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Knights of the Temple screenshots
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@Merluso415 День назад
Es la bandera mas hermosa que he visto .
@andresmora5192 2 дня назад
The Royal Navy was defeated multiple times by the Spanish Navy, but History omits it. Francis Drake, was defeated in Veracruz in the battle of San Juan de Ulua in 1568. The Invincible English, invasion fleet sent by Elizabeth I to defeat to the Spanish navy, was defeated by Spain and its navy in 1589. Edward Vernon was defeated in Cartagenas De Indias by Blas de Lezo in 1741. Horacio Nelson, the great victor of Trafalgar, was defeated in Tenerife, Spain, 25 of July of 1797. Before the Royal Navy was the owner of the seas, its predecessor was the Spanish Navy, who dominated the seas and made Spain the first global empire in world history, and also has the merit of discovering the American continent PLUS ULTRA
@andresmora5192 2 дня назад
Among the great achievements of the Spanish Navy are the discovery of the American continent, (not a country) by the admiral in the service of Spain, Christopher Columbus. The first circumnavigation of the world by Juan Sebastián Elcano. The discovery of the maritime route between Asia and the American continent by Andrés de Urdaneta. The Spanish Armada was the most powerful in the world from the 16th century to the end of the 18th century and continued to be a naval force of world reference until well into the 19th century. Before the Royal Navy was the owner of the seas, its predecessor was the Spanish Navy, who dominated the seas and made Spain the first global empire in world history. PLUS ULTRA
@gamingandcraftswithlogan8714 4 дня назад
I’ve been trying to find the name of this for 18 years, at the most random times I just hear that and it pisses me off because I completely forgot everything except the theme.
@aleacostadeleo 10 дней назад
España es el país más fuerte que ha existido, llevan siglos intentando destruirse y no han podido.
@hohloebuTeL 11 дней назад
Я русский, но меня всегда привлекала испанская история, наши народы во многом похожи. Жаль что наши империи распались и мы толком не познали дружбы между друг другом(
@Merluso415 День назад
Pues hasta donde yo tengo entendido Fernando vii de borbón y Alejandro i de Rusia eran amigos , o algo parecido .
@heisenborgerr 19 дней назад
As a Spaniard my self, That flag is absolutely epic
@Asgaard 19 дней назад
Just as a recommendation, change some of the Crosses of Calatrava for a Cross of Santiago. Sant James is the patron saint of Spain.
@KingBowser77766 Месяц назад
The Spaniards🇪🇦✝️ were the actual heroes and most powerful Empire.... Until in Salazar's Revenge because Salazar wanted Revenge against Pirates killing them all including Jack Sparrow
@EmperadorElijah Месяц назад
God bless 'the Christian Hispanian Empire!' 🇪🇸 Finally at long last will it be liberated from the pagan and satanic psychosis of Roman Catholicism. No more idol worshipping! No more sacraments and legalism! No more praying to dead people! No more papal interference! Glory to God in the highest! Praise be to God for 'the True Faith,' '[non-denominational] TRUE Biblical Christianity! 📜 🙏 ✝️
@enguelberthbernal5341 Месяц назад
La historia de América está escrita en español - Thomas Jefferson
@starseeker5231 2 месяца назад
🇵🇷 every time I visit El Morro in San Juan this song comes to mind.
@bowieupland6112 2 месяца назад
Based Chad Spaniards.
@user-xu2cq8gm1e 2 месяца назад
Black bear thought he was the main boss 😂.When the Spanish appeared they appeared a health bar.
@user-xu2cq8gm1e 2 месяца назад
I want to ask a girl out with this music in my ear.😂
@djjuliuss2961 3 месяца назад
Hay alguna posibilidad de tener la bandera?
@pat6289 3 месяца назад
Spain is one of the greatest kingdoms , and its language is universal , 2nd most spoken in the world today and they spread the truth of Universal faith around the world
@mcbron8389 3 месяца назад
God safe Spain. The most greatest of the all world kingdoms
@Pablomotosantena3 3 месяца назад
@kushyglowy8409 3 месяца назад
@antoniodeaquino4898 3 месяца назад
Very beautiful version of Agni partene, lovely hymn to the holy mother of god❤
@ferriverlr3997 3 месяца назад
..hermoza bandera.. orgulloso de pertenecer a tan grande legado q dejo el imperio español. Que dios bendiga a España por siempre..y para siempre..Saludos desde ..otrora REINO DEL PERÚ.
@joseluisdiez5455 3 месяца назад
Está bandera me encanta.seria la más apropiada para la hispanidad .es la que representa a toda la hispanidad y sobre todo a las españas..❌🇪🇦❌🇪🇦
@DavidPap318 4 месяца назад
@metalromaniq7981 4 месяца назад
Vinieron. Ellos tenían la Biblia y nosotros teníamos la tierra. Y nos dijeron: "Cierren los ojos y recen", Y cuando abrimos los ojos, ellos tenían la tierra y nosotros teníamos la Biblia.
@quipac Месяц назад
Depende de la zona. En la actual zona de Bolivia, la inmensa mayoría retuvieron la tierra, lengua, gobierno y costumbres (siendo súbditos del rey de España, obviamente) y la Biblia. Así como el exterminio de nativos en Chile y Argentina se realizó después de la independencia, bajo recomendación inglesa. Masonería, claro, la que aún sigue en el poder en la mayor parte de los países hispanoamericanos. La que hace las leyes y escribe la historia. Cada país escribe la historia según los intereses de quien los gobierne.
@juancarlosponce6664 4 месяца назад
@Someone08119 4 месяца назад
Viva al andalus 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦
@rhi6517 4 месяца назад
¿Que tiene que ver con el vídeo? Además, que tiene que ver Al-Andalus con Marruecos 😂. Si la dinastía gobernante eran los Omeya, nada que ver con Marruecos que ni existía aún.
@Someone08119 3 месяца назад
​@@rhi6517almoravids almohads 🇲🇦
@valentinperez4414 4 месяца назад
El imperio que nunca se le opuso el sol
@ellince7327 4 месяца назад
La unión de todos los hispanos llegará, yo lo sé tu lo sabes y dios nos dará la bendición para recuperar la unión y el respeto. Arriba la hispanidad!
@xXDarkMyMindXx666 5 месяцев назад
Viva España!!!
@MF-ut4fr 5 месяцев назад
@tomislavpetrina700 5 месяцев назад
Beautiful music
@emanuelzepeda3433 5 месяцев назад
I really liked that flag, do you have any files of the flag? I would like to use it as wallpaper
@jusepdavid6177 5 месяцев назад
Solo Dios puede dar la Vida Eterna. 🙏🙏🙏🇨🇴🇪🇦🙋‍♂️
@jusepdavid6177 5 месяцев назад
Maria Santisima nos guie en estos tiempos de oscuridad 🙏🙏🙏🇨🇴🇪🇦🙋‍♂️
@safarboyalkhwarizmi 5 месяцев назад
Looks like stealed from gokturks 😂
@svestraniumetnik93 5 месяцев назад
I see they like wolf head www.google.com/search?q=gokturks+flag&rlz=1C2MSIM_enRS725RS725&sca_esv=8b0f0bb61a9c22c4&ei=Vm7GZer1NrWI9u8PnY-k6A4&ved=0ahUKEwjq-JWJ8Z6EAxU1hP0HHZ0HCe0Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=gokturks+flag&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDWdva3R1cmtzIGZsYWcyBRAAGIAEMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMggQABgWGB4YCjIGEAAYFhgeSPscUO4QWKMZcAJ4AZABAJgBigGgAcYDqgEDMS4zuAEDyAEA-AEBwgIKEAAYRxjWBBiwA8ICCBAAGBYYHhgP4gMEGAAgQYgGAZAGCA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
@safarboyalkhwarizmi 5 месяцев назад
@@svestraniumetnik93 I mean that www.google.com/search?q=gokturk+religion&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi2w8v2haCEAxWLDhAIHduBAuQQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=gokturk+religion&gs_lp=EgNpbWciEGdva3R1cmsgcmVsaWdpb24yBxAAGIAEGBhIhCBQAFjPHnAEeACQAQCYAYIBoAHJC6oBBDAuMTO4AQPIAQD4AQGKAgtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ICBBAjGCfCAgUQABiABMICChAAGIAEGIoFGEPCAgYQABgFGB6IBgE&sclient=img&ei=bArHZbbdMYudwPAP24OKoA4&bih=898&biw=1707&rlz=1C2MSIM_enRS725RS725#imgrc=JgeeWS-UzDVa_M
@safarboyalkhwarizmi 5 месяцев назад
@@svestraniumetnik93 www.google.com/search?sca_esv=fea8e79187cfd119&sxsrf=ACQVn0_Y2XucUqDEz-AFIwx80RgSZYq85w:1707591390721&q=gokturk+religion&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjpr4_SuaGEAxXSJhAIHTBNB9kQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1707&bih=898&dpr=1.5#imgrc=JgeeWS-UzDVa_M
@Usernamein2 5 месяцев назад
That's like saying the Turkmens stole the Chinese flag.
@ksiros123 5 месяцев назад
It has nothing to do with the Turks.... It is the same Labarum (=flag) that Constantine the Great used at the battle of Milvian bridge outside Rome against Maxendius.....
@MilitaryHistoryRelived 5 месяцев назад
Wonderful 👍
@svestraniumetnik93 5 месяцев назад
If you have any suggestions for next flag write down in the comments
@user-gb6te4pf4j 5 месяцев назад
It could be the combat flag, or the banner of the Federal Byzantine Army when marching to battle! Awesome!
@Cattus_Supreme 5 месяцев назад
The flag of the cholas
@svestraniumetnik93 5 месяцев назад
@@Cattus_Supreme find epic Indian song that could match that period and which will fit well with flag
@pedrosabino8751 5 месяцев назад
When the anglos needed to team up with the picts, gaels and batavians in order to defeat the sucessors of Rome
@centurion2275 5 месяцев назад
And yet...
@Charinjo 5 месяцев назад
sinceramente los españoles son unos de mis personajes favoritos de piratas del caribe
@BellHillMayor 5 месяцев назад
Definitely the best theme music and very rememable with this amazing horror theme music :)
@nathanlee7776 6 месяцев назад
I'm sorry but this seal just doesn't make sense. It is breaking so many rules and with so many different families from so many regions, and cadet branch and main branch together?
@svestraniumetnik93 5 месяцев назад
Central Coat of Arms is from the Wiki, I put together flag, and placed a seal on top of it
@loganbagley7822 6 месяцев назад
Being an adult is realizing that Jack is not the hero, he is just a side character. The Spanish are the heroes.🇪🇸✝️
@andresmora5192 2 дня назад
Among the great achievements of the Spanish Navy are the discovery of the American continent, (not a country) by the admiral in the service of Spain, Christopher Columbus. The first circumnavigation of the world by Juan Sebastián Elcano. The discovery of the maritime route between Asia and the American continent by Andrés de Urdaneta. The Spanish Armada was the most powerful in the world from the 16th century to the end of the 18th century and continued to be a naval force of world reference until well into the 19th century. Before the Royal Navy was the owner of the seas, its predecessor was the Spanish Navy, who dominated the seas and made Spain the first global empire in world history. PLUS ULTRA
@molochau.al.8040 6 месяцев назад
@user-bo3dv5gh6w 6 месяцев назад
Великая империя была. Стала тенью💀. Короли 👑 погубили её. Теперь воюете с Россией. Закончится ☠️
@Emilystar1095 6 месяцев назад
I'm mexican but my dad has Aztec ethnicity while my mom has mostly Spanish ethnicity. Anyways viva Espana! Y Mexico!!
@juancarlosponce6664 4 месяца назад
Cierto que viva Espana, también México y España!!
@Emilystar1095 4 месяца назад
@Archedgar Месяц назад
A huevo.
@LuisFigueroa1F 16 дней назад
Y yo soy ruso
@Aqueox 12 дней назад
So you aren’t Spanish. Good to know.
@williambayardoamadorcastil9758 6 месяцев назад
"No hay un pedazo de tierra que no tenga una tumba española"🇪🇸😎
@mingoalcoletge973 7 месяцев назад
Vivan las Españas❤
@suk.a296 7 месяцев назад
BRO im from Spain and the flag IS sick! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@santiagoblasgilabert2877 7 месяцев назад
¡Qué maravilla de bandera! Con diferencia la más bonita que he visto.