Maximilien Robespierre
Maximilien Robespierre
Maximilien Robespierre
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A Tough Approach To People On Benefits?
12 часов назад
@annepoitrineau5650 49 секунд назад
What the tories are doing is pushing the reasonable tories (Heseltine, major, Clark, Grieves and friends) into the arms of the libdems. The loons will go reform! nobody will be left.
@mikeu5602 4 минуты назад
Any normal human being would be so embarrassed to even show their face again ever! She has skin thicker than a rhino's arse, I guess her family must be so proud.
@garryferrington811 12 минут назад
The world needs more children? No. Capitalism needs more children, i.e. "economic units." But the world ? 🌎 Look at India.
@cliffhughes6010 26 минут назад
She said "record numbers of net migration" when she clearly meant "immigration".
@JohnDoe-uj9cq 28 минут назад
Kemi Badenoch wants less maternity leave, Miriam Cates wants women (and clearly children since she also supports scrapping sex education) pregnant 24/7, what's next, taking their own voting rights away? Jesus. Just completely outlandish.
30 минут назад
Well if Tories did it we'd be a nation of thick blacks.
@johnsometimeswrong8742 35 минут назад
Its going on a while ..i worked on a small glass building called "An siopa" in leinster house in 2005 thst cost over a million Euro with no " security" aspect to it.....and was left empty for years.
@stevebinning977 38 минут назад
Fortunately there aren't that many of these creatures and there will be even fewer in the future due to demographic changes.
@guillaumeshearmur656 42 минуты назад
'Breed for Britain' when the Tories introduced a 2 child cap on government aid and that a few years ago a Tory MP was complaining that people were reproducing just to get handouts... The Tories don't know what their opposite hands are doing.
@karmah88 47 минут назад
just to correct you there max, only a small number of missiles were intercepted. now more footage has come out we can see the claim of 80% hitting targets was correct and the interception line was Israeli propaganda.
@derrydoire1864 48 минут назад
The Labour Party ceased to be Socialist when Blier got in
@derrydoire1864 53 минуты назад
You are stopping and starting video to support your views which are so bias I’m a free spirit because when I was left wing in 80s I saw a gradual decline in basic human values , Pro life av been always the left started being pro butchers of the unborn child , extremists are now pro life and pro murderers of innocent unborn children are normal , Sad world now
@janewright2800 53 минуты назад
Starmer and the red tories are part of the right wing!!!! They are traitor's to their own party and to us
@deebarnard5439 55 минут назад
This is very much the far right-wing cristo-fascists view in the USA. Women are dying because of the abortion bans in many Conservative states.
@derrydoire1864 59 минут назад
All Labour people are basically Tories 100% people like George Galloway are true Labour people or Jeremy Corbin , the word Socialism is a scary word for NEW LABOUR
@SlowhandGreg Час назад
You need to realise how neoliberlism works to understand how we got to this Boomer place
@anotheryorky8818 Час назад
With clobal warming ,were going to need some melanin,😂😂
@G_C340 Час назад
A f****** joke.
@anotheryorky8818 Час назад
They want us to breed their army to feed through the meat grinder , they can get lost
@MaxMisterC Час назад
Why move from Labour to Conservatives? "Because Labour dont look after people" "& Conservatives.... 'self-responsibility!' " 🤣🤣😆🤡🤭
@MaxMisterC Час назад
Generation: 'Nice But Dim!'
@Smoothjock Час назад
Oh Dear! How Sad! Never Mind!! (in the immortal words of Gunnery Sgnt Williams)
@jimspc07 Час назад
Brexit is what happens when people vote for idiots because the idiots say categorically that they are not idiots, trust me. They just know the voters have an idiot enable switch, that words enabling emotion can switch on. Creating perception. And for all, perception is truth, the only truth, irreplaceable by fact, only surplantable by another perception that then becomes truth. Perceptive truth undeterred by fact. I am astounded that the UK had so many conservative election results in the last few years. Its almost as if people said you can't leave government until you get it right, just like naughty boys. Oh..........
@robertpetre9378 Час назад
Strange how she wants to encourage people to have more kids but not support them when they are born.
@robbiethepict2783 Час назад
Stepford wife.
@dalebenton3354 Час назад
well im just thinking of what I would be doing if I was working in the DWP office,Had enough people over the years all telling a pack of lies,Amount of people been found out pulling a fast one when taking a medical assessment saying things like I cant hardly walk,Cant use my arms,Have great struggle to get out of my wheel chair to get to the door,A lot of people been seen by the DWP in a matter of days walking down the road with all their shopping bags,No wheel chair,No struggle of walking,All catches up in the end,I would not even know who to beleive or now,Thats why the DWP are really doing more than cracking down on Benefit fraud,Hate to think how many times the DWP has so much abuse,Thats the answer why people being forced in to Jobs now days
@nulloxis1638 Час назад
As a young person. Was this how you older folk seen some politicians your age? I feel a mix of second hand embarisment and disappointment for them.
@Petraisshred Час назад
Get me off this planet lol
@finlayfraser9952 Час назад
Why is Cates being called upon? She is an "EX" MP, she is a nobody. A measurable number of Western European women do not want the drudgery of child rearing.
@trydowave Час назад
Its obvious what they want. More plebs for the grinder. Where to house them? If they could get away with it, the work house.
@carlboardman8108 Час назад
All Tories, I repeat , all Tories are vile !
@alannorman6166 Час назад
Hang on a mo she has stolen that slogan from Kim Jong un of North Korea
@finlayfraser9952 Час назад
Max, you are attaching too much weight to immature minds!
@007JHS Час назад
Some corrections...Farage as we know incited violence and knowingly repeated lies. Farage is more correctly known as Fagend Fraudage... and D(R)eform acolytes more correctly known as Deformities
@robertwright8067 Час назад
@patmcgee3061 Час назад
This nasty lowest of the low bogus workman should be banned from public office for life.
@gregorymclaughlin6206 Час назад
"I'll definitely get rid of that because the BBC isn't very popular in Scotland", says Max. Hmm.
@terrapinalive6192 Час назад
Y qué queriais?
@ianjordan8121 2 часа назад
We are watching someone who is an egg fried rice short of a takeaway - she is the living embodiment of the Dunning Kruger effect, cognitive bias that leads us to overestimate our abilities. She seems to be permanently stuck at the summit of Mount Stupid 😳
@thedrumdoctor 2 часа назад
The Japanese scenario is on the cards now. An aging population with a low birth rate means a future population dominated by elderly people and a lack of younger people to do the jobs needed for a society to function. We are looking at the realistic possibility of 60 year olds emptying the bins for 90 year olds. Whether those needed younger people are home grown or imported won’t matter when there’s 70 year old medical staff on hospital wards still filling in the gaps for a missing generation. Cates is a bit weird and evangelical, but she’s right about the predicted ratio gap between young and old. I heard it from a statistician a few weeks ago so she’s not like she’s discovered something new.
@jonathancardy9941 2 часа назад
Labour accepts defectors from other parties, including a few years back two councillors in the ward I live in. They were accepted into Labour without byelections and I didn't call for a by election. I think too few politicians cross the floor, and I can see why the career and the chance of reelection keeps people in parties they don't really agree with. In this case, while I'm not a fan of Duffield, you have to admit that the reasons she gave for leaving Labour include two strong ones; The two child benefit cap and the winter fuel allowance. I think Labour people should be cautious about calling for her to resign for splitting from Labour over those two reasons, not least because it opens them up to the reasonable response that any Labour MP who agrees with Starmer over those two cuts should resign and seek a mandate as "the party has changed". However if she subsequently votes in ways that contradict the manifesto she stood on then it would be reasonable to ask how her views have drifted. There is a point where you wonder if you are dealing with the same person. There's also the case that few defectors keep their seats unless they resign and fight a by election as Carswell did. All the Change UK and Alba MPs lost their seats, I think 30p Lee is the only defector I can think of who held their seat in a General Election since 3 of the 30 or so defectors to the SDP did in 1983. So this is probably the end of her political career.
@gregorymclaughlin6206 2 часа назад
There are no Palestinian refugees. Why not? Because none are allowed out. Just think about that. Especially in Gaza. But it's getting worse in the West Bank as well.
@MsCharlieBrown78 2 часа назад
Immigrants have been blamed for the downfall of the economy, waiting lists on the NHS, no housing, no gp appointments etc.. so why would having more people born in the country help with those issues? what a load of rubbish and lies.
@gregorymclaughlin6206 2 часа назад
Liz watches the unfolding, frightening crisis in the middle east and calls her agent to book her an address to the UN.
@StuartMiles74 2 часа назад
The rictus grin. Maybe she’s constipated.
@bigalzo5311 2 часа назад
At the same time Putin "breed 8 for Russian we need more soldiers and child workers"
@colinrobinson7869 2 часа назад
And how many children do you have, shame she was not asked that question and told she needs to breed by the power of at least 3 to stand still says a perant of 3 adult citizens.
@jumpa654 2 часа назад
No we have too many people in britain. Oh you mean we have too many foreigners!
@ericwinnert 2 часа назад
Badenoch wants to stop maternity pay.
@StuartMiles74 2 часа назад
Have more kids so we can eat one at Christmas because we can’t afford a turkey.