Henry Stewart History
Henry Stewart History
Henry Stewart History
I am a film maker from london

Why was RUSSIA so USELESS in World War One???
2 месяца назад
6 Things That Brought HITLER to Power
3 месяца назад
Was the USA Right to Drop NUKES on Japan??
4 месяца назад
Why the Allies thought D Day Might Fail...
6 месяцев назад
Why was France so Useless in World War Two???
6 месяцев назад
The war the USA wanted: The Mexican American war
11 месяцев назад
The History of Christianity
Год назад
The Fall of the Spanish Empire
2 года назад
A biography of Joseph Stalin
2 года назад
@ericgregori 13 минут назад
Harris wants price controls on food.
@MENSA.lady2 48 минут назад
Why pick on WWII The French have been poor in just about any war in which they were involved.
@transplant-f3p Час назад
Based on available information I thought it was justified. Enormous losses happened during the capture of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The armed forces provided estimated losses. Japan had prepared the entire population for defense of the homeland. Large numbers of planes were held in reserve by the Japanese. The bombs were dropped to avoid a large number of casualties. Later research determined the U.S. Navys estimate for losses, which was much larger than the U.S. Army, proved to be most correct.
@1122ss Час назад
It totally sucks.
@paulaharrisbaca4851 Час назад
Isn't it funny that the extremely wealthy push socialism? Are they virtue signaling or does it help them make money and get rid of the people they hate?
@paulaharrisbaca4851 Час назад
The only reason these things worked in places like Red China and for about 80 years in the Soviet Union was because of homogeneous cultures. The Left keeps trying to do that to the USA but this is the one case where "diversity is our strength". Actually it's not, it's anarchy.
@paulaharrisbaca4851 Час назад
Let's not forget Pol Pot
@wayneanderton4953 Час назад
Apparently when the British won their objectives in Africa against Italy they said. This is easy, lets keep going
@kanchokomancho1 2 часа назад
The map is wrong; nothing about Italian involvment in Ex Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro)
@El_Gringo89 3 часа назад
Taking Moscow wouldn't have caused a Russian surrender if flau blau would have worked they could have caused an economic collapse by taking over the oil fields but Germany didn't have the fuel reserves to take the aa line
@TheZamaron 3 часа назад
The simple reason Capitalism works (Better at least), and Communism doesn’t: Capitalism at its basics encourages you to work harder or produce more and earn more as the people own things. Communism by the fact that the government owns and controls the means of production and dictates all this, does the opposite and de-incentivizes the effort to work harder, as the government is still going to in the end decide how much you get. The only reason you’d be working hard is due to fear of punishment for slacking off. Thus it’s closer to actual slavery.
@samuel2985 3 часа назад
Democrats: "You Cant say Criminals Anymore" You need to say "The Judicially Underprivileged" This is why redefining words is dangerous
@samuel2985 3 часа назад
This is literally the DNC Democratic National Committee playbook for the United States! Giving away resources to people who give no Equivalent Exchange. Giving resources to greedy collectivization officials who give away the fruits of your labor.
@samuel2985 3 часа назад
Knowing the DNC is promoting Collectivism and price regulations just like Stallin's Russia Let Them Eat 'Cake' This is terrifying!
@ted5567 4 часа назад
When you don'd have free market you don'd have prices and then you don'd know what to do . Central planing comite eventualy fails to disribute wealth and then everybody starvs.
@Green__one 4 часа назад
And yet, we're told how evil McCarthyism was because a handful of people were sentenced to jail for being communist supporters. Meanwhile the reverse of that in communism led to millions of deaths. You tell me which ones more evil?
@teonactalpizza 2 часа назад
McCarthyism wasn't even evil, it's been totally lib washed in the education system. A ton of subversives got in trouble and we are supposed to feel bad for the people on the black list. Look those actors and directors up. Everyone of them was a Stalinist idiot.
@bretteumont657 4 часа назад
Never trust government everything they touch turns to crap
@bretteumont657 4 часа назад
Communism has not worked even in one place it has been implemented yet young people here are begging for it
@Mowglibaloo2 4 часа назад
@intricatic 5 часов назад
Why does capitalism or communism kill so many people? Well, you see, when you give a small cabal of psychopaths extensive control over other people, they will inevitably do horrifying things. CEO's, bosses, managers all exist under both systems. And both systems are plagued by widespread corruption. Both systems can also pretend that the corruption is just a normal part of civilized society.
@Thehiddentruths-rj4fn 5 часов назад
OMG.... More and more psychopaths in the comments section!
@PBAR_B1B 5 часов назад
But it wasn't "real" communism. We'll try again in the U.S. and avoid all those pitfalls. <sarcasm>
@user-pb2vo4pt3t 5 часов назад
It's a common practice of tyrants throughout History; eliminating ALL opposition. The American Left is NO different! The DNC has said it plain! They WANT to open camps! Just as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, AND MORE did in the 20th century!!! _birds of a feather..._ 🤷
@brosrcool 5 часов назад
What is it to be “ right wing” and how does bonito fit into that?
@TheKellyh3 6 часов назад
It’s sad that the truth never gets taught in schools I learned it in school but my children never were taught it . This is sickening
@locuraromantica 6 часов назад
What amazes me is that you have being saying the same shit over and over for decades, and you just pretend that you are saying something mind blowing about communism. You have even series talking about the "horrors of communism", like girl meets world, Disney one. If suddenly people need to remind this is because liberals and pro market priests have fucked up really bad.This is a massage club.
@OhMyPearls 7 часов назад
The luck of not being born in China!! Glad my Russian grandmother left it.
@OhMyPearls 7 часов назад
No wonder my mother always said, “eat your food, there are people starving in China” we’d say, “let’s send it to them. “
@usafvet100 7 часов назад
Marxism proceeds from 2 fundamentally flawed assumptions about human nature: 1. A failure to recognize the limitations of human nature. This became clear in the twin laboratories of the French and American Revolutions in the late 18th Century. The Founding Fathers were under no illusions about what humans are capable of, and so installed guardrails in the Constitution (separation of powers, checks and balances, and a Bill of Rights which enumerated what the federal government could NOT do its citizens) to curb the worst abuses of power. The French had no such qualms, and were sure if they trusted the experts and placed all decisions in the hands of enlightened elites, then liberte', egalite', et fraternitie' would surely result. They were soon sadly disabused. This lesson was lost on Marx, who believed that humans would willingly sacrifice their own self interests for what he perceived to be the greater good. 2. An assumption that human nature is malleable and can easily be remolded into whatever form the ideology in question demands. This is to be accomplished via social re-engineering with mandatory youth organizations such as the Young Octoberists and Young Pioneers, rigid state control of the school system and curriculum, state control of all media, and campaigns promoting the "new communist man." Bottom line: any project which proceeds from either of these assumptions can only result in guillotines, re-education camps, and mass graves. ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
@johndurham6172 7 часов назад
So their own laziness killed them not Communism.
@lionrock2023 7 часов назад
What are you even talking about? Russia died for the West. ever heard of the brusilov offensive? Russia was defeated by ideological warfare, with Lenin carrying a most evil mind virus.
@pmtreacy10 7 часов назад
They just didn't "do" communism right tho.
@Bruce_Fernandes 7 часов назад
Who likes to defend comunism with everything they got, deserves to go live in a country ruled by comunism. Then they will have a taste of the nightmare they wish to draw upon their own nation and hopefully, change their minds. Comunist leaders are just dictators pretending to be something else
@envya2774 7 часов назад
The real reason is because Italy is much like France they’re both incompetent. 😂
@KyleRevives 7 часов назад
Italy during WW2: "Dont shoot!! This tank is Louis Vuitton!!"
@richardharper3397 7 часов назад
The French Basically relied on the Nazi's coming through the maginot line and didn't expect the them to come from the Ardennes
@walhalladome5227 8 часов назад
One small error, the weapon with which Frans Ferdinand was shot was NOT made in Serbia. It was made Fabrique Nationale in Herstal, Belgium and subsequently bought by the Serbian army. FN1910 type.
@Bruce-ph9nq 8 часов назад
Thank you for making this video. It’s important to never forget how nasty communists truly are.
@chrislindsay7760 9 часов назад
If you look at Russia throught history, there military has never been very successful. There strength was and still is large numbers and even with those numbers they have really struggled and continue to struggle. That is probably why it is better to have well equipped, well trained, motivated and supplied troops over large numbers of troops with non of that. The Russians continue to prove that they are really only good at killing their own.
@ShuRugal 9 часов назад
Man, history is so full of "Russia should have absolutely kicked everyone's asses here, but instead they didn't."
@Carl-39 9 часов назад
Thats funny, i never see any of the Facebook communists on any of these kind of threads.
@Leif-yv5ql 9 часов назад
@Rob-uv8bu 9 часов назад
So what about the French legion . Germany didn't touch them yet I read they did attack . Can someone tell me how did the legion not get disbanded. Thank you
@Mowglibaloo2 10 часов назад
Covid killed a lot of western small businesses. It was essentially dekulakization
@pisspissababab4027 11 часов назад
I have a theiry: because it sucks
@eugenegilleno9344 11 часов назад
Saw this headline - and had just watch it!
@thebruceleefan 11 часов назад
Communist/ communism killed so many people because socialism was designed to do exactly that
@gerhardbotha7336 11 часов назад
You need the correct kind of culture to allow communism to gain traction. If you confiscate land tomorrow from say all American farmers, you can imagine the outcome. But over time, cultures change. Europe is ever increasingly becoming ready for communism. And the entire western world has a growing left wing
@howardmcclellan2022 12 часов назад
Rather a lot of repetitive clips including an official examining a British passport!
@TillyOrifice 12 часов назад
The Russians weren't all that bad. Yes, the Germans beat them up at will, but they did ok against the Austrians who beat up the Italians.