of her books rn
@greghuffman3061 Месяц назад
has kell
@janetroy5489 Месяц назад
I rememnber loving Le Amiche. I need anotgher Antonioni festival.
@jayaCatLvr-ys5ix Месяц назад
The last person did a great job on Alessando's recording. Removed most of the scratches.
@jayaCatLvr-ys5ix Месяц назад
Andreas Scholl in Gulio Cesare in Egitto. He was a great Gulio Cesare.💜🌷
@jayaCatLvr-ys5ix Месяц назад
The Catholic church encouraged families to give one of their sons to the church.
@jayaCatLvr-ys5ix Месяц назад
My fav opera is Il Sant Alessio by Stefano Landi. Its fantastic💙💛💜❤️🌷🌺🎉
@jayaCatLvr-ys5ix Месяц назад
Poor quality recording equipment back then. Im sure Moreschi's voice was fantastic.
@jayaCatLvr-ys5ix Месяц назад
Also, the castrat couldnt get women pregnant, a huge plus back in the day.
@jayaCatLvr-ys5ix Месяц назад
If Im looking online for a Baroque opera to watch, I look for the operas with male soprano-countenor lead. If the Baroque opera has a female lead where theres suppose to be a high-voiced male lead, I wont watch it. Its fake. There is a difference in the sound of a female soprano and male soprano-countertenor. I much prefer the sound of a male soprano-countertenor to that of a female soprano.
@MyPajce Месяц назад
@fatmiramino9673 Месяц назад
Thank you for the great information 🇮🇹🇦🇱🇮🇹🇦🇱🇮🇹🇦🇱
@catolucius75 Месяц назад
At 28:13, the woman on the top left, was empress Isabel of Portugal, here portrayed by Tician, wife of emperor Charles V (Carlos I of Spain) and a very wise regent of Spain, during her husband's numerous absences throughout the empire. Juana of Austria was the daughter of emperor Charles V and Isabel of Portugal and mother of king Sebastian I of Portugal. Widowed, she abandoned her son in Lisbon, right after his birth, which led him to say to her, much later, when they met in Madrid: "I have no mother, madame".