Hello. I upload Elsword videos from gameplay, mostly for myself. But I hope that some people will find my videos interesting too. I just want memorize moments from my loved game and by the way, try to create some interesting stuff for people, which some day will find my videos and say: "Oh, so that's how it's was".
Because Elsword is really unique, good and amazing game with good story, good characters and intersting gameplay. Even if gameplay changes with time, still you can always find your fun, just like me.
@ElfWanderer 5 дней назад
You are not prepared! Silence - is your option
@ElfWanderer 7 дней назад
Long time no see. The deck - shadowverse-portal.com/deck/3.6.6UMpI.6UMpI.6UMpI.6b_5S.6b_5S.6b_5S.6UNYA.6UNYA.6UNYA.6ZgAC.6ZgAC.6ZgAC.6UPFi.6UPFi.6UPFi.6Y8W2.6Y8W2.63e74.63e74.6UL5w.6VuyY.6VuyY.6UKN2.6UKN2.6UKN2.6jaxM.6jaxM.6jgYQ.6jgYQ.6jgYQ.6Y8WM.6byf2.6byf2.6b_5I.6b_5I.6b_5I.6YFr6.6c1XY.6c1XY.6c1XY?lang=en This rotation is harder, than Colosseum. So to play it, you 100% need to play with overwhelming cards, trying to hold board and make a danger to your opponent. Because in that time, there is enough, like OTK, decks, and very fast realised decks like Holy Lion. So Control is a thing only for Havencrafter. In other times: Mid, Temp and Aggro decks is your option. But still, you can try to play as you wanted. It is not soo bad. So you can have fun anyway! Btw, for that month I take a rest from SW and played other games: like EDF6, Warriors Orochi 3, Kritika Zero.
@fontanacard3091 Месяц назад
Semi control or you can call it midrange... there is better list to achieve such things Put 3 Lishenna 3 Orchis 3 Random Generator(1pp legend) to counter bahamut or to compete against control deck The rest? You figure it out or... u can use my list
@fontanacard3091 Месяц назад
I think its best to try adding 3 Random Generator for long games instead of Mystic Artifact Generator, there is better version of that it is 3pp spell that summon ancient and analyzing, u get rush and draw and also ward... see the value?
@ElfWanderer Месяц назад
Hello. Yeah, I used Lishena too, when played this rotation in past:) It's good. But this deck mean to play without her. In half of time, you are full of cards and open space is needed, because you have Arcs too. That means, she's no need. This is other deck, more focused on Arc. Sure, you can use any cards, which you like. I'm always for decbuilding. About control, I can understand. But the latest expasions in game have VERY accelerated gameplay, so high cost cards are no more point, which name your deck "control" (unlike the past). The real point of control is like - "playing a control deck means trying to manage all of threats you encounter". This deck have ANY answer to all. Before Portal, no one can shuffle extra cards in deck (except Prince of Darkness), but still play as control (old Control blood). By the way, it's one thing, which kill Shadowverse for many players before - accelerated gameplay. Oh and I'm sorry, I should clarify that I just wanted to give people a fun deck, and still you will have some winrate in this insane "combos vombos" of last expansions. For people like me, who do not playing meta decks, but wanted to play some interesting and fun cards/decks (actually, I won almost all games for that short time - most of them agaisnt portal). Sadly, in this rotation, that can do only Portal. Because only Portalcrafter have such control cards, when you can play with everyone. You can check it by seeing my previos videos. I never use netdecking and always playing my own decks. Some of them is fine, some is not fine haha. Depending on target of the deck - for fun or try to play with meta decks. I hate oneshots and like D-Shift cards
@ElfWanderer Месяц назад
1 pp destroy? Check! Oneshot? You can't take more than 4 DMG! Massive DMG dealt? Shion is impenetrable shield! Invocation? What invocation? Didn't hear. Full board? Magnasaber to the rescue! The deck - shadowverse-portal.com/deck/3.8.7S9uI.7S9uI.7S9uI.7Zlk2.7Zlk2.7Zlk2.7ZoAI.7ZoAI.7ZoAI.7P90i.7P90i.7P90i.7S9uS.7S9uS.7S9uS.7Vxb2.7Vxb2.7Vxb2.7V-1I.7V-1I.7V-1I.7ZqsA.7ZqsA.7ZqsA.7S_c6.7S_c6.7S_c6.7W3eg.7W3eg.7W3eg.7Wpky.7Wpky.7SEmo.7SEmo.7SEmo.7SEn6.7SEn6.7SEn6.7dhBy.h1cjo?lang=en The only thing, which I done - I didn't accelerate Shion in this match. It's almost cost me the game. This is my missplay, in that situation. I said: "I will skip Storms-Azvaldt rotation". Well, yes. I will. BUT! I can atleast give you one good deck to play this rotation and have fun. You should check this out. Because portal have everything in that time. Plus, it is "beautiful" to play it:) Hope you can find it usefull for yourself.
@ElfWanderer Месяц назад
Hope you enjoy these plays, or maybe find for yourself something interesting! I used Lord of the Vajano Marsh here. From all 5 plays, only here I did it. I call it - "Return Deck". But this plays shows, how much variety had game! I even didn't use the plot for this 5 matches. The deck - shadowverse-portal.com/deck/1.1.6slMI.61k2Q.6hhbQ.6pOlw.fsMZQ.fsMZQ.6dsjY.6dsjY.6hgsY.6hgsY.6lXRo.6lXRo.6tEcS.6tEcS.6tEcS.6dsji.6dsji.6pO12.6pO12.5zxd6.5zxd6.5zxd6.6d-2I.6d-2I.6d-2I.6lYAg.6lYAg.6dxc2.6dxc2.6dxc2.6lU_i.6lU_i.6lU_i.6splY.6lcKI.gaErS.6hoBc.6hoBc.6pQTc.6pQTc?lang=en Lord of the Vajano Marsh, Wellsping Elf Princess, Dryad, Irene... And many others beatiful and cool cards, so I can't put them all in one deck! Sadly. My favorite cards, which I love playing. By the way, the Azvaldt Thorwback Rotation I will skip. The are nothing what you can do in that rotation. Crazy combos and overpower cards is getting to much already in that rotation. So will wait till Dawnbreak Nightedge. That's when real fun will returns Sadly, I had hard times in this month. So I can't record as many, as I wanted. So I record atleast this series of plays for my most loved cards of Forestcrafter in that rotation.
@ElfWanderer Месяц назад
I lose, because I wasted evolve point. If I didn't evolve a Fairy, most likely, I will win this one. The deck - shadowverse-portal.com/deck/1.1.6slMI.61k2Q.6hhbQ.6pOlw.fsMZQ.fsMZQ.6dsjY.6dsjY.6hgsY.6hgsY.6lXRo.6lXRo.6tEcS.6tEcS.6tEcS.6dsji.6dsji.6pO12.6pO12.5zxd6.5zxd6.5zxd6.6d-2I.6d-2I.6d-2I.6lYAg.6lYAg.6dxc2.6dxc2.6dxc2.6lU_i.6lU_i.6lU_i.6splY.6lcKI.gaErS.6hoBc.6hoBc.6pQTc.6pQTc?lang=en Lord of the Vajano Marsh, Wellsping Elf Princess, Dryad, Irene... And many others beatiful and cool cards, so I can't put them all in one deck! Sadly. My favorite cards, which I love playing. Sadly, I had hard times in this month. So I can't record as many, as I wanted. I wanted to show many fun and good decks... But, that's how it is. So that's why I atleast show this series of plays. Hope you enjoy these plays too!
@ElfWanderer Месяц назад
A very fast one. Again "Kuon". And again he had hard times. LoL The deck - shadowverse-portal.com/deck/1.1.6slMI.61k2Q.6hhbQ.6pOlw.fsMZQ.fsMZQ.6dsjY.6dsjY.6hgsY.6hgsY.6lXRo.6lXRo.6tEcS.6tEcS.6tEcS.6dsji.6dsji.6pO12.6pO12.5zxd6.5zxd6.5zxd6.6d-2I.6d-2I.6d-2I.6lYAg.6lYAg.6dxc2.6dxc2.6dxc2.6lU_i.6lU_i.6lU_i.6splY.6lcKI.gaErS.6hoBc.6hoBc.6pQTc.6pQTc?lang=en Lord of the Vajano Marsh, Wellsping Elf Princess, Dryad, Irene... And many others beatiful and cool cards, so I can't put them all in one deck! Sadly. My favorite cards, which I love playing.
@ElfWanderer Месяц назад
Sadly, I had hard times in this month. So I can't record as many, as I wanted. The deck - shadowverse-portal.com/deck/1.1.6slMI.61k2Q.6hhbQ.6pOlw.fsMZQ.fsMZQ.6dsjY.6dsjY.6hgsY.6hgsY.6lXRo.6lXRo.6tEcS.6tEcS.6tEcS.6dsji.6dsji.6pO12.6pO12.5zxd6.5zxd6.5zxd6.6d-2I.6d-2I.6d-2I.6lYAg.6lYAg.6dxc2.6dxc2.6dxc2.6lU_i.6lU_i.6lU_i.6splY.6lcKI.gaErS.6hoBc.6hoBc.6pQTc.6pQTc?lang=en Lord of the Vajano Marsh, Wellsping Elf Princess, Dryad, Irene... And many others beatiful and cool cards, so I can't put them all in one deck! Sadly. My favorite cards, which I love playing.
@ElfWanderer Месяц назад
Sadly, I had hard times in this month. So I can't record as many, as I wanted. So I will show you atleast a series of plays with my Fun Deck for Forestcrafter, in the LAST DAY of Altesphere-Colosseum. The deck - shadowverse-portal.com/deck/1.1.6slMI.61k2Q.6hhbQ.6pOlw.fsMZQ.fsMZQ.6dsjY.6dsjY.6hgsY.6hgsY.6lXRo.6lXRo.6tEcS.6tEcS.6tEcS.6dsji.6dsji.6pO12.6pO12.5zxd6.5zxd6.5zxd6.6d-2I.6d-2I.6d-2I.6lYAg.6lYAg.6dxc2.6dxc2.6dxc2.6lU_i.6lU_i.6lU_i.6splY.6lcKI.gaErS.6hoBc.6hoBc.6pQTc.6pQTc?lang=en Lord of the Vajano Marsh, Wellsping Elf Princess, Dryad, Irene... And many others beautiful and cool cards, so I can't put them all in one deck! Sadly.
@ElfWanderer Месяц назад
Most of times, better to save Melvie for evolve, of course. But not this time! (Link for deck are below) Runecrafter have a planty of fun cards in Altersphere-Colosseum. One of them is Melvie, The Princess. I'm so enjoy to play with her. Even if I loses, it still fun to play. You know, it's like surprise, why Rune have so much meme cards in that time, I wonder? Like Havencrafter. He's too have a lot of them (Marlone, Edilon, Elysian Saint etc). Golden time indeed. The deck - shadowverse-portal.com/deck/3.3.6mKj2.6mKj2.6mKj2.6tu6Y.6tu6Y.6tu6Y.6q78g.6q78g.6q78g.6iRhs.6iRhs.6mFqY.6mFqY.6q3zY.6q3zY.6q3zY.6tu6i.6tu6i.6tu6i.6tu6s.6hKuS.6hKuS.6p0LQ.6p0LQ.6eiR2.6eiR2.6eiR2.6ty_2.6ty_2.6ty_2.gHsKQ.gHsKQ.6lCCQ.6q8sC.6qBII.6twYo.6twYo.5-glM.6dbdo.6dbdo?lang=en
@ElfWanderer Месяц назад
The deck - shadowverse-portal.com/deck/3.2.6td0o.6td0o.6i3HC.6i3HC.6pj_S.6pj_S.6tViC.6taaY.6taaY.6i6SA.6pnAQ.gHWrQ.gHWrQ.6eMSy.6pou6.6pou6.6td0y.6td0y.6td0y.6tbJQ.gHTvw.6lCCQ.6lCCQ.6iAbo.6taai.6taai.6taai.6tWQw.6tWQw.6td16.6eIJA.6p22y.6tVi2.6ssBo.6eK0i.6i89s.6lyIi.6lyIi.6lyIi.6eMSo?lang=en Yes, the deck are bit heavy, so can break more often. Plus I put one Admiral, I just want it (actually, he's not good here, just remove him). With normal draw, this deck is strong enouth. Do not look at my winstreak, its just luck! Nothing more. There so much good cards like Dauntless Commander, Valse, Tsubaki, Petalwink Paladin, Alyaska. And many others! It's a pitty, you can't put them all in one deck! So you use limitless 40 slot and thinking so much: what to put, what to remove, what to better stay in deck, how many copies to leave... So that's why, there is not only ONE strong deck you can build, but MANY of them! Hope you find something interesting for yourself. Thanks for the watching!
@ElfWanderer 2 месяца назад
This, when you can really show your skill of deckbuilding! Playing by copying decks are pointless, if you do not understand how to manage cards and build decks. When you can drop Lucius in first round, or when better to save it for later. When you can NOT evolve and save it for future profit. Which card to remove first for better, or you will lose. When better will not play core card immadiatelly, but better will wait until it was best time. Etc. Strategy play, in a nutshell. Every thing are matter. That how I remember Shadowverse in past. And that how it was right now, in Colloseum. (P.s. Of course, I'm talking about normal circumstanses, not about bad draw, like when you get all your draw in one hand or all your high cost cards) I really missed that Shadowverse and glad to play it again.
@sigmaenjoyer7020 2 месяца назад
Nice match
@ElfWanderer 2 месяца назад
@@sigmaenjoyer7020 Thanks! I plan to record some other fun decks for colloseum on the week
@ElfWanderer 2 месяца назад
Match start - 2:38
@ElfWanderer 2 месяца назад
Played all 3 Alterplane Arbiter in first try! My fun deck from Altersphere-Colosseum which I played 5 years ago, and kept all this years. How fast time are past Actually, I played it really often, because I never play any meta deck ever. For me, it is my common usage decks. Always. For any class Now, I can enjoying once again playing Shadowverse. Like years ago. I'm waiting this mode atleast few years... Of course, current rotation have own bad sides (like Karyl and Kuon, for example). Soo, not all are so good. BUT! It is 100 times better, than recent new expansions, escpecialy the last one. I will find my to play this rotation. But next one, I most likely will skip. And 3rd rotation I'm already waiting, when will come Dawnbreak Nightedge rotation. Hope, you can enjoy by new changes too, in this last update! Thanks for watching
@ElfWanderer 2 месяца назад
Excalibaaaa... I mean, look, there is a Giant red Sword falling from the sky!
@ElfWanderer 2 месяца назад
About NPC's. In that time, devs was make a decision to add NPC, if you play Dungeon alone at Expert Difficulty. Why? Dungeon to play alone was may be difficult (you see, I'm not in "common" rarity equipment and had descent +7 weapon) and in that time, not so many people was playing the game. They had some problems with it. That's why you play with NPC at expert, if press F8 (play with group). But don't remember, maybe you will play with NPC in Expert, even if you press "start now" (without group). In some moment, you can see I used "First Class" Equipment lvl 60. In that time, it was not ordinary equipment. Better stats, +1 more socket, plus more and better roll stats. I can tall, that I used full set of it and special weapon at +7 (from which boss, can't tell for sure). And still, it's just okay. Not even good enough. There is so much more ways to get strenghening your character. For example, You can see in the end, I had secret dungeon weapon in inventory, but still cannot use it.
@ElfWanderer 2 месяца назад
14:14 - BIG surprise for such BIG problem
@ElfWanderer 2 месяца назад
a LOT of effects on the screen. Yeah I like that class. For real. In theory. But you know, in reallity, I get bored fast playing with her. Because her playstyle like "press X to win", in the most of times. You just run and look how all work done for you. That Rose almost doesn't have excitement combos (commands on z and x). Only pistols. That's all. A lack of imagination, I think? That's the main reason, despite how I love this class of her, but almost do not play it. Unfortunately. (by the way, it my first Rose) Even Heavy Barrel, with lack of combos are more fun to play, because you can combine her basic combos with her job skills. Prime Operator doesnt have even that. BUUUUUUT. I'm still playing with her. Eventualy. Sometimes returning to her. I'm not complain. No. Video is interesting to wacth. And I enjoy to play it. Did you see boss fight? I think it is most interesting boss fight in South Gate I had.
@ElfWanderer 2 месяца назад
Like in my previos revamped secret dungeon video, I limited my Combat Power and used only 150k CP instead of 500k. Mission was successeful with no problem. It's a pitty, that devs make "paywall" for access to get better rewards. I'm sure, you do not need 1500000 CP for second stage Secret Dungeons. Proof are my videos. Still, I understand, that will be change nothing
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
I'm really for long do not played as Laby. I miss sometimes and didnt hit. Starting to remember how I manage to played as her bit by bit. And by the way, I forgot about Eldrit Essenses for Hyper Skill haha About sounds. Now I'm trying different settigns for sound effects. Not long ago discovered, they added options for it. In the next video will try reduce that "sparkls" Laby's sounds.
@KevinEontrainer381 3 месяца назад
These things gave me ptsd flashbacks of the early days I started playing. Adrians Palace was a complete hell for me from beginning up till the boss. Complete torture on each and every section
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
Yeah. I know that feel, bro) I remember, when in 2017 I'm come back to play the game again, as always. All Elysion dungeons was come out already. The difficulty of dungeons increases. Adrians Dwelling (Palace) are no excection too. Oooh, that sleepy poopangs is a pain. But boss, Herbaon, that's when real torture begins... He's soo annoying to play against. It's interesting dungeon and boss. Actually I like it. But in that time, when it is the latest content and I'm lack of strengh for it - it was real pain. BUT! It is all NOTHING compare to Solace Fortress. You know, in my first playthough I didn't past Maya. After that, my first clear of Solace Fortress like 56 minutes. 56 mins! (the longest was 1 hour). And Solace was a King at this Festival of Suffering in your life. I do NOT like him still today. The concept and difficulty for that dungeons are kinda okay. And I understand your feelings. Still, all of this was Good, than modern Elsword. The modern Elsword only keep the shell and story, but in all other aspects - it's like completely different game. Not the Elsword, which I knew. I miss old Elsword. Even that times was better and good, than current time. I wish, someday will come Classic Elsword worldwide. For now, I have my own fun, which I can in the game. Not long ago I played Japan trial version (2013 year client or even older). And, I was really enjoyed to play with characters. Especially Raven Recklest fist. I remembered the same consern (I'm even say "savour") in the game that I had when I was first introduced to the game. I would start all over again, right now. Again, once more. Only hope for Elsword offline (by yourself), or if someone will make it to come true. Hahah, sorry for such wall of text. I hope you are not tired to read it all:)
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
8:19 - The Hot time.
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
-Ruben once more! Returning to- ... I Mean: Henir Time-space equipment? Check. Raven, Atomic bomb, my buddy Brendon aaaand accidental explosions, The PAIN... Hmmmm. Allright, all is check. What's can go wrong? Ah wait, forgot Reckless Fist! When the adventure - there is most fun. The most fun - after the game. Before the game and after game.
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
Reaper title(God of Carnage), which you can obtain only in past, before Lanox(Ranox) come out, is avaible to obtain again! And requirments are not like 800 runs of HoB. By the way, it's the most historical Title. And maybe, just maybe, one of the most hardest. Requirments to unclock that title in the past are not just "Clear Heart of Behemoth 5 times" and to obtain you need 800 RUNS. 800 RUNS. How many time you need to done it? Even with party, if you spend 5 minutes * 800 times ... 66 hours of unstopble play with party's players? But yeah, it is the strongest title in that time. And it was the endgame content. So understandble. I only started to play in that time. And I don't remember exactly, but most likely, I even didn't know about existance of such title. But never too late!
@KevinEontrainer381 3 месяца назад
Absolute Madlad 👍 The patience needed to pull this off is insane. I'm aure u can always wipe the floor with this dungeon easily but this way it is as if ur raiding the temple with Helputt and Sasha
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
I'm glad that someone shared my view on the video. Sasha did well too;)
@warleyandredesouza4551 3 месяца назад
Cadê o dano ? Kkkkk
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-z7vSLe18NjU.html - Julho de 2015, 9 anos atrás. Este vídeo foi apenas um vídeo de teste. Na gravação, não estou usando armas de nível 10, mas pelo menos de nível 50. Agora você pode comparar e ver por si mesmo. É assim que o "LVLing" se parece então. Este vídeo também é sobre a LVLing, não sobre "speedrun". Pode haver erros na tradução, peço desculpas. Mas espero que você entenda o significado
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
First try, by the way :) Even if you go 1st, or use your spell AFTER your opponent - it is not a problem. Of course, we are talking about some circumstances. In half of time you will be unlucky. As any others decks
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
Despair Reborn haven are more safest, then previos blood deck. But that match shows only Despair play against "Yuwan/Evo" Portal. Cassim will not show yourself in this match, as like 3-rd turn Alice, unfortunately. In next videos I show other play against Despair Dragon and Atomy Shadow. Even if you go 1st, and your opponent 2nd it still not a problem. You save even in that situation: Aegina, Repose, Bellringer Angel. Of course, like every deck, you brick in 50/50. Like my opponent do not show me the perfect draw. And as do I By the way, with that deck I like Banish Haven in Last Words Shadow meta:D Played it other day, after blood
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
It is not the safest version of deck. If yoo go first, and your opponent go 2nd, and he used he's card on turn 4, so there is no way to evoid it. It is possible, but that version of deck do not have such save point. I will create another one, which more safest. BUT! It doesnt mean you can't play with it. It is common 50/50 play. As many others unlimited decks right now. I play with that deck all day. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose The good side of Despair Reborn - you can play card, which you will never be play in unlimited before! And most of them - you are really like. That a good side of new card, which bring chaos in unlimited.
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
Starting use Karis from 6:13. Also 12:45 - I have a lot of fun when we fight with Demon In and Demon Jin. The most fun part
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
"Now your turn to help, Karis! What do you mean it's temporary?" "Devastating Rain!" The Hollow with monster card Karis. I made in time. Before Revamping of Secret Dungeons (I didn't know about Revamp). For few days before it. I'm glad that I did it. A good memory. Now I am can clearly say that is a "Old Elsword"
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
About 12:40. Ignore my "4 minutes" part. I'm just miss written. I didn't finish that phrase properly, and right after that gone to completly other theme. Just cut it from your mind. Other writing are okay. Warning! Next are wall of text from description: Two days ago Gameforge bring Revamp of Secret Dungeons on UK server. Now, they are need atleast 500k of Combat Power. Monsters have no drop, instead, rewards are fixed AFTER completion of dungeon: Fixed ED, Fixed EXP, Fixed Drop. Amount depending on difficulty. The most highest reward for Secret Dungeon with 5000000 Combat Power requirment. With 21 millions of ED. Here are example of Revamped Secret Dungeon in "Dragon Nest: Abyss" (Underworld). More over, the The "wall" behind Combat Power are unnecessary. I show it in my video. You do not need 500k for clear it. You can easily enough play even with less than half of requirment CP. It is just "paywall", as I name it (plus remember, more CP more ED). I don't like it. Because it is give a players unnecessery troubles (with ED gain include). First you need work hard to raise your CP, but then, when you actually raise it and play SD, you see that you on EASE run dungeon for 2-4 minutes? No challenge, no interest in play. Yes, this modern design of games nowadays are badly bad. Yeah, sure, rewards are cool. But despite of that, other things are bad (people with more highest CP will be affect Marketplace, for example). And if I'm got it right, the old equipment are too unavaible now. Instead, they added new accessories, which just increases ED gain and EXP from this SD. Unique stuff are gone. Press F
@josiahtitus1377 3 месяца назад
Despair reborn is a problem
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
Definetly this card bring chaos in unlimited. So much chaos. Everyone can play it and possibilities are countless. But, the problem already had been, when they are changed Soultaker. This card in instant dominated unlimited for one class. And unfortunately, both formats: rotation and unlimited - become less enjoyble after recent updates. Developers almost do not give a @@ about balance right now. Because their point is give a players as much new stuff, as they can, but what quality it is - not a big deal. The real changes will be when in summer they are made final updates for the game, along with new mode. It is only hope. P.s. but I'm believe, in the future devs will touch Soultaker and Despair Reborn. Because of new Leader and yesterday update, devs will not touch them any soon time. I'm sorry for such wall of text😅
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana 3 месяца назад
Yes. Though there not being a good counter to big stuff is a bigger problem. There should be cards with effects like: • Set the attack of all enemy followers to 1 (likely on a follower to not make it too good for board locking) • Whenever a follower comes into play, transform it into a Vagabond Lizard and give it Rush. (With a countdown). • Mass hard to avoid removal (e.g. return all followers to their owner's hands), with a high downside e.g. Give your leader the following effect: whenever you play a follower, banish it. This effect triggers 3 times, then is removed. Especially good as an accelerate or crystallise card, so it cannot be used easily with a finisher.
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
Also - 23:50
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
Monster cards, one of many things, which why I love Elsword. It's very interesting and fun. What a pitty, that in current state it's almost abandoned stuff in game. The are low on stats, even the are unique monster cards like Helputt (Heimdal). You even need lvl 8 Alhemist to craft him! But can properly use only in early dungeons after lvl 70. If one day, the Elsword will drop the monster card system in the future, like it dropped many other things before, then it will be sad day. When this happens, Elsword will no longer be Elsword.
@ElfWanderer 3 месяца назад
Still can lvling with LVL 10 weapon The bonus is using "Demon Slayer/Killer" title for The Final battle of Ranox against Scar!
@ElfWanderer 4 месяца назад
Do you still think PooPangs are harmless? Then they are coming for you!
@ElfWanderer 4 месяца назад
"Monster card Incubus: Incoolord" use - 5:16. Here you go!
@ElfWanderer 4 месяца назад
What it was lvling after 10 years? Well, In a nutshell it is mindless oneshots of everything. I dont' like it. So I use LVL 10 weapon. Only after that, I experienced the same difficulty as it was earlier, and the meaning of Elsword unique combat style. You need clear it only once. So 30 minutes for one time clear is not bad after all. Just for one time it is fine.
@ElfWanderer 4 месяца назад
Sorry, for a smoother record I lowered resolution screen. Sadly I'm hope, wathing this video even with skiping will make you enjoy atleast for a one moment! I know, there is 20 minutes. Remember when you can play Secret Dungeon or Latest Dungeons almost for 30 minutes? Yes, me too. Shadow Vein (Shadow Run) 12-8 one of oldfashioned dungeon in modern Elsword. Plus there are familiar enemies since Hamel. I used here Chaos Set+Demon Slayer (Demon Killer) title for wrack and chaos! Yeah, a lot of effects on hits. There is surprise for dungeon boss indeed. I used 4 ressurection stones. Yeah. I'm not used to play this dungeon to often
@ElfWanderer 5 месяцев назад
Just a good example of how may work Chronos in current expansion. The next one "letsplay" will show the Swarm itself For anyone who might interesting link below: shadowverse-portal.com/deck/3.5.7tiao.7tiao.7tiao.7iC0A.gwh7A.gwh7A.7gEms.7gEms.7gEms.7rmow.7rmow.7rmow.7pvAg.7pvAg.7pvAg.gyaSo.gyaSo.gyaSo.7puRo.7puRo.7puRo.7kAEI.7kAEI.7rhBs.7rhBs.7rhBs.7rm42.7rm42.7rm42.7rm4C.7rm4C.7rm4C.7iGA6.7iGA6.7iGA6.7iESQ.7iESQ.7iESQ.7roWc.7roWc?lang=en
@ElfWanderer 5 месяцев назад
Dragon's Valdain or haven's Marlone? You can't hold such powar! Machina Count to 10? Banish! Last words? Banish! Technolord? Chronos! Mono's Drive? Chronos! 50/50 gentlmens Sadly, but without Chronos, you will like in western duel - who shoot first You know, the time of Nateran's horrors and Belphomet, is my most unloved times. I even do not have any of sleeves from that time. Technolord had no counters, as like Valdains curse. "Mono SmOrc" no expetion too. Hate thit times most of all times in Shadowverse. Now, they bring them back. Yay?! Nope But glad, unlike in the past, now you can really play around it. That's good
@ElfWanderer 5 месяцев назад
Actually, I'm just lucky. My opponent give me a chance to see this deck works atleast once. Because speak to truth, it's should be failed again. To many mixed things:)
@ElfWanderer 5 месяцев назад
Before Ceridwen rotated out, I made a fun deck with her. And add some new cards, like Black Swan. I like this card before, and new one I like too. The main reason for this deck is actually "Flame and Glass, United". But it is not the only use! Even If I lose, it's good experience. I hope you enjoy such interesting deckbuilding as like me.
@ElfWanderer 5 месяцев назад
Before Ceridwen rotated out, I made a fun deck, which always wanted to try. This is it! The main reason for this deck is actually "Flame and Glass, United". But it is not the only use! I had a lot of fun playing it, even If I lose this match. I hope you enjoy such interesting deckbuilding as like me.
@ElfWanderer 6 месяцев назад
When I annihilated buff dragons as like breakfast (for 50/50 of course). But it's fun! I lazy to upload this since then aaaaaand finally! I used this before Resurgent Legends and before buff, and it is the most control experience I had for last years! That expasion gived a little hope for future 3 months. But current expansion reverse all back, sadly( Not completely. The new version of this deck for Resurgent Legend is works too, but much less. Not the one, I showed before this video. I have a new edit right now. Back to the topick, Yes, I very much like to play in that days:) It's was a really interesting deck! Also - 7:37
@ElfWanderer 7 месяцев назад
YES! THERE IS NOTHING, WHAT CAN YOU DO! You win before turn 5 where is unimaginable combos or lose. It's mere luck. That's all what you need to know Thanks!
@ElfWanderer 8 месяцев назад
New Mysteria Rune from Resurgent Legends is very annoying and unfun to play with. But, can I survive with 50+ HP? P.S. 11:00 - here you go!
@ElfWanderer 8 месяцев назад
New havencrafter deck for Resurgent Legends in day 1. And already interesting play indeed! Enjoy! Yes, with Elluvia, I no more need anything from new cards. P.S. Joking. Of course I need maaany new cards