Straight Talk With Trevor
Straight Talk With Trevor
Straight Talk With Trevor
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@guardianmalakim9844 8 часов назад
1 Corinthians 16:2 KJV(i) 2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. This verse in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek declares that people are to work on the first day of the week = Sunday and whatever they prospered for working on that day, set it aside as a collection for those who are struggling and in need. Then when the Apostle arrives later on in the week, he can gather all the donations so he can deliver those donations to those in need. This verse proves that SUNDAY was not a day off of work for a religious assembly. In the above video, someone accidentally typed ( ACTS 29:7 ) when referring to ( ACTS 20:7 ) ACTS 20:6 - 7. 6 And we sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and came unto them to Troas in five days; where we abode seven days. 7 And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. VERY IMPORTANT: Here we see something very powerful, they were still obeying the Biblical FEAST DAYS of Unleavened bread, long after the death, resurrection and ascension to Heaven of Christ. Note: The Biblical time here is identifying that the apostles were preaching on the 7th Day SABBATH according to the 10 COMMANDMENTS and preaching all the way past sunset on Saturday, which Biblically becomes Sunday the first day of the week, Biblical time and the apostle preached up to midnight, which was on Saturday Night ROMAN time, but Sunday, the first day of the week Biblical time. These verses do not declare that SUNDAY is the new or replacement day for the 7th Day Sabbath.., but rather they declare that the Holy Days were still being obeyed, including the Feast of Unleavened Bread, feast of weeks = Shavuoth / Pentecost and the 7th Day Sabbath and other Holy days. There simply isn't a single verse in the entire original copy text of the Bible that declares the abolition of the 7th Day Sabbath or any of the Biblical Holy Days. Nor is there any original text Scripture instituting Sunday as a memorial day for Christ's resurrection, precisely because Christ was factually raised from the dead on SATURDAY before sunset on the 7th Day SABBATH. Shockingly the original 1611 KJV has the correct understanding in MATTHEW 28:1 1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. Yet the later NKJV translation falsifies the text of Matthew 28:1 28 1 Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. The Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts clearly state that it was still the Sabbath Day, yet it was inside the latter part of the Sabbath Day, meaning Saturday, before sunset. The 1611 KJV uses the English word " DAWN " in this verse, but this word " dawn " does not refer to ( sun rise / dawning of the sun ), but rather means ( to draw near ) i.e. it just dawned on me, meaning you were thinking about something and all of a sudden you realized something you never thought of before. In the beginning of the 7th Day Sabbath is Friday after sunset = Friday night. In the end of the 7th Day Sabbath is Saturday, before sunset, before Saturday night. Biblical days consist of sunset to sunset = 12 hours of darkness then 12 hours of day light = a 24 hour period of time for one day, as Genesis chapter one gives example and the LAW of Moses dictates for Holy days. Christ was already risen from the dead before the sun had set on Saturday inside the last hours of the 7th Day Sabbath, on the 17th day of Abib/Nisan. Before it became Saturday night. Just thought people should know the difference between the original Holy Inspired Scriptures and the falsified Bible VERSION translations and the false manmade doctrines. I hope this has helped clear up some misunderstandings. : )
@guardianmalakim9844 10 часов назад
On the Scriptural reference dealing with the prophetic WARNING of civil or religious governments thinking and or doing the changing of Biblical laws, dates and days. That is in reference to those organizations/groups that do away with Biblical Holy Days and introduce different days and events in their place. For example, abolishing the 7th Day SABBATH from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday and lying to the people, telling them that Christ didn't raise from the dead on the 7th Day Sabbath as the original copy text declares and then lying to the people again by saying Christ was raised from the dead around sunrise on SUNDAY, the number one pagan satanic worship day of the week. Another example is removing PASSOVER and inserting EASTER the date of the pagan QUEEN of Heaven, the fertility goddess into pagan Trinitarian made falsified Bible VERSION translations. There are many falsified changes made in the many different, contradictory Bible VERSION translations and manmade dogma and doctrines. For example the 1611 KJV Authorized Version has the translators own confessions that they made changes in their translated VERSION in order to appease their religion and to appease king James. The original 1611 KJV doesn't contain a single letter ( J ) in its entire print, mainly because there is no letter ( J ) in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek or in the latter Latin translation. The letter ( J ) was created around the year 1565C.E. / A.D. by a French printer named GUILLE BEYES and that letter was not accepted into English until after 1611 C.E. / A.D. The Names JEHOVAH and JESUS are NOT translations or transliterations of the original copy texts YAHWEH and YASHUA, but rather are erroneous creations made by the Roman Catholic and Her Protestant offshoot daughter religions and falsely taught as being translations/transliterations. There are no manuscripts older than 500 years in age that have the false names JEHOVAH and JESUS in them, not even translated Bible VERSIONS. Therefore, the Biblical prophetic WARNINGS about all those falsifications, alterations, additions, deletions and changes have in fact already happened in most Bible VERSION translations. Fortunately, even the 1611 KJV and most copycat versions maintain at least an 88% accuracy in translation with about 12% falsification, therefore the majority of the truth remains intact. GRACE and LOVE is afforded to everyone by our Creator and His Messiah/Christ who sincerely believe in both of them and try their best to abide in Christ's teachings, even if they don't know the original Holy Inspired Names, because in time, everyone will learn the truth, in the here and now or in the hereafter. Have a great day everyone. : )
@guardianmalakim9844 11 часов назад
PAUL told people that the (( MINISTRY )) of the Levitical Priesthood, dealing with animal sacrifices for sin, was a TEMPORARY MINISTRY, that was to be abolished once the prophetic New Testament Messiah/Christ became the First and Last required human sacrifice for sin and then was raised from the dead. The LAW/COMMANDMENTS still exist to this day, but under the NEW MINISTRY, which is that when we sin or our children sin = breaks the LAW/COMMANDMENTS, we no longer go to the Levitical priests to exact justice or sacrifice animals for our sins or for the sins of our children. Under the NEW MINISTRY everyone goes directly to the Heavenly FATHER CREATOR - YAHWEH/GOD in prayer/petition, to ask Him to forgive your sin, or to forgive your children's sin, asking in Christ's name for forgiveness. It is the MINISTRY of the Old Testament laws of the Levitical priesthood and their animal sacrifices for sin that has been abolished and not the LAW/COMMANDMENTS of Almighty GOD that Christ declared must be obeyed as long as Heaven and Earth exist. The Creator Holy Inspired the instructions that states all true believers are to obey the 7th Day SABBATH COMMANDMENT as well as are to know the Creator's Name YAHWEH as long as they Live, which is a perpetual, never ending instruction, as long as Heaven and Earth exist. Christ emphatically declared that he did NOT come to destroy or abolish the LAW/COMMANDMENTS of his Almighty Heavenly FATHER/CREATOR GOD YAHWEH, but rather he came to obey it, to follow it, every day of his life to abide by it and to fulfill it. Christ also declared that anyone who breaks the LAW/COMMANDMENTS and teaches others that they also don't have to obey it, will face the consequences for lying to people, they will even be seen as the least and lowest form of humanity for their disobedience and deception. Christ also gave a parable of a wedding feast where everyone obeyed the rules of the House, obeyed the Law/Commandments and made themselves clean and obedient in order to be allowed to attend the celebration. Yet one of the guest was dirty, sinful, unclean, disobedient, had the mindset that the Messiah knows him, so he doesn't have to abide by the rules of the House and is safe from judgement. Yet Christ said I NEVER KNEW YOU, then had him arrested, bound up/handcuffed and cast out of the House. The Book of REVELATION declares that the only ones that will be saved are those who obey the COMMANDMENTS of Almighty GOD and hold faith in Christ. REMEMBER there is only ONE FAITH, ONE LAW / SET OF COMMANDMENTS / RULES OF THE HOUSE. The tree of FAITH is the tree of ISRAEL. Jews and all 12 tribes of Israel are not grafted into a Gentile religion called ISLAM, CATHOLICISM, CHRISTIANITY with all their different contradictory and falsified translated versions and manmade doctrines. All Jews and all 12 tribes and all Gentiles of the true FAITH are grafted into the tree of ISRAEL, who obey the Rules of the Creator's House, His LAW and COMMANDMENTS. If the LAW/COMMANDMENTS have been abolished as misinformed people declare, then why do we still have to ask forgiveness for breaking those LAWS/COMMANDMENTS even after we accept Christ's sacrifice on our behalf and accept Christ as GOD's anointed appointed High Priest, Mediator, Lord, King.., the one who told everyone that as long as Heaven and Earth exist, we must abide by the Rules of the House, the LAWS/COMMANDMENTS of GOD?
@guardianmalakim9844 12 часов назад
1: The Almighty Creator/Father GOD-YAHWEH is an eternal unchanging Being/Spirit Person. He can never be destroyed or die, no matter what form he appears as. He never has to be taught anything by anyone, because He has always possessed ultimate never-ending Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom. He has always possessed Life and can never give up His Life or lose His Life because He is eternal and unchanging. He, Alone has always possessed ultimate Power over everything and everyone in existence. 2: The New Testament (( Mashiach/ Messiah / Christ / Anointed One )) YASHUA, falsely rendered as JESUS in Trinitarian paganized, falsified Bible VERSION translations. Yashua had to be taught, he had to learn, therefore, his ( FATHER / GOD / YAHWEH ) had to ( give ) him Knowledge, something Christ never possessed until after he was ( given ) that Knowledge. Yashua, according to the original text of the Holy Inspired Scriptures was ( made, formed, created ) within the womb of a young chaste woman / virgin. Yashua was ( given ) Life, he literally did not exist and was ( created, made, formed ) into existence from non existence and ( given ) Life.., just like ADAM from B'reshith / Genesis, thus the reason why Christ is called the Second Adam or the Last Adam. Just as ISAAC is called the only begotten son, so also Christ is called the only begotten son, literally meaning that the Creator / YAHWEH / FATHER / GOD had to step in to miraculously cause both ISAAC and Yashua the Messiah to be ( formed / made / created/ procreated ) within the wombs of their mothers. Yashua was ( given ) power and authority, things he never ever had or possessed until his and our Creator FATHER GOD / YAHWEH ( gave ) him that power and authority. Most people never pay any attention to what Christ and his disciples/apostles have said about the ( miracles ) that have been done throughout the entire Scriptures. Christ, his disciples, apostles, Moses, Aaron, 70 of the elders in the Camp of Moses, all true prophets and all true believers none of them, not one of them, not even Yashua the Messiah has ever one time done any miracle that has ever happened, by their own capability or ability. Every single Holy miracle done in the Scriptures, every single one of them was done solely by the Almighty Heavenly Father YAHWEH GOD Alone. ACTS chapter 2 also confirms this irrefutable fact. Christ himself declared that the miracles that were being done, were being done completely and entirely by his and our, Almighty Heavenly FATHER CREATOR YAHWEH GOD Alone. It has always been the Almighty Heavenly FATHER CREATOR YAHWEH GOD Alone, that directs His power through people and angels/malachim that He has chosen to use, in order to accomplish miracles on earth amongst mankind. 3: The Hebrew words RUACH HA KODESH literally means BREATH OF HOLINESS, which has been translated as THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is NOT a person, it is molecular, atomic substance-energy, similar to electricity, air, water, radio wave frequency. Whatever input you or others do, to electricity, air, water, radio wave frequency, will make the electricity, air, water, radio wave frequency, react to your input. For example, when you talk on your land line telephone, the electricity ( hears/receives ) your voice input and reacts and relays, by delivering your voice input across the world to a receiving person on the other end. Same thing with a cell phone, the radio wave frequency ( hears / receives ) your voice input and thus reacts and relays, by delivering your voice input across the world to a receiving person on the other end. Air inside your lungs as well as outside of your body at the same time, reacts to your thoughts and motions of your mouth and tongue to deliver from inside your body to outside your body, your thoughts as spoken words, whistles or other sounds. The air simply ( hears / receives ) your input and then delivers that input outwardly to wherever you are directing it, yet individually the air, electricity and radio waves is not a person. Still non-moving water only becomes active whenever input from an outside source causes the water to move, yet the water is not a person. If you yell at water or you touch water or if you throw something into the water, it will cause a reaction, the water will send out waves of water outward after it ( hears / receives ) input from an outside source. The Scriptures never identify the Holy Spirit as a Person, nor do the Scriptures identify the Holy Spirit or Yashua the Messiah as: GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT / GOD THE HOLY GHOST / or GOD THE SON, All such words were created by Satan and pushed by mankind as dogma and doctrines = manmade philosophy/ ideologies. Because the manmade Bible VERSION translations FALSIFY over 6000 words in their translated editions, such as the KJV / NIV / NWT/ NLT and many other VERSIONS, has severely deceived millions of unlearned individuals. The New Testament clearly declares that the true faith is in TWO individuals, not three. The Scriptures identify the ALMIGHTY HEAVENLY FATHER YAHWEH GOD as being the Only true CREATOR GOD in all existence and no one else. The original copy text of the Scriptures identify the Creator's (created, made, formed ) ( Anointed One / Messiah / Christ ) only begotten Son, as the One whom the Creator created and appointed to sit on King David's throne, to replace the first ADAM = created man, to become the Lord, King, High Priest-Mediator of the world. If you openly confess your sins and believe, confess and obey both the Heavenly Father Creator-YAHWEH GOD and His appointed, anointed created only begotten son, Yashua the Messiah/Christ, you will be saved. It's that simple. Christ declared that as long as Heaven and Earth exists, we are to obey the LAW/COMMANDMENTS of Almighty GOD YAHWEH. According to the original copy texts, Christ died in the midst of the week/Wednesday, before sunset, on the 14th day of Abib/Nisan and was raised from the dead on the 17th day of Abib/Nisan, before sunset, on Saturday, during the 7th Day SABBATH COMMANDMENT. Christ was already raised alive, before Saturday night. The pagan religions didn't want to give up their SATAN Worship day, called SUN RISE SUNDAY WORSHIP, when the converted Roman Caesar became a Christian and ordered the hundreds of years old pagan Roman Catholic State religion to assimilate Christianity into their universal pagan religion. The 7th Day SABBATH is still in effect from Friday Sunset to Saturday Sunset, worldwide, as everyone can see, Heaven and Earth still exists. I hope you have a great day. : )
@poppaexo 4 дня назад
@poppaexo 4 дня назад
Jones better get that ngannou fight before he retires
@poppaexo 4 дня назад
Jon jones will not lose. He is waiting for Brock
@poppaexo 4 дня назад
They gonna call Brock lesnar out soon
@poppaexo 4 дня назад
Are they gonna show apocalypto too 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
@jonnybravo8943 4 дня назад
Hell they might as well
@poppaexo 4 дня назад
Not enough Jamaicans fight
@poppaexo 4 дня назад
People need to chill 😂🤣😂🤣😂
@RicardoReevesCardi 4 дня назад
What it do MMA brothers! 🙌🏾✊🏾
@jonnybravo8943 4 дня назад
Yoo what it do Cardi
@jackiemccall7986 4 дня назад
I like that championship belt you got on your shoulders my brother! Miami dolphins will never see one of those for a very long time. Go RAIDERS 😎.
@TheStraightTalkSociety 4 дня назад
@@jackiemccall7986 🤣This is our year.
@jackiemccall7986 4 дня назад
@@TheStraightTalkSociety what about Buffalo 🦬? All my brothers are dolphins fans. I'm the only raider I got one of them is a Dallas cowboys fan. We going to see what the season holds.
@raymondcollins4665 5 дней назад
Reginald Young talked just as much or more than Peter😂
@raymondcollins4665 5 дней назад
Is they’re other denominations? They made a debate over something meaningless. Baptist, Pentecostal, or Methodist..ect Holiness is the only way to be. So…..denomination. Saying the same thing with confusion
@myjams72 5 дней назад
And as Cam said this is basically business transactions, That’s why he doesn’t think he could truly find love.
@myjams72 5 дней назад
She’s not dissolving the woman from responsibility, but Cam is literally in her face so she can address it in his face
@jackiemccall7986 8 дней назад
Thanks to my LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Thank you brother Trevor! I love these two brothers peace and love to their families. One day at a time.
@sterlingferguson7234 8 дней назад
Washington is gonna get destroyed
@curlykube 8 дней назад
Your welcome this is my church also.love Minister Stacey and reggie.hope u get back into the ring.hope these debates help you to be a minister of the word again.because you hear a lot of confusion on these debates.God bless u and your family sir
@curlykube 8 дней назад
I love these Bible studies Trevor thanks
@TheStraightTalkSociety 8 дней назад
@curlykube Appreciate the support, my brother!
@curlykube 8 дней назад
Can't wait for this debate
@Tommy_Irish 11 дней назад
I just ordered it from Amazon. We'll see. I am definitely going to buy the "Andre The Giant" belt.
@deborahking1366 17 дней назад
Hey Eddie, I apologize for missing your interview. I have not been on schedule with the channel. j really, really enjoyed your interview. I also was raised on the west side if Chicago. I too attended the Catholic Church. Really I atten Catholic School Grammer and high school. My mother also passed 3 months after I turned 18. I married before my mom passed. You had road models something I didn't have. neither family. My mom left Baltimore before she had my older sister so we had nothing. I am had never seen a Israelite until 2021 and they were yelling, swearing and throwing insults so I actually stated away from them. When I saw you on Trevors channel you were different. I wanted to know more about what you believed. I enjoyed your presentation.Seeing you talk about what you believe I know that you are sincere. Thank you for taking the time to teach me what I don't know.
@TheStraightTalkSociety 17 дней назад
@deborahking1366 Now, you know if you hit that notification bell you won't miss a show. 🤣 I love brother Eddie, he's one of the few good ones. I will be interviewing Minister Washington Thursday at 6pm.
@eddieisrael7858 17 дней назад
​@@TheStraightTalkSociety Appreciate the love my brother. ✊🏿💪🏾
@deborahking1366 17 дней назад
You are welcome. Tonight on To be Harvin platform Stacy Mobley vs Capt Tazaryach debate is Israel God Chosen people at 7pm
@jackiemccall7986 18 дней назад
Let's go Man talk Monday"
@jackpumpkinpatch2119 19 дней назад
Best world title design ever?
@TheStraightTalkSociety 19 дней назад
@@jackpumpkinpatch2119 2nd behind the Big Gold Belt.
@takeylaannette 21 день назад
Looks delicious!! I'm going to try them SOON! 💪🏾
@TheStraightTalkSociety 21 день назад
@takeylaannette I didn't get anything for myself only wifey and the little one.
@venkatwilliams1020 21 день назад
✌🏽 to the MMA Brotherz ✊🏾 Zay & BoNez
@struesbob7493 21 день назад
@adamdebarr3020 23 дня назад
Missing the e in federation.
@cochisechicago 25 дней назад
Thanks for your work on this but to start how can Ephraim be the puerto ricans when Jeremiah 31 says its gonna grab Ephraim from the "north country". Not to mention Ephraim is the main tribe based on Genesis 48 and 49. "The septure shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh come". Correct me if im wrong but Shiloh already came. 1 Chronicles 5 says "For Judah prevailed above is brothers but the Birthwright is josephs".
@TheStraightTalkSociety 25 дней назад
@cochisechicago The brother will be on this Thursday at 6pm, you are welcome to ask any questions.
@cochisechicago 25 дней назад
@@TheStraightTalkSociety Thanks!
@justicebinion8109 27 дней назад
In all honesty, as the moderator said it just sounds like they are arguing two different things and not necessarily disagreeing. Peter is specifically talking Baptism and that’s clear. The other brother is specifically talking about totality and that’s clear. Peter would agree in totality that no one but in baptisms, I think he made his point.
@justicebinion8109 27 дней назад
200 or a little under would still be more than 120 lol. I think Peter got him on this lol
@IMBWNEWS 25 дней назад
I don’t think so now if you feel our mathematics is the same or similar to the mathematics of God when it involves counting, I’ll be willing to discuss that with you in love. I encourage you to go back and listen to what I was talking about in its entirety. This was my challenge and my proposition and Peter was trying to change the narrative of it to mean only baptism. My proposition is as follows, is it possible for a man yesterday or today or in the near or distant future to do more or greater works than the Lord on their own strength without the help of the Lord? Now Peter was saying more or greater, now let’s say you had a cup of coffee and so did I have a cup of coffee and we were given the same amount and we both received an additional amount after we finished the first cup, do you know what we were given, we were given more coffee. Now watch this let’s just say that you received a little more than I did being a greater amount, would you say that this was accomplished on your own doing or would you not say that the person who gave you the coffee had something to do with you getting more than me or a greater amount than me? This is my argument, no one that had died or that is living today or that will in the future can do more or greater works than the Lord on their own strength without the help of the Lord, because we need his help because without him we can do nothing John 15:5 and then also read Philippians 4:13. If you feel not just talking about baptism because even then you will have to admit that you couldn’t do baptism alone and that you need the Lords help. As I end this and hopefully I provided you some insight and clarity of what I was saying. According to 2 Timothy 2:7 in which it says, “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.”
@justicebinion8109 25 дней назад
@@IMBWNEWS you said a lot that was not needed. Peter said, of course it’s by God’s strength and power. He not once said a man does it on its own, not once. This essentially arguing a straw man because he not once argued that you could do it all by yourself. I get your proposition. Peter agree with your proposition in totality and that’s why he gave the caveat and asked about Baptism. You all didn’t really disagree with each other because you’re talking about different points. You wanted ALL the works and Peter was just talking about Baptisms two separate things. Peter did agree with your proposition. If we can’t understand God’s math in the scriptures then how can you fault someone being a trinitarian? You said you can’t use men’s math with God’s math as a I paraphrase. If that’s the case, then one is right not to think one means one when it comes to God. If you say it does, then that would be a contradiction wouldn’t it?
@IMBWSHOW 24 дня назад
​​​​​No because 1+1 to us could mean 2 and 1+1+1 to us could mean 3 but according to scriptures 1+1 = 1 and 1+1+1=1. That's the difference our ways and Gods ways are different. Even our thoughts are different from the Lord's. Read Isaiah 55th chapter and the 8th and 9th verses. If you were paying close attention this proposition was my open challenge and Peter accepted it after he tried to change the narrative of my proposition just like he tried to change the narrative of our discussion about according to scripture, holiness is the only denomination which isn't true and then he tried to say denomination is not written in the scriptures but the meaning of it is. I repented for saying all based on the passage of scripture that he presented but he didn't repent because he said I did more work because I baptized 200 or a little under and he said I baptized more and I said no I didn't because in that case one will have to ask me how did I do it and I'll tell them not on my own strength but through and by and with the help of the Lord. This is my argument and stance. For someone to say they did or is doing more than the Lord even if it is Baptism they will have to say that they did it alone all by themselves with out the help of the Lord which is impossible. Philippians 4:13 and John 15:5. Now touching that scripture about doing greater works let's look at it closely shall we. According to John 14:6-14 it says, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. 8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father? 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. 12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. Notice how the 13th verse of the 14th chapter of the book of John says, And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. This right here let's you know that the greater works no matter what they are is not possible without the Lord because he said whatsoever we ask in his name, he not us but he will do. So even touching baptism is it being done alone as in are we doing the work alone in which we can compare what we do to our Lord because the work that we are doing is made possible because of us asking it in his name, then he is able to do it through us. Remember Philippians 4:13 and John 15:5. Now if you feel as though that any man in the past, living today or that will come in the future can do more or greater works than the Lord on their own strength without the help of the Lord, let me know and I would love to set up a debate with you and you can just bring one work that you feel you or anyone else has done or is doing that is more than what the Lord has done on their own strength without the help of the Lord and I will debate you on that.
@justicebinion8109 24 дня назад
@@IMBWSHOW who is saying you could do it without the lord? lol. I heard no one say that
@IMBWSHOW 24 дня назад
​@@justicebinion8109Peter said touching baptism I did more of that work than Jesus even when I was referring to more than just the work of baptism which is only one work and even if a person does baptize can they do it on their own strength without the help of the Lord and if you say they can, I'll debate you on this since it seems as though you want to discuss this topic. So, let's do it before the public.
@jackiemccall7986 28 дней назад
Thank you brother Trevor may God continue to bless your channel. Keep St John's chapter 14 in its proper context. Who's doing the talking Jesus. To whom is Jesus talking to. He's talking to his disciples concerning is leaving and works. There works are in the book of Acts. The Acts of the apostles all of their works. They baptized, they healed sick, they raise dead, they cast out spirits, they didn't do work they did works there's a difference. The apostles performed all these works. All this was written for our LEARNING. Written for our learning not for us to practice. According to Romans chapter 15 verse 4. Our teaching is in the APOSTLE PAUL. That does not mean we neglect any rest of the SCRIPTURES. Ephesians chapter 2 verse 9 and 10. Not of works lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. Let brotherly Love continue. One day at a time. Please don't let your work and labor be in vain and that goes for me too. AMEN!!!!
@El_Cid_Campeador Месяц назад
600 for fake leather?
@TheStraightTalkSociety Месяц назад
@@El_Cid_Campeador my belt wasn't 600 dollars. The Fandu Belts are 600 bucks.
@El_Cid_Campeador Месяц назад
Ok ​@@TheStraightTalkSociety
@El_Cid_Campeador 15 дней назад
@@TheStraightTalkSociety ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kZRXqiLaX3I.htmlsi=jpHcGXdq_6nW2uz8. Custom belt leather 190 euros
@mikediaz1k Месяц назад
Just got one and there dope. For 100$ Defly worth it
@jackiemccall7986 Месяц назад
Man talk Monday is not for weak men! One day at a time!!!
@TheStraightTalkSociety Месяц назад
@jackiemccall7986 My brother, we bring the heat on Man Talk Monday🤣🤣
@RobertSpiller Месяц назад
I bought this from Amazon, but I'm taking it back because it only has 200 watts of power, where as Canoly has the same for 350 watts...I figure the more power the better. And I'm wondering about how long will this last...
@Adeline9418 22 дня назад
The canoly hopper is smaller.
@RobertSpiller 22 дня назад
@@Adeline9418 Yes it is. I'm not sure about this Canoly. It leaves a lot of liquid in the pulp. I'll try it for one week and then see what happens.
@Spike_-rx7bx Месяц назад
Is their any pulp in the juice or do we have to add the pulp back in for the fiber? Was debating over this or the ninja never clog due to pulp control.
@TheStraightTalkSociety Месяц назад
The pulp is there, but very minimal. I'm not big on pulp, so it's perfect for me. I don't think any machine would totally eliminate the pulp.
@t.charlesfoosotrav9218 Месяц назад
@nicolemartin-pz1wl Месяц назад
Jeremy Dunbar is a very good brother. That was an awesome testimony 😅🙌🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💪🏾❤️ may God continue to bless and Grace him 🙏🏾💯👍🏾
@tisssyyy Месяц назад
Man for the price that looks excellent… how’s it holding up?
@TheStraightTalkSociety Месяц назад
@tisssyyy it still looks great. If you look at my latest live stream, you'll see them proudly displayed on the wall.
@RoenTG Месяц назад
@dolochild1626 Месяц назад
Good testimony All glory to God ‼️
@Mistic993 Месяц назад
How wet was the pulp? Great video. Thank you.
@TheStraightTalkSociety Месяц назад
@Mistic993 the pulp wasn't wet at all, very dry to be honest.
@straa8up Месяц назад
That's not even cheating in my opinion. Maybe the fries, but other than that, the portion size is the only thing that's really cheating here.
@TheStraightTalkSociety Месяц назад
@@straa8up 🤣🤣
@tyronedavis168 Месяц назад
A lot of these have been answered on why they didn't get a run.
@TheStraightTalkSociety Месяц назад
@@tyronedavis168 what's that?
@jasonfinnen4716 Месяц назад
Are the depth charts accurate?
@TheStraightTalkSociety Месяц назад
@@jasonfinnen4716 very accurate, I had to Google to make sure🤣