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UT Health Austin
Meet Amy Young, MD | Portraits in Commitment
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Long-COVID Patient Education
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@sylviawillars1430 12 часов назад
Thank you so much for this video! It is clear, informative and explains LC in such a way that a lay person, like myself, gains a real understanding of what has happened to my body over the last four years. I am making great strides in my recovery, but still have weeks when I crash completely and am confined to bed to rest. I try to pace myself and follow guidelines, but the yearning to be the fit, active woman I was for so many years prior to LC can be overwhelming. Thank you too for all your hard work and research into LC and let’s hope that one day a solution will be found to help all those of us suffering from this debilitating condition.
@roadkillavenger1325 14 часов назад
I have had covid twice. The last time was around February 2024. Since then, I've been dealing with quite a bit of fatigue. It isn't debilitating, but I'm in bed more than I'm not. I haven't been the same person since February. I just don't know if it is related to my covid or not. All I know is that covid was the beginning of whatever this is.
@MarylinTurner-tm3nv День назад
Hi Dr Nick.
@DD-jm5ug 2 дня назад
"Vaccine" injury.
@Tf03 3 дня назад
Thanks so much for discussing long covid!!
@james87367 4 дня назад
Please God rid me of LC.
@artssite24 4 дня назад
is there a place where I can ask more questions
@dominique217 4 дня назад
Since Aug 2021, have never fully recovered my sense of smell or taste. 😐
@pepitabaldin952 5 дней назад
Do antinflamatory diet . No processed food no fried food no sugar no junk food. This helps the body recover .
@meaganmorin3344 5 дней назад
Thank you for this overview. Very clear and understandable. My biggest struggle is with fatigue, but also widespread weakness and occasional numbness. For a “healthy” person, it’s been quite debilitating and disheartening. Wishing all long COVID sufferers a speedy return to health.
@Design2Mine 5 дней назад
This is me. It’s sad but it’s validating at the same time.
@brendabrenner2891 5 дней назад
Outstanding.. should be shared w all interns + Dr trained 25 years ago.. I see 11 Drs who treat 11 body parts.. no knowledge of gut brain connect.. was pre med,, CDC useless.. it's living hell.. I'm not getting better.. no clinic in RI🙏❤️
@joannek7447 6 дней назад
How do these symptoms interrelate to some medication side effects or reactions together. I am doing a benzo taper and also had problems after the third covid shot. So, possible that there are a multitude of issues going on?
@neachtarrsainn3216 6 дней назад
Very informative video, but you really dropped the ball on one of the main symptoms of long Covid and that is the effects that it has on your gut health. In addition to the fatigue, my gut microbiome has been completely destroyed. I have been to several gastroenterologist in my area whose main goal is to only treat your symptoms and not get to the root cause of the gut issues that are associated with long Covid. Also, another big symptom with long Covid that is overlooked or not associated properly is tinnitus. If you have someone that has been diagnosed with long Covid, the chances are pretty good that they are also experiencing ringing in their ears. Especially during a flareup of gut symptoms.
@drhayesmt1 6 дней назад
This is very interesting, but for those of us that I’ve had it since the beginning of the pandemic, the horses have already left the barn and so telling us what we should have done is not extremely helpful. I think you need to consider having advice for people that have been dealing with this for four years.
@drhayesmt1 6 дней назад
FYI, it is not the adults with disabilities act it is the Americans with disability act. It covers all ages..
@drhayesmt1 6 дней назад
FYI, it is not the adults with disabilities act it is the Americans with disability act. It covers all ages..
@MakaiMauka 7 дней назад
Thank you for this exceptionally well done overview.
@Logi_Queenie 7 дней назад
Never had Covid but had all rNA vaccines which triggered the worst symptoms of POTS I had diagnosed prior to pandemic. Lost 30 lbs in a year and I’m 40 and athlete my whole life. Thanks for talking about this
@myalyk4018 7 дней назад
I Never prayed that you suffer from Tinnitus condition because it is a great torment, I can’t sleep at night. I am very happy and grateful to Dr Madida whom gave me a herbal remedy that cured me of my Tinnitus condition, now I can sleep comfortably and live my normal life without any disturbance inside ears 👂👂 /
@ark194 7 дней назад
Ha! My dr has never done anything for me. I had no idea there was fatigue medication.
@deniseingram6210 8 дней назад
Normal EKG, but horrible chest pain and pounding palpitations Normal chest XRay and CT of lung showed clots. Chest pain, Takatosubu showe later You feel no one believes you. Next stop the psych ward
@joelparshley9499 8 дней назад
Soooo not trynna be an asshole but if there is nothing to diagnose but neurological symptoms doesnt that make this a theoretical thing with symptoms that make sense for depression of being sick and losing your family? I mean once again not trying to be an asshole just pragmatic never heard of long flu or long pneumonia jus bad immune system and sadness of having been sick that long. Also why are we saying there is enough information to even classify this as a thing its been like 3 years thats not enough time to study something in depth that lasts sometimes over 2 years. Also have there been any studies to question the crowd recieving long covid? Like not trying to make the connection everyone will shit on me for making but what are the chances vaccines caused long covid? Has testing been done with crowds of both vaccinated and non im genuinely curious not jus trynna diss the needle but i came to the video for information and just got people feel sick we dont know why they had covid in the past we dont think they are depressed about it or body reacting negativelt to the stress by lowering immune system as a result. Just a hypothesis and generalized symptoms everyone could have and filler to reach 20 minutes. Checking the thyroid yes is a good thing to do but doesnt immediately rule out any neurological issues cuz everything is in parameters, people can have perfect thyroids and many neurological issues or depression. This sounds like complete bs to make people feel better and give doctors money not therapists that these people need. No wonder why we have a mental health crisis we call mental health issues a fucking flu and send em to the doctor for a shot but great advice for depressed people dont over exert yourself or outdo your limits/ social battery etc lmao but seriously why the fuck is this being called a disability and are we promoting people to stay depressed by not doing shit and getting paid for it its not even studied enough and disappears disabilities dont just disappear one day its a fucking insult to those who genuinely are disabled or severely depressed agorophobic etc and genuinely getting therapy and help, not just looking for excuses to stay home from work and wallow.
@joelparshley9499 8 дней назад
If I missed something genuine that can be picked up to find long covid or anything that isn't a neurological symptoms like fatigue and nerve pain etc please let me know if there's something in the blood or a protein left behind by covid something real i genuinely apologize for saying this if I missed the smoking gun that makes this real or make sense. But once the viral fragments are gone and there's no covid... if nothing is left that stays for that time frame there's nothing covid about it... it's jus your fuckin depression and your brain reacting to the trauma of the incident and potential loss of friends and family, and working through that apparently without any help since everyone's like oh I'm not depressed I just still have covid 2.5 years later after losing my family and friends and sitting at home for this time just being sedentary and making my life even worse, like what the actual fuck lmao the mental gymnastics people do to avoid mental health as a topic is fucking baffling 😂😂
@melissasmomglam 9 дней назад
Any doctors in Houston TX?? I’ve called about 200 and can’t find any. Any suggestions?
@jagererk65 10 дней назад
It was 6 months since this video came out, is there any prooved or very compeling treatment? I done 1000000 tests, spend over 5k to look for any wrong in my body but i found nothing wrong, but still i have worst time of my life in terms of how i feel sick
@Mrs.atchley22 11 дней назад
I was hospitalized and had severe COVID lungs in 2020, When I got better about two weeks later I ended up having sleep apnea. About a year later, I got asthma. A year after that I got shortness of breath, Tachycardia, exhaustion, brain fog, severe depression, hypnic jerks, numbness and tingling, insomnia, night sweats and so on and so forth. Unfortunately, it's getting worse.
@thgradedropout 11 дней назад
😂!!!!! Unvaccinated and doing great! Sick and dying are the brain dead democrat poison injectiors
@fatacujurnalul 14 дней назад
I found out I am pregnant and I am shaking from all over my body. I am scared
@BasicBeachCommunity1 17 дней назад
i've been trying to help my wife. She refuses. It's very challenging.
@rebeccaslater1398 18 дней назад
Covid vaccinations absolutely ruined my health
@sunmoonstarrays 19 дней назад
13:46 ♥️
@itsmejulia1 19 дней назад
I read that salad is fine as long as it's washed really thoroughly before consumption. If I really have to avoid all raw foods (so no salad) for 9 months I think I'm going to go insane...
@oibal60 21 день назад
So glad I'm still in the control group. I never got Covid19, any variant. I've been supplementing with the usual flccc-endorsed supplements and I have been taking 30mg I_v-e-r_m_e-c_t_i-n every 2 weeks since January 2021. I have been taking 10,000IU D3, every day, for years. A recent blood test showed 89ng/ml.
@titanEM11 22 дня назад
Recently got covid. 21 days from initial symptoms still short of breath and fatigue. 😢
@MealsBeast 23 дня назад
2 and half years since I had Pfizer I have all these symptoms, previously very fit, got worse after catching covid
@mountainsoul1111 25 дней назад
Thank you doctor your vision is great. I am from india. I have been suffering from long covid for 3.5 years with all symptoms you told. But i have hope to be get cure of it . God is with me always. SHREE RAM SAMARTH. ❤
@beezybeez4207 25 дней назад
The doctor in the first 40 seconds got it wrong. They sure do have a test. The missing link is covid is not a respiratory disease. It’s a blood vessel disease. It’s the reason why everyone is low energy, brain fog, can’t catch their breath, even though test of the lungs, heart and brain are fine. You’re not getting enough oxygen to your organs. Gets your veins tested.
@jaynebailey 26 дней назад
3 years of this
@prettygir832125 27 дней назад
I just found out I’m pregnant today 😂😅❤😊
@JustinWipe 27 дней назад
Amazing video
@sharlene4mylife 28 дней назад
I’m at 20 months and am worse! So I guess I just end it
@aarongarcia9880 Месяц назад
It's June 2024 and I still have pain in both arms. I can show exactly, the points on both arms where they injected me with the vaxx poison! It's been three years.
@rdbchase Месяц назад
No mention of mast cell activation or even of antihistamines?!? My long COVID was originally misdiagnosed as a sinus infection. I developed symptoms of asthma, but after several months, and a methacholine challenge test, asthma was ruled out. I was finally diagnosed with acute rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and months later started on dupilumab; I flush my nose twice daily with mometasone in saline. I do experience some fatigue and minor postural vertigo, but in terms of debility, they pale in comparison to my sinusitis and diarrhea. While my polyps have receded, rhinosinusitis and diarrhea are my chief complaints and they don't seem to be getting better a year and a half in. When I complained enough about the former symptoms, I was advised to take quadruple doses of over-the-counter antihistamines. Taking a triple dose of loratadine and/or fexofenadine and famotidine too does seem to help, but I'm looking for better therapy.
@amandabricot Месяц назад
This is a nightmare. I feel like my life was stolen from me before my eyes. Not sure if the second and last dose of the vaccine did this to me- or the harsh Delta variant I caught just 2 months after, in December 2021. It took about 10 months to start feeling slightly better…until I caught another virus in October 2023. Although the test was negative, it felt like covid and the GP consulted at the time said it was probably the current variant that went undetected. The first time- while sick- I had all the symptoms and ended up at the emergency for 24h. Never in my life did I suffer as much. Breathing was hurting me, my rib cage was hurting at every breath. Loss is taste, smell, 41 degrees fever, couldn’t feel my legs anymore and could barely walk (this happened as well right after the second dose, from which I took about 3 weeks to recover). I now have IBS, loss of short term memory/ brain fogginess, my speech is affected. Sometimes I sleep well, others I have insomnia and wake up at 2:00am before falling asleep again at 5:00am or 6:00am until I have to wake up for work. It’s so hard because it doesn’t show (I look super healthy, make up helps too + I always had healthy habits). I also try to conceal it so people don’t notice. It’s like no one really talks about it and no one really understands so I keep it to myself. The worse is the extreme fatigue and pain in each and every muscle of my body. The feeling that I’m burning from the inside, all à along my spine and in each muscle and joint. Even my hands, I have no grip anymore, my fingers and wrist are so weak. I feel like crying every day, as I live in a painful body where I can’t enjoy myself. What if I never recover?!?! My husband and I want a family, I’m way too young to live like this for the rest of my life. How am I going to go through a pregnancy in that state or even correctly take care of our baby?!?! We caught covid at the same time but thank God my husband was able to almost fully recover from it after a few weeks- thank God- but I’m still very affected. Lord help all of us suffering, this is unbearable 😢
@jeffschinsky8936 Месяц назад
Why do you say the one paper "takes the cake" with 203 symptoms? I had already catalogued all my long-covid symptoms before I found that paper, but I matched up with 86 of them, all new things that developed in the first several months after having covid-19. After reading hundreds of posts in an online Long Covid support group (with over 8,000 member), the cake-taking paper appears to be the most accurate and complete list out there.
@samanthatully2018 Месяц назад
Thank you from the bottom of my (broken) heart. Just such a perfect video. Now to share it to the disbelievers
@safeeffective385 Месяц назад
realnotrare Look it up, folks!
@AvatarMakusan Месяц назад
Really dangerous to refer to the CDC and their misinformation regarding the "Safety' of the vaccine since there are thousands of people who have been damaged by the vaccine...now referred to as Long Vaccine. I personally know since my mother was affected by the Madera vaccine and she now has a 'auto immune' condition. The CDC is controlled by US DRUG CARTELS. Sad State of Affairs.
@Dan-oi4kt Месяц назад
That doc is s big pharma nut s uc ker. Long COVID is vaccine injury
@robbtaylor8833 Месяц назад
3 covid infections ... 3 years long haul ... Started low dose Naltrexone 2 weeks ago still titrating up to 4mg over next 8 weeks. Crossing my fingers