Author's Anvil
Author's Anvil
Author's Anvil
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Monster: The Power of Storytelling
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Why Good Writing Matters
5 месяцев назад
How Costume Conveys Character
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Daredevil's Brilliant Opening
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The Marriage of Subjectivity and Objectivity
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What Makes a Good Spinoff?
8 месяцев назад
Why Buffy is the Greatest Superheroine Ever
9 месяцев назад
How to Not Make Conflicted Characters Confusing
10 месяцев назад
Creating the Perfect Lex Luthor
11 месяцев назад
On Bullets and Superheroes
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How to Give and Receive Feedback
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How to Balance Tone
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How Writing Manipulates You
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The 3 Pillars of Storytelling
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@KrytoRift 4 дня назад
I've always liked supes. It was Smallville that really put him over the top for me. The wife and I had a superman themed wedding lol
@RichGilly 11 дней назад
Discovery fucking sucks and all Kurtzman Trek is a blemish on a once great franchise. Fuck that guy and all the enablers/helpers.
@brandonbutler7204 12 дней назад
Although Harvey never talks about it like this, I kind of think that the reason he makes such huge momentous decision based on his coin is the same reason Aton Chigurgh (sp?) sort of gives in his opening scene in 'No Country For Old Men' It's an insult. The tragedy of Harvey is based on people who were NOT 'bad' betraying him on behalf of those that are. It's based in the corruption of every day people that terrible people like Rupert Thorne, Sal Maroni or the Joker found it too easy to achieve. So Harvey takes it to a whole new level: if people are going to be that 'flippant' (ha-ha), that fickle with what should be basic moral questions, well then let's reduce this to what they're really doing. I don't see it really as a method of dealing with the world. I see it has his own personal 'screw you' to a world that refuses to be as decent as it says it is, and expects everyone to just get with the program without so much as a conversation about it. And the sad part is people like Gordon and Batman, who put up with this as well, have to watch this all go down and blame themselves for something that's not their fault. It's SOMEBODY'S fault, for sure, but not theirs.
@smartalex22 17 дней назад
The reason people say Batman is more 'relatable' is because they see Batman as having earned his status as a crime fighter. He spent decades learning all the skills he'd need to become a crime fighter. But Superman? Is a demigod who was raised right. For most people that simply doesn't compute. If they were a demigod, they'd never have turned out right, no matter how awesome Jonathan and Martha Kent were. How did Jon and Martha even raise a kid whose invincible and could snap them like twigs in an instant anyway? ...that's my read of the situation, anyway.
@petermj1098 14 дней назад
Superman is popular because a friend with so much power. House of El and Kryptonian are his nature and made the “Super” but The Kents and humans are his nurture and made the “man”. Superman is a friend who cheers people up, who is a shoulder to cry on, who has a nice conversation with you, who protects you from any kind of danger, and who saves your cat out of a tree. Christopher Reeve said is right “You don’t need a strong arm one man vigilante force, you need a friend.” Superman is special because he is not trying to be a knight or crusader like Batman, he is not trying to be a warrior princess like Wonder Woman, or an intergalactic police force like Green Lantern. All Superman doing is being a friend to humanity and looking out and helping for them with his powers.
@kaihedgie1747 12 дней назад
Batman was born into a rich family. He got those skills because he could afford the money to travel to all those places to learn those skills and receive the best private education from teachers across the world
@satyajitsamanyu2512 19 дней назад
This character is more complex than batman even frank miller has agreed to it
@Vegitodraws 24 дня назад
My most cohesive character vote goes to my favorite character, Nightwing. Nightwing, as a character, represents a better Batman, and this is reflected in a few ways. One, in origin, Nightwing and Batman are almost identical. They both had their parents taken away at a young age by sheer fate and organized crime. The difference, however, is that Bruce didn't have anyone to guide him out of that dark place. Dick had Bruce, who was broken, but was still able to help Dick find his way out of the dark. Then, unlike Bruce, Dick is able to move past his trauma and becomes a pure symbol of hope who fights for (generally) less traumatic and self deprecating reasons. Even his name is part of his character, albiet a retroactive one. In more recent depictions, Nightwing gets his name from Superman (specifically a Kryptonian Legend), which shows how he gets the more positive aspects from the DC universe. Also contrasting Bruce, is the fact that he started the Teen Titans because he likes people and teamwork, which is opposed to Bruce who is usually a part time member. Wrapping this all together in a nice bow is his (post mulletwing era) costume. It's all black, with a blue eagle piercing through, showing how out of the darkness shines the brightest lights.
@thetruthlayedback9021 24 дня назад
Superman = Hope and always has been the thing that changed is the audience we've started looking at him like lex
@vrokyoto 28 дней назад
In my honest opinion, Matt is like a more solid Batman, everything about him is a lot more concrete, his logic behind the no kill rule for example, Bruce doesn’t kill because he doesn’t want to become the person who killed his parents, while allowing a crazed clown to murder hundreds if not thousands, so it just ends up being a stupid scapegoat, but with Matt, he doesn’t kill because he’s a genuinely good person, because he doesn’t want to kill a killer because the amount would stay the same, Matt uses daredevil to express his evil side, to alleviate it, while Bruce EMBRACES his evil side, that being Batman
@theprelate4219 Месяц назад
Most tragic villain? This dudes insanity just gets him a second bimbo and a coin gimmick. Baby Doll is by far the most tragic villain in Batman's rogues gallery and she is probably the most tragic character in the DC universe. Her situation is even worse than what Clayface endures in terms of sheer body horror. This is a woman who desperately desires to be seen as a woman trapped in the body of a child. When you actually consider that all of her lovers were probably pedophiles and that her ideal partner is Killer Croc the whole thing just gets so much worse. The fact that her idea of love is homicide doesn't help either but one can understand given her predicament.
@Toddalotapodamus Месяц назад
Do NOT read Injustice to understand anything about Superman. The writers didn't understand him, so they can't help you out there.
@squashmallow2006 Месяц назад
Here's another small, but rather crucial detail that makes me love Superman even more. A LOT of the majorly popular superheroes have monikers that are thematic. Batman dresses like a Bat. Captain America is a symbol of America. Iron Man wears a metallic suit. Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Green Arrow, etc. But not Superman. His whole theme is that he's just... super. He's just an awesome being. While he does have a rich history and backstory, the idea he represents is to just pure goodness. To be the best of ourselves. To be super, is to just keep trying to be better. Be kinder, be more patient, be more firm, be more courageous, and take a stronger stand against injustice and suffering. Be better.
@yoyohan9 Месяц назад
21:49 Somehow I don't think that's the part people find relatable, but point taken 😂 Anyway, this was a wonderful video! I have never disliked Superman. I'm quite fond of him in my own way. But this past week, I've been watching various essays on why he's not boring and is actually great. While I appreciated the love and passion behind those videos, I found that if I didn't already like him, none of what was being said would be enough to appeal to me. But this video, particularly this section (14:09) finally made everything click into place. Great work 💖
@AuthorsAnvil Месяц назад
Thank you very muchly!
@prasadsharma8585 Месяц назад
3:46 did you just assume that a blind guy needs flashlight to move in dark.😅😅, awesome video, keep them coming.
@eliburrowes938 Месяц назад
How dare you jump scare me with Doug Ford at 0:22
@thesmilyguyguy9799 Месяц назад
:{ D
@thesmilyguyguy9799 Месяц назад
≠] D
@thesmilyguyguy9799 Месяц назад
: D
@thesmilyguyguy9799 2 месяца назад
:- D
@alixsprallix 2 месяца назад
great video
@AuthorsAnvil 2 месяца назад
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)
@odinsrensen7460 3 месяца назад
20:00 - "Whedon's conduct towards women doesn't bleed into the show, if anything we're given the complete opposite impression." No, that's just how male feminists work, using feminism as a virtue signal while actually being a cunt. From the basic premise through the absent father to the usual fiction-depiction of muh soggy knees, it all just screams, "I'm an ally, I'm a good boy, you can trust me!" It's pathetic, it's cringe and it hurts the show.
@friedrodent112 3 месяца назад
Hey, Jon. I liked this video. When I watched the part about Grimmer, I thought: “Somebody should make a character analysis video for Bruce Banner/the Hulk.” When I watched the parts about Johan and Bonaparta, I thought: “Somebody should make either a character analysis video for Dr. Jonathan Crane/the Scarecrow, or make a video about how to fix the Scarecrow as a character.”
@KingLewis52 3 месяца назад
How does he have this strict no killing rule wen Christopher reeve killed a depowered zod every version of doomsday nd that inter-dimensional elf or emp
@liamgray2855 3 месяца назад
Finally! The truth about Superman is revealed
@benparrish672 3 месяца назад
Lex Luthor is one of the best SuperVillains in comics. I agree with Lex. Get these aliens outta here!
@alexandrefrauches132 3 месяца назад
I like the backstory you gave Luthor although I think you could add another reason for Lex to hate Superman: Instead of just the basic stuff (he's jealous and sees the Man of Steel as potential threat) I would prefer something more close to "Birthright". Instead of hating Superman at first sight, Luthor could be initially interest in finally meeting an alien. As a man who loves science and discovery, he would always want to meet something from another world, someone who Luthor could see as an ally and understand him unlike his father or the people of Smallville (obs: besides his father's abuse, I think Luthor should grow very lonely and with no friends, except for Clark). But what happens when the two finally meet? Superman stops Luthor crime operations, takes the public attention from him and even calls Luthor out on his crimes, saying that "Luthor's control over the city is over" and that "for now on he will keep an eye on Luthor". All the expectations that Luthor had are gone and all left is jealousy and hate for Superman for make him feel small. with Lex seeking to just ruin Superman's life and make him feel alone and insignificant, just like he felt all his childhood. This would give a personal struggle for Superman,having to deal with the fact that someone he knew from his hometown became such corrupt CEO. Clark could even feel a bit guilty, wondering what he could have done back to prevent Lex from becoming this ruthless criminal.
@alexandrefrauches132 3 месяца назад
One factor that also allowed Daredevil to be so cohesive as character was all the great writers who worked on his titles (ex: Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Mark Waid, Chip Zsdarsky and, my personal favorite Frank Miller) with each one working with what the previous ones build rather than just ignoring it and doing their own stuff. The best exemple is Mark Waid's run and how he brought back the light-hearted swashbuckling tone of the 60's comics. Waid could just ignored the previous dark runs and have Matt already acting in this more fun upbeat attitude, but instead he made this change be part of Matt's development, with Matt reflecting about how much of mess his life became and trying to be more optimistic.
@alexandrefrauches132 3 месяца назад
6:08 Actually Luke explained to Rey that Ben always had a darkness in him, which is why he took him in as his apprentice, expecting that he could help him just like he help his father. The fact that Rey called Kylo a "murderous snake" and he replied "yes, I am" cleary showing that he grew up used to see people being afraid bc of his darkness and calling him by similar names. He probably saw decision of his parents to send him to Luke as attempt to get rid of him rather than help him. The incident with Luke only contributed to confirm this idea and push him away and go to Snoke (who Luke said that had already corrupt Ben, implying that the two had interactions). However I agree the film should have given more details (maybe flashback scenes showing his relatioship with his parents and Luke) rather than just few hints.
@jacobblanco7652 4 месяца назад
Fantastic video, all star superman was the first comic book ive ever read. Ever since then, he has been and always will be my favorite hero. I think hes so relevant to todays faults and environment. My own morals as a man and human being on this earth will never be the same. I didnt realize my own faults as a person prior to superman. But as i kept reading and reading i realized who i truly can be and who ive always wanted to be. Incredible character, ive never felt more personally spoken to than with superman. Awesome vid again. Superman forever
@korvus1248 4 месяца назад
I LOVE Superman. Goku is pretty much a carbon copy of Superman, yet cringe anime fans continue to say Superman is boring or overpowered. How is Goku any different then??? 😅 An Lex Luthor is an amazing character agreed 👍 Just stay away from his Batman V Superman version. Even tho I love the ultimate edition of that movie ❤
@shreddhead23 4 месяца назад
@yoboimichproductionsinc.2948 4 месяца назад
Yup grew up on him always trying to be like him he truly is my hero because being hood and kind abd doing the right thing is always best
@Reason4HipHop 4 месяца назад
Wow! That china and bull analogy is a good point! I'm stealing that one sir. I think if they were to make a Superman game accurately and challenging that is set in the Arkham universe, that bull and chine analogy should be how the game play works. In Batman Arkham, Batman can cut loose and pound everyone and cause property damage and pay for it at Bruce Wayne. But in a Superman game set in the Arkham game universe the play needs to learn how to "... live in a world made of cardboard…always taking constant care not to break something…to break someone, never allowing myself to lose control even for a moment or someone could die." Now THAT is challenging game. Learning how to control all his powers in a fragile Metropolis is a great game idea.
@alfredsams9059 4 месяца назад
Good video. Creative writing is a hot topic on the net. It's overcrowded but there's still space for issues such as is what I wrote good enough for publication? Can I be a writer?too many people want to write without having any talent.
@bombaybabi7901 4 месяца назад
Superman isn't weak against electric shocks. There's an absurd amount of times he's shrugged of electricity at extremely high voltages. Especially against Live Wire. You were just using a out of continuity Superman that was even holding back against Batman.
@ToddSweeney341 4 месяца назад
Not the best Superhero at all.
@Acacius1992 4 месяца назад
I never liked superman. I know what he stands for and all but thats exactly why i dislike him so much. Especially after always being compared to others and should be more like them he iss also not a inspiration but infuriates me only more.
@itzkamarahomie17 4 месяца назад
Superman? Underrated?
@Dont_know_what_to_name_it 4 месяца назад
Very mush yes
@megaultradamn 2 месяца назад
​@@Dont_know_what_to_name_itid say more so over hated, but whatever
@Dont_know_what_to_name_it 2 месяца назад
@@megaultradamn ohh agrée with that
@user-eg8sq1ci1s 5 месяцев назад
Fantastic video about a fantastic TV series
@georgeeastwood6930 5 месяцев назад
Authors Anvil, that is… AMAZING! For another “compelling” version version of Lex Luthor (that DOES utilise his economic & political leverage you mentioned at 12:35) please watch “Superman/Batman: Public Enemies”. In that movie, Luthor is elected PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! 🇺🇸 He takes advantage of a severe economic recession to get elected into the White House, secretly causing the stock market to crash to begin with. Luthor could have a loyal puppet (rather than any family) run his conglomerate company while he’s in office at the White House & another puppet run “Legion” as an Illuminati-type organisation. During Luthor’s presidency, the United States government would discover a Kryptonite asteroid heading towards Earth which would be gut enough to wipe out much of life on the planet, with maybe 6 months left before the impact. Luthor would be against Superman stopping the asteroid, not because he cares about his wellbeing, but because he wants to use nuclear missiles so that Luthor will get ALL the credit for stopping the asteroid & discredit Superman as a force for good. In that movie, President Luthor also works with Metallo to get Superman framed for murder, allowing America’s corrupt Commander-In-Chief to put a $1 billion bounty on the Man of Tomorrow (even distributing Kryptonite-based weaponry to people of the USA to catch him). When the missiles detonate prematurely, Luthor then goes to his backup plan; let the asteroid strike Earth to wipe out much of planet & exterminate most of human life on the “overpopulated” planet (especially those in poverty). In Luthor’s mind, this would be the most efficient way to take care of the population crisis & wipe of poverty at the same time. Superman would battle Luthor in his Kryptonite-based war suit, while the world turns towards anarchy as the asteroid inches closer to the planet. Luthor would attempt to use this to DESTROY Superman’s faith in humanity, claiming people show their true colours in a global disaster. After barely surving the battle, Superman would have a tearful goodbye & embrace with Lois Lane, before he (by his own choice) fly towards the asteroid & crash into it, sacrificing his own life in the process to save humanity, whom he deems worth saving. In the aftermath, Luthor is impeached & a funeral would be held in Superman’s honour in Metropolis, & Lois could write her own eulogy to Superman. It would end on a bittersweet note, with Superman being remembered as “The Man Who Saved The Planet”. WHAT DO YOU THINK?! 😊
@AuthorsAnvil 4 месяца назад
Thanks :D I have indeed seen Superman/Batman: Public Enemies and enjoyed it a lot!
@georgeeastwood6930 4 месяца назад
@@AuthorsAnvil it has the best portrayal of Lex Luthor I have ever seen, & that team up more than made up for “Dawn of Justice”.
@georgeeastwood6930 5 месяцев назад
I think this sums up why superman will always be relevant. I hope James Gunn takes notes for “Superman: Legacy”. 😊
@friedrodent112 5 месяцев назад
Mr. Rogues made 3 individual videos with a common topic: Why a different villain should be Batman’s archnemesis instead of the Joker. The villains discussed in each video were: the Riddler, Two-Face, and the Scarecrow. The first reason why the Riddler should be Batman’s archnemesis is that the Riddler is Batman’s smartest enemy, whose crimes test Batman’s intellect and detective skills like no one else. The second reason is that the Riddler directly sends clues to Batman to invite him to solve his crimes. The third reason is that the Riddler despises Batman and wants to actually defeat Batman, unlike the Joker. The fourth reason is that the Riddler poses a greater threat to Batman than the Joker because the Riddler is smarter, being frequently depicted as a technological genius who can hack into virtually anything, and can pull off grand feats behind a computer screen, and he is also a master schemer who could potentially bring Gotham to its knees without even leaving his hideout. The fifth and final reason is that the Riddler is a great foil to Batman as he has an upbeat demeanor, wears bright colors, loves to talk, and loves to boast about his intellect, while Batman is stoic, wears dark colors, and speaks little. The first reason why Two-Face should be Batman’s archnemesis is that Two-Face is Batman’s most personal foe because Harvey Dent was a district attorney and an invaluable ally to Batman, and a close friend of Bruce Wayne, which is why fighting Two-Face causes Batman more emotional pain than most of the other villains. The second reason is that Batman and Two-Face are two sides of the same coin, considering that both men were champions for justice, but used different methods of achieving it, with Harvey Dent as a public figure who used the law to fight crime during the day, while Batman is a vigilante who works outside of the law to fight crime during the night. The third reason is the common theme of duality, with both men having dual identities, Batman as a billionaire playboy during the day, and a vigilante at night, while Two-Face is the noble Harvey Dent, and a cold-blooded supervillain; the key difference is that Two-Face is both identities at the same time and wears both of his faces at the same time, and is unable to completely switch between the two identities, while Batman switches between his identities. The fourth reason is that Two-Face is truly unpredictable, considering that, depending on the outcome of a coin flip, he might do something good, something evil, or nothing at all, which is truly unpredictable and genuinely terrifying, unlike the Joker, whose crimes are basically jokes that only he finds funny, and actually always have a point and even a pattern. The fifth reason is that Two-Face poses a greater threat than the Joker, considering that the Joker was a complete nobody before he became a supervillain, while Harvey Dent was a district attorney, so naturally he would use his skills and resources as a criminal: he knows Gotham inside out, he has nearly endless connections, he knows everything there is to know about the law and the legal system, and he should also have far greater ease with amassing an army of henchmen, unlike all of the other villains, and he already has the connections, the information, the schemes, the leadership skills, and the experience. The first reason why the Scarecrow should be Batman’s archnemesis is because they both use the same weapon: fear; Batman dresses like a bat and uses theatrics and acting to scare criminals, while the Scarecrow dresses like a scarecrow (usually) and uses his fear toxin to fill his victims with terror. The second reason is that the Scarecrow is, or should be, a master manipulator, since Dr. Jonathan Crane was a psychologist before he became the Scarecrow, either as a professor of psychology, a private practitioner, or even the head doctor of Arkham Asylum, so he should know everything there is to know about the mind and what buttons to press, and he has the ability to deduce a person’s worst fears just by talking to them, and he should be able to scare people with mere words, instead of being dependent on his fear toxin to scare people. The third reason is that he is the most evil man in Gotham, moreso than the Joker or Victor Zsasz, who murder people left and right, while the Scarecrow actually keeps his victims alive so he can torture them, not with physical pain, but with psychological terror, forcing people, usually innocent people, to experience their worst nightmares.
@friedrodent112 5 месяцев назад
Some other Batman villains who need to be fixed are: Basil Karlo/Clayface, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, the Riddler, Killer Croc, the Penguin, Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter, Killer Moth, the Scarecrow, and Black Mask.
@friedrodent112 5 месяцев назад
Do you think that Wolverine should have a new costume, and if you were to fix Wolverine to make him a better character, how else would you fix him?
@Teah8cbdude 2 месяца назад
I just wish there was a shorter muscular wolverine. Like in the comics. Supposed to be small bulky and nimble
@amieridley1150 5 месяцев назад
We are currently in Season 3 of rewatching Smallville. The complexity of Lex's relationship with the Kent's is something I have found particularly compelling in the show - even though as an audience we generally know how things will turn out, I can't help but yearn for a better outcome and relationship every time Johnathan challenges Lex to be a better man.
@TheUnseenPath 5 месяцев назад
With the gig as a hero and normal life someone can find a balance, Superman is fast enough to stop multiple disasters (but still good point) and yes the hearing is a curse but a small price to pay for being a demi god and helping people :) Yes it would be hell but as long as people have hope that I bring as Superman it is all worth it. Plus, there isn't always crime all the time people do have limits and do sleep. What gives me the right to topple NK? The fact that people are suffering and I can do something about it. Also, Superman working for the government if he were to topple a country would be like The Watchmen: Dr Manhattan won the vietnam war for the US and because he was on our side there was world peace since no one wanted to mess with him I assume it's the same for Superman. Superman like Homelander could topple everything if he wanted but I don't know about stunting humanity's growth because that isn't the case in the comics and he cannot, by your metrics, be everywhere at once. Remember he can let the cops do their job without upstaging him and he chooses to be Clark Kent because he admires humans. If it removes inhibitions and makes your dark side come out then it makes you evil. Superman is straight not cis and Batman is also great! He's relatable because he is human and has trauma plus no social skill xD.
@megaultradamn 2 месяца назад
Bruce Wayne has social skills. He just doesn't like using them. How else could he grow his sphere of influence?
@TheUnseenPath 5 месяцев назад
People complain he has no weakness and when kryptonite is given some how it's a "cop out". SMH.
@TheUnseenPath 5 месяцев назад
Superman does not have a no kill rule. Death of Superman proves that he will kill if he absolutely has to and he uses violence to stop enemies all the time so that's nuts that he despises it. When the joker migrated to Metropolis Superman told him he doesn't have a no kill rule he just generally doesn't do it. He doesn't have different powers they all pretty much stay the same as you mentioned. They change occasionally but there still is crossover. Red Sun drains his power slowly and he has powered through it before. It's not understandable for Lex, Superman has saved the day numerous times by now for Lex to know this. And it's not cis it's straight no slurs please if we're going that route. His son is now a fag if that's the game we want to play.
@therealpescado 5 месяцев назад
Is Rorschach too obvious of an answer? His mask literally changes w his emotions hahaha
@harryfleutv666 5 месяцев назад
"You are who you choose to be" "Superman..." -Iron Giant
@andrewbaxter4997 5 месяцев назад
Miles is black so black suit