CBC “Community Bible Church” Omaha
CBC “Community Bible Church” Omaha
CBC “Community Bible Church” Omaha
We are a church seeking to know Christ intimately through the study of the Bible and share Him lovingly to Omaha and the surrounding area. Here at Community Bible Church you will hear exegetical and expository preaching in both our 8:00 am and 11:00 am services. For more information go to cbcomaha.org.
Psalm 23: David's Resolutions
3 года назад
Hope in 2020 (10.18.20 Full Service)
4 года назад
The Heart of the Gospel: The Cross
4 года назад
CBC 2020 Bible Conference Session 1
4 года назад
Men's Retreat Session 1 1
4 года назад
Men's Retreat Session 3 1
4 года назад
Men's Retreat Session 4 1
4 года назад
Thankful for...(09.06.2020 Message)
4 года назад
Lesson 3 Final
4 года назад
Resilient Lesson 2 Final
4 года назад
Resilient Lesson 1 Final
4 года назад
How to start sharing the gospel
4 года назад
How to end gospel conversations
4 года назад
Law or Promise? (July 26, Full Service)
4 года назад
Lesson 3
4 года назад
Lesson 1
4 года назад
Lesson 2
4 года назад
Lesson 4
4 года назад
Did Christ Die for Nothing? (Full Service)
4 года назад
@slowdriver1393 7 месяцев назад
Just found this church. Excellent Pastor and I was blessed by this teaching❤
@sharsaymusic 8 месяцев назад
Pastor, I thank the Lord for bringing me here. Having you clarifying Galatians 5:19-21 is such a blessing. May God greatly continue to use you as His instrument. Amen.
@KingsleyKhord Год назад
@KingsleyKhord Год назад
@KingsleyKhord Год назад
@randallmyers2316 Год назад
😈 *Promosm*
@kraig3632 Год назад
Promo SM
@dorricsturm902 2 года назад
Good word and church to listen to
@nancypetrick86 2 года назад
Thank you pastor that you didn't start with a personal experience and then preach a whole sermon on that. Your teaching of actual history is excellent. Bible history. I have only one suggestion..as you close in prayer please don't bring the musicians out before you have finished. It is the most important time of the service❤
@julianh4 2 года назад
Deceptive, staw-man argument and inacurate. Deceptive in that he completely ignores the context of the verses refered to. All these verses were spoken in the context of Idolatry. This is important because in the context of idol worship homosexuality is condemed because it is idolatry. In romans the they did not start worshipping themselves, they started worshipping things they made with thier own hands, that is why God handed them over. Staw man in that he uses a very selective collection of gay theology. In the beggining God created adam and eve. The went on to create intersex people. These are people created by God that are neither male or famale biologically. How do they fit into your perfect little model of heterosexualty
@The_Word_Is_The_Way Год назад
Your comment is teeming with ignorance. If what you say is correct, then Leviticus 18’s ban on same sex behavior only pertains to idolatry and homosexuality should be fine if jot idolatrous. However, the entire chapter lists many acts that are banned i.e. beastiality, incest, etc. According to your reasoning, those acts should be permissible so long as it is not done in the idolatrous practices. Just read the Bible.
@tinababych3037 2 года назад
ENDING Of THE TESTIMONY . GOD Is NOT A CHRISTIAN . GOD Says MY SHEEP Hear MY VOICE And KEEP MY Laws And The Commandments And The Testimony Of Jesus " I DO NOT CHANGE " GOD Left THE Apostle Paul IN With HIS BOOKS Of INVENTED Christianity Telling YOU " I DO CHANGE " Too SEPERATE The Wheat From The Tares . GOD Wants To Know WHO Will LISTEN To HIS VOICE Or Rather THE VOICE Of A MAN THE Apostle Paul The False Prophet WHO Has Led THE WHOLE WORLD Astray With HIS Anti Christ DOCTRINE Of CHRISTIANITY . THE COMBINED EFFORTS Of THE BEAST The Roman Catholic Church ( MYSTERY BABYLON ) And THE ANTI CHRIST Apostle Paul The False Prophet Have MADE GOD 'S CHURCH Of The Laws And The Commandments And The Testimony Of Jesus A DESOLATION . FOR THEIR Part THEY Will Have THEIR Place IN The Lake Of FIRE ! WAKE UP It Is MIDNIGHT From THE TRUE BRIDE Out IN The Spiritual Wilderness Out Of ALL CHURCHES THEY Are ALL UNDER ROMAN Occupation .
@johnuitdeflesch3593 3 года назад
This is an excellent sermon. Thank you for brining clarity, truth, and hope to so many.
@importantforlife6780 3 года назад
Pure Christian song..( No hiprocracy..) may God Bless you all Richly.
@HiddenView1977 3 года назад
If you are reading this Post Rapture: Rev 14:6 - And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Rev 14:7 - Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. Pre Rapture: Mark 16:15 - And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. - You've broken 1 of the 10 commandments and are guilty of sin if you've ever lied, or stolen, or lusted. Works of righteousness will not save you. Jesus Christ is the only way. Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 10:9 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
@bethannhayward6639 3 года назад
We are living in the time of great deception...and lawlessness...the Remedy ...is to know What the Word of God teaches.
@nitochi3 3 года назад
Beautiful, thank you for uploading this. These passages were driving me crazy to the point of almost getting a panic attack feeling so condemned. I would beg you to also explain and teach on Romans 8:13 and 1 Timothy 3:7 and 1 john 3:8 as they seem to suggest one can lose his salvation. I'll subscribe. Thank you.
@lynnbehrens3643 4 года назад
I didn't personally know Randy, but that was a Touching service, and Beautifully told of the man he was...🙏
@closerthanabrother9703 4 года назад
Praise God for you guys brothers and sisters! Wonderful godly preaching sir. God bless you. I wish I was in Omaha 😢
@cbcomaha9942 4 года назад
If you are ever in the area stop by! We'd love to see you!
@closerthanabrother9703 4 года назад
Thanks guys... I genuinely miss some Christian fellowship and accountability
@suedecelle1783 4 года назад
I appreciate these conversations. I'm a typical introvert and don't mind isolating...as long as I have control over it. Lol In the past two months I have experienced the roller coaster of emotions; surprise yet God's peace and watching for the rapture, frustration with the worldly rudeness and anger at the ignorance and disrespect, compassion for the sick, loss of loved ones, over-worked servants, families that have lost their jobs, parents having to deal with the children that are caged in a zoo, marriages that are stuck and falling further apart and those with mental illnesses. Today, I was fighting with the thought of suicide because I'm so lonely but I don't want to reach out when others are hurting more than I am. As a grandmother, I miss my children and grandchildren, this is a loss to me. I cried to wash away my sinful thoughts and did what I always did, I went to My Father's words, reading and praying until I heard His voice and He wiped away my tears and directed me to this page. I also like to go to www.GotQuestions.org when I have questions for God.
@DrJamesGJohnson_Keys4-Life 4 года назад
Herb, what a wonderful and personal treatment of this amazing text from the Word of our God. You are a blessing to Cheryl and me. Well done. Thank you so much. "DrJ"
@roselliestucky3889 4 года назад
What a blessing to be able to worship with CBC this morning!! Thank you! God bless each of you!!
@gwaynebarber9996 4 года назад
Thanks Seth for helping to put work into a proper perspective.
@jimoaks9270 4 года назад
not a 2-phase return of Jesus. if you remove Paul’s epistles from the bible, there would be no rapture of or a body of Christ. John 14 is talking to jews about Jesus 2nd return. John knew nothing of the mystery gospel of Gods grace where the rapture is located. there is no statement in vs 3 that they will go to heaven. jews will be in their earthly kingdom when Jesus returns.Israel will not be heading to heavenly places. old testament did not have the mystery of Gods grace. (Eph 3:8,9) it was hid in God until He revealed it to Paul. there is no such scripture stating church believers return w/ Jesus at the rapture.
@coreysmith8489 4 года назад
If Israel was the fulfillment of biblical prophecy wouldn't it be a godly and righteous nation? Would a godly nation sell weapons to communists? www.newsweek.com/china-israel-military-technology-beijing-jerusalem-saul-eisenberg-weapons-607117 Would a godly nation provide free on-demand abortions? www.timesofisrael.com/israels-abortion-law-now-among-worlds-most-liberal/ is Tel Aviv a godly city? www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/travel/2016/03/17/welcome-tel-aviv-gayest-city-earth/y9V15VazXhtSjXVSo9gT9K/story.html Jesus told us that by their fruits we will recognized them. Matthew 7:16
@gregwiens9146 5 лет назад
This is a very good teaching. I feel the underlying issue inspiration and authority of scripture is a root that you didn't talk enough about. Liberal Christians don't believe in the authority of scripture they only believe in parts of scripture having authority. This is in part because of how most Seminaries have attempted to neuter the Bible. This is what I learned in Seminary: The JDEP Theory of how the Old Testament was written and the Jesus seminar and the quest for the "Q Document" or the "real sayings of Jesus" Most seminaries teach that the Old Testament was written down and complied by a group of scholars who attributed to four conflicting schools of thought: Jehovah Deuteromaic Elohim Priestly When one holds to this view you can effectively throw out the Old Testament as having any authority because it is not rooted in history. The next step is to then do much the same thing with the New Testament, as the Jesus Seminar attempted to do. When one does this you end up removing 80% of the New Testament, most importantly the letters and teaching of Paul. I have sat in seminary glasses where fellow class mates have said that they don't believe Paul's letters and teachings belong in the Bible. When this is the case, there is almost nothing you can say to the person on what scripture says. They reject the Old Testament as authority because of the JDEP theory means that Leviticus is not historical. If you reject Paul because of your quest for Q. Without Paul, you have no hope in teaching on a holistic view of Christian Living. Authority of Scripture is a big key to this discussion. Again great job. From a Mennonite Brethren Missionary
@The_Word_Is_The_Way Год назад
​@@julianh4Matthew 5:18 KJVS For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Romans 7:12 KJVS Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. The Grace of Jesus Christ is ndeserved favor in His sacrifice being for us according to The Torah. People yend to dismiss the Scripture telling us ALL scripture is good and that the law is good in order to make way for things that don't honor God.
@stephanyefoster6276 5 лет назад
Exciting times for Community Bible Church. Praying for God's blessing and His Power to move among us as church members as we walk Forward in Faith.
@300bushelcorn4 6 лет назад
A great presentation by Dr. Eckman, a world class expert on the Church History, Matin Luther and the Reformation. Thanks for capturing this presentation.