Emmanuel Music
Emmanuel Music
Emmanuel Music
Emmanuel Music, a collective group of singers and instrumentalists, was founded in 1970 by Craig Smith to perform the complete cycle of over 200 sacred cantatas of J. S. Bach in the liturgical setting for which they were intended. Over the years, Emmanuel Music has garnered critical and popular acclaim through its presentations of large-scale and operatic works by Bach, Handel, Schubert, and Mozart as well as its in-depth exploration of the complete vocal, piano, and chamber works of Debussy, Brahms, Schubert, and Schumann.
Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227
16 часов назад
Emmanuel Goes to Leipzig!
4 месяца назад
Let the Music be Heard - Errollyn Wallen
5 месяцев назад
Wo gehest du hin?, BWV 166
5 месяцев назад
BWV 151 - Süßer Trost, mein Jesus kömmt
6 месяцев назад
Julia Perry - Stabat Mater
6 месяцев назад
Your Healing Word - Elena Ruehr
7 месяцев назад
Prayer - Marti Epstein
7 месяцев назад
BWV 22 - Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe
8 месяцев назад
BWV 78 - Jesu, der du meine Seele
8 месяцев назад
Tue Rechnung! Donnerwort - BWV 168
8 месяцев назад
Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, BWV 7
9 месяцев назад
Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 116
9 месяцев назад
Wachet! betet! betet! wachet , BWV 70
9 месяцев назад
Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV 36
9 месяцев назад
Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zei, BWV 106
9 месяцев назад
Freue dich, erlöste Schar , BWV 30
9 месяцев назад
Christmas at Emmanuel, Full Interview
10 месяцев назад
@gabordobrocsi5368 Час назад
@BernardGreenberg 21 час назад
Wow! Super-bravos to Clare and Michael for a heart-stopping aria!
@J3th973 4 дня назад
Singing with a mask? That's sick! The musicians should have refused to perform with a mask and protested instead! A historical document of madness, if you will...
@Happysongkla 6 дней назад
@BernardGreenberg 7 дней назад
This work is among my most beloved music in the whole world. I've known it since I was about 12, but only learned to gradually understand its text, theology, and counterpoint over the course of my life. I've sung it with various nonprofessional contexts, FWIW, but more often played it in part or whole on the organ (impromptu transcribed). Today's was as great a performance as I have heard in concert, service (and I've heard it at Emmanuel before), or recordings or videos. This makes me very proud to be part of the Emmanuel community. Congratulations to all involved! A very great day for the Emmanuel Community and the Bach world!
@marshallrichards69 7 дней назад
It is my biggest regret in life that I wasn't strong enough to join you in keeping the flame of this music. But I will never stop trying. And I still hold the flame in my heart, that one day I can make you proud, and teach the world what music is truly meant to be. My heart will always be with you and you will forever live in mine. <3. :_)
@marshallrichards69 7 дней назад
@KSfan4ever 7 дней назад
What a magnificent tour de force by these incredible musicians!!! The truly glorious voices of the four soloists and the awe-inspiring musicians especially the oboist Peggy Pearson and flautist Vanessa Holroyd, ably conducted by Ryan Turner, showcased a phenomenal performance. Thank you for posting!!
@marshallrichards69 11 дней назад
I sang "Ich Eile" with the Bach Institute. It's such a challenging piece. This tenor does a fantastic job! <3. The violinist flows flawlessly through those long passages and the cellist is powerfully exquisite! I miss you all more than words can express. Peggy never fails to bring me to tears with her graceful charm and playful poise. :_) You all do the world such a wonderful service by keeping this music alive.
@jonathanclemens4660 14 дней назад
Cantata BWV 56 Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen English Translation in Interlinear Format Cantata BWV 56 - I would gladly bear the cross-beam Event: Solo Cantata (for Bass) for the 19th Sunday after Trinity Readings: Epistle: Ephesians 4: 22-28; Gospel: Matthew 9: 1-8 Text: Johann Franck (Mvt. 5); Anon (Mvts. 1-4) Chorale Text: Du, o schönes Weltgebäude 1 Aria [Bass] Oboe I e Violino I all' unisono, Oboe II e Violino II all' unisono, Taille e Viola all' unisono, Continuo Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen, I would gladly bear the cross-beam, Er kömmt von Gottes lieber Hand, it comes from God's dear hand, Der führet mich nach meinen Plagen it leads me after my troubles Zu Gott, in das gelobte Land. to God, in the promised land. Da leg ich den Kummer auf einmal ins Grab, There I shall finally lay my anxiety in the grave, Da wischt mir die Tränen mein Heiland selbst ab. there my Saviour himself will wipe away my tears. 2 Recitative [Bass] Violoncello, Continuo Mein Wandel auf der Welt My wandering in the world Ist einer Schiffahrt gleich is like a journey by ship : Betrübnis, Kreuz und Not grief, suffering and distress Sind Wellen, welche mich bedecken are waves which cover me Und auf den Tod and with death Mich täglich schrecken; terrify me each day; Mein Anker aber, der mich hält, but the anchor which holds me Ist die Barmherzigkeit, is the compassion Womit mein Gott mich oft erfreut. With which my God often gladdens me Der rufet so zu mir: In this way he calls to me: Ich bin bei dir, I am with you, Ich will dich nicht verlassen noch versäumen! I shall neither abandon nor neglect you! Und wenn das wütenvolle Schäumen and when the sea's raging and foaming Sein Ende hat, comes to an end, So tret ich aus dem Schiff in meine Stadt, then I shall step from the ship into my city Die ist das Himmelreich, which is the kingdom of heaven Wohin ich mit den Frommen where with the righteous I Aus vielem Trübsal werde kommen. after many tribulations shall come. 3 Aria [Bass] Oboe solo, Continuo Endlich, endlich wird mein Joch Finally, finally will my yoke Wieder von mir weichen müssen. again have to fall away from me Da krieg ich in dem Herren Kraft, and then I shall get strength in the Lord, Da hab ich Adlers Eigenschaft, then I shall have an eagle's nature, Da fahr ich auf von dieser Erden then I shall ascend from this earth Und laufe sonder matt zu werden. And run without becoming weary. O gescheh es heute noch! If only this could happen today! 4 Recitative and Arioso [Bass] Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Ich stehe fertig und bereit, I stand ready and prepared Das Erbe meiner Seligkeit the inheritance of my bliss Mit Sehnen und Verlangen with longing and yearning Von Jesus Händen zu empfangen. to receive from Jesus' hands. Wie wohl wird mir geschehn, How happy I shall be Wenn ich den Port der Ruhe werde sehn. When I shall see the harbour of peace. Da leg ich den Kummer auf einmal ins Grab, There I shall finally lay my anxiety in the grave, Da wischt mir die Tränen mein Heiland selbst ab. there my Saviour himself shall wipe away my tears. 5 Chorale [S, A, T, B] Oboe II e Violino I col Soprano, Violino II coll'Alto, Taille e Viola col Tenore, Continuo Komm, o Tod, du Schlafes Bruder, Come,O death, you brother of sleep, Komm und führe mich nur fort; come and lead me away from here; Löse meines Schiffleins Ruder, release my little ship's rudder, Bringe mich an sichern Port! bring me to a safe harbour! Es mag, wer da will, dich scheuen, Those who will can shun you Du kannst mich vielmehr erfreuen; you can gladden me much more Denn durch dich komm ich herein since through you I shall come Zu dem schönsten Jesulein. To my most precious dear Jesus.
@gillan5 14 дней назад
Very fine-rgds from Germany
@gabordobrocsi5368 20 дней назад
@nancygranert7787 21 день назад
Spectacular!! Love love love to everyone!! Soloists 😍 Peggy😍 can’t wait until next week!
@briscaba 23 дня назад
0:53 is terrible !
@marshallrichards69 11 дней назад
Jesus man. You must be a lot of fun at parties, but I imagine that if you can critique this ensemble with such vimm, you must be one hell of a player.
@marshallrichards69 11 дней назад
I'm so curious... What exactly about that moment is "terrible"? I've only been a student of music for a little over 30 years, but I must be a bit dull to find that particular moment quite glorious. Please educate me.
@lrzezak 24 дня назад
Thanks for posting
@volkerf.sesselmann6783 Месяц назад
Möge nie wieder solch eine Zeit kommen, wo auf diese Art und Weise gezwungenermaßen musiziert werden MUSSTE.
@junkergeorg Месяц назад
Scritta a Weimar nel 1716 per la sedicesima domenica dopo la Trinità, questa cantata oggi può apparire cruda e mesta alla nostra sensibilità contemporanea, ma rispecchia il tema pietistico, e mistico, della morte come un addormentarsi tra le braccia del Padre, rafforzato dalla presenza del corale della Passione «Herzlich tut mich verlangen». Commenta così Alfred Dürr: «Nell'esegesi del tempo di Bach, la lettura del Vangelo sul giovane di Nain [Lc 7:11-17] spesso rappresentava un'opportunità per esprimere un desiderio [Verlangen] fervente della morte. La resurrezione di un defunto da parte di Gesù non veniva interpretata semplicemente come un'affermazione della vita, ma piuttosto compresa come parabola: un giorno anche Gesù mi riporterà in vita e quindi non posso desiderare niente di meglio di una morte precoce, che mi avvicinerà alla risurrezione tanto desiderata». Peraltro, Lutero affermava: «Devi vedere o considerare la morte non in sé stessa, non in te o nella tua natura, né in coloro che la morte ha vinto e che l’ira di Dio ha ucciso: altrimenti sarai perduto e sarai uno di loro. Piuttosto dovrai stornare da quest’immagine i tuoi occhi, i pensieri del tuo cuore e tutti i tuoi sensi in modo radicale, e con forza e perseveranza vedere la morte solo in chi e’ morto nella grazia di Dio e ha vinto la morte: anzitutto in Cristo […]. Allora, sì, la morte in queste immagini non ti apparirà né spaventosa né orrenda; ti apparirà invece schernita, morta, soffocata e vinta nella vita. Perche’ Cristo e’ vita soltanto […]. Cosi’ il tuo cuore ha pace e puo’ tranquillamente morire in Cristo e con Cristo». Infatti la vera morte è il peccato, conseguentemente, per dirla con S.Agostino, la paura più grande per l’uomo dovrebbe essere quella di rimanere prigioniero in quella condizione di schiavitù e dannazione di "non poter non peccare", l’unica via d’uscita è rappresentata quindi dalla "croce"" ovvero la fede nel sacrificio di Cristo. Il contesto scritturale è: Efesini 3:13-21 e Luca 7:11-17. Per apprezzare meglio il testo ne riporto una traduzione italiana. 1.Aria [Contralto] + Corale «Herzlich tut mich verlangen» alla tromba Komm, du süße Todesstunde, Da mein Geist Honig speist Aus des Löwen Munde; Mache meinen Abschied süße, Säume nicht, Letztes Licht, Dass ich meinen Heiland küsse. Vieni, dolce ora della morte, in cui il mio spirito gusta il miele dalla bocca del leone; rendi dolce il mio addio, senza tardare, luce ultima, per poter baciare il mio Salvatore. 2.Recitativo [Tenore] Mondo, il tuo piacere è un fardello, le tue dolcezze sono per me odiose come un veleno, la tua luce gioiosa è la mia cometa, e là dove si colgono le tue rose, innumerevoli spine tormentano la mia anima. La pallida morte è la rosea aurora in cui sorge per me un sole di gloria e felicità celeste. Sospiro dal profondo del cuore per l'ora finale della morte. Desidero ritrovarmi presto con Cristo, desidero abbandonare questo mondo. 3.Aria [Tenore] Il mio desiderio è abbracciare il Salvatore ed essere presto con Cristo. Sebbene in polvere e cenere mi ridurrà un giorno la morte, il puro splendore della mia anima brillerà come quello degli angeli. 4.Recitativo [Contralto] La fine è già venuta, buonanotte, mondo! L'unico conforto che posso avere è di morire tra le braccia di Gesù: è il mio dolce sonno. La fredda tomba sarà ricoperta di rose finchè Gesù non verrà a svegliarmi, finchè il suo gregge non sarà condotto ai dolci pascoli della vita, e la morte non mi separi più da lui. Arriva dunque, gioioso giorno di morte, suona dunque, ultima ora! 5.Coro [S,C,T,B] Se è la volontà del mio Dio, desidero che il fardello del mio corpo finisca nella nuda terra e lo spirito, ospite del corpo, si rivesta di immortalità nella dolce gioia del paradiso. Gesù, vieni a prendermi! Che sia la mia ultima parola. 6.Corale [S,C,T,B] «Herzlich tut mich verlangen» Il corpo sottoterra sarà consumato dai vermi, ma dovrà risorgere e da Cristo sarà trasfigurato, splenderà come il sole e vivrà senza pene nella gioia e felicità celesti. Che male può farmi allora la morte? Der Leib zwar in der Erden Von Würmen wird verzehrt, Doch auferweckt soll werden, Durch Christum schön verklärt, Wird leuchten als die Sonne Und leben ohne Not In himml'scher Freud und Wonne. Was schadt mir denn der Tod? Per ulteriori approfondimenti rimando a: www.luthergrewp.it/ewp/musica/johann-sebastian-bach/johann-sebastian-bach-herzlich-thut-mich-verlangen
@jgunther3398 Месяц назад
excellent performance, and i hope nobody caught anything!
@gardensare Месяц назад
Absolutely wonderful! 💜
@hermannsteep 2 месяца назад
Very interesting, thanks a lot for posting!
@marijolemoal6171 2 месяца назад
@aloisbreu6063 2 месяца назад
@susannestoffel2534 2 месяца назад
Bach=immer ein Wurf!
@НатальяАндреева-щ7е 3 месяца назад
Потрясающее исполнение Пярта! Великая вещь!
@НатальяАндреева-щ7е 3 месяца назад
Прекрасное исполнение великого Пярта! Браво! Просто чудесно!❤
@J3th973 3 месяца назад
Nothing against the musicians. But this is a bizarre concert: singers wearing masks, basically constantly singing with a mute and their breathing hindered! That's not acceptable. The only thing missing is for the woodwind players to put on masks during their breaks... This cannot be an appropriate, acceptable interpretation. Bach would turn in his grave. Absurd rules, absurd politics!
@charlottehoward2954 3 месяца назад
Fascinating lecture. Thank you so much for making this available to those of us who missed the in-person Emmanuel Music event. I had no idea how thoroughly enmeshed each cantata was with the reading and sermon for the day it was performed. These were full-scale theatrical events that Bach was producing. What a tremendous body of work.
@yh2682 4 месяца назад
아름답습니다 고마워요 😊🎉
@WinrichNaujoks 4 месяца назад
I can't believe they're even singing with gags.
@brauliofuenteszevallos3822 4 месяца назад
Porqué máscara!? 🤯 Bella música!! ❤️
@bornagainbornagain6697 4 месяца назад
Have a safe trip and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@gerryhill4820 5 месяцев назад
Outstanding performance (of a remarkable work)!
@Tomas-i6g 5 месяцев назад
Degrade people so much that they can play Bach in masks? Incomprehensible! Good thing this madness is over!
@user-mc9sg9fw3w 5 месяцев назад
Great video!
@jonathanclemens4660 5 месяцев назад
Cantata BWV 11 Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen [Himmelfahrts-Oratorium] English Translation in Interlinear Format Cantata BWV 11 - Praise God in his kingdoms [Ascension Oratorio] Event: Ascension Day Readings: Epistle: Acts 1: 1-11; Gospel: Markus 16: 14-20 Text: Luke 24: 50-51 (Mvt. 2); Acts 1: 9 & Mark 16: 19 (Mvt. 5); Acts 1: 10-11 (Mvt. 7a); Luke 24: 52 & Acts 1: 12 (Mvt. 7c); Johann Rist (Mvt. 6); Gottfried Wilhelm Sacer (Mvt. 9); Anon (Mvts. 1, 3, 4, 7b, 8) Chorale Text: Gott fähret auf gen Himmel 1 Chorus [S, A, T, B] Tromba I-III, Timpani, Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, Praise God in his kingdoms, Preiset ihn in seinen Ehren, extol him in his honours Rühmet ihn in seiner Pracht; acclaim him in his splendour. Sucht sein Lob recht zu vergleichen, Seek to express his praise rightly Wenn ihr mit gesamten Chören when with assembled choirs Ihm ein Lied zu Ehren macht! you make a song to his honour! 2 Recitative [Tenor] ( Evangelist) Continuo Der Herr Jesus hub seine Hände auf und segnete seine Jünger, The Lord Jesus raised his hands and blessed his followers, und es geschah, da er sie segnete, schied er von ihnen. and it happened that while he was blessing them he parted from them. 3 Recitative [Bass] Flauto traverso I/II, Continuo Ach, Jesu, ist dein Abschied schon so nah? Ah Jesus, is your departure already so near? Ach, ist denn schon die Stunde da, Ah, is it already the hour Da wir dich von uns lassen sollen? when we must let you leave us? Ach, siehe, wie die heißen Tränen Ah, see how the hot tears Von unsern blassen Wangen rollen, roll down our pale cheeks, Wie wir uns nach dir sehnen, how we gaze after you Wie uns fast aller Trost gebricht. how almost all our comfort is lost . Ach, weiche doch noch nicht! Ah, do not go away yet! 4 Aria [Alto] Violini all' unisono, Continuo Ach, bleibe doch, mein liebstes Leben, Ah, stay yet, my dearest life, Ach, fliehe nicht so bald von mir! ah, do not flee so soon from me Dein Abschied und dein frühes Scheiden Your departure and your early leaving Bringt mir das allergrößte Leiden bring me the greatest suffering. Ach ja, so bleibe doch noch hier; Ah then , still stay here; Sonst werd ich ganz von Schmerz umgeben. otherwise I shall be quite overwhelmed with sorrow. 5 Recitative [Tenor] ( Evangelist) Continuo Und ward aufgehoben zusehends und fuhr auf gen Himmel, And in their sight he was lifted up and went towards heaven, eine Wolke nahm ihn weg vor ihren Augen, und er sitzet zur rechten Hand Gottes. a cloud took him away from their eyes, and he sits on the right hand of God. 6 Chorale [S, A, T, B] Flauto traverso I/II in octava e Oboe I e Violino I col Soprano, Oboe II, Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, Continuo Nun lieget alles unter dir, Now all lies beneath you, Dich selbst nur ausgenommen; apart only from yourself; Die Engel müssen für und für the angels must for ever and ever Dir aufzuwarten kommen. come to wait on you. Die Fürsten stehn auch auf der Bahn Princes also stand by the road Und sind dir willig untertan; and are willingly subject to you; Luft, Wasser, Feuer, Erden air, water, fire and earth Muß dir zu Dienste werden. must all be at your service. 7a Recitative [Tenor, Bass] Continuo Tenor (Evangelist): Und da sie ihm nachsahen gen Himmel fahren, And as they gazed after him travelling to heaven, siehe, da stunden bei ihnen zwei Männer in weißen Kleidern, welche auch sagten: see, there stood by them two men in white robes, who also said: Tenor and Bass (Two Men): Ihr Männer von Galiläa, was stehet ihr und sehet gen Himmel ? You men of Galilee, why do you stand here and gaze towards heaven ? Dieser Jesus, welcher von euch ist aufgenommen gen Himmel, This Jesus, who has been taken from you to heaven wird kommen, wie ihr ihn gesehen habt gen Himmel fahren. will come again , as you have seen him travel to heaven. 7b Recitativo [Alto] Flauto traverso I/II, Continuo Ach ja! so komme bald zurück: Ah then ! return again soon: Tilg einst mein trauriges Gebärden, wipe away once and for all my sad demeanour, Sonst wird mir jeder Augenblick otherwise for me each moment Verhaßt und Jahren ähnlich werden. will be hateful and become like years. 7c Recitative [Tenor] ( Evangelist) Continuo Sie aber beteten ihn an, wandten um gen Jerusalem von dem Berge, But they worshipped him , then went back to Jerusalem from the mount der da heißet der Ölberg, welcher ist nahe bei Jerusalem und liegt einen Sabbater-Weg davon, which is called the Mount of Olives and which is near Jerusalem and is situated a Sabbath's journey away und sie kehreten wieder gen Jerusalem mit großer Freude. and they returned back to Jerusalem with great joy. 8 Aria [Soprano] Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe, Violini all' unisono Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke Jesus, your gracious look Kann ich doch beständig sehn. I can still see continually. Deine Liebe bleibt zurücke, Your love remains behind, Daß ich mich hier in der Zeit so that here in this present time An der künftgen Herrlichkeit Schon voraus im Geist erquicke, I may already beforehand refresh myself in spirit with the glory that is to come Wenn wir einst dort vor dir stehn. when we one day shall stand before you there. 9 Chorale [S, A, T, B] Tromba I-III, Timpani, Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Wenn soll es doch geschehen, When will it happen, Wenn kömmt die liebe Zeit, when comes the dear time Daß ich ihn werde sehen, that I shall see him In seiner Herrlichkeit? in his glory ? Du Tag, wenn wirst du sein, You day, when will you come Daß wir den Heiland grüßen, that we may greet the Saviour, Daß wir den Heiland küssen? that we may kiss the Saviour ? Komm, stelle dich doch ein! Come, be present soon!
@YQ2138 5 месяцев назад
@mrcool7140 5 месяцев назад
Something went terribly worng with the sound on this one 😂
@GertimAlberda 5 месяцев назад
Referring to what's in the description below the video. Advocate = the Church? No, "Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you", clearly does not refer to the Church, but to the Holy Spirit. I was even surprised to read it. Other then that, nice performance!
@klscomus 5 месяцев назад
Definitely one of the most original, captivaing and moving Requiems of recent vintage that deserves a place in the repertoire.
@YQ2138 6 месяцев назад
@dclaman 6 месяцев назад
1st section reminds me of Purcell's "When I am Laid in Earth" from "Dido and Aeneas."
@dennislamser3178 6 месяцев назад
This is one of Bach's most beautiful cantatas. As always, here it is wonderfully played and sung by all at Emmanuel, with Carley especially spectacular as ever. Thanks so much, you guys! Wish so much I had seen it in person. 👏👏👏
@kelvinsmallwood6315 6 месяцев назад
very good performance by a few people.
@1968KWT 6 месяцев назад
Premiered #otd (Easter Sunday) in 1708 💐💐💐
@soundknight 7 месяцев назад
Absolutely sublime, the magic of those words.
@BernardGreenberg 7 месяцев назад
What a stunning performance of difficult, gripping less-known repertoire! Thank you Katherine, Ryan, and the strings and production team!
@stephenkolarac5305 7 месяцев назад
The volume is far too soft to hear the speakers adequately
@infinitedesigns_io 7 месяцев назад
Amazing! So beautiful!
@elenaruehr4816 7 месяцев назад
so grateful to this amazing ensemble and Ryan Turner and Emmanuel
@butterflybeatles 7 месяцев назад
Fantastic music!