The Federal Reserve System has 12 Districts, each served by an independently chartered regional Reserve Bank. These Banks are in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Kansas City, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, St. Louis and San Francisco. There are also 25 Branch offices within the 12 Districts.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that, along with the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., make up our nation's central bank.

Kansas City is the headquarters for the 10th Federal Reserve District. Our Branch offices are in Denver, Oklahoma City and Omaha.
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@jessicamosqueda172 5 дней назад
Vengo a buscarlas luego de ver sus redes 9 años después...
@PubliusUSA 11 дней назад
Brilliant, thank you!
@AZMYTHKAMINSKI 5 месяцев назад
Stop lying to children and indoctrinating them into your shit system
@AZMYTHKAMINSKI 5 месяцев назад
You mean all the things are gonna buy with all the stolen money you thieve from all these hard-working Americans without any of our consent! 😂😂😂
@Gamy60 5 месяцев назад
awesome, thank you
@gregd4391 Год назад
The only economic leadership required for a prosperous economy is: free market capitalism, end the FED, end fiat currency, go back to gold/silver standard. End the system of central planning, central control of interest rates, cronyism. The belief that a person or group of people are smart enough to plan an economy or set interest rates is pure delusion.
@LaughTalesHQ Год назад
my teacher put this to my class
@johnkingangimwithiga 2 года назад
"kansas credits include adoption credit agritourism liability insurance credit angel investor credit assistive technology contribution credit biomass to energy credit business and job development credit business machinery and equipment credit carryback of net operating farm loss refund child daycare assistance credit (employers only) community service contribution credit declared disaster capital investment credit disabled access credit electric cogeneration facility credit high performance incentive program credit historic preservation credit historic site contribution credit individual development account credit integrated coal gasification power plant credit kansas center for entrepreneurship credit kansas law enforcement training center credit nitrogen fertilizer plant credit petroleum refinery credit plugging an abandoned gas or oil well credit qualifying pipeline credit regional foundation contribution credit research and development credit single city port authority credit small employer healthcare credit storage and blending equipment credit telecommunications property tax and income tax credit temporary assistance to families contribution credit venture and local seed capital credit" 😅
@sandeepthadhaveni4050 2 года назад
@mochamp4353 3 года назад
Lol my home depot university gpa
@paulosergiolourenco1559 3 года назад
@antoniobrandao1642 3 года назад
Amazing!! Simple and perfect explanation! Perfect!
@FrancoGeovany 3 года назад
Bryan High school!.
@system3870 3 года назад
To print "money' at interest so you can work your entire life for something that really has no value, and is in a continuous state of debasement.
@masaehayashibu9737 4 года назад
6:16~ 37:00~▽✿ ; )
@dwightsandersus60-150417000099 4 года назад
I love the LORD
@dwightsandersus60-150417000099 4 года назад
Thank god for this place
@BlackSwansFine-jx8qu 4 года назад
Kids...The federal reserve creates dollars by typing lots of numbers on a computer or printing them on paper in infinite ammounts. These dollars only have value to your parents because they think someone else will give them something of value for these dollars that were created out of thin air. The Fed destroys the purchasing power of every dollar your parents save by doing this because they create these dollars in greater and greater ammounts making your few dollars you work for worthless...they create Trillions upon trillions actually. So everything costs more and more while people's wages cannot keep up with the money printing inflation so everyone becomes poorer. Ruining the financial future of you, your parents, and the United States. This is counterfeiting, it's immoral, criminal, and evil.
@Nate34 4 года назад
Is this Fortnite man
@novkorova2774 4 года назад
Good, governmente propaganda.
@learningwisdom5161 4 года назад
Awesome video! Thanks for uploading it.
@rafaelremy5852 4 года назад
after was forced to watch tons of conspiracy negative shit videos about the dollar, finally saw this good one. thank you. let it rain.
@novkorova2774 4 года назад
Better to deceive yourself than accept the truth eh? Shove fiat up your ass
@raphaelguima4979 Год назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you need to
@dwightsandersus60-150417000099 4 года назад
good job
@bobreesjr9501 5 лет назад
I had a tour of the Omaha branch in 1975 when I was a senior at Millard South. Other classmates also had the tour.
@alipaf2002 6 лет назад
Many thanks, its great and very helpful.
@Jolene_Beyond9to5 8 лет назад
excellent presentation
@Jolene_Beyond9to5 8 лет назад
thank you for posting the video. I'm researching Home Depot because I want to apply for a job at HD Atl
@dennisking5496 9 лет назад
Have lost all audio and visual