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Panel 1: Secular/Religious Divide
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Panel 2: Arab-Jewish Divide
7 месяцев назад
Online MS in Data Science
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Data Science Life Cycle
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Ruth Franklin, "Anne Frank, A Life"
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Partners in Orbit CIRCH Symposium
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@zamfully Месяц назад
I am so tired of "jewish" wisdom and humor. Enough is enough and you are as boring as they come. The world picks on Jews - for thousands of years.its time for Jews and Israelis to simply be who they are and do as they wish. Don't you tell me what I can and can't do.
@pj_ytmt-123 Месяц назад
Wow there's bucket loads of copism in there. The word "peace" was absent in that rally just as the word "nukes" was absent in this talk.
@MegaOev 2 месяца назад
You can not have peace, when one side wants to destroy you.
@PamelaStephens-po4kn 2 месяца назад
@jrthexgamer 2 месяца назад
@RizwanahmedmemonTRLCL 2 месяца назад
I have a dream to persue MFA in Creative Writing. I am from Pakistan and I will need financial support. Will American University provide me any scholarship to cover expenses?
@whyi8343 3 месяца назад
I often criticize people who make comments without watching the clip. But as soon as I see that name, I know, there's no need to watch the clip. I'm really scary thing about this guy. And he was actually part of the Israeli government at one point. But this particular clip, he may have a point about the coverage being superficial. Just saying people who are boiling mad about October 7th. Don't even know what the Kacba was
@clives4501 2 месяца назад
If you mean KAABA please say so.
@YudYud72 3 месяца назад
So what said you now about USA?
@user-bh1sg5oc8k 3 месяца назад
How prophetic Dr. Shueftan was 11 years ago. A very wise man and his teachings should be repeated over and over until western leaders will finally get it. LONG LIVE ISRAEL!!!❤❤🇮🇱🇮🇱
@anthonyhaystead1613 3 месяца назад
I was impressed by Dr Shueftan’s presentation the first time I heard him speak although I disagree with almost everything he says particularly his definition of all Palestinians as barbaric. However, having listened to several of his talks, I am disappointed by the repetition of his four or five main points and his use of the same phrases and even jokes. I suppose he would say that the points are so important that repetition is justified. I am left feeling that although he tells us many times how smart he is (really) he only seems to have a few rather brutal ideas to offer and by his own admission, no solutions. Surely we should aspire to something better than unending war and the total subjugation of one people by another.
@paddyhalligan28 Месяц назад
I only stumbled on him a few days ago and I agree with he can be repetitive. However your comment proves his point.
@kantaarya1544 3 месяца назад
Hats off to you!! You are absolutely Right!!!
@cynthiabrown9596 3 месяца назад
Because solutions would lead to lasting peace and justice for all. If you want to understand our perspective you have to learn to disregard reality and human rights.
@jaykay7180 3 месяца назад
Did you even listen to this lecture? Are you a Bot, only capable of expressing platitude?
@cynthiabrown9596 3 месяца назад
@@jaykay7180 why would I waste my time listening to a racist rant based on fictional perspective full of lies. I’m sorry that truth, justice and human rights are so uninteresting to you. I’m even more sorry that you or anyone would be more interested in this man’s radical racism. Maybe you would be better served to ask yourself why that is.
@ashrafremtulla9565 3 месяца назад
If you know all this why let this happen for over 75 years , ignorance prevails
@netaji-thebritishslayer 3 месяца назад
Lmfaooo fr 75 yrs 😂😂frm 48 to 67 egypt controlled gaza and jordan controlled west bank 😂😂😂😂,in 2005 israel left gaza and hamas took over😂😂😂
@riokriok2863 3 месяца назад
when you have people like this guy you will never have a peace peace because this man has the mentality of thif that's why he sees thinks the way he thinks get out from their lands
@riokriok2863 3 месяца назад
Very simple get out from their lands and stop lecturing lies and no sense
@sanniepstein4835 3 месяца назад
Islam is the invader and destroyer world wide.
@netaji-thebritishslayer 3 месяца назад
Yes delusional yes we saw wt happened when israel left gaza in 2005 !!!!!😂😂
@Foster-rv6ty 3 месяца назад
The Jews are indigenous to Palestine. They own the whole of Palestine including Jordan.
@Foster-rv6ty 3 месяца назад
You mean the Arab colonizers should get out of the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people?
@Druffmaul Месяц назад
If you shut your ignorant mouth and listened to his lecture of 100% truth you might actually learn something for once.
@1DaTJo 3 месяца назад
“Guys, we’ve got two weeks to learn how to live underwater.” Classic.
@souzanir 3 месяца назад
Excellent analysis. Great topic
@homonovo 4 месяца назад
We have learned that Muslim/Arab culture cannot see itself as anything less than dominant to other cultures, never mind equal to or partners with another culture.
@Christopher_Giustolisi Месяц назад
The sooner Europe learns this, the better.
@lanuiiohu 5 месяцев назад
Jew hater school
@Nehmi Год назад
This is advanced? Um......
@Sandro-ub1bm Год назад
😂😂😂😂.....si claro experto...cantor de barrios bajos
@juanricardoprada5805 Год назад
can you share the slides?
@albertansah1373 Год назад
The diaspora matters for all people with different races in different cultural backgrounds from their ancestors.Most Jewish don’t even know that they are Jewish by DNA 🧬.????They feel lost 😡 from their linguistic lineage and complete lack of knowledge about their origins in one sided religion and few races like 👍 blacks mixed races 😅😮😢😂all feel neglected by distance and time.???😢😮😅😂😂.???
@davidwalker9989 Год назад
“There are no solutions! Only responses!’
@chimvura7516 Год назад
Do to others as we need them to do to us, life is important either side I think, no race deserve to be killed.
@lamwilshangdhi612 Год назад
ONE DAY i feel a GREAT INTELLECTS around the world will take reference of this great research.
@lamwilshangdhi612 Год назад
BRILLIANT PRESENTATION, by Professor Dr.Carole Mcgranahan. Mindblowing. Thank you so muc h for the GREAT WORK. SAD,SAD, nobody is WATCHING this AMAZING GENUINE RESEARCH. WHERE is ALL THOSE TIBETAN and INDIANS who only watch Celebrities fake Wealth.
@buymybooks437 Год назад
Dan is a genius
@xuanjunchen6378 Год назад
@Storytime2023x Год назад
Give this guy red hair and he’s pretty much Beaker from the Muppets.
@markbrandys9651 Год назад
@Fernandez218 2 года назад
i found out about loren spice from my probability for engineers textbook. this guy is a genius. also, read the story of how he was hit by a car while walking the seven miles(?) to university every day from home to keep off his weight-gain.
@joesilver4376 2 года назад
Such Leftist garbage, "We have not yet accepted our part in the Palestinian tragedy." 1. The Palestinian tragedy is bogus, self-inflicted and the result of 1400 years of refusal to acknowledge Jewish rights to exist politically and 100 years of refusal to acknowledge Jewish rights to exist at all. 2. The statement fails to include the active effort of Palestinian Arabs to kill defenselesss, unarmed Jews, individually in local raids, and globally in conspiracy and connivance with violent exterior Arab groups and forces, and with the Nazis themselves as evidenced by Palestinian Arab leader Haj Amin al-Husseini's asylum in Nazi Germany during WWII and his efforts in organizing and establishing a muslim-Balkan SS regiment and in preparing contingency plans with SS leaders Himmler and Eichmann to organize the detention of Jews in Palestine and their deportation to SS death camps in the event the Nazis seized Palestine from the British. 3. Months before the British left Palestine in May, 1948, local Palestinian Arabs, armed by their brethren from surrounding muslim Arab states, openly attacked defenselss unarmed Jews throughout Palestine, and were joined in May 1948 by the militaries of 7 nearby muslim Arab states, all seeking, not to merely prevent the existence of a new Jewish State, but to "annihilate" the entire Jewish population. The Palestinian tragedy is that they were denied the abilty to annihilate the Jewish people in Palestine-Israel. (Who would dare say that the destruction of the Nazis at the end of WWII was a tragedy? Only the Nazi perpetrators themselves and their fascist supporters would claim that.). That is the nature of the Palestinian Nakba---a twisted conclusion on their failed effort at a Nazi-like genocide of the Jewish People. 4. Post 1948, todate, the Palestinians still refuse to acknowedge the Jewish political and existential right to exist as manifested in a Jewish State. 5. To date Palestinian Arabs refuse to accept any compromise to allow them to craft a state of their own, if it means agreeing to the continued existence of a Jewish State ruled by the Jews themselves. 6. Palestinian Arab culture and religion preach, and has always preached, rejection of any non-muslims as sovereign over muslims, and instead promotes the supremacy, even violent supremacy, of muslims over non-muslims. Who then are the fascists and who are the victims? There is no Palestinian tragedy or Nakba. There is only the continued liberalism and tolerance by Jews in Palestine-Israel for non-Jews including muslims, and the continued violent victimization of Jews in Palestine-Israel by the Islamo-fascist oppressors, who enjoy extensive autonomy, including police powers, thanks to the generous, but foolish, Jews. Isn't it ironic that the Jews derive their name from the name and area of Judea, which is within Palestine-Israel, and the Palestinian Arabs derive their name from the peninsula of Arabia, hundreds of miles away. Who are indigenous and who are the infiltrators in Palestine-Israel? Who are trying to reestablish a homeland within their ancient Jewish land, and who are the imperialist-remnants seeking to seize lands that are not and have never been sovereign to them and have the gall to tell the indigenous sovereigns that they never existed. Isn't that what Putin, too, is doing now in Ukraine?
@LouieC 2 года назад
Khonshu in the house
@Ir.Sergio-Biko 2 года назад
BIKORIMANA Serges Burundian🙋🙋
@user-od5pz6im9s 2 года назад
where is it possible to find teh old interview with Barbara Walters ??
@Rach1941 2 года назад
I was expecting it. Paleontology gets woke.
@Research0digo 2 года назад
I finally thought to turn off the sound (noise) and turn on Closed Captioning. :D
@mstritzin 3 года назад
Inclusive and off the hook do not go together in the same advertisement.
@johndc1 3 года назад
Dr. Riley was my favorite professor at AU. He was truly an educator- not just a lecturer. He was also a hoot! Thank you for all you do. I still talk about your antics during classes - like acting like a bug and banging your head against the blackboard when no one knew the answer to the easy questions!
@abdullmarufhamdami6355 3 года назад
@nyibolbothoch6173 3 года назад
Excuse me, Let me sent you my mail nyibolbothoch@gmail.com
@nyibolbothoch6173 3 года назад
I'm very interested to join you or to apply please guys
@prabha4165 3 года назад
➡️ 18cams.xyz ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X---❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1618609506
@mE-nv5vl 3 года назад
Remember that prophet Moses has been asked by his tribe to ask the lord to get onions, garlic, cucumber.. Etc which they preferred more than food from heaven.... Then the lord punished them by letting them to Egypt
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@fahadnazir3912 3 года назад
I need help i have nothing.I also want to do something in my life.
@fahadnazir3912 3 года назад
I want to talk to you.I come from a poor family.I've been worried here for five years. I do not understand.No one has helped me yet.I'm very worried here.No one helps the poor.I also want to do something in my life.I want to get out of here.Because I have taken political asylum. I need help so much.My god knows.You help me.God bless you
@fahadnazir3912 3 года назад
i am in Malaysia. can you anybody help me. i need some money for food and rent house. i am very worried these days. i have no job these days. is there any NGO for helping people.
@nevilleprinsloo 3 года назад
I wish she was alive today to see the extraordinary events unfolding between Israel and her Arab neighbours.