The Dissenter
The Dissenter
The Dissenter
My name is Ricardo Lopes, and I’m from Portugal. Thank you for visiting my channel.

Over the past few years, I have conducted and released more than 700 interviews and talks with experts and academics from a variety of areas and disciplines, ranging from the Arts and Philosophy to the Social Sciences and Biology. You will certainly find a subject of your interest covered here.

New interviews are released on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
#960 Grace Blakeley: Vulture Capitalism
14 дней назад
@aminam9201 Час назад
Studying and analyzing what was written by previous philosophers, thinkers, and scientists is no longer a popular (outdated) business, because there is another, more popular, profession that can turn him into a philosopher, thinker, and scientist (all in one package)! He still lives in the old world!
@aminam9201 Час назад
that is outdated! No one anymore interprets what previous philosophers, thinkers, etc. wrote . Rather, they no longer use them as a reference because stealing and polluting human thoughts has become the prevailing profession (they became philosophers, thinkers, and scientists through divine revelation).
@benjamindover4337 2 часа назад
Will Durant's book on Neitzsche; I've found it a great companion for commiserating. Another is Will Durant on Schaupenhauer. Both can be found as audiobooks on RU-vid. If I'm feeling down, they work wonders as catharsis.
@aminam9201 2 часа назад
A study from Harvard University about the aliens might living among us on planet Earth that fall under systematic operations to steal and pollute human thoughts (a stolen and contaminated copy of human thoughts), and they changed the phrase of one of the most advanced coding systems with the phrase Cryptoterresterials, in addition to the rest of their nonsense purposely (camouflage).
@aminam9201 2 часа назад
There are malicious aliens who managed to reach planet Earth thousands of years ago (from a different coding systems ), and none of them would have had a chance to reach planet Earth without decoding both gravity and consciousness type one . Their remaining hidden behind the scenes is intentional and a natural result of decoding both consciousness type one and gravity, and their direct appearance will ruin their plans for the human race.
@aminam9201 2 часа назад
already the irrational thieves have stolen and polluted that too (they collected all human thoughts With the aim of stealing and polluting them (they worked in organised theft groups and as individuals), that is so dangerous to future generations of humanity.
@aminam9201 2 часа назад
Life on planet Earth did not arise by chance, just as planet Earth is not independent of the life cycle of planet Earth and the living organisms that live on it, and the integration and interpenetration of the life cycles of living organisms on Earth did not occur by chance either (this has nothing to do with the alleged gods, but rather with something else different), from It is possible that this universe was stable by chance (through several previous attempts), but life did not occur by chance. The source of what is called life and evolution is the second ring, not the first ring, but the coding system for life differs from one living planet to another. For example, assuming that there is life on other planets, the coding system on planet Earth is different from the coding system on the rest of the planets, meaning not Necessarily, the requirements for the emergence of living organisms on other living planets have the same conditions as life on other planets (the source of the so-called life is the same, but with different coding systems).
@aminam9201 12 часов назад
The scientific knowledge accumulated so far is not sufficient to know the origin of human race and how humans developed (every generation imagines that the knowledge it possesses is the pinnacle of scientific knowledge, and therefore it imagines that it possesses the truth and does not realize that future generations may refute everything it expects to be the truth). Mixing and intermarriage occurred between different groups of humans. For example, linking slavery currently with black skin color was not prevalent, and there were human gatherings of black-skinned people who were more developed as a culture than those had white skin,…etc. The bottom line: intermingling occurred between different ethnic groups of humans thousands of years ago. Following this will not help in knowing the origin of humans and the cause of evolution (knowing the origin of humans and their evolution requires the accumulation of advanced scientific knowledge that exceeds the current capabilities of humans). to concise: there’s a missing link, that they will never find it in fossils, genetics,.…etc but it’s in the mentality and in the limited filtered accumulated scientific knowledge (it’s useless because the origin of Life in general and humans specifically and evolution are related to cycle two not to cycle one). Cycle two needs a real rational intelligent entities and highly advanced Scientific knowledge and technology. The essence of human beings is one and has nothing to do with gender, race, etc. (It has nothing to do with external appearance), with the current mentality, it may take thousands of years for humans to understand this, if humans are able to survive.
@shivasf4019 13 часов назад
26:28 was any data collected on whether adult imaginary companions were created in adulthood or an extension of the imaginary companion created in childhood?
@aminam9201 23 часа назад
not only that, it’s very likely that this universe was built within one indivisible unit and that’s the secret behind some constants including so-called fine structure constant,…. etc
@aminam9201 23 часа назад
the irrational apes live in cycle one (this universe “so-called material world “), but they can’t realise that this Universe was built within cycle two. that’s why it’s useless to look for the truth behind so-called life and the real cause of evolution.
@aminam9201 23 часа назад
Since I was a little child I realised that this is planet of the apes (the terrible punishment). that never happened by chance. I have noticed the great mental and psychological differences between human and the irrational apes.
@aminam9201 23 часа назад
the issue is a question of essence (this requires the essence of a real human being and not the essence of a thief and fraudulent apes ), as well as the mind.
@aminam9201 День назад
Life and the cause of evolution is related to the second cycle , not the first cycle which built within the second cycle, and for humans to realize this, it will require serious scientific work for at least two thousand years by real rational , intelligent human scientists.
@aminam9201 День назад
No one knows the truth, and no one will know it, at least until the next two thousand years. The great similarity between humans and the existence of an essence that has the same source for all humans indicates that the issue is much more complicated than that. The current concept of life and the secret of the emergence of living organisms on planet Earth. The current primitive way of thinking will not lead to anything of value in understanding what happened and is currently happening. This universe, including planet Earth, was built in the second cycle, and no human being will be able to know what the second cycle is before the next two thousand years of serious, ongoing scientific work by real rational intelligent human entities .
@DarthVagen День назад
love you, you legend Ricardo !
@j.b.4340 День назад
37:39, beautiful part. It’s great that we have such a wonderful, dedicated, open minded, ally.
@aminam9201 День назад
By the way, cryptocurrencies are a scam, and there is nothing to support their false value and no laws that regulate them and protect the rights of the owners of that illusion, unlike approved and recognized banks. This confirms the stock market's involvement in fraud and false values. this was written years ago too.
@aminam9201 2 дня назад
I noticed that there is something ugly and stupid that attracts monkeys to each other, and that thing exists among other types of irrational animals. I am pretty sure about that (100 % correct).
@aminam9201 2 дня назад
Even human thoughts about the concept of life and the aliens those reached planet Earth thousands of years ago... Etc. was stolen and contaminated. Some of them claim to be university professors!
@aminam9201 2 дня назад
Do you still remember that experiment (location, orientation, calculating distances, the artificial environment that imitate planet earth with artificial light to resemble sunlight,….etc)? this one seems familiar: “We Were Completely Wrong About Why Bugs Are Attracted To Lights Anton Petrov”
@TheDissenterRL 2 дня назад
@@aminam9201 That has nothing to do with the interview. I asked you months ago to try to stick to the content of the interviews and 2 or 3 comments per interview. Can you please do that?
@aminam9201 2 дня назад
@@TheDissenterRL Try to think a little! Is the book more important than human thoughts?! Whether it is a comment or sentences written on the walls! The issue is what is the type of mind behind the thoughts, and useful short sentences are evidence of understanding and deep thinking, and they replace the excessive talk in their useless books that indicates a lack of understanding. Do you really still not realize that my comments on your channel are far more important than all their books together ?! Try to think a little. If that's not the case, then why would thieves race to write books by stealing and polluting human's thoughts?! Because human thoughts have real value, even if they are as comments. thieves have to dignity, you don’t need to worry about something doesn’t exist.
@TheDissenterRL 2 дня назад
@@aminam9201 No, sorry, on my channel the interviews are more important than whatever you deem to be important. I will ask you a third time: please stick to the topics and reduce the number of comments.
@BatteryIncluded 2 дня назад
The gold nugget from Dr Churchill’s answers is the fact that hominins naturally interbreed with other related species. Introgressive hybridizations are the rule in evolution, not the exception.
@aminam9201 3 дня назад
They talk a lot! The issue revolved around the marketing of toxic debts (fraud), and the winner from the fraud was the owner of the dominant currency, something like the fraudster putting his excrement resulting from fraud in the market and promoting it as a promising commodity.
@aminam9201 3 дня назад
There is someone who has created stock exchange for speculation (evaluating things). How will he evaluate what he owns and what he will buy? Will he give an unreal and exaggerated value to what he owns, while granting or imposing a low value that does not represent the true value of what he will buy, and thus the stock exchange he created is just a platform for fraud? Who founded the stock market and on what basis? Was the rest of the world consulted or was fraud imposed?
@ronnysmobilephone 3 дня назад
Not caring if capitalism dies.
@aminam9201 3 дня назад
I think this will make the matter more clear: Suppose aliens landed on planet Earth with a spacecraft the size of an island and had precious metals and advanced technology,…. etc. What currency will be used to complete commercial transactions between human beings and aliens?! Dollar? There will be no value for the dollar then! Who gives, or rather imposes, value on things and on what basis?!
@aminam9201 3 дня назад
Who gives values to things and on which basis? Does the one who did that take his own interests as the basis of that evaluation? It’s important to rethink thoroughly about the global financial and economic system.
@aminam9201 3 дня назад
Rather, the most important question is: Has the dollar become dependent on the economies of the world as a whole, since it represents the global financial system? Is there someone who makes profits on behalf of others? Is there manipulation and fraud? Are there parasites that live on human tragedies? Why not build a new global financial system that all countries of the world agree on?
@aminam9201 3 дня назад
This may be more clear: Suppose you own something of value and it is valued based on a currency of unknown value that dominates the global financial system, then you will lose that valuable thing in exchange for something of unknown value, even if it is able to buy something else of value as a result of its dominance of the global financial system. In short, the global financial system may collapse one day, so what will remain then? (What makes money maintain its value? Does that money represent, for example, gold as its balance? Do all those billions of dollars really represent anything of value, or is fraud an essential part of that system?)