Michael Mouris
Michael Mouris
Michael Mouris
Michael Mouris Pharm D. is a a practicing Pharmacist in Belmont drugs pharmacy in kitchener, ON with a passion for creative learning.
@olagharib-3540 5 дней назад
ممكن تطمنا على مدام ديزي من فضلك
@Srindal4657 Месяц назад
I've tried to load up on water, as a test to see whether I can fix my problems myself. I'm also doing belly breathing. This is the first day that things seem quiet. It's getting noisier but I think that's just the progress of the day.
@rundbaum 2 месяца назад
i feel a strong centerdness in the ctr of my head--i am removing the mercury in my mouth from the 1970s to strregthen this zone & a metal cleanse too; also, i think i have candida from doing pychoactive drugs . . .
@C-los1989 2 месяца назад
Wow ⁉️
@adrydungscraper 4 месяца назад
This video tells you nothing about schizophrenia. May I suggest The Politics of Experience and the Divide Self by RD Laing. When you are finished with those i suggest Steps to ecology of Mind by Gregory Bateson.
@ramblingrob4693 4 месяца назад
500mg of Paracetamol Nurofen £2.99 for 12-16 tabs vs 500mg Paracetamol Cheap packaging Joe Bloggs £0.79p
@dylanrose1003 4 месяца назад
I am in a college class right now learning about harm reduction programs and I can understand why they are controversial. I see the programs as a way to save lives. Thank you for educating people on the programs!
@targetedindividualjros1745 5 месяцев назад
Someone who spells "induced" wrong is explaining psychosis to me? 😂 you must be delusional! Seek help and try these medications 💊 💊
@kevinosullivan2440 5 месяцев назад
Here's your difference in just a few seconds. You take a prescription to the pharmacist and he tells you... " I don't know why ,but for some reason the generic version of your medication and name brand of your medication is the exact same price!....which would you like?".....THERES YOUR DIFFERENCE!
@LK-bz9sk 5 месяцев назад
If administering this to try save a life why would someone give them cocaine?
@MengzisDisciple 6 месяцев назад
THC numbs the amygdala system (dopamine). Why it can lead to "contentment" (the insula system). But the insula system has more connection with schizophrenia and manic-depression--noradrenaline levels (and DMT found in the insula--probably used for dream production, as insula is involved in sleep cycles). Schizophrenics are found with high levels of serotonin, DMT, noradrenaline. With two of these being hallucinogens that cause delusions and euphoria--mania. Just ask someone who has tried DMT. Dopamine is just sugar, although there is a hit of opioids involved to make you want more--this is the cause of all addictions, such as cocaine, alcoholism, and heroin use. But this is why THC is not addictive--it numbs the dopamine system and increases "contentment" (insula). Those seeking "Enlightenment" will often use THC, LSD, DMT, or Magic Mushrooms (or just meditate a lot) to bypass the much used amygdala system (vices--pleasures and pains) to reach the blissful serene area of the insula (connected with virtues--like empathy, truth, righteousness--virtues). If you smoked pot, you would know you are not getting "pleasure" from it---rather you are reaching "bliss" (contentment).
@djisydneyaustralia 6 месяцев назад
2:56 well the positive is when all the voices commend you and talk positively instead of trashing you to the point of extreme suicidal ideology.
@jorgeascenciophoto 6 месяцев назад
You are a liar
@AndrewNoble-g8g 7 месяцев назад
I honestly believe that drug induced psychosis opens your conscience to a different dimension to an extent, people who take dmt,the toad and alyynusia (forgive my spelling)-i was coming of medication after Many years and I had an experience that showed me that there is more to this life than us, our wee planet and everything we are told is the truth life and we must conform,well considering we only use a small portion of our brain,i believe our ancestors may not have had the technology ee have today but we're blessed with a higher consciousness we will never experience
@lameetcalice3845 8 месяцев назад
Ritualistic classifying surgery as a means of psychic castration, like circumcision and sub-incision, are hallmarks of patriarchal culture, a demonstration to the young that the venerable old ones still wield the all-powerful knife - and the beginning of transsexualism. Those who do not perform the cult's rite can never enjoy full social status. Symbols of the castrated member, the tie and bow-tie, are mandatory accoutrements of the political wardrobe and phallic monuments are erected to commemorate the minds conquered long ago. Brute force is no longer necessary. The capitalist priest class of Psychiatry, working in tandem with the State bureaucracy, regulates and polices the new Restriction and gelding of desire. Psychiatrists, along with other legal arbiters, help to obscure justice with grey areas of intentionality, mental state, etc. Some mistake this as a system of Liberty, ignorant of the fact that Psychiatric Control is a cornerstone of the perfected Totalitarian State. All modern illnesses come from the absurd and tragic struggle of man's inability to bridle Nature. This dogma echoes perpetually, omnisciently by understanding voices in self-help books, billboards, radio commercials and television talk shows to convince the public to practice continual self-suppression and hormonal restraint. Any deviation is an indication of something severely wrong with the individual. Perhaps Lycanthropic Transformation Rites are in some way a Psychic Preparation for the millennial calamities that are thought to lie ahead. Malum In Se/Malum Prohibitum Nothing moral requires authority. Authority is the claim to the exclusive exemption to morality. It is a monopoly on violence. Violence is a violation because it is the initiation of aggression, not self-defense. Offense/defense are ontologically distinct. All crime has a legal equivalent (ie, taxation is extortion). Every government is founded on Ad Baculum. Warren v. District of Columbia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales DeShaney v. Winnebago County Lozito v. New York City You are legally compelled via the logical fallacies Ad Populum, Ad Baculum and Ad Verecundiam to pay for protection that they are not legally obligated to provide. That's a mafia. The highest Abrahamic value is Ignorance of Good and Evil. It's right there in Genesis. They worship Yaldabaoth, God of the Scapegoaters: God blames Man; Man blames Woman; Woman blames Serpent; Serpent blames God, more accurately - the Serpent defines God. God Condones Child Rape No.s 31: 17-18 God Condones Rape Deut. 22: 28-29 God Condones Abortion No.s 5: 11-31 Unquestioning Obedience to Government Rom.s 13: 1-7 Legalism is a Language of Equivocations, a process of assimilation to violence and illogic. Etymology: government Gubernare: to control Mens/Mentis: mind culture Colere: to inhabit, to till Cult: collective mind -ure: process of civilize, etc. Civitas: city -ize: to do/to make like police, policy, politics, polite Polis: city authority Auctor: master, father, creator -ity: quality of religion Religare: to bind fast, to place an obligation on -ion: noun-forming suffix uniform Uni-: one Form: shape They lump themselves into a group. They want all the collective praise and none of the collective blame (No True Scotsman). If they were truly concerned for their reputation they wouldn’t wear a uniform. Badges are just snowflakes. "Everything is metamorphosed into its opposite to perpetuate itself in its expurgated form. All the powers, all the institutions speak of themselves through denial, in order to attempt, by simulating death, to escape their real death throes. [...] For example: it would be interesting to see whether the repressive apparatus would not react more violently to a simulated holdup than to a real holdup. Because the latter does nothing but disturb the order of things, the right to property, whereas the former attacks the reality principle itself." - Jean Baudrillard (Simulacra & Simulation - 1981) "Our rulers, who rule our symbols, and so rule a symbolic class of life, impose their own infantilism on our instituitions, educational methods, and doctrines. This leads to maladjustment of the incoming generations which, being born into, are forced to develop under the un-natural (for man) semantic conditions imposed on them. In turn, they produce leaders afflicted with the old animalistic limitations. The vicious circle is completed; it results in a general state of human un-sanity, reflected again in our instituitions. And so it goes, on and on." - Alfred Korzybski (Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics - 1933) "I am a cosmopolitan." - Diogenes "If I could not be Alexander, I should wish to be Diogenes." - Alexander the Great "A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years." - Lysander Spooner (No Treason: Constitution of No Authority - 1867) "It is incredible how as soon as a people become subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and willingly that one is led to say that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement." - Étienne de la Boétie (Discours de la servitude volontaire ou le Contr'un - 1577) "Leadership in government is political power, and political power is an official form of antagonizing the people. Politics are rules imposed upon the people. They have every man in a straight jacket and without a passport he cannot move a toe. In a free world, they violate the natural rights of every citizen. They have become the weapons of political despots and if you don't think as they think you're deprived of your passport." - Michael Chaplin as Rupert Macabee (A King in New York - 1957) "Imagine, if you will, a world filled only with criminals of whom there are two classes: those too honest to rationalize their crimes and the powerful who scapegoat them." - Rod Serling "Eye have no Moral Obligation to ask permission from the person to whom Eye Morally Object if Eye may exercise mEye Moral Objection." - Unknown %##%%%%%%%
@wellbodisalone 8 месяцев назад
It was a very informative video!
@greg9069 8 месяцев назад
Rhodes Percocet 10. They are completely fraudulent.. the DEA needs to go shut them down. Their generic Percocet is basically only 1/5th of the medicine advertised, and has horrible side effects. Yet after having to go to war to get medicated for severe chronic debilitating pain, when you finally get a prescription, you fill it, and realize the pills are bunk, and you’re now not only in pain, you’re furious.
@EjokhayeUujamhan 8 месяцев назад
Thank you so much. This was very helpful
@TonyContiniProductions 8 месяцев назад
Psychosis does not equal "bad trip" That doesn't even make sense, sir.
@Peter-xo6bn 8 месяцев назад
Been there done that played guinea pig for years. The truth to this answer is they do not have a clue its a guessing game and Your test subject. I seen it change a persons personality in some scary ways even making them reckless.
@j.w2000 8 месяцев назад
I've actually just not long completed training and got some prenoxad(naloxone) as a pre filled syringe in a yellow case as in the UK I can legally own a kit if I have undergone training, which I have and have a kit as you never know.
@MarcelWolf-e2d 9 месяцев назад
i got it from a vape/vaporizer. it was horror, pure horror.
@Neski22 9 месяцев назад
This is super helpful!
@amberspears2583 10 месяцев назад
This is very helpful thank you
@heimboygaming7114 10 месяцев назад
Great video! Thanks.
@CrnaPtica 10 месяцев назад
Bravoooooo !!!!!!
@ElSantoLuchador 11 месяцев назад
I've done tons of psychedelics my whole life. Shrooms, LSD, Salvia, Ayhuasca, etc. It is my personal opinion that full blown psychosis won't occur without an underlying disorder like schizophrenia. If you're a young enough schizo you may not even be aware of it. The bad part of bipolar and schizophrenia is that the bad stuff only starts to happen when you're in your early 20's. IMO this is the only sure fire way to drug induced psychosis. I'm bipolar, and the only thing that made me go full on manic was large doses of adderall. Do not take meth pills if you're bipolar, or for the love of god start your mood stabilizers first.
@02Huntet 11 месяцев назад
Wish I knew what to do for my 33 yr old son who had schizo affecxia with bipolar - he lives on the streets because he cannot get along not follow anyone’s rules. But of course living on streets leads to drug use ….. He’s not going to survive living this way much longer and out GOV mental health help in KS is severely broken!
@skippingbear92 11 месяцев назад
I never thought that generics are worse because of the cost. It’s cause they are different. Adderall generic have some different side effects than the brand
@TemerityPascal 3 месяца назад
YES. Thank you. Brand name adderall works great for me, but the generics often give me a hard to describe “inflamed” feeling that feels like a mild flu
@brianlarson1952 11 месяцев назад
Great information keep it up
@NoThankYouToo 11 месяцев назад
This is not accurate for all drugs
@Game-ls2mo 11 месяцев назад
is speed Psychosis possible? My friend is addicted....
@cheesygerit2299 11 месяцев назад
lemme tell ya, that one time i stayed awake for 7 days straight, ripped thru a 10g bag of amphetamine, saw shadow people and shit, after i finally went to sleep i woke up with mad psychosis, shit lasted for 3 weeks n almost had me blow my head off dont abuse drugs kids
@ronlentjes2739 Год назад
TV and mainstream media is a huge source of the generation of psychosis and schizophrenia and the like. And bad food aids this degeneration. Literally people will say that the TV is sending them messages. Well just go study propaganda and brainwashing techniques and the art of subliminal seduction! Also notice the use of the twirling circles on news channels. It's not called "programming" for nothing. Huge $profits$ are made out of manipulating the public. So put you middle finger up to the tube, turn off the TV and sources of mainstream media, subliminal programs and music - study the lyrics! And eat healthy whole foods and no processed foods and no table salt hint hint (use large chunky salts instead) - that is avoid Aluminum in food and deodorants and foil and cookware. Take care of what you watch, hear, put on your skin and what you eat. Cause you are what you watch, hear, put on your skin and what you eat!
@victoriae.2371 Год назад
Bad advice to call 911 first. Person can die while you're on phone. Admister, then dial! Better yet, get someone else to call while you administer Narcan.
@gerahuey3706 Год назад
Thank you!! This is the very best explanation for hypothyroidism that I've heard a lot of explanations!!
@betaomega04 Год назад
Unfortunately, I believe my identical twin brother probably has Drug-Induced Psychosis.
@Sadie_the_bordercollie Год назад
I have all symptoms, but my doc didn't do the second test on me for the t4 stuff. because my tsh levels are normal. But you can apparently have it while having normal TSH levels- but oh well- if I have it, I have it, but will never know from that doc lol
@Jdrummer77 Год назад
Great informative and thorough video.
@alexisgreen-hernandez8604 Год назад
My ex has psychosis which, really Joker Syndrome 🃏 he is a psychopath. They are mean and ruthless.
@JoshLooperMusic Год назад
Sister Psychosis don’t got a lot to say. Go let it out!
@danielalvarez9865 Год назад
What if i had a headache for like 2 weeks?
@ryanpartartpartmusic Год назад
psychosis for some people is a state where their unconscious bleeds over into consciousness before they’re ready for it. I’m under the impression that if you acquaint yourself with some of the more abstract philosophical and psychological translations of reality before doing drugs, these deep unconscious aspects of who you are won’t be as petrifying. The obsessive type usually don’t mind these strange mental states, and it doesn’t usually bug them for too long. “Beauty in excess” comes natural to some, even if there are inherent dangers in this idea. For those who aren’t ready to face these things, of course psychosis would happen. The brave are also fools, they like to overcome themselves and destroy their previous notions of reality. In doing this, it’s obviously very difficult. Nobody is truly prepared for it when it happens, but allowing yourself to adapt to new concepts might be the key. Some people are just fools, and will die at the hands of this concept. The individual search is the only thing that will ever be truthful, so don’t take what I have to say as being in support or in opposition of any idea. What do I know? Im just a curious guy.
@ronch550 Год назад
I pay way less for genetic Omeprazole compared to the branded one (which is also generic), and even way less than the innovator brand Prilosec. Even compared to the branded Omeprazole, I pay just 5% the cost with generics.
@SunsetAngel69 Год назад
Very good presentation! Keep up the good work
@Brenduh03 Год назад
Did anyone ever not recognize your family members while in a drug induced psychosis?
@longusdongus7926 Год назад
Dph be like
@lakhbinderjitsingh7795 Год назад
Mystical experience GOD lights and heaven's IMEGS having pictures and only the heaven's changes not hallucinations reason can be captured by smartphone is it still psychosis my question ok
@michelleoneill5420 Год назад
Speak a little louder
@callmeinfested Год назад
Yep this happened to me on 450mg DXM + 200 Benadryl last night, people I knew would appear at the end of my bed and we'd start talking. After about three minutes they'd dissolve into thin air, then their particles would turn into bats, the bats would fly at me then fly in circles around my head. The walls and everything I focused on would spiral out of control in so many motions, I was so dissociated that I would accidentally keep my eyes open for five minutes forgetting to blink. Also, there were about 20 shadow people around my home, kept hearing voices and tinnitus buzzing, all my furniture turned into wasp nests. At one point there were three paralysis demons chilling around my room sitting in chairs, then my boss from work standing in the corner on his phone not saying anything. After awhile, I didn't even care anymore, people would dissolve, the bats would fly and I wouldn't even react to it. I thought I'd wake up in a psych ward with a lifelong episode. I woke up the next day feeling great.. made me value mental clarity so much, we have to be grateful.
@LuisHernandez-xb5dv Год назад
So I’ve smoked weed straight non stop for 4 months the all of a sudden I started feeling paranoia as if someone was watching me or I was going to get caught so I decided to drop it , one week later I start having horrible psychosis as hallucinations and was feeling very off I started seeing stuff and the ceiling get smaller and all that stuff a couple months I was feeling better but I e tried it again over 2 months ago and ever since then Ive been feeling it all again the desociation and thoughts I’ve never had , I just hope it goes to normal I’ve been having a hard time with my family and partner I feel like it’s also affecting them tho but I’m not sure if it also can be triggered by smell or any other stuff