UNC Religious Studies
UNC Religious Studies
UNC Religious Studies
The Department of Religious Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill is dedicated to the study of religions as historical and cultural phenomena. It examines the history, texts, artifacts, beliefs, values, and rituals of a variety of religious traditions. Inherently interdisciplinary in its approach, religious studies explores religions in light of related fields in the humanities and social sciences such as anthropology, classics, archaeology, sociology, philosophy, and history.
Hovorun, Putin's Mythology
Год назад
Dune and Islam: Webinar Recording (FULL)
2 года назад
RELI 141: African American Religions
3 года назад
Message to 2020 Graduating Seniors
4 года назад
RELI 102 - World Religions
6 лет назад
Reli421: Religion and Science
6 лет назад
Tarheel Religions
7 лет назад
Mysticism--What is it?
7 лет назад
This is Carolina Religion
7 лет назад
@curtishaptonstall7810 8 дней назад
The book John is told to eat which is sweet in his mouth and bitter in his stomach is a mushroom.The gills are the pages of the book. If you know-you know.
@TeamBonkersConkers 2 месяца назад
Ep 4 Luke would be way too whiney for a 10 hour trip.
@macroman52 2 месяца назад
I write this every time Ehrman tells the "true story" of people literally selling the farm because the end was coming in 1988. I doubt the story because I can't see what is the point of selling the farm if you believe the end is coming? You have money and no farm and it is far from clear why money is better than a farm if the world ends. I know these farm sellers are meant to be misguided, but why would "money is better than farm when the world ends" make sense to devoted bible -believers?
@adicristian354 3 месяца назад
slave father bart
@user-ph3bx9xd5y 3 месяца назад
It's not about Islam but tribalism and trouble it brings. There is tribalism in everything.
@klyanadkmorr 3 месяца назад
Islam may have been a core idea resource but Herbert was raised christian catholic and understood Buddhism and those religions are also in the names and concepts and spiritual extensions into the future. Herbert has said FROM HIS MOUTH BENE GESSERIT WERE FROM HIS UNCLE being a JESUIT PRIEST and he also included Navajo Nat. Am desert concepts too and the idea of seeding population by the Catholics to speed invasion colonialism
@dordogne 3 месяца назад
@UNCReligiousStudies time for an update for this for Dune Part 2.
@beetlejuicejr6133 3 месяца назад
Haha, exactly what I’m waiting for.
@ashnovahmada499 17 дней назад
Yesss. ikr
@mohammedalboraich629 4 месяца назад
Thanks for this informative session. Hope the best for you
@tonyawhite-tt9db 4 месяца назад
I would like to donate $1000.
@richlisola1 4 месяца назад
Why is it when a European country happens to conquer a folk or a land outside the West we call it colonialism, but when the Islamic caliphates conquer Spain, the Balkans, North Africa or India, it is romanticized? The Fremen in Dune are the greatest colonialists since House Corrino itself, but it’s not imperialism for them. Same as the way Western faux intellectuals regard islamic conquests-When brown people overlord themselves over other brown people, it’s just fascinating. When Westerners do it, it’s a crime against mankind.
@kigas24 4 месяца назад
When have the Islamic caliphates ever been romanticized from the West? Calling Dune's use of Islamic elements "romanticization" is missing the forest for the trees. The point being made in the video is that in the context of the mid 20th century when Herbert was writing Dune, Islam was seen as an anti-colonial force by European powers. This was his inspiration. It isn't some 2024 wokeism, it's literally history; the Dutch didnt leave Indonesia until 1949 & the British didnt leave Pakistan/India/Bangladesh until 1947. Not to mention Africa.
@celan4288 4 месяца назад
Excellent discussion. It's a picture of how dreary the current cultural landscape is, because sociopolitical themes can't be treated without ideological rigidity forcing creators into camps and deconstructing every word and theme looking for power imbalances.
@ALavin-en1kr 4 месяца назад
John had a revelation, in his consciousness; in his mind. Revelation takes place in human consciousness; in each individual mind and soul. It refers to nothing that happens in the outside world, but in each individual mind and consciousness. It is called spiritual evolution. John was interested in spirituality, in the soul, not in what happens in the outside world. He was not a historian. It is this type of teaching, although this person does not say it, that saw the Pope as the Beast, causing conflict between Christians. To say that John was not one of the twelve disciples of Jesus; the closest and most beloved disciple, is horrific. This type of teaching is really the Beast and deserves the mark of the Beast. Catholics theologians are highly educated and do not talk speculative nonsense. It is better to check out what these theologians have to say than listening to, or believing in, someone who disowns John, one of the foremost and beloved disciples of Christ. Those people who get rich from writing books, or speaking religious nonsense, can live high but they should examine their conscious. “What comes out of the body is cast into the breeze, what comes out of the mouth defiles the man.”
@scottpeterson7500 5 месяцев назад
Years ago I tried reading volume one of the Left Behind series and I couldn’t get through it. Just sucks as literature 😂🍹
@dimitriradoux 5 месяцев назад
Freemen is a reference to the Scythians and this is the original steppe hero/heryon/Aryan myth where the steppe/pastoral are one with their environment take back control after being polluted by civilisation. It’s the Darius the great story, the temujin story, the hero’s path with a twist in book 2 and 3 😉 The worms are the horses/camels and the spice/water of life is the soma/mead/kykeon 🤫
@commoveo1 6 месяцев назад
Mathew 24 . ✨❤️✨😇✌🏼BART.
@Instramark 7 месяцев назад
How could a Gnostic reference to Sophia (Wisdom) not be included or further explained in the Proverbs 8:27-31 quote. Very clear all you Bart Herman disciples Skip around Gnostic thought. Too bad, imo, Gnostic Gospels are much better poetic literature and build a much stronger case for the Christ Concept with much better and higher primordial credentials.
@glossypots 8 месяцев назад
How can we stop Armageddon becoming a self fulling prophecy brought on by frustrated hate filled Christians? Keep them out of Government, talking to you Republicans they’re already worshipping the anti christ, I think we all know who that is.
@glossypots 8 месяцев назад
Do you realise the misinterpretation of the book of Revelations promoted by Evangelical Fundamentalist, has affected foreign policy on Israel since 1980s, caused hundreds and thousands of American ‘preppers’ selling up and taking to the wilderness, inspired ‘visions’ and nightmare dreams of destruction (also selling books, Visions of Glory) and is not helping climate change when all these people think the end is coming who cares about that. Religion used as an escape and responsibility from the world we have created, very sad.
@davidchurch3472 8 месяцев назад
very enthusiastic positive message; Of course Armageddon and the End of Times will happen during our own lifetime time - Nothing of any significance can possibly happen to me After the end of my lifetime. I must be prepared to witness the sights of Revelation, understand them, and fully prepare myself to fight the battles of the End of (my life-) time. Be Prepared. Ensure your basket is full OF THE RIGHT ASPECTS in time for our own end.
@ianstubbs8317 8 месяцев назад
Will there be a recording of the lecture following the live session? I am not at my best at 1.30 in the morning. Ian Stubbs, UK
@user-gi6nk8zg2z 9 месяцев назад
None of us knows anything.
@onika700 10 месяцев назад
The mark of the beast sounds literal the way it's described. It's in a specific place and they cannot buy or sell without it. Also, the saints are beheaded.
@garystanfield2274 10 месяцев назад
Satan Bart, not Devil which is a pagan deity name.
@garystanfield2274 10 месяцев назад
Christianity is of Satan. Constantine started the office of Bishop. The Gospel of Peter is a Roman lie and something else Constantine knew what books were in Yahweh's Word so since he propagandized them there was no reason to add or subtract from them. The Papacy started making and adding to the lies started by Constantine.
@garystanfield2274 10 месяцев назад
Bart salvation came through the Faith in Yahweh and Yahweh filled those that believed in him with his Spirit that gave and will give salvation again.
@garystanfield2274 10 месяцев назад
The Word of Yahweh was never originally in the Greek it is to the Hebrew people and why it was in the Hebrew, it was Constantine that put the Hebrew into the Greek and you should know that Bart if you are such a great scholar. You are trained to be a deceiver. Jesus name is an imposter name. He does not know who the Harlot is and that is clear. He also does not know the meaning of 666 or who it represents. Bart has no clue to the truth of Revelation. Christians will be those that take the Mark of the Beast, it will become the world religion during the Tribulation Period. Bart keeps people on the road to the Lake of Fire. Bart is Jesuit trained in the lies. You know nothing Bart , you don't understand the scriptures at all, You are simple minded. Christianity is of Satan.
@tarascholfield5887 Год назад
Very fascinating seminar. Wanted to add that the Fremen can date their ancestors back to on old earth the Israelites. Which from a perspective is very fascinating. Also from what i had read a while back the bene gesserit was based off of the Jesuits. You mentioned it a little. I can see the comparison to the masnoic to them. But in the end at book 6 they are in charge. And women are ruling the galaxy
@bobvail1000 Год назад
Wait, wait, wait... CHRISTIANS invented taking care of the poor?!? Never happened before, huh? I love Bart, but that's a lot to swallow. CHRISTIANS may have invented certain organizations of charity but they didn't invent charity!
@busyb8676 Год назад
I agree with his ending.I think this book has caused more damage than good.
@jonesameal1798 Год назад
THE WILL OF ALLAH IS BEING DONE By: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (Last Messenger of Allah) The New world of Islam is coming in,… not the old world of Islam, but a New World of Islam. “Behold I make all things new!” (Rev. 21:5) We are living in the change of the worlds. The old world is going out and the new world is coming in. This is something to be happy and thankful to Allah for, to bear witness to the change of the worlds! This is the first time that Allah (God) has been known In Person. The Coming of Allah In Person, indicated this change of the worlds ---- signifying a Permanent Change, where God will set up His Kingdom of Islam without interference.
@kimasailo6629 Год назад
8 minutes
@anarchorepublican5954 Год назад
..I wonder why no "canonical" KOranJiyana Catholic Bible?..🍊📖✨...I've found numerous Biblical quotes in Dune, particularly from pious warrior, Duncan Idaho...but I was not familiar enough with the Qur'an, then, to recognize a single quote from that writ...a fully annotated vision of Dune; and a "canonical" Orange Catholic Bible, with passages and surahs based only on authentic Herbert "Hadith" 🍊📖✔...
@Marzejka Год назад
If the temple gets rebuilt and a man stands in the temple and calls himself God. Then we may need to revisit our thoughts.
@justmedee1959 Год назад
I like many could not understand the wrath of God. It was as if God was bipolar. From my child mind how could a loving God punish innocent children, puppies, kittens in the flood? Major temper tantrum!!! It was not until I came to understand the gen6 seed war that everything began to make sense. God was destroying the corruption of seed that the fallen angels had created, the hybrids. While preserving the seed of man. Yeshua tells us the end times will be just like the days of Noah. Bart looks at it as an unrighteous God and came to the conclusion God must not exist or some such. Instead I look for the loving God and try to see why God appears to act in unloving ways. I think God is misunderstood because man does not see the big picture.
@justmedee1959 Год назад
I believe in John's time the Saturday Sabbath was still honored by Christians. As lord of the Sabbath, it is the lord's day.
@robertgullett3809 Год назад
Usually, those that provide the riches for these writers seldom read other points of view or other perspectives. When we know we are right then everyone else is wrong by default and thus sets the reoccurring theme of divide and conquer. When we are so right somehow compassion escapes and justification for whatever means necessary. The notion of a love many seek from a creator ultimately aids in their hand of interference of what their master has planned for humanity's special project of the omnipotent and it seems to would only make sense to treat his favored (if that is the belief) with a respect for one another. When will the question not be is there a God but more aligned with we are all here until we not. If we must fight to protect why not fight for those around the world denied inalienable rights that come with life? The morality test is if you are not willing to trade places and live that life then it's safe to assume that there is an imbalance Anyone assuming that they have the authority to interfere or deny another natural trajectory then it seems they defy their own beliefs and might be on the fallen one side as that is the reason the war in heaven was supposed to have been about. We never seem to think collectively about the population and the desperate attempt to cling onto a geological and cultural religious lottery ticket with the hopes that they happen to have the lucky ticket and never seem to think about even if there were one chance of holding such a ticket is a gamble and why would anyone trust such a system. I am imagining the future generations looking back on our ridiculous antics and wondering how we were so confused. Much like we look back on history at those primitive people with primitive beliefs and never even give a second thought that we too will be those primitive to those that follow. Most of history's beliefs have been discovered as misguided and all the stuff prepared for the afterlife remained and were discovered long after the lives that once inhabited the space spent much time and extreme measures to obtain their spot in the kingdom We might want to start thinking more along the lines of we are here and we have no special rights over another and be willing to admit that we can be the monster everyone seems to try to avoid. The act of not exercising autonomy and establishing laws in this realm to protect those basic inalienable rigts of every human being then at least when we fight we have that fundamental reassurance that a person should not be diminished and exploited and then we face one another and ourselves to see that whatever the afterlife may or may not offer that we are the gods and the demons we read about in the pages of those ancient pages left from those that failed to recognize that we are the reason it matters because it matters to us now is we could include all humans in us then we may begin to finally grasp the notion that if there is an omnipotent being then let that issue resolve itself in the realm he is said to exist and consider that saving ones own ass while abandoning the other humans that are said to be made in his image with the respect of leading a life of their choice and learn all one can about themselves and others so then your choices and your choices alone are integrated and not motivated, not in fear, not for favor but for the authentic experience of life and the choices you make are for you and you alone as everyone will have their own path. If one thinks a little bit beyond the reward one might pose the question of would an omnipotent being allows the position of prophet. Putting a man in a position to be a god among men. To allow men a position to be the mouthpiece of an all-knowing is as if a child has been given a bazooka in the playground. News flash we are all in this together and none of us are getting out of this situation alive so on Liu of not knowing then we must use our heads for more than hat racks
@sharingforimprovement155 Год назад
Elkader is in Iowa. My grandma is from there
@bobbart4198 Год назад
... Maybe if the Bible was not written in symbolic riddles and mind games, more people would take it seriously. The way it is, it might as well be the babbles of Timothy Leary.
@bobbart4198 Год назад
... Yet another missed deadline for the End of Days ... Here we go again
@belindaelisa5618 Год назад
His name was Jmmanuel, not Jesus Christ. His biological father was Gabriel. His biological mother was Mary (or Maria). His stepfather was Joseph (or Joshua). There were FOUR Wise Men, not three. The Frankincense, myrrh and gold were correct. Jmmanuel DID NOT die on the cross (it was Y-shaped not T-shaped) because he did a meditation to stay alive. His friends/family/disciples took him to some cave that doesn't exist anymore. Healers from India came over and nursed him back to health. Took them 3 days. Then they all went to India. Jmmanuel lived there until he was 111 or 113 years old. Read the "Talmud of Jmmanuel" final edition by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM).
@youtubezcy Год назад
Religionists want to appear wise and have authority without doing any work. That's it. Stolen valor.
@claesvanoldenphatt9972 Год назад
I feel bad for Ehrman, whose entire academic career seems to be about debunking the bogus evangelicalism of his youth. So glad I didn’t grow up in such a delusional interpretation of Christianity and never invested a single thought in its tiresome, debased Eurocentric whiteman relijun. If Bart had a conversation with Margaret Barker he might get a clue. He’s barking up the wrong tree, and it has led him to apostasy. Sad.
@youtubezcy Год назад
Gosh you are arrogant.
@janeroberson4750 Год назад
Jesus said,when the harvest comes,the angels will gather the tares,first in bundles,to burn them,then the wheat into his barn,! Look and see! Matthew 13:30 KJV!
@youtubezcy Год назад
What does Harry Potter say tho?
@janeroberson4750 Год назад
And read , colossians2:8 KJV.
@janeroberson4750 Год назад
The church in Philadelphia,the Lord said,to them only, right? Rev,3:10 KJV. And Matthew, 24:22 KJV!
@AnnhilateTheNihilist Год назад
Ancient Apocalyptacists say… YES
@willempasterkamp862 Год назад
Ehrman to explain the elephant mosaic would be interesting
@marcusdavenport1590 Год назад
This guy isn't the greatest scholar..... not a very good grasp on the biblical view at all He honestly sounds like a gnostic or a pedophile who's looking for justification
@lepidoptera9337 Год назад
Look at you! You can't attack the message, so you are attacking the messenger. ;-)
@marcusdavenport1590 Год назад
@@lepidoptera9337 Yes, you are correct. I did not attack the message in my comment as I was driving and didn't have time. I focus more of my critiques on Political issues as it makes a larger difference. To debunk this guy's claims would take an hour and a half or so... So I'd need to weigh the option of that long comment vs my time doing other things.
@lepidoptera9337 Год назад
@@marcusdavenport1590 Dude, the man is a reputed scholar and you are a nobody on the internet. End of story. ;-)
@marcusdavenport1590 Год назад
@@lepidoptera9337 if I find time I'll provide the rebuttal. Someone being a scholar vs a no one would be an illogical argument. You'd need to wait for my argument to make a judgment.
@lepidoptera9337 Год назад
@@marcusdavenport1590 Yes, Dude. We are all waiting for you. Are you for real? :-)
@norman_5623 Год назад
Whisenant was off by a year. That is not the kind of guy you want calculating rocket flights to Mars.
Bart the great. Thank you