Dr. Mayim Bialik
Dr. Mayim Bialik
Dr. Mayim Bialik
Hey. Yes, I was Amy Farrah Fowler on ‘The Big Bang Theory’ and ‘Blossom,’ but I’m also trained as a neuroscientist. My podcast, “Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown” is your ticket to better well-being, a deeper understanding of your mental, physical and spiritual health, and the place where my partner Jonathan Cohen and I get real about the intersection of mind, body and spirit with a ton of amazing guests. Watch, learn, share, leave comments, and subscribe to this channel. Audio is available wherever you listen to podcasts. Thanks for being here to break it down with us.

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@OmegaYo 20 часов назад
You like Sheldon?
@louannwilliamson-yp6kc 21 час назад
Love you Rosie ❤
@ok9ok3ok6ok 21 час назад
It's okay to have things that help you cope with discomfort. But when these things become dysfunctional, then the underlying discomfort may be an indication of an issue.
@kellyjohnson6189 21 час назад
So I rarely comment on videos but today I'm commenting on two and they have a common theme. Two women testifying to how God moved in their lives. The same unwavering strength and conviction. I just want to say thank you. We're often scoffed at and to see these two women unapologetically give their testimony is a balm to my soul. Also want to say that this also helped heal my heart and gain greater understanding of God's love and grace. I had a hard life and left an abuser 2 1/2 years ago. It took me 3 years of planning at the age of 58 and broken beyond belief. But I put my faith in God and constantly thought of my Grandmother. She left her abuser at the age of 63 and I was 13. She was dying of cancer and she wanted to leave this world in peace. Unfortunately tho, that family trauma of abuse was passed down and it took me to my late 50s to heal and find my own peace. But without her example, knowing she was by my side every step of the way (we had an extemely close relationship bc her daughter/my mother was so abusive to me) and the praying that God would show me the same grace and mercy, I wouldn't have managed those 3 years and survived. Uzo's story about the TV and then dealing with her Mom's cancer... it just slammed into me because one of the verses that was forefront in my mind during the time was Jeremiah 1:5. God showed me what unconditional love and grace is and that His plans for us are beyond our understanding. ETA: Sorry for long post but I just read your pinned comment Mayiam... I have had absolute visceral moments. I will share the top two. I wanted to leave this world and unal1ve myself. I was done with the pain of living. I was in therapy but in that abusive relationship. I literally put a w3apon in my mouth... said the prayer "God please forgive me for what I'm about to do. I ask in Jesus's name Amen" and started to squeeze. My arm was pushed down. Literally and aggressively pushed down. I was alone in the house. A random beam of sunlight squeezed between closed curtains and shone down right on me. After the tears and prayers, I found a way to go on. There was another moment where I felt so unworthy of Jesus' sacrifice and to make a long story short as to what led up to this... ended up feeling a piercing in my heart followed by a piercing in my right side that literally had me on the floor in pain thinking I was having a heart attack. But then God's voice boomed in my head "Do you understand?" I cried out loud YES! and it repeated for a total of 3 times and each time the "do you understand" being more firm and encompassing my entire being until I fully surrendered. I went on to escape that situation as I described above. God is real and He lives. He saved an unworthy wretch like me and changed my world. I have peace today and will forever be grateful that He loves each and every one of us. Thank you Uzo and Mayiam for a wonderful session.
@Okay182 21 час назад
Food!! I remember my first time binge eating VIVIDLY. Only 4 years old and I was really stressed about something and I couldn’t stop shoveling a BOX of goldfish in my mouth. And as an adult I still struggle with food addiction
@amywilson3593 21 час назад
gerry wilson hope this finds you well i liked udo and ben platt's gender bending of a little priest have a blessed jewish new year
@ichinkhorloobaasanjav8333 22 часа назад
He seems to be aging more gracefully and looks even better than in his younger years.
@rlcam6175 22 часа назад
Thank you for talking about this. You described my brain and life for the last few years.
@katarzynabuksinska1305 22 часа назад
She is such a blessed, a real treasure to the world....she has such a good energy that even vibes throught the youtube videos....:-)
@RedEyez-l9u 23 часа назад
I'm here in September 2024 after this Diddy thing came out. Wow, was he ever telling the truth. The movie and music industry are littered with abusers and pedophiles. One has the question all of these other industries that haven't been exposed yet.
@Janbroy01 23 часа назад
For me especially- perimeno hit me like nothing else and no one believes me which is disheartening- ppl say Im being lazy, asking me what happened to you? You used to be on point … why r u so moody? Whats wrong with you, why an attitude all the time - No one understands , Drs too…. Smfh
@michelevanzonneveld4767 23 часа назад
Loved this episode. What a powerhouse, of a woman !
@thedarkside7508 23 часа назад
I'm not looking forward to that to be honest
@Bionicgirl05 День назад
Thank you Mayim for this episode of your podcast with Uzo. It was fascinating conversation and your interest in her faith story was evident. When i was a child i had a hamster called Tilly. My friend and i were playing with with Tilly in the bathroom upstairs when she escaped through a hole in the wall just behind the sink. Immediately we knew we needed help and ran down to my parents to tell them. Only moments before my parents had stood in the kitchen below and heard something fall down through the wall cavity. When we told them what had happened they knew we would not see Tilly again. They could not bear to tell me. My friends mother, the vicars wife, felt awful that the hamster had probably met its end whilst playing with her daughter. She prayed to God in faith that the hamster was alive and would return. Two weeks passed and my friends mum was in the local post office and noticed an ad for a lost hamster that had been found. When we checked it was three doors down and the elderly lady was caring for the hamster. She had spotted Tilly playing near her pond, stalked by local cats. She rescued Tilly and had been feeding her chocolate grapes and cheese. We were amazing that she had survived the fall, escaped, made it throuhh three gardens past a dog and various cats. She lost only a small part of her ear and was living a life of luxury. My father still stands in church and tells the tale of how Tilly miraculously survived and came home. It is one of his favourites. He also tells the miracke of fence panels, but thats another story. Thank you for your open, honesty and jolliness.
@lenwelch2195 День назад
What a depressing statement when she said that her mother didn’t believe that there was something wrong in being born black until moving to the US. It took coming to the US to become aware of prejudice against Blacks. This disgusts me as a citizen of the US and it shows the flaw of white people in the US. Being Caucasian and a gay male that came out at 25 after being married to a woman for 3 years I understand the wall of silence prejudice presents itself in some not so subtle ways. All of us is. Conditioned to our environment. If you grow up in a place without other races then of course you become prejudice to some degree Her family wasn’t use to seeing so many white people. I’m sure they are shocked that Trump is a candidate for president.
@amythomas3745 День назад
I think what is better is you fulfill your own needs first, you become happy with and by yourself, then if/when you find someone that does this also, then you decide if you both together make more as a whole than 2 separate people. Two “half developed’ people do not make one whole. They make two half people that if they weren’t already, are now needy, insecure, resentful people. Looking for someone to fulfill your needs is just not a good idea. Looking for someone who supports you and encourages you in your wholeness, while you are ready to do the same for them, there you go. Believe me, I learned this the hard way. Amazingly happy on my own however.
@veronicabryant2646 День назад
I hope so too for all of us ❤
@Lunarstruck1 День назад
I'd have a lot more sympathy and respect for him if he'd just come out with names instead of dragging this on and on trying to make money off it.
@cynthiawarner9443 День назад
Thank you
@maddieboneslover4921 День назад
And imagine all of this happening to someone who is only 20. I was diagnosed with premature menopause when I was 20, I'm now almost 30. So many things went through my head, fortunately I had a good support system that was my parents.
@cathykirkmcrae7727 День назад
Jonathon.....keep the faith. Sometimes it's just better to go with it. I've had many of such msg.'s, just in the last few years. When you believe it becomes much easier to recognize them.
@fourierfoyer365 День назад
God (and any omniscient being) can be disproven with a logical argument. I'll give the whole argument if Dr. Bialik asks.
@lisabrady9083 День назад
She couldn't have said it with more truth & beauty
@darnitthelma4247 День назад
God is not real. He would take young children, he wouldn’t make people suffer, he wouldn’t let evil roam the earth & cause pain
@curtisrobinson7962 23 часа назад
What if this world is a hologram?
@tymirejenkins7316 23 часа назад
Good gives us all free choice sometimes we are victims of others choices. But God never abandons us he stays with us during our struggles and trials. He will help you keep faith, hope, and belief in him. Everything will be ok the greater our testimonies the more people can relate and come to God.
@Southern.Nappiness День назад
I loved Amy's character on Big Bang Theory.😊😊😊❤❤
@nativeca7356 День назад
I can so relate to intellectualizing a process and yet getting “caught up” in the emotion of an experience. I appreciate how it’s expressed by you in this interview.
@nalanl День назад
There's nothing wrong with not wanting to feel pain. We normalize rampant addiction to stimulants.... What is wrong with someone using a drug to reduce the pain they feel? Should be teaching people better coping mechanisms, sure... But, humans aren't perfect
@TheIAMINU День назад
God is wheat , per Joseph's dream ....Magical because the egyptians were allergic ...
@carriebay День назад
Absolutely accurate
@Thalog День назад
yes god is real, so is the celestial testical! all praise the great nutsack of the faith!. oh and before you thump the bible. theres the same proof of the celestial testical as there is god. ZERO
@nativeca7356 День назад
Dr. Mayim I luv that you said “what is that, fix that!”. Doesn’t that just wrap it up beautifully!? Don’t we all want that.
@philthoreau6412 День назад
Has nothing to do with filtering, it ALL about being ablé to be in the moment. These drug pushers are looking for the extreme cases.
@nativeca7356 День назад
I was raised Metaphysical, or “spiritual” which was the more widely used term when I was growing up. Which I still got the question a lot growing up in the 80’s ..” is that a cult?”. This conversation was great from all perspectives. This woman’s experience makes sense to me and absolutely adheres to what I was raised with and found on my own to be a belief system that works for me. Thank you so much for this conversation!
@PhillipAllis-v1e День назад
Scarlett Via
@LesterLanders-i1i День назад
D'Amore Keys
@CalenBernhardt День назад
As a Canadian, I have to admit that I have never heard of this song Johnathan says is a Canadian classic. Should I feel insecure about my Canadianism? 😂
@barrieerskine250 День назад
I have extreme pain from multiple sclerosis. The pain meds I was on caused so many side effects that they were affecting my quality of life. When cannabis became legal in Canada, a friend suggested I try CBD oil. It has changed my life. At night, I take a THC/CBD mix, which helps me sleep.
@philthoreau6412 День назад
If y have your toilet paper delivered.
@philthoreau6412 День назад
This is a unqualified op , if i stop jerking off. I know something is better for my workbench
@Momnzane День назад
I spoke with him. My birthday is March 10th, maybe that's why. We help manipulate ai
@Momnzane День назад
Good job Corey.
@robinabner3118 День назад
If you live,you will feel pain. It's as simple as that.
@sandrasheets9185 День назад
I went through alot of the normal menopause symptoms but I really found myself I found out I'm very artistic...I'm happier than I have been in a Long time.
@tiffanycerasoli3540 День назад
Never had my ADHD overtake me till menopause
@2863wonderland День назад
Dealing with this crap now! Has anyone taking HRT?
@thomasholmegaard6431 День назад
I had this problem on till I watch this guy here (if you want the link let me know but it is in danish) but the gist of it is you keep your smartphone in a drew and only take it out when you really need it in my case looking in to the bank or paying online the rest the way it is dumb phone all the way. been doing this for 2 month now made my a better person according to my friends and family
@user-ru1jt3ve8u День назад
Cranchy granola leader :)
@KimberlyCook-j3o День назад
Love people? Rosie hates. She’s a freaking hater that hates more that Lucifer.
@artgj7296 День назад
Where did his lips go??
@MarilyncarolCornell День назад
I never felt better during menopause...I had too much estrogen .so I felt normal afterwards