Martin Stivala
Martin Stivala
Martin Stivala
Is sagrifiċċji fil ktieb ta' Levitku
6 месяцев назад
Parasha Tetzaveh
7 месяцев назад
L-offerta ta' nofs Shekel
7 месяцев назад
Parasha Mishpatim
8 месяцев назад
Studju Bibbliku: Il-konvenzjoni ta' Ġetru
8 месяцев назад
Yitro Ġetru
8 месяцев назад
Parasha Vayera
8 месяцев назад
Parasha B'shalach
8 месяцев назад
Messianic Malta Congregation
10 месяцев назад
Rabbinin Intern Induction Ceremony. 21/10/2023
11 месяцев назад
Irrid Inqimek
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MiKamocha - Min hu bħalek
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Faħħruh HallelYah
Год назад
Isma Izrael (reprise)
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Isma Iżrael
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Год назад
Год назад
Kien biżżejjed (Dayenu)
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Ir 4 parti Galatin 3:1-11
Год назад
Pt 2 Gal 1 16 to 2 10
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@LucienBrebes-r7h 10 дней назад
Kulas Haven
@BrucePaula-m5u 11 дней назад
Stracke Passage
@HyunAndreola-i8e 17 дней назад
Antonia Divide
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob 2 месяца назад
Jien natural o gesu salvatuf ta ruhi ,ta gismi jien natural jien Int kull ma jien nadurak oh salvatur alla tieghi qatt ma sibt bhalek inti biss oh alla taghmilni shiva xi gmiel int oh Alla int tqajimni mil qieh u tigbidni lejk oh Alla intvl- ghola gmiel ta mohhi taqalbi ta ruhi ta riglejja ta idejja intbkolox ghailijja oh Alla tieghi jien natural kemm nixie q lil kullhadd jaf x ghamilt ghalieh u ghalieha u grazzi mil qalb u jbusukull salib li jaraw u ghaliek ipaxxu lilek u jcedhu biex il paci jgiebu filfamilja u fuq x - xoghol u fil knisja jkunu kind
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob 2 месяца назад
Kemm hi sabieha talba
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob 2 месяца назад
-many children did notvwant marriage why because thry saw bad couples fight AND STAYEDCBECAUSECOFVNOWHERE TO GO PUT UP WITH ALOT ANDCIF THR EYBLEFT WHO IS PERFECT SO HADCTO WORK THINGS OUT AND STAYED GOT A FIGHT FOR RIGHTS .ABOUT EVeRYTHING butvbetter telk the truth and fight for a good rea son and it get better sometimescmen don't fight forcwhat is good because they know it might not be that good or cannotctake for answer no thatvin every relationship thst no kills you inside so better stayvuntold and hurt then hear no drives one god knows what insane one has to find enlighten ment in biographies that takes you to meet best poeple of the world and foundctrue hard butcreal person to love true though hardships untruth thst many found gudas then theycwere driven far tovbe rid off in those extremes i read invtrue stories found true love manyvtimes true love comes in hospitalsa man named M ario i called him my .angel told me " in sufferring you find true love " i foundnpadre pio through hisckindness Mario my angel i hope hecis well thevmonks wanted him there give him cell he said i stay out sovi canbhelp morecout here my blessing Mario thtough a widow friend ivgotcsobblessed withbmy angel his mum he said loved him alot thstvis why Mario loves alot because he was loved alot Asinner and a saint he loved
@AlanFiott 8 месяцев назад
Martin Just a suggestion. Change lyrics to Fina, mexxina etc flok fijja mexxini etc we are the Church Ejja Spritu s-Santu - Martin Stivala Ejja Spirtu s-Santu ! Imlina bil-preżenza ! Itfa fuqna l-Qawwa ! Ejja Fina Għix ! (x2) Int l-Ilma tal-ħajja ! Nixxiegħa qatt ma tieqaf ! Int dak li tmexxina ! Ta’ ħajta ħu kontroll ! Ejja Spirtu s-Santu ! Imlina bil-preżenza ! Itfa fuqna l-Qawwa ! Ejja Fina Għix ! (x2) Int l-Ilma tal-ħajja ! Nixxiegħa qatt ma tieqaf ! Int dak li tmexxina ! Ta’ ħajjitna ħu kontroll !
@AlanFiott 8 месяцев назад
Bravu Martin !
@AlanFiott 8 месяцев назад
@JewlsBorg 10 месяцев назад
@victoriaagius8389 10 месяцев назад
@rosannazerafa3422 Год назад
How sweet and beautiful.. tears streaming down my face!
@evelynazzopardi3960 Год назад
Praise God almighty
@godfreycefai8423 Год назад
I pray to the Holy Spirit every single day.When i wake up and before i sleep❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob Год назад
They did not belrive Bernardette what fathrGod told her to do ,even with obedience toGod in you ,theyblaughed st her eating the grassatLourdes,but when a person obeysGod ,she orvhe does not care about judgement of humans as even tobobey to send good news dlthough sober thruth ,they go against you eith all sorst of different reasoning as in Maltese we say 100minds 100 different understanding znd zlso accirding to moods so to obey God saying you deliver even saints were persecured slot andcforgave the knes,fidt mrrytrr they three stones andckilled him StStephen so to go tobheaven Jesus suffered slot to open the door ofvgeaven for us all and to follow in his foitsteps is a prize to pzy,even if you give thrm news thst zre good,they do not accept thatbis why Jesus mention children to be like childlike as a child accrlts any prezent but adults are choosy snd wants more more and betrer snd better ,thry accrlt gifts but wants better snd better even serivces of love they want much more as if freedy we becimd so the fight is in our selves to fight goid and selgihness ,evry person tells you what she he is all about and if one dies not accept correction ,one go zgsinst correction thrn we never grow better do we
@carmelagrech2485 Год назад
Talba sabieha.🙏
@conniebartolo5377 Год назад
Very nice song
@carmelagrech2485 Год назад
Sabieha anki bil Malti
@beatricelundgren9096 Год назад
Thid holy song is my Favorite too .love it Thank you so much.🙏
@beatricelundgren9096 Год назад
Beautiful my Favorite song vera sabieha din it-talba Grazzi hafna
@beatricelundgren9096 Год назад
ilove this song so beautiful my Favorite. Thank you somuch
@jenniiferpiiter8868 Год назад
@beatricelundgren9096 Год назад
Beautiful song too love it
@beatricelundgren9096 Год назад
Love this song my Favorite too Thank you so much
@beatricelundgren9096 Год назад
Beautiful song love this my Favorite.
@robertdebono2810 Год назад
You who bring good tidings to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, "Here is your God!" See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and his arm rules for him. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him Isaiah : Chapter 40 Verses 9 - 10
@josephinefarrugia381 Год назад
Tifhir u glorja lilek Mulej ghal dejjem ta dejjem.
@josephinefarrugia381 Год назад
Ghanjiet sbieh ghax hekk jixraqlu l Mulej Alla taghna!
@philemonangwanga9587 Год назад
Sir remember us your followers of English speaking languages
@tereasabyers8353 Год назад
Grazzi ta kull min ghallimna infahruk Gesu ,ta kull persuna li ghalmuna fuqek Alla il misdier yijcrrs ta dutrina sacerdoti isqfijiet ta kemmvhabbewna hajjithomnkollha xommhom tahtvil wens tieghekMadona u ta kullnpersuna li tablet ghalina u ghall midjunarji li taw hajithomnkollha ghall gid tal fair u ghall Papiet li tawny tantcgid ta Sema u l- art ,tal genituri tantvhabbeqna u tawna ezempju tajjba biex I kunu tfall sew grazzi ta kull persuna li bnietni biex inkun dak it tajjeb li hemm go gijja u grazziGesu ta kemm taghmilni mara@znzjana kompleta u taghlimni blbimhabba veru tahfirli u taghlimni u biex jien naghmel lil hadiehor kief ghsllimt lili badder u nhobb nitlob il missierna u nahseb j8ef tahfer int d3jjemnlili biex nitghallem kulljum u nkun not OK iktar missier qaddies grazzi ta ibnekL- ghaziez
@BeatriceLundgren Год назад
thank you it is beautiful song too
@BeatriceLundgren Год назад
Thank you igen for this beautiful song like them so much
@BeatriceLundgren Год назад
thank you for this beautiful song it is my favorite
@BeatriceLundgren Год назад
beautiful song like so much thank you
@BeatriceLundgren Год назад
Thank you for the very lovely songs beautiful
@animeflex5297 Год назад
ܫܠܵܡܵܐ ܥܲܠܟ݂ܘܿܢ = Assyrian Aramaic ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ = Arabic שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם = Hebrew is-sliem għalikom = Maltese
@tereasabyers8353 2 года назад
Love letter from your father,who created you For I am the Perfect father Matthew 5:: 48 The chapter ofDivine Mercy O BLOOD AND WATER FOUNT OF MERCY I TRUST IN YOU, Our father,who art in heaven hallowed be thy name,thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. GIVE US ,THIS DAY,,OUR DAILY BREAD; AND FORGIVE OUR TRESPASSES; AS WE GORGIVE THOSE,WHO TRESPASS AGAINDT US ANDCLEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL,,
@tereasabyers8353 2 года назад
God lives in praise of his people
@mariafiorillo1928 2 года назад
Gesù aiutaci a portare la nostra croce , come tu lai portata x noi , misericordia 🙏 x noi misericordia 🙏 misericordia 🙏.
@conniebartolo5377 2 года назад
very nice song god bless you all.
@conniebartolo5377 2 года назад
very nice song tks god that you are near
@mariafiorillo1928 2 года назад
Che dolcezza sarà una preghiera? Sé e così e bellissima l'ascolto come preghiera e che Dio ci aiuti a non perdere la retta via e bellissima che dolce voce ti mette Pace nel cuore questa soave voce ti entra nel profondo dell'anima Dio ci ascolti mediante la tua bella voce soave
@martinstivala 2 года назад
Si tratta di attendetre il Signore in situazioni e circostanze.
@conniebartolo5377 2 года назад
Tks for this song, ,god is good all the time amen
@conniebartolo5377 2 года назад
Tks god for your love you have for me .I trust in you god
@mariafiorillo1928 2 года назад
Vieni spirito divino illuminaci illumini le nostre menti offuscate illumini il nostro cammino
@martinstivala 2 года назад
Ciao Maria. Hai facebook?
@jaif7327 Год назад
tikellem bil malti?
@mariafiorillo1928 Год назад
No' veramente ,sono desolata 💋
@raymondbonnici4211 2 года назад
What aloud of shit
@mariafiorillo1928 2 года назад
Amen Gesù anche se non comprendo la lingua sento che è una preghiera è dolce trasmette Pace e con questa preghiera Dio dia la pace a tutto il mondo
@mariafiorillo1928 2 года назад
Ché bella melodia non comprendo la lingua ma lo avverto a sensazione quando un canto e bellissimo come questo sarà una preghiera speciale molto
@mariafiorillo1928 2 года назад
Che dolcezza infinita bellissima una preghiera speciale molto sentita nel profondo dell'anima e bellissima dolce veramente straordinaria l'ascolterò tutti i giorni sarà aggiunta alle mie preghiere 🙏
@mariafiorillo1928 2 года назад
Che bel canto dolcissimo lo lo ascolto tutti i giorni il Signore ci dia la forza e il coraggio sempre di andare avanti nella sua volontà Gesù compie miracoli