Public Law & Policy Program @ Berkeley Law
Public Law & Policy Program @ Berkeley Law
Public Law & Policy Program @ Berkeley Law
The Public Law and Policy Program continues Berkeley Law’s long tradition of scholarship on issues of constitutional and administrative law, and judicial and legislative process. It focuses in particular on the separation of powers, the balance of authority between the federal and state governments, interpretation, and public policymaking. The Program advances its mission by supporting research and scholarship, and holding events to generate public discussion and understanding of the interaction between law and public policy.
Who Are the Oligarchs?
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Privacy in the Digital Age
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SCOTUS Roundup 2022 | (09.28.2022)
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The Dying Citizen | Event (04.12.2022)
2 года назад
Supreme Court Roundup | Panel 10.04.2021
2 года назад
Supreme Court Reform | Panel (02.22.2021)
3 года назад
Impeachment 2.0 | Panel (02.08.2021)
3 года назад
@silone20101 5 месяцев назад
Very deep in the laws school.
@LuckyCharmsMiniFarms 6 месяцев назад
I just bought this book it appears to be very wonderful.
@Devfullfaithandcredit 6 месяцев назад
Please be advised that mandatory oversight is, in my opinion, needed on both sides of the fence. This type of bickering is as silly as pledging alegence to the chips or the bloods and is exactly the ideologies that are deviding this once great county.
@aliciaperez1519 9 месяцев назад
Are you real or just a data set of people
@romibajwa7153 10 месяцев назад
@Libertarianmobius1 10 месяцев назад
The Hispanic conservative vote will save America but the democrats will make sure that we pay hell for our decision to deviate from the delusional pathetic doctrination. The democrat affluent elite class is the most dangerous segment in our society
@pebblepod30 11 месяцев назад
The pro crime polcies in Cali & NY have - surprise surprise - made crime skyrocket. Repeat offenders do not usually deaire to change and so maximum jaol sentence is for the best, where they canr hurt others.
@thomasward5833 11 месяцев назад
Congrats to Kesler, it must have been very difficult not to mention the influence of God and the Bible in the development of morals, the Constitution and education. I noticed he failed to mention the father of public education under the Constitution, Benjamin Rush. I understand, Rush was a Christian and advocated for teaching the Bible in public schools. Other than that Kesler’s presentation was quite good.
@alitlweird 11 месяцев назад
All of the Founding Fathers were devout Christians. ✝️🇺🇸🥳
@HerbMoore3 8 месяцев назад
"Liberal" Democrats are befeft of DECENCY, ETHICS and MORALS. This is not a question of "Religion"; it's a question of DEGENERACY and HEDONISM: DECENT Atheists would not identify as "Liberal Democrat".
@johnyoungman5865 Год назад
Mr. Davis Hanson I hope you're well. I listen to everything I can find with your name on it. Happy birthday early Sir.
@user-pz1bc1sn9i Год назад
Correction 7132020 iam telling the truth investigate
@user-pz1bc1sn9i Год назад
They put me in rehab for passing all my. Drug tests yavvapi county
@user-pz1bc1sn9i Год назад
Help please stop these tyrants
@user-pz1bc1sn9i Год назад
Pre meditated incarceration I was falsely arrested and charged for assult x 2 and tresspass 7 12 2020 when they asulted me and they were tresspassing at my residence yavvapi county arizona help
@user-pz1bc1sn9i Год назад
My rights have been violated and right now being violated illegal monitoring in my residence and bedroom I am not on probation technology spying on me yavvapi county arizona it feels like rape
@georgekuchma6185 Год назад
Shame on you Mr Former person. Your ilk appropriated a term that is rooted in the black community and piled there upon every vile and disoriented w2ords you can vomit up.
@djimiwreybigsby5263 Год назад
Hard to keep comments respectful when these big players are swinging their dicks around and slapping our faces with their culture warrior war crimes... And their virtual monopolies are insuring that we pay for the privilege of getting fucked out of informational freedom
@ZeteticPlato Год назад
I'm not Billy the Kid Shazam!
@ZeteticPlato Год назад
@hoagied3783 Год назад
I agree with outcome of applying privacy protections against new tech but in defense of the originalists, why can’t these changes be done through legislation and democracy, rather than the opinions of 9 unelected lawyers with lifetime appointments?
@yoinkling Год назад
@iceorbz Год назад
Man second professor made this really hard to listen lol. The pitch tone and turning away from the mic was crushing my stereo.
@ohboypeach Год назад
Happy this important issue is being discussed in Academic spaces.
@Chaotic_314 Год назад
Ados needs to be spoken about more often
@mavi8218 Год назад
ADOS is law
@purpleglitter9596 Год назад
ADOS are owed reparations
@boomerhooked8115 Год назад
ADOS are owed a debt.
@rashidbelike9430 Год назад
OK I'm seeing more & more people understand that Ados & other Black groups are not the same.
@H3adph0ne Год назад
Shout out to the Foundation, Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore for changing how we view classifications within the Black Community in the United States; American Descendant’s Of Slavery (ADOS)
@TheBriRu 2 года назад
@214jauci 2 года назад
I can’t believe I just discovered Richard Epstein. Absolute wisdom that is sorely needed in public discussion. Thanks for sharing this lecture.
@sagecreekwitt3301 2 года назад
Your life will never be the same! He's one of the smartest men alive.
@dragonslayer69420 Год назад
its like chugging knowledge juice, gotta take breathers and breaks if youre gonna digest it all
@nikmurano8013 5 месяцев назад
He’s a national treasure
@garyk.nedrow8302 2 года назад
Early in 2020, I argued that the lock down strategy -- that China had adopted and Europe had copied -- didn't work. The proof was in the European clinical data, which was publicly available. What the data showed, in country after country, is that the strategy did not prevent infections or deaths; it merely flattened the infection rate, and then only briefly. Epstein was, at that time, the only prominent American voice protesting the lock downs. Of course, we were both ignored -- but, as it turned out, we were both right. Sweden was the only country that followed the science and refused to lock down. All other Western nations locked down as tight as they could, citing the emergency powers of government (as Epstein explains in this video). And predictably, Sweden -- with no lock down -- had no worse Covid statistics than their neighbors. Indeed, countries that locked down the hardest, using totalitarian powers, actually made matters worse and extended the pandemic, as China's continuing struggle with Covid illustrates. America did not suffer China's fate in part because of the Covid vaccine, but also in part because Americans refused to stay locked down, despite the best efforts of the American administrative state. If there had been no Covid restrictions in America, our statistics would have looked like Swedens'. Epstein's criticism of the administrative state is more than a well-reasoned legal argument. It is a profound commentary on the role of government and the appropriate limits of government in a free society. Unfortunately, we cannot suggest that universities make this video required viewing for their students, because 90% of those students couldn't follow the logic of Epstein's argument or the torrential flow of his rhetoric. But most students can read. Perhaps Epstein himself could condense his remarks into a short paper for the edification of the public and academia. Because he is right about the excesses of the administrative state, and once again, he is being ignored. He deserves a wider audience.
@LEEEEMO 2 года назад
I have one answer. Yes.
@kennethobrien8386 2 года назад
Love Prof. Kesler!
@kennethobrien8386 2 года назад
Prof. Epstein is utterly brilliant!
@johnwinters1518 2 года назад
Mr. Barnett needs to be appointed as a constitutional advisor to the next Republican president.
@thejohnbeck Год назад
And we all need to know it better
@birdyang 3 года назад
I understand Dean Erwin is well respected in the legal community. However, I can’t help but wonder his intentions of non-stop raising details about the past in multiple occasions after RBG’s death that he requested RBG to retire......instead for the motive to prove he was right? Over a dead person? I don’t see anything respectful about such behaviour.
@zacharystackhouse6595 3 года назад
Since their term would still be “during good behavior,” wouldn’t a change to the judiciary act be sufficient, without constitutional amendment, to provide that appellate judges be dual appointed to SCOTUS, and cycle through terms on the Supreme Court, similar to panels of the circuit courts?