3M Electronics
3M Electronics
3M Electronics
Showing the 3M(TM) Bumpon(TM) Set
4 месяца назад
3M Industrial Camera Cable Assembly Video
6 месяцев назад
Redefining CMP Materials
2 года назад
@normandothegreat Месяц назад
I'm sure induced drag on that rotating magnet is horrendous, but nice shielding material though!
@Mark-ce9xh 2 месяца назад
It doesn't completely block it
@DSAK55 3 месяца назад
Can you make hats with it? Asking for a friend
@walter6574 3 месяца назад
it's ferrite material that focuses the magnetic lines of force on it meaning the ml of f stop at the plate and don't go through. What can this material do that a ferrite plate cannot do? If there is no difference why purchase a high cost product where a lower cost product will do?
@gortnewton4765 3 месяца назад
One would think that the giant 3M company could produce a superior grade of music for this advertisement.
@mbunds 4 месяца назад
The free energy/magnet motor crazies will be all over this material.
@McFlysGaming 3 месяца назад
Dang straight, I’m all over this 😂
@Wavefront101 3 месяца назад
Most likely have around the same effect with a thin sheet of metal. I believe it is just mumetal foil which has been around for some time. There is a way I believe you could make a magnet motor work, but it would not produce excess output, just enough to spin itself, and would cost a good deal of money.
@robinhooper7702 4 месяца назад
At 0:30 Are you sure you mean 0.1mm? That is 1/10th of one mm thick. It sure looks like 1.0mm thick to me.
@AlmazKojaxmet 4 месяца назад
Can make battery
@MechnoSferatu 8 месяцев назад
The track is a banger
@carlospenalver8721 8 месяцев назад
Would have given it a thumbs up if the video ended with stopping the magnets with a giant 5 lb sledge hammer just smashing it all
@greenlex518 11 месяцев назад
How do you open it after clamping?
@denz37 Год назад
Why dont u try iron plate
@Elie-J-Saoud 8 месяцев назад
Doesn't get them money😂
@petez470 Год назад
If this is real, it will be illegal
@h7opolo Год назад
fail. someone didn't understand the physics of the claim of EM shielding. it doesn't "stop" the motion of a coupled magnet, it merely prevents that magnetic object from being influenced. thus, this is clearly fraud since the free-spinning magnets did not continue to rotate via inertia as in a real-world scenario unfettered by capitalistic greed. you make me sic, 3M.
@joshbeaulieu7408 Год назад
I figured we must have some good materials of this sort. I wonder what the mechanical properties of that material are.
Very cool demo
@kaybhee6 Год назад
so why u still sell first one,,,
@paulpaul652 Год назад
cuz not all applications require the second one
@jacquelinepeyton1766 2 года назад
😉 【p】【r】【o】【m】【o】【s】【m】
@RahulPatel-zf7zz 2 года назад
From where I can buy this material ,please tell me about it... It will attract the magnets?
@markhammer9975 2 года назад
Exciting! New challenges with smaller microstructures bring great need for this kind of improvement.
@thghho 2 года назад
Hello, we can see that it blocked the magnetic field but does this material attracts by the magnet or not? Kindly confirm
@jisimon 7 месяцев назад
Yes, sure it attracts. It diverts the magnetic fields (lines). I would try with electric or magnetic steel (silicon steel), the one used it trafos.
@FyaaahS 3 месяца назад
The magnetic domains is oriented such that fieldlines rather go horizontally in the material
@Gacha.Cupcake 2 года назад
Hi I work for AT&T and would lime to test this product for possible use in our of telecom devices. How can we receive a sample for testing? Thanks
@stefans.9463 2 года назад
Is the foil attracted by the magnets?
@jisimon 7 месяцев назад
Sure it is.
@luisparadisoromero758 2 года назад
@tawandadzoro9544 2 года назад
where can I buy this in south africa
@ysyang76 2 года назад
Great video!
@arturovasquez9720 2 года назад
Cuando descubran un "escudo" igual para detener los gravitones... ¡Podremos volar! Aunque parece que ya lo descubrió la naturaleza en los escarabajos que usó Viktor Grebennikov en su plataforma anti-gravedad.
@Cartermchick 2 месяца назад
Gravitons haven’t even been proven to exist
@arturovasquez9720 2 месяца назад
​@@CartermchickTRUE. But it has not been proven that they DO NOT exist.
@arturovasquez9720 2 месяца назад
@@Cartermchick TRUE. But it has not been proven that they DO NOT exist. Then, they "apply" (boson spin 2).
@Cartermchick 2 месяца назад
@@arturovasquez9720 absolutely. Personally I’m hopeful that they exist just because it fits so well into quantum, but also einstein’s description is super cool. I’d have to say the most intriguing interpretation is that gravity is emergent from entropy and isn’t fundamental.
@slavo8892 2 года назад
Can you please tell me where can I buy this material?
@MasterFeiFongWong 3 года назад
Over unity electric generator. By AMA. Segment 1: 1 motor with bar connected to it standing vertically. Circular disc connected to bar that has magnets embedded in it surrounded in high permeability material to focus magnets outward pushing force in an upwards direction from top of disc. Segment 2: Hollowed out cylindrical Bar of material horizontally positioned. Flat hollowed out ring shaped material with openings around its outer top flat edge. Magnets surrounded in high permeability material embedded in these openings. Magnets positioned in openings around ring are in at least 1 of 2 configurations either all N magnetic field pushing out or N,S,N,S all around it. Just depends on whether your going for Piston structure or spinning structure explained below & whether you want it to be DC or AC current. Place these all along the cylindrical bar connected to it solidly, except at far ends of bar. At both ends of bar place ring of material that can be magnetically repelled in specific locations. (magnetically repelled in specific location is in reference to outside of ring area that faces away from center of bar)(Other side of same ring facing in towards center of bar is capable of being magnetically repelled all around) Ring must be connected solidly to bar. points of repulsion on these rings is off set from each other on each end of bar. 3 Hollow ring structures with small square bars protruding from each. Ring structure has all magnetic repulsion on inside of ring shape & can rap around the main bar so that the bar wont be causing friction on things as it moves back and forth or spins. 1st positioned around far left of bar, 2nd position at center of bar (be sure to leave enough room for magnetic structures to be able to move back and forth without hitting it) & 3rd positioned on far right of bar. Tube structure is constructed in two parts that fit together on top of each other length wise over main structure. Tube structure has 3 square openings for the bars that the Ring structures that are connected around the main bar keeping it from causing friction on structure, to slide into. This tube structure is designed with material that does not block magnetic fields. Perhaps some type of transparent material glass or other. At both ends of the tube structure there is a built in circular groove that will house a round disc. The ceiling/floor/left side/& right side of groove has openings for small magnets to be embedded in it, so that the pushing force from magnets is pushing in towards the edge of disc that goes in this spot. There is also 4 openings located on the top, bottom, left & right positions of the open groove. Small magnets are placed in these spots so when round disc is in position these magnetic fields will hit sideways keeping it from generating friction against structure. Far Ends of bar has Cap structure that screws over tube halves holding them together. Cap structure also has 4 points on inside top, bottom, left & right that have openings. These openings have small embedded magnets in them that exert there pushing force outwards (sideways) so it will keep disc in position, generating no friction against structure. Cap is made of material like tube so it does not block magnetic fields. (Note: These magnets in groove and cap structure are only needed for piston design. If Disc is directly connected to main bar so as it spins the bar spins, magnets are not needed here). The disc has ring around it (ring of material goes around outer edge and folds over front side & backside a small distance) that is repelled by magnetic fields so the 12 small magnets will keep it lined up but it will be able to spin without causing friction on structure. The disc has openings on it's flat side that face inside of tube and magnets surrounded in high permeability material are embedded in this disc. The disc has small bar that is connected to it's center that goes all the way to the other end of bar structure through the center of the hollowed out bar and connects to disc on other end. Disc on other end is set up the same but magnets embedded in it are off set in comparison. As first disc spins the magnetic fields will push against specific spot on disc connected directly to bar, pushing bar in other direction, once bar is fully pushed over, further spinning of disc will then align the other sides magnet to push it back. Tube structure also has half moon shaped protrusion on inside and on both halves so when tube is connected they line up to make a full ring shape on inside of tube, these half moon shaped protrusions have at least 1 small round opening on it's side in middle of curve that faces away from center of bar. The opening has a small magnet embedded in it so magnetic force is repelling out sideways away from center of bar. The protruding ring is positioned to line up slightly further in towards center of bar then the ring of magnetically repelled material connected directly to bar. This way when bar moves right or left it is magnetically stopped after a short distance. Copper coil setup: Copper coils are wound in at least 1 of 2 ways. Either coiled in circles next to each other (Like if you wound coils around a cylindrical bar) or laid out in a row as if wire was on flat table going up then bent to go down & back up until it formed a flat rectangle of wire bending up and down and then the entire structure folded around tube. Copper windings are then lined up perpendicular to magnetic fields on outside of tube. Ends of copper coils are connected into separate construct that will allow electrical current to flow somewhere else. Circular construct is built like a stand that goes around the outside of motor segment. Circular construct has flat ring of high permeability (magnetic field shielding) material that has small openings that will allow magnetic fields through specific locations. Top of circular construct has groove to allow the horizontal bar to balance on. Circular construct can also be placed on other end of bar so it is balanced. The motor segment is positioned so the disc connected to the bar that is connected to the motor is lined up so the disc passes under the horizontal bars disc that is at end of horizontal bar. The high permeability material keeps the magnetic fields in disc from hitting into the disc that spins or pushes the horizontal bar until just the right moment when the impact will cause the disc in horizontal bar to spin which will perpetuate the piston motion in the horizontal bar. More horizontal bars of the same design are built and positioned around the motor segment in a circular horizontal fashion all the way around. The bar connected to the motor can be increased in length to desired height (As much as motor can handle) and more of the exact same setup is repeated higher and higher up, maximizing the over unity potential of the construct to ridiculous proportions. :D Current from the horizontal bars is diverted to power the motor as needed and all other current is diverted to power my game console or the world. :) Interesting variation to this design would be to connect the spinning discs on far ends of horizontal bar to main bar that magnets are connected to so the magnets spin instead of getting pistoned back and forth. So long as moving magnetic fields are perpendicular to copper wires it should work. By AMA
@stanislavcoros 3 года назад
if this exists like i think it is not, it would be free energy permanent motor everywhere :D
@DN-wb2gy Год назад
me either! If it stops the magnet field one side, but does not saturate the magnet field of the other side, the permanent force is possibly made. There must be some where to consume the power of magnet fields that have been blocked. May be heat disparting on the shield (like conductor oven).
@mustafacandan9831 11 месяцев назад
​@@DN-wb2gyIt probably reflects the magnetic field. I used to have similar material glued to one of my magnets. When I removed it the magnet become weaker. You can find similar materials inside HDD's
@jacky2519 3 года назад
Actually it's 1mm not 0.1mm
@pugalstech 3 года назад
Really great
@shivendradhakariya6241 3 года назад
is this ferromagnetic
@MasterFeiFongWong 3 года назад
This may be off topic, but I think someone might find it interesting. :) Electric Generator Design that's powered by it's self once it gets going & perpetuates more electrical current then is needed for it to run continuously on it's own. Step 1: Calculate how much energy you need pumped into an electric motor to make a vertically positioned circular platter with magnets in-bedded horizontally around it's left side and right side (so there pushing force is pushing out sideways relative to the vertically spinning disc) to spin as fast as you need it to. Also better to make sure these magnets are shielded around their sides & back with metal that has high permeability so the magnetic field they are emitting is focused fully out sideways. :D Step 2: Calculate how many sets of copper coils you need to be interacting with magnetic fields to achieve this & to perpetuate more electrical current flow then is needed. :D Step 3: Build a round horizontally positioned platter covered in all these copper coils pointed down that does not move (Is stationary) :D Step 4: Build a round platter covered in powerful magnets pointed up that can spin and place it directly under platter with hanging copper coils. :D Step 5: Position the vertical platter that is motorized close to the horizontally positioned platter covered in magnets pointing up so that when the vertically positioned platter spins the in-bedded horizontally positioned magnetic fields slam sideways against the edge of the horizontally positioned platter causing it to spin. :) Step 6: Make sure enough of the copper coils are feeding their electrical current into the electric motor and the rest of the copper coils are linked into a set of rechargeable Battery's placed in the closest most convenient spot. Step 7: Build a duplicate setup of horizontally positioned discs with hanging copper coils and disc with upwards facing magnets and assuming the first set of discs are positioned to the front left side of vertical spinning disc, position the other duplicate structures to the front right, the back left and the back right of the vertically positioned motorized disc. As the vertically positioned motorized disc spins the horizontally in-beaded magnets will now hit into all 4 horizontally positioned discs causing them to spin. so you will effectively be using the spin of one disc powered by one electric motor to spin 4 constructs that are each generating electrical current. now build this whole setup multiple times over and use the current perpetuated by it to power up scaled electromagnetic generators that are equal to or more powerful than the ones used in a nuclear power plant. You will now have a device that is self perpetuating off of it's own electrical current perpetuation and no nuclear waist to worry about. Here is the reason why my device does work. You see even tho the more electrical load you impose on a system ends you up with greater back emf hindering your devices ability to move and generate current, there is a way to work around this. My device multiplies the amount of mechanical motion that is taking place because of the 1 motor. On top of that, it eliminates any extra resistance that could have been imposed on the motor by making the other wheels spin by having the magnetic fields hit the rotating discs the way I described. You see, the vertically positioned disc connected to the motor is perpetuating the spinning of at least 4 main discs that are spinning magnets at no extra effort on it's own part because as it spins around powered by the motor, it is the horizontally positioned magnets that are shielded by high permeability metal that are using their magnetic push out sideways to force the other horizontally positioned discs to spin. So even tho each of those 4 discs spinning are somewhat hindered by the back emf it does not change the inescapable fact that each disc is perpetuating the flow of current in the copper coils above them and the amount of electrical current being perpetuated between all 4 discs is greater then the amount of electrical current the motor needs to run at max potential. It is called over unity and the extra electrical current the motor does not need can be fed into larger more elaborate electric generators. Imagine 12 of these designs contributing to the power needs of a much more powerful design (Probably electromagnetic) that is utilizing this same idea of multiplying the number of horizontally positioned discs that spin because of the motion of one powerful motor spinning a vertically positioned disc cleverly positioned so that it spins at least 4 other discs at a much higher velocity because of it's more powerful design. In short its all about multiplying what the first motors disc is interacting with & second, up scaling the design to more powerful designs that utilize the same principles.
@divisionbyzero7916 3 года назад
Wo kann man das em80km kaufen?
@MasterFeiFongWong 3 года назад
@@divisionbyzero7916 I suggest searching online for it. just type in Where to buy EM80KM.
@gasun1274 3 года назад
here's why it won't work: physics.
@MasterFeiFongWong 3 года назад
@@gasun1274 Here's why it does work, mechanical advantage & the exploitation of magnetic field effects that allow the device to do more work without exerting to much resistance on motor. :)
@MasterFeiFongWong 3 года назад
@@gasun1274 I have better design now.Here it is,Over unity electric generator. By AMA. Segment 1: 1 motor with bar connected to it standing vertically. Circular disc connected to bar that has magnets embedded in it surrounded in high permeability material to focus magnets outward pushing force in an upwards direction from top of disc. Segment 2: Hollowed out cylindrical Bar of material horizontally positioned. Flat hollowed out ring shaped material with openings around its outer top flat edge. Magnets surrounded in high permeability material embedded in these openings. Magnets positioned in openings around ring are in at least 1 of 2 configurations either all N magnetic field pushing out or N,S,N,S all around it. Just depends on whether your going for Piston structure or spinning structure explained below & whether you want it to be DC or AC current. Place these all along the cylindrical bar connected to it solidly, except at far ends of bar. At both ends of bar place ring of material that can be magnetically repelled in specific locations. (magnetically repelled in specific location is in reference to outside of ring area that faces away from center of bar)(Other side of same ring facing in towards center of bar is capable of being magnetically repelled all around) Ring must be connected solidly to bar. points of repulsion on these rings is off set from each other on each end of bar. 3 Hollow ring structures with small square bars protruding from each. Ring structure has all magnetic repulsion on inside of ring shape & can rap around the main bar so that the bar wont be causing friction on things as it moves back and forth or spins. 1st positioned around far left of bar, 2nd position at center of bar (be sure to leave enough room for magnetic structures to be able to move back and forth without hitting it) & 3rd positioned on far right of bar. Tube structure is constructed in two parts that fit together on top of each other length wise over main structure. Tube structure has 3 square openings for the bars that the Ring structures that are connected around the main bar keeping it from causing friction on structure, to slide into. This tube structure is designed with material that does not block magnetic fields. Perhaps some type of transparent material glass or other. At both ends of the tube structure there is a built in circular groove that will house a round disc. The ceiling/floor/left side/& right side of groove has openings for small magnets to be embedded in it, so that the pushing force from magnets is pushing in towards the edge of disc that goes in this spot. There is also 4 openings located on the top, bottom, left & right positions of the open groove. Small magnets are placed in these spots so when round disc is in position these magnetic fields will hit sideways keeping it from generating friction against structure. Far Ends of bar has Cap structure that screws over tube halves holding them together. Cap structure also has 4 points on inside top, bottom, left & right that have openings. These openings have small embedded magnets in them that exert there pushing force outwards (sideways) so it will keep disc in position, generating no friction against structure. Cap is made of material like tube so it does not block magnetic fields. (Note: These magnets in groove and cap structure are only needed for piston design. If Disc is directly connected to main bar so as it spins the bar spins, magnets are not needed here). The disc has ring around it (ring of material goes around outer edge and folds over front side & backside a small distance) that is repelled by magnetic fields so the 12 small magnets will keep it lined up but it will be able to spin without causing friction on structure. The disc has openings on it's flat side that face inside of tube and magnets surrounded in high permeability material are embedded in this disc. The disc has small bar that is connected to it's center that goes all the way to the other end of bar structure through the center of the hollowed out bar and connects to disc on other end. Disc on other end is set up the same but magnets embedded in it are off set in comparison. As first disc spins the magnetic fields will push against specific spot on disc connected directly to bar, pushing bar in other direction, once bar is fully pushed over, further spinning of disc will then align the other sides magnet to push it back. Tube structure also has half moon shaped protrusion on inside and on both halves so when tube is connected they line up to make a full ring shape on inside of tube, these half moon shaped protrusions have at least 1 small round opening on it's side in middle of curve that faces away from center of bar. The opening has a small magnet embedded in it so magnetic force is repelling out sideways away from center of bar. The protruding ring is positioned to line up slightly further in towards center of bar then the ring of magnetically repelled material connected directly to bar. This way when bar moves right or left it is magnetically stopped after a short distance. Copper coil setup: Copper coils are wound in at least 1 of 2 ways. Either coiled in circles next to each other (Like if you wound coils around a cylindrical bar) or laid out in a row as if wire was on flat table going up then bent to go down & back up until it formed a flat rectangle of wire bending up and down and then the entire structure folded around tube. Copper windings are then lined up perpendicular to magnetic fields on outside of tube. Ends of copper coils are connected into separate construct that will allow electrical current to flow somewhere else. Circular construct is built like a stand that goes around the outside of motor segment. Circular construct has flat ring of high permeability (magnetic field shielding) material that has small openings that will allow magnetic fields through specific locations. Top of circular construct has groove to allow the horizontal bar to balance on. Circular construct can also be placed on other end of bar so it is balanced. The motor segment is positioned so the disc connected to the bar that is connected to the motor is lined up so the disc passes under the horizontal bars disc that is at end of horizontal bar. The high permeability material keeps the magnetic fields in disc from hitting into the disc that spins or pushes the horizontal bar until just the right moment when the impact will cause the disc in horizontal bar to spin which will perpetuate the piston motion in the horizontal bar. More horizontal bars of the same design are built and positioned around the motor segment in a circular horizontal fashion all the way around. The bar connected to the motor can be increased in length to desired height (As much as motor can handle) and more of the exact same setup is repeated higher and higher up, maximizing the over unity potential of the construct to ridiculous proportions. :D Current from the horizontal bars is diverted to power the motor as needed and all other current is diverted to power my game console or the world. :) Interesting variation to this design would be to connect the spinning discs on far ends of horizontal bar to main bar that magnets are connected to so the magnets spin instead of getting pistoned back and forth. So long as moving magnetic fields are perpendicular to copper wires it should work. By AMA
@RODOLFO.M.S 3 года назад
Pragmático, sem atrito.
@rubens.4116 3 года назад
When will it be available?
@oldwrench4213 3 года назад
Does 3M have information on this product?
@JesusvonNazaret 9 лет назад
What are the "other brand" conventional cable dimensions without the sleeve? Usually these sleeves are used for protection in certain environments.