Bedtime Devo Mama
Bedtime Devo Mama
Bedtime Devo Mama
Short, sweet, hope-filled ideas for spiritually parenting our kids. Each short video includes one Christian parenting tip and a recommendation of an excellent Christian picture book to help start the discussion in your home.
3 месяца назад
The BEST way to nurture faith in kids
3 месяца назад
5 месяцев назад
@alexanderjordan9894 2 дня назад
This is an even better object lesson for not removing an impaling object from an injury
@presto709 4 дня назад
Not understanding how something works does not mean you should believe in magic. It means you should study polymers and liquids.
@pattihill7982 5 дней назад
We trust God because His character is consistent. He’s faithful! So the character of the polymer is that it closes in around the pencils. You can trust a polymer to act like a polymer just as you can trust God to act like God. Good lesson!
@BedtimeDevoMama 5 дней назад
Love this explanation!
@lancecrowe1958 5 дней назад
Yes, they are called rhinoceros.
@Valouray 8 дней назад
I have been testifying and telling people God is Love anyone who know God knows Love. God so loved the world that He sent his only Son Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is withoit sin there is no sin in Him he died to save us from our sins.. He hates lies, murder, theft, greed, magic ,idols, false gods and bowing to statues. Jesus Chrsit died on the cross to save us from our sins he is the Only One without sin and he defeated death, darkness and evil on that cross. He came back to life 3 days later and showed himself to his friends family and others. Then he ascended to Heaven where he sits with Our Holy Father God and The Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth that comforts councils and convicts and they rule over earth.The earth is Gods footstool that is how Big he IS. The makers of eyes and ears hear and see all. Do to others as you would have done to yourself. Turn from evil and do good.
@Valouray 8 дней назад
Praise The Lord Jesus Christ, Our Holy Father God and The Holy Spirit your videos were just the inspiration I was needing Bless you Sister. Been through a hard time got injured at work had some spare time done youth work in the past Led to visit the local childrens home had never been before. Got told by children at the local childrens home that they felt frightened and didnt want to go back to a class that teaches religion and moral studies as the staff member had asked if they were virgins! Thats a red flag for me! I would never ask a child that or an adult its a private question! They were mybe 13 or 14 years old at the time. Told police they dont do anything about the drug problem either. The Lord told me to move here in 2019 pre pandemic. Its a lovely place however a police officer had got charged with downloading child abuse images a few months before I moved here in 2019. Talked to some locals they had bad reports to say about how he was cruel to children on duty. Worried a little for the children. Join with me in prayer against this evil around the world. I also donated a holy bible and few other christian books they had the police come and return them to me trying to kick the door down to give me the books back! Then I asked the staff member as he stays in the same street as me why he was asing children if they are virgins it is inappropriate dont you think? Then police coming to my door wanting to charge ME for fear and alarm because when he went for me my dog went to jump up on him. He then pursued after me and chapped my door. Ive also reported it to the social work. The Lord is a God who punishes Who will stand with me against this evil. Give Glory to God in heaven and on earth and let there be peace among all those who please God Book recommendation The Road Map to Jesus by Alistair Chalmers picked it up at Oxfam like to red them and pass them on Peace be on You 😇
@PP-rm6oe 9 дней назад
Brilliant!!!! Greetings from Kuala Lumpur.
@RayHowle-jb1bi 10 дней назад
I wish more people this generation and last generation to understand what you just did
@presto709 4 дня назад
You mean more people should look for scientific answers to things they don't understand?
@PowWowDAO 10 дней назад
I rarely get privacy from my children's awareness. All my honest crying out to Elohim occurs in their presence.
@markryan9323 11 дней назад
I cried when I watched the experiment.... God is the plastic bag... We are the water inside Him. No matter what happen, He will be there to protect us... He took all to Himself on the cross... And He's still doing it right now. With Him we'll always save, no matter how bad the situations are. So believe in Him, abide in Him. Thank you so much for the video! God bless you!
@benandolga 13 дней назад
I believe it is much easier for children to trust God especially when they have loving parents while it is much harder for adults to trust God because adults mainly independent when trust to God is trust the child to Papa! Jesus said, "Relax adults and be like a child who depends on parents and never be stressful and be absent from their reality always thinking what I am going to eat or what I am going to wear , however, just play and play - enjoy their life!" Unfortunately, most of adult Christians have serious problems to receive something from God by faith because they tend to do everything by themselves and trust the doctors, the lawyer etc more than Father! Maybe one day it will become mainstream when children in churches would have a specific time to teach adults how to play and trust parents! We've been taught in churches for so long how to be self-reliable people forgeting that we are never be adult in this sense to God ! We will forever be small chicken to Father!
@3minutestospare 17 дней назад
Great idea thanks!
@oneofmanyvessels554 18 дней назад
This is good and these are kids, but I would also be sure to teach my kids Almighty God is not a "friend." They need to fear God to fully understand and appreciate who He is!
@mightyarrowsforJesus 19 дней назад
This is so good!❤
@michael30000 20 дней назад
@azigazibelabacsi Месяц назад
@TReX88147 Месяц назад
@ZOMGitsKENNY Месяц назад
I really love your Mother Theresa quote. Too bad she believed suffering was a good thing that brought people closer to God. Her philosophy killed so many disabled and poor people who needed real help. When Mother Theresa ended up with life threatening medical problems, she didn't let God intervene, she left India to Italy get treatment. Absolutely shameful. I wonder how many people under her care died instead of being able or allowed to Enjoy their family lol. Christians are such big hypocrites.
@Ladybug667 Месяц назад
@Sam-fp8zm Месяц назад
◄ Psalm 146:3 ► Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.
@Ladyjeennnn Месяц назад
Thankyou so much for this!! I'll do this with the kids for sunday school tomorrow ❤
@bluecollarcook Месяц назад
Great object lesson. Thanks for the idea!
@manutd231261 Месяц назад
What a load of tosh…proving science explains what we cannot understand. Bible proves nothing.
@thegreatgazoo7579 Месяц назад
This woman is so full of it, she stinks. Tell a Jewish child that "God is with you" as she is taken to the gas chambers and murdered. I bet that made it all better. Comparing God to a plastic bag? The bag is real; God isn't. This woman is all happy and smiles because she lives in a wealthy country that has been built by the suffering of past generations and she is blessed with modern technology protecting her from nature. This gives her an environment where she can live her fantasy life about "God" free from most suffering. Other people have provided this for her, not her self, and not God. And other people can make it all go away.
@maxki8340 Месяц назад
Gospel of Thomas says,theirs 5 trees in Paradise who ever knows them will not taste death,these 5 trees are Persons ,it's Methaphors 1. Palm tree - Father 2. Apple tree or Grapes - Mother 3. Pomegranate tree - Bride 4. Olive tree - Jesus 5. Fig tree - self House Haggia 2:19 Is the seed yet in the barn? yea, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you. Joel 1:12 12 The vine is dried up, and the fig tree languisheth; the pomegranate tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field, are withered: because joy is withered away from the sons of men. Nenimah 8:15 Go forth unto the mount, and fetch olive branches, and pine branches, and myrtle branches, and palm branches, and branches of thick trees, to make booths (houses), as it is written. The bible is Methaphors Mary Magdalena taught Gnostic teachings in France if this is true why ain't we?,5 trees in Paradise in Gospel Thomas sayings,their in the bible
@MobileExperienceChris Месяц назад
God Bless you and your family.
@Idontknowanything000 Месяц назад
I trust you regardless, you seem lovely. 😊
@turbinepower77 2 месяца назад
The only way to truly trust God is to encounter Him.
@Xpnvh 2 месяца назад
thats just physics
@CieloSoleggiato 2 месяца назад
This is great for Sunday school
@biancabeard-head 2 месяца назад
Link please love your channel
@BedtimeDevoMama 2 месяца назад
I have a shorter version of the class here: littleshootsdeeproots.com/9-minute-class
@biancabeard-head 2 месяца назад
Love your channel
@BedtimeDevoMama 2 месяца назад
@biancabeard-head 2 месяца назад
@BedtimeDevoMama 2 месяца назад
Here they are! www.amazon.com/shop/littleshootsdeeproots/list/1DNLVJI4QNZDK?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsflist_aipsflittleshootsdeeproots_W8W0AEEWM9R7QTWG9SCN
@paulsmodels 2 месяца назад
Sorry but you started off on the wrong foot girl. God is NOT an invisible God. His work, His creation is all around us, and clearly visible. Many people who mock God, and mock Christians call God the big invisible man in the sky, or something like that. So please do not go around calling our creator the invisible God.
@roninscholar4515 2 месяца назад
yeah because there is no god. And using a scientific explanation to encourage trust in god is so dumb it hurts. you are a pinhead
@junetey 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this video. I tried it today for children’s church and it worked great. Hopefully the kids understand more about faith
@marynau6016 2 месяца назад
I love this. Thank you!
@Brandon-os3qr 2 месяца назад
"trusting me in this moment makes no sense!' ... without an understanding of the very simple scientific explanation for why you didnt get wet Don't get me wrong, it's at the very least an excellent demonstration of how there are things which exist beyond our understanding in general. I just worry about the precedent it sets here when the lesson is ultimately that in many cases the things outside our understanding are just scientific principles
@jenniferdeloach6023 2 месяца назад
thank you Is it possible that you can do an object lesson about the power of words and how important it is to speak right words. Prove 18:20-21
@joshuaroberts8575 2 месяца назад
Where do you get the polymer bags at?
@BedtimeDevoMama 2 месяца назад
They're actually just regular zip-top bags from the grocery store! The one in the video is a small freezer bag. You can use the Ziploc brand or an off brand, just make sure the zip top is secure so the water doesn't leak out the top.
@ufosigma 2 месяца назад
To the people trusting in science, science is the pursuit of truth, God is truth.
@ufosigma 2 месяца назад
One fallable, the other, waiting for a relationship.
@s1rmunchalot 2 месяца назад
You can feel air when it moves. You can weigh air. You can heat air, you can measure it's pressure. You can cool the constituents of air down to a liquid and a solid. You can use a mass spectrometer to test for the individual elements in air. Using radiometric markers you can track the atoms of air through their cycles in biological life forms. There is no comparison and only the uninformed would think that there was.
@Kaihku 2 месяца назад
Clues! Hello from Italy, dad of 4 boys here.
@BedtimeDevoMama 2 месяца назад
Hello from Canada! Here's the link to the Clues of the Good News study: littleshootsdeeproots.com/product/clues-of-the-good-news-family-bible-study/
@carolinecordelia 2 месяца назад
I don't think you should "teach" children about this god and jesus nonsense you seem to think is true. The socalled evidence that you think has something to do with this figure you call god, it's just actually physics, nothing more, and it doesn't proof any existence of what you call god, and you should not brainwash inocent kids with this fairytales as it's actually harmful to their brain and their self esteem. Kids should be able to think for themselves and if the choose to believe in these stories as adults, it's fine, but don't force kids to belive in this nonsense. 😮 You may not pray for me, I'm not in any need of such bs, I'm just telling you the actual truth, not what you in your delusional mind think is the truth. The whole bible is founded on some person getting into a psycose and thinking that he hear a voice speaking to him, this is what they believe in menthal hospitals aswell, but they are actually not in their right mind. christianity and any other religion is founded just to control other people especially women and children and they created this story about the woman being evil, although without women no one would actually exist, but you could actually exist without any man as we dont need them, they're weak and women are stronger, that's why they had to make up this stories to take back control. They made up this stories of how god tell them to have sexual relations with children and how its their own fault that the men can not control their own behaviour, it's all bullshit.
@Certez2 2 месяца назад
What a bullshit xd
@sharonmontoliu6573 2 месяца назад
@philclayton5163 2 месяца назад
I have a really heavy hammer. If I put enough power through it, it will generate a really big spark does this mean Thor exists?
@chrissysonicutdrloz 2 месяца назад
I get what you said, but I also got something else out of it. You already knew it was a polymer bag, and the science behind how it works, so you knew it wouldn't leak. God knows everything, and how it all works, because He made it all, and He knows the future. That's why we can trust Him.
@agod7212 2 месяца назад
"getting poked with holes" lmao true
@martinrippel9751 2 месяца назад
This makes no sense.