Apostle Sunny Usoro
Apostle Sunny Usoro
Apostle Sunny Usoro
Preaching the gospel of the kingdom and power of God and raising a world of dominating christians.
A believer can sin and still go to heaven
2 месяца назад
Healing Power
2 месяца назад
Acknowledging the love of God
2 месяца назад
There is a River that flows in a believer
2 месяца назад
A prayer for you
2 месяца назад
Church Ministry work  is a business
3 месяца назад
18 June 2024
4 месяца назад
Do not tithe as a law but as a principle
6 месяцев назад
The bondage of the law of paying tithes
2 года назад
Let me pray for you
2 года назад
Life in the spirit
3 года назад
@jessemeiam824 День назад
This is intelligent none sense! Whoever believe this lies needs the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
@TorniaAloysius День назад
Amen 🙏 to that
@GodwinOAkoma День назад
@sunnyusoro День назад
There's nothing like the lords prayer in the Bible that prayer was not for Christians because Christ had not died that's why it wasn't prayed in His name.He was addressing the Jews at the moment.
@OcholiSule День назад
No problem, that day shall surely come.
@GodwinOAkoma День назад
This is truly a very subtle demonic teaching by pastor Damuna. The Lord JESUS was very right when he said false prophets will deceive many people if possible even God's people will be deceived. Matthew 24:24. If I truly understand what pastor Ebel is trying to teach here, (he is trying to teach that a child of GOD dose not need to CONFESS and REPENT of his/ her sins, because JESUS will automatically advocate and forgive those SINS). Are you kidding me? This is pure and complete HERESY Sir, red hot from the pits of HELL designed to make Christians end up as SINNERS when they die or when JESUS comes!!! Where on EARTH did he get that teaching from? From the BIBLE? Now let's look at the BIBLE! 1 John 1:8-10 [8]If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us. [9](((But if we confess our sins to God))), (he will keep his promise and do what is right): *he will forgive us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing*. [10]If we say that we have not sinned, we make God out to be a liar, and his word is not in us. ((If we confess our sins))), he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.KJV Ebel claims that JESUS will automatically advocate and forgive anyone who Sins. Now let's hear from JESUS our advocate talking to a CHURCH !!! Revelations 2:5 ESV:Remember therefore from where you have fallen; (((repent))), and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. REV 2:16 16KJV:(((Repent))); or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. [17]“If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches! “To those who win the victory I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give each of them a white stone on which is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it.GNB This is the LORD JESUS(Our ADVOCATE ) talking to HIS church In this place he(JESUS )demands that the Church repents before forgiveness is obtained. I am very sorry for anyone who takes this unserious pastor serious !!!
@etchitambe 2 дня назад
A true believer doesn't go around commiting sin but he can be tempted to sin since he is in this flesh even though he have the Spirit of God.
@etchitambe 2 дня назад
1john1:9 if we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us .Abel Damina is confused or may be he is working for the devil.even Jesus though us how to pray and says we should ask for forgiveness,the grace is there that we already have an advocate but you should ask for forgiveness, haven't Damina see a situation where you ask for forgiveness and some one refuse to forgive you,but the grace here is God actually forgiven us when we asked.This man need to learn.he who say have no sin , deceived him selves1john1:8.Damina deceived himself and his congregation 😂😂😂.
@sunnyusoro День назад
@etchitambe That scripture is not referring to act of sin but nature of sin that's why it says sin instead of sins so if an unbeliever confess their sin he will become a believer and never need to ask God for forgiveness anymore
@ntsakogolele5741 2 дня назад
Mark 10:18 NKJV [18] So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. Luke 18:10-14 [10] “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. [11] The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men-extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. [12] I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.’ [13] And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ [14] I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
@praiseenterprise8605 3 дня назад
Christians asking God for forgiveness are simply responding to their conscience but are relationship with God is purely based on faith not our conscience. So i can ask a brother for forgiveness but to God it is a gift he has already given to the believers
@ethiomonk7734 4 дня назад
Matthew 6 KJV - 12: And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. So what is this about?
@oluwasegunjohnson3344 4 дня назад
This is from the mouth of a false prophet Abel Damina. Why did Jesus Christ asked us to pray to his Father? False prophet everywhere. There is not a man that liveth on this earth without sin, ......... Abel Damina is preaching adulterated doctrine.
@SamuelOdukola 5 дней назад
We receive forgiveness by faith in the finished work of Christ.
@musahlangwani 5 дней назад
Sad that when you end up in hell, no one will be there to answer. Just akeays confress your sins wgen you pray, is better to be called a baby Christian than do what tou dont believe in
@CHIKASTANLEYUZO-qk6wr 5 дней назад
The bible says all have sinned and come shot of the glory of God if you say you have no sin you make to be a lier what kind of preaching is this this is rubbish
@princearalaosula 5 дней назад
I am human and spirit. only my lord almighty Jesus Christ can't sin because He is the most High Lord almighty Jesus Christ. God can't sin but if i sin i must tell Him to forgive me. Yes
@brandedforchrist 3 дня назад
It’s only those who are simple minded that will believe Abeg Damina
@Pharmsam 6 дней назад
Spot on because, there are many sins we have committed without even having the knowledge, No man can save himself from sin, our faith in God that he has saved us eternally from sins, instead of confessing sins you confess Christ the advocate, When God looks at the believer and sees Christ in You, he remembers your sins no more. You dont pray for forgiveness, Abel Damina is once again spot on, because It's not your prayer that brought forgiveness, it's a gift of grace, you Recieve because it has already being given
@thephilosopher2968 7 дней назад
"If you leg touch a dirty thing, you CRY until they you carry out" how do you cry, is it not by begging for forgiveness through prayer? From the illustration of a pig and sheep. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, Oh God, thou wilt not despise" psalm 51,17
@OluwafemiIbitola 8 дней назад
This is mis-interpretation of teaching , . It is only the righteous that are free from sin, still we need forgiveness because we're human flesh. That is why we have the Lords Prayers. I pray The spirit of God to teach us. Education is really affecting Christ teaching this day's. Don't be offended.
@Pharmsam 6 дней назад
Lmaoo the Lord's prayer was a parable, why didn't Jesus use the Lord's prayer to raise Lazarus, The lord prayer was to show a comparison, and for you to understand the lord's prayer, go back to the original . Our father Who art in heaven Hallow be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth As it is in heaven (You) give us this day our daily bread (You) Forgive us our trespasses, so we can forgive those who trespass against us (You) Lead us not into temptation (You ) deliver us from evil
@Pharmsam 6 дней назад
If the Lords prayed was supposed to be a prayer today, then so many things are wrong with it Thy kingdom come- His kingdom has already come, because Christ came to man to save man and dwell in man forever and ever Thy will be done on earth- God's will was salvation plan of God, fulfilled in the man Christ who has taken away all the sins of the world. His will is already done. Give us this day our daily bread- The daily bread is already given, the assurance of salvation, the breast plate of righteousness, Holiness because Christ is in us, and eternal salvation, we are saved from damnation forever. God Forgiveness of our trespasses - the moment a soul believes the Gospel, the death, burial and resurrection, his sins are forgiven forever and ever So you can see the Lord's prayer wasn't a prayer for the believers to repeat and pray because Christ wasn't teaching us to use the lord's prayer as a guide but it was a parable to show God's salvation plan, that was to be manifested and his promise already fulfilled after the resurrection of Christ, that we are now sons of God after the first begotten son, the Christ
@prohetElohim 8 дней назад
Bold in deceiving people, continue in the work of ur father the devil , just want to flood more lives into Hell
@chiomajudeubani8412 22 дня назад
@sunnyusoro 29 дней назад
@thesleepingbeauty-ts8ey Месяц назад
@ntamichael9343 Месяц назад
This teaching is misleading, should we continue in sin, God forbid, read Romance 6:1 to the end and see that we should live like Christ, and. If we are to live like Christ which is the newness of life, we must not sin, and if we mistakenly sin we should ask for His forgiveness so we can continue to live the newness of life, Jesus thought us how to pray for forgiveness Luke11:1-4. Also when Jesus told Peter about denying him 3 times, he said i have prayed for you when thou has been converted, strengthen your brethrens, converted means repentance. Luke 22:31-32. Pls sir, repent and be converted from misleading your audience sir. I come in peace.
@olakunleosineye5256 Месяц назад
Hello pastor, I follow and listen to your preachings but this one is a no no. Please stop and correct this message as you are misleading people and encouraging sin
@renzofifi8907 20 часов назад
We sin every second, minute and hour. When you focus on Jesus, you will hardly think you are sinning. Not focusing on Jesus, your life will be miserable because sin is inevitable.
@3ay.leather Месяц назад
@EdnaEbimene Месяц назад
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you will separate yourself from sin
@mohansalalalh9609 Месяц назад
@mathewgodfrey-p7f Месяц назад
Thanks sir
@TebogoMolangeni Месяц назад
@Kemidavid43 Месяц назад
Very charismatic but not true😢
@Kemidavid43 Месяц назад
Oh dear God. Restore Bro Abel back to life. help us Lord to finish well for u Jesus.
@Elvis-p2d Месяц назад
The man is out of touch with God. He has entered into the state of deep spiritual apostasy . In James :13-16 , we were told to even confess our fault one to another, and that the elder should pray for the sick to be healed and their sins will be forgiven.
@kelvindavid7719 Месяц назад
​@@Elvis-p2dif you continue praying for forgiveness of your sin what then is the use of Colossians 1 ,he said Christ has blotted out all our sins , then which one u still get? I wish i could call to educate you on scriptures , you guys are death to truth and scriptural truth
@flemingsmuleya3795 Месяц назад
Lucifer was very cunny to device this doctrine and unleash it to the world.
@gideonopyotuadebo2304 Месяц назад
Antilaw ungodly heading
@JimahMomoh Месяц назад
Only God know the number of souls this man has sent to hell already for ever taking his teachings seriously.God have mercy
@chikumbutsoDambuleni Месяц назад
This messages are truely from God this man of God is really sent by God to the world to preach the true Gospel of jesus Christ...
@CHIKASTANLEYUZO-qk6wr 5 дней назад
You are blind bcuz you are a canal man you can see
@emmanuelMbah-t4k Месяц назад
Your message has no sence and your so call Christians have been programme to believe the lie you teach them from your pulpit,May the Lord have mercy
@YUSUFIYODO Месяц назад
A true believer won't go around committing sin, God dwells richly in him and is forgiven once and for all
@Pharmsam 6 дней назад
Lmaoo there are many sins you have committed without knowing, No man can save himself from sin, It's faith in God that he has saved you eternally from sins, instead of confessing sins you confess Christ the mediator, When God looks at the believer and sees Christ in You, he remembers your sins no more. You dont pray for forgiveness, Abel Damina is once again spot on, because It's not your prayer that brought forgiveness, it's a gift of grace, you Recieve because it has already being given
@LoratoSophia-s2u Месяц назад
Amen 🙏
@seaerube3393 Месяц назад
Pastor Damina, could you please let us understand the Lord's prayer. Relating it to forgiveness of Sin, which you want us to exclude when praying.
@AhuraJacob Месяц назад
Forgiveness of sin under the law was predicated upon a temporary promise ( asking for forgiveness in order to be forgiven ) but in the New testament u receive not bcs u asked but bcs CHRIST PAID IT ALL OF WHICH IT WASN'T AVAILABLE UNDER D LAW. WE AREN'T ENCOURAGING PEOPLE TO SIN...
@wisdomdube3153 Месяц назад
Jesus said in the Lord 's prayer," forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. This is erroneous teaching!
@sunnyusoro Месяц назад
The lords prayer was not a prayer for the believer but for the Jews at the time cos he had not yet died for our sins so we never had forgiveness yet
@johnsitati150 Месяц назад
In the Lord's prayer Jesus had not yet died which was His assignment He come to do so that we may have forgiveness, consider also John 16:7...it to our advantage that He might go ....we know have the spirit of the son in us, .....
@childrensmusicbible8849 Месяц назад
False doctrine inspired by satan himself
@nelsonchuky4515 Месяц назад
According to the pastor we All are free to Sin against God as long as we believe in Jesus we are saved 😅😂,
@nelsonchuky4515 Месяц назад
The Lord’s Prayer debunks his false Teachings ✅
@sunnyusoro Месяц назад
The lords prayer was thought when Jesus had not yet died and his blood not yet shed for the forgiveness of sons of the world and he wasn't yet glorified and no one was yet saved
@nelsonchuky4515 Месяц назад
The Lords pray also says” Forgive us our trespasses”sins” as we forgive those who trespass “sin” against us “ Who is now lying you the all knowing pastor or Jesus Christ ?????
@nelsonchuky4515 Месяц назад
He now means we humans a free to sin since we are automatically forgiven??
@rosekabenyondo815 Месяц назад
What did Jesus tell us to mention in prayers?our father who arr in heaven forgive us as we forgive. If you don't pronounce yr sins and repent how will God know, its written whoever covers his sins wili not be forgiven. That pastor lacks revelations from God
@ESTHERManneh-gd6fl 2 месяца назад
Thank you, Jesus 👏
@ESTHERManneh-gd6fl 2 месяца назад
God is good
@ESTHERManneh-gd6fl 2 месяца назад
Amen 🙏 🙏